Tag Archives: back to school

Back To School book

Back To School book

After what seems like the longest Spring Break in the history of Spring Breaks, we are BACK!

Here is a link to our book this week: Time To Go Back To School


We’re excited about being back around each other and getting back to a schedule here at school!  Our book has lots of pictures of students and staff around school.  Things look a little different although we are trying to keep it as close to normal as possible.  We are all trying to make sure to follow the rules like keeping our masks on and being socially distant from each other.  The year might look different, but we’re going to make it the best it can be!

Back to School

Back to School

We’re BACK!! We are so glad to be back at school and to see our students again. School started this week, but a little bit differently for sure. Our county is doing a hybrid model with some students “brick and mortar” and some digital. Here at Group by Group we are adapting our model to meet the changes we are all facing. You will notice smaller and fewer boxes in our sensory section—-no more sharing materials! We also are doing things a little differently in our fine motor and language sections. A nice addition has been our PT on board with gross motor ideas! Enjoy!





We used blue and yellow rice to represent the colors of our school. At home you could just use plain rice or any other sensory material of your choice.





Learning letters and numbers is a big part of the school experience so we added some for our students to find.

Science access point: use senses to recognize objects.





There were some laminated pictures of school buses, school houses, etc. that he students could push into black kinetic sand.






We chose the black sand to represent a road. At home you could use regular sand or play dough with toy cars and figures.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.






Music is one of our favorite special areas so we let our students make their own using shaker bottles. We made our shaker bottles using soda bottles and beads (gluing the lids closed). At home you can use toy rattles or maracas—we just didn’t have enough for everyone to have their own individual instrument.


Science access point: recognize the change in the motion of an object.







Shaving cream finger painting reminded us of another favorite special area—art! We used plastic plates so everyone had their own personal palette!





Whether at home or at school—- shaving cream is always fun 🙂

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






Washing hands is even more important these days! The students practiced washing their hands in water with our scent of the week—-apple from Bath and Body Works. At home you could use any kind of bath gel to add some fun bubbles and aroma to the activity.

Science access point: observe and recognize that people need water.







The matching lotion applied to arms or hands left a nice sensory reminder of our activities.

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.










This week we worked on campus mobility to familiar areas on campus using pictures as a clue.

Ambulatory students or students who are able to self propel their wheelchairs walked/rolled to a requested location either by name, using clues to figure out the location being described, or by using pictures.  Transitions between various surfaces, stairs, curbs, ramps, etc. were included when traveling to the requested location.

For digital academy students, you could work on moving around within the home environment.



For students who are unable to walk or roll themselves, we worked on reaching for, or pointing to, a requested picture of a location while sitting or standing to address balance.  For digital academy students, you could have students stand on a pillow to challenge their balance during the activity.





Students working on head control practiced lifting their heads to look at a picture or school related item.  For students working on head control at home, a song/music video about school could be pulled up on the computer to practice lifting their heads and/or maintaining an upright head position.










For the first project, the students added the letters of their names to craft foam school buses picked up at the dollar store. Of course we can’t show you our students real names so we made a model for them to hold up for the Ta Da photos.

First, the students identified the color of their writing utensil by pointing to communication symbols.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.








They colored the letters using crayons or markers.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.










The letters were glued to the school bus using squeeze glue to work on hand strengthening.






Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.





TA DA!!!








The wheels on the bus go round and round.






For the second project the students painted masks!

First, they chose which paint color they wanted to use.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.








Then, they painted their cotton masks—–the colors were so vibrant!!! After painting, we turned the masks over and patted them down with paper towels to blot excess paint.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.







TA DA!!!








Our masks are cute, colorful and stylish 🙂






We made some really cute back to school snacks featuring our mascot, Hootie the Owl, this week in our language group!  This is the recipe that we used: Let’s Make Welcome Back Hootie Snacks

For this recipe, each person had to request each food item in order to put together their owl snack.  They had to request either verbally or by using their communication symbols.

Our students worked on spreading the peanut butter.  This was challenging for many of them, so they had to ask for HELP.





We talked about eyes next.  Each student had to make sure that they were given 2 banana slices for 2 eyes.  We talked about how the eyes go at the TOP.

Then, each student had to PUT a LITTLE bit of peanut butter in the MIDDLE of the banana slices in order for the chocolate chips to stay on.





They had to request 2 apple slices for the wings, 1 dried cranberry for the beak, and some Cheerios for the feathers.  If they WANTED MORE Cheerios, they had to request.

These were a HOOT to make and to eat!






We are so happy to see our kiddos again 🙂 Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Back to School and Letter A

Back to School and Letter A

We are so excited to be back at school and starting our groups! We have some changes—new students, different classes—-the usual for a new school year but the fun and learning factor remains the same 🙂  To start the new year our theme for our Sensory and Fine Motor Groups was Back to School. The theme for our Language Group is letter A.

Sensory Group—Back to School

We read Cara’s new book using our voice output device for the repetitive line. Responding to a familiar person reading a book aloud is an access point related to print concepts.

imagesOur first box included school related items such as paper shred (we use a lot of paper at school), straws, a little hat (we get new clothes), a school bus, a plastic combination lock, a mini backpack, a play food milk carton, a spoon, a ball and the word “Friends” as well as some little people.

Lots of things to talk about to help vocabulary development!

Pincer grasp skills and visual figure ground skills are addressed while picking up small pieces of paper and straws.







imagesThe big yellow school bus is the ultimate  symbol for back to school. This box contains a variety of yellow items to compare and contrast for science access points related to properties of matter.

Items in the box included pom poms, curling ribbon, school bus puzzle pieces, plastic shapes, and easter grass.

We can also count the items addressing math access points.









UnknownOur school mascot is the owl and this feather boa looks just like owl feathers. So soft to touch and great for calling awareness to various body parts.

Interacting with with the feathers targets the science access point of recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli.









imagesBack to school also means time for art class with Ms. Judy!

Every year she does some fabulous clay projects with the students. So we made some playdough with sparkly sequins. We used our ABC cookie cutters to go along with our back to school theme. We wanted a darker brown more clay like color for our playdough but as you can see, it didn’t turn out that way—-still lots of fun anyway 🙂







imagesMusic class with Ms Jen and Ms Brenda is always a favorite place and our shakers helped us make some music during group.

Comparing and contrasting the differing sounds of the jingle bells and dried peas addresses science access points related to properties of matter.

In addition, as the bottles are moved they can be visually tracked  which is a science access point related to motion of objects. As our student push or bat at the bottles they are exploring access points related to forces and changes in motion.






imagesOur rice is in our school colors of yellow and blue. We  tucked in an owl puzzle piece to uncover, as well as the letter S.

Scooping the rice also lets us practicing scooping skills. Our students love the rice box, its always one of their favorite things to explore.










imagesAnd OOBLECK—because back to school means time for Sensory Group again!!! We could write sonnets about this stuff, we just love it 🙂









imagesFinally, we rinsed our hands in apple scented water and rubbed with apple scented lotion—apples for the teacher!

So much fun to be back at school 🙂









Fine Motor Group—Back to School

imagesWe read Cara’s book and enjoyed seeing students faces light up as they recognized various classrooms.

After we put on paint shirts (working on dressing skills), we passed out rectangular pieces of paper (recognizing 2 dimensional shapes is a math access point) with painters tape initials .  As we passed the papers to the students, we discussed these were the first letters of their name—learning the first letter of your name is an important literacy skill related to the access point of responding to names of familiar persons!

The students chose which color paint they wanted to use.

Using the communication board gives a chance to practice color identification in addition to making choices.

We used foam brushes to paint all over the paper.




imagesThen we pulled the tape off—a great opportunity to practice pincer grasp











imagesTa Da—-look how cool all the letters look!









On Thursday, after reading our book it was time to get on the bus!.

imagesWe started with a strip of yellow paper and asked each student to cut 3 pieces, counting out loud as each piece was cut.  This addresses color identification and math access points. We used our number strip to point to number 3.

Ms.Melissa signs for our student who is hearing impaired.








imagesThen the pieces were dipped in glue and placed on the bus.

This activity promotes pincer grasp skills and eye hand









imagesWe added 2 black wheels….

circles of course!









imagesWith the school bus colored we needed to add some riders of course!

We held up staff pictures and asked “who is this?”,  then glued them onto the bus. Repeating this with the student’s pictures.

We finished with a chorus of “The Wheels on the Bus”









Language Group—Letter A

UnknownWe started by using our Animal tongs to pick up some red Apples (pompoms) to put in Assorted bowls

We also used a number chart to count the Apples, addressing one to one correspondence (math access point).








UnknownThen we Added An Animal to the String.












imagesWe made Aliens by using shapes with Angles.  The black lines seen in the picture are the cutting lines.









imagesWe Added googlie eyes

And Antennae.

Note, the fabulous pincer grasp 🙂









imagesThey looked









UnknownCara’s sound game was lots of fun.












UnknownWe wrote a lot of sticky notes today—–what a lot of A words we found!!!

Please join us again next week, Group by Group 🙂