Tag Archives: revolution

People of the American Revolution Book

People of the American Revolution Book

img_8422Our theme this week complimented our students Unique unit for the month.  We found several people who were an important part of the American Revolution and talked a little bit about them and what their parts were during this time in history.  We have 2 of our students featured on the front and the back of the book dressed up as George Washington and Abigail Adams.

Take a look and find out some neat things about the American Revolution!





img_8402Here is a link to the book: people-of-the-american-revolution

People of the American Revolution

People of the American Revolution

img_8249Our students are learning about the American Constitution and Bill of Rights as part of their Unique Curriculum unit this month. To compliment the unit, we decided to learn a little more about the people who helped form our country.  Our sensory groups explored boxes related to different patriots. The fine motor group discussed shapes while making their art projects and the language group “invented” a dessert.

Due to the Labor Day weekend and another hurricane day, we had a shortened week and couldn’t do all our groups but we still had lots of fun!






img_8407img_8393Paul Revere, who road his horse through the streets sounding the alarm that the “British were coming”, was a silversmith. We filled his box with silver beads and 2  different sized horses. As usual, the students had a blast with the beads—-always a favorite!

img_8224Recognize differences in size of objects is a math access point.





img_8252img_8431Abigail Adams probably drank lots of tea—–that is before her friends dumped it in the Boston Harbor 🙂 There were upper and lower case letter A’s and a picture of Abigail herself to find while sifting through the tea leaves.

The students enjoyed both the feel and the aroma of this box.

img_8376Recognize two objects that are identical to each other is a math access point.





img_8231img_8426The Marquis de Lafayette was a frenchman who came to help with the American Revolution. The colors of the French flag are red, white, and blue like our rice! We put in the numbers 1776 and a picture of the Marquis to find at the bottom.

In addition to visual and tactile discrimination, the science access point: track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled, can be addressed in this activity.






img_8211img_8274Thomas Jefferson not only wrote the Declaration of Independence but was also an architect.

Our students got to be little architects building their own buildings with blue Floam!



img_8537Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.





img_8270img_8518We learned that Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals! For his box we put in Wikki Stix strands that could be shaped into CIRCLES like glasses.

Yeah, we had a little fun with this 🙂

img_8448Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as circle or square is a math access point.





img_8244img_8218Shaving foam was used to add hair to George Washington’s head. Of course he also ended up with “hair” on his chin, cheeks, and nose!

The science access point recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is addressed here.





img_8415img_8375Patrick Henry enjoyed hunting and fishing so we had the students go fishing in our little pond. There were 2 fish to catch with a large scoop.

Since the fish could be counted, the math access point associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.






img_8559img_8314We thought that Bath and BodyWorks country apple scent was perfect this week. After all whats more american than APPLE PIE! This yummy scent was a hit with our students and a great reminder of all the things we learned about the people of the American Revolution.

img_8320Recognize one or more body parts is a science access point.






This week our students made Ben Franklin kites.

img_8325img_8349We started by discussing the shape of our kite—–a DIAMOND. We also discussed the TRIANGLE shapes that could be seen as part of the kite—-we thought that was pretty cool!

Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






img_8340img_8355Then they decorated their kites using colorful markers. This was also a great opportunity for our students to practice their communication skills asking for “more” markers or letting us know they were “all done”.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






img_8334img_8342After they finished coloring their kites, the students used glue to attach a key made with this:  key-template. We love the story of how Ben Franklin attached a key to his kite to study electricity, so of course we had to have keys for our kites! After they students put glue onto their keys they had to turn their key over and pat it DOWN onto their kite.

This activity addresses the math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down.





img_8339img_8362TA DA—-

img_8366                                                                    —–lets go fly a kite!







We kind of stretched it a little bit this week to incorporate inventing, one of Ben Franklin’s specialties, into our group.  We decided to invent a new recipe—–we’ll call it, Banana Split Pudding!

Here is a link to our recipe:  lets-invent-a-banana-split-pudding


img_8668We used Pixon picture symbols throughout so that our students could request and inform.

The targeted symbol was presented to each child and they had to locate it on a Pixon board with 50 symbols on it.








img_8605img_8597We started by making some instant banana cream pudding.  When getting the milk out, we passed it around and talked about how it was COLD.  We poured 2 cups into a measuring cup and then poured in into a bowl.

img_8606Recognize the temperature of items, such as food, as cool or warm is a science access point.





img_8614img_8665Then we carefully added the pudding mix!










img_8620img_8625Our students got to use a wireless switch to activate the mixer.

This is always fun for them and everyone got a turn!



img_8627Recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship is a science access point.






img_8631img_8633We then counted out how many cups we needed for each student and found that we needed 6.  Everyone helped count!










img_8643We put 3 spoonfuls of the banana cream pudding into each cup.  Cara had already whipped up some chocolate pudding since we know that time is of the essence 🙂

We scooped in one big spoonful of the chocolate pudding into each cup.







img_8660We all know that banana splits have whipped cream and cherries so we topped off each cup with whipped cream and chopped up cherries.








img_8674img_8656Lastly, and most importantly, we ate our newly invented dessert!  In the opinion of our students———YUM!









img_8404Thank you for joining us and we hope you enjoyed learning a little about some of the people of the American Revolution! We will see you next week for more fun and learning Group by Group!