Tag Archives: Ninjas

Ninja book

Ninja book

International Ninja Day is December 5, so we learned all about ninjas this week!  We learned so many things that we never knew about ninjas.  Although they have many tools, their most important tool was actually an insect!  They also were able to tell time in a very unique way.  You’ll have to read the book to find out how 🙂  We have 2 of our very own ninjas on the front and back of the book too.  Check it out!





Here is a link to the book: Let_s Learn About Ninjas



December 5 is International Ninja Day—-who knew! Our sensory groups explored boxes related to interesting Ninja facts! The fine motor groups made Ninja themed art projects and the language group made a tasty Ninja themed treat!







Ninjas are from Japan. In this box we put RED and WHITE pom poms—-the colors of the Japanese flag.






The students had fun sorting or just exploring the soft texture of the pompoms.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.









We learned that Ninjas come from a mountainous region of Japan.







We used green Floam to represent the mountains and put in 3 laminated Ninjas.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.











Our rainbow rice represented the colored rice Ninjas used to send coded messages.






There were both upper and lower case N’s as well as a map of Japan to find under the rice.






Two spoons included made for lots of scooping fun!

Science access point: match objects by an observable property, such as shape and color.










Throwing stars were tools used by Ninjas. We put 3 large stars for the students to find in this box of red beans—-but these weren’t for throwing 🙂





As usual, the students liked running their hands through the beans, but the large stars were pretty intriguing to them as well this week!










Math access point: associate quantities with number names.













One of the most interesting facts we learned about Ninjas was that they could tell time by looking at a cat’s eyes!!!!






We put in two different sized cat cookie cutters to make impressions in black kinetic sand. The students also loved squeezing the sand into balls and then watching it drip down through fingers.






Science access point: recognize the larger of two objects.











We encouraged the students to try to make letter N’s in shaving foam.







Messy play is always a favorite with the students and we had lots of smiles this week!

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.










A few more smiles—–we just couldn’t leave out these photos!







Our students are just too cute 🙂






Hands were rinsed in our own little koi pond. There were 2 different size fish—-both of which squirted water when squeezed.



These were very intriguing to the students!


Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.











Both our water and lotion were scented with Bath and Body Works Japanese cherry blossom.






The students really seemed to like the floral scent and we think they all smelled like Ninjas 🙂

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday the students made crickets!

First, they identified the shape of the paper.






Math access point: recognize objects with two dimensional shapes.






Using paper cutters, they trimmed the paper into a smaller rectangle.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.









The rectangle was rolled around a paper tube.






Science access point: apply a push to move an object.






We squished one end of the tube and stapled it down. Most of our students needed help with this part.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.










Next, chenille stem “legs” were threaded through precut holes.

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.









Then, the students added 2 googlie eyes to their cricket’s face and attached it to the tube.

Math access point: use one-to-one correspondence to identify sets of objects with the same amount to 2.










Ta Da!








Nobody will hear our Ninja footsteps!











On Thursday the students made Ninja masks!

First, we identified the shape of the paper plate and the color of our paint.

Math access point: recognize objects with two dimensional shapes.




Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.





Then, the students painted their paper plates.








Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.






A red paper ribbon was added and TA DA……








We are Ninjas!








Since ninjas used a coding system using colored rice, we thought we would color some rice of our own.

Each student took a turn indicating what color they WANTed to color their rice.  They could choose from BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, or RED.










Once they chose a color, we added just a little bit of food coloring to some cooked white rice that we put in a plastic bag.  Our students had to indicate if they needed MORE of the color.

Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more.






Our students had to shake up the bag to get the coloring all over the rice.  Adults HELPed as needed.

Once the rice was dyed, our students had to indicate that they were ALL DONE.










Because there were 4 different colors and our students each only got to use 1 color, they had to indicate the colors that they still needed so that they had each color on their plate to eat.







We think the students really liked their colorful Ninja rice!










Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

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