People of the American Revolution

People of the American Revolution

img_8249Our students are learning about the American Constitution and Bill of Rights as part of their Unique Curriculum unit this month. To compliment the unit, we decided to learn a little more about the people who helped form our country.  Our sensory groups explored boxes related to different patriots. The fine motor group discussed shapes while making their art projects and the language group “invented” a dessert.

Due to the Labor Day weekend and another hurricane day, we had a shortened week and couldn’t do all our groups but we still had lots of fun!






img_8407img_8393Paul Revere, who road his horse through the streets sounding the alarm that the “British were coming”, was a silversmith. We filled his box with silver beads and 2  different sized horses. As usual, the students had a blast with the beads—-always a favorite!

img_8224Recognize differences in size of objects is a math access point.





img_8252img_8431Abigail Adams probably drank lots of tea—–that is before her friends dumped it in the Boston Harbor 🙂 There were upper and lower case letter A’s and a picture of Abigail herself to find while sifting through the tea leaves.

The students enjoyed both the feel and the aroma of this box.

img_8376Recognize two objects that are identical to each other is a math access point.





img_8231img_8426The Marquis de Lafayette was a frenchman who came to help with the American Revolution. The colors of the French flag are red, white, and blue like our rice! We put in the numbers 1776 and a picture of the Marquis to find at the bottom.

In addition to visual and tactile discrimination, the science access point: track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled, can be addressed in this activity.






img_8211img_8274Thomas Jefferson not only wrote the Declaration of Independence but was also an architect.

Our students got to be little architects building their own buildings with blue Floam!



img_8537Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.





img_8270img_8518We learned that Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals! For his box we put in Wikki Stix strands that could be shaped into CIRCLES like glasses.

Yeah, we had a little fun with this 🙂

img_8448Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as circle or square is a math access point.





img_8244img_8218Shaving foam was used to add hair to George Washington’s head. Of course he also ended up with “hair” on his chin, cheeks, and nose!

The science access point recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is addressed here.





img_8415img_8375Patrick Henry enjoyed hunting and fishing so we had the students go fishing in our little pond. There were 2 fish to catch with a large scoop.

Since the fish could be counted, the math access point associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.






img_8559img_8314We thought that Bath and BodyWorks country apple scent was perfect this week. After all whats more american than APPLE PIE! This yummy scent was a hit with our students and a great reminder of all the things we learned about the people of the American Revolution.

img_8320Recognize one or more body parts is a science access point.






This week our students made Ben Franklin kites.

img_8325img_8349We started by discussing the shape of our kite—–a DIAMOND. We also discussed the TRIANGLE shapes that could be seen as part of the kite—-we thought that was pretty cool!

Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






img_8340img_8355Then they decorated their kites using colorful markers. This was also a great opportunity for our students to practice their communication skills asking for “more” markers or letting us know they were “all done”.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






img_8334img_8342After they finished coloring their kites, the students used glue to attach a key made with this:  key-template. We love the story of how Ben Franklin attached a key to his kite to study electricity, so of course we had to have keys for our kites! After they students put glue onto their keys they had to turn their key over and pat it DOWN onto their kite.

This activity addresses the math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down.





img_8339img_8362TA DA—-

img_8366                                                                    —–lets go fly a kite!







We kind of stretched it a little bit this week to incorporate inventing, one of Ben Franklin’s specialties, into our group.  We decided to invent a new recipe—–we’ll call it, Banana Split Pudding!

Here is a link to our recipe:  lets-invent-a-banana-split-pudding


img_8668We used Pixon picture symbols throughout so that our students could request and inform.

The targeted symbol was presented to each child and they had to locate it on a Pixon board with 50 symbols on it.








img_8605img_8597We started by making some instant banana cream pudding.  When getting the milk out, we passed it around and talked about how it was COLD.  We poured 2 cups into a measuring cup and then poured in into a bowl.

img_8606Recognize the temperature of items, such as food, as cool or warm is a science access point.





img_8614img_8665Then we carefully added the pudding mix!










img_8620img_8625Our students got to use a wireless switch to activate the mixer.

This is always fun for them and everyone got a turn!



img_8627Recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship is a science access point.






img_8631img_8633We then counted out how many cups we needed for each student and found that we needed 6.  Everyone helped count!










img_8643We put 3 spoonfuls of the banana cream pudding into each cup.  Cara had already whipped up some chocolate pudding since we know that time is of the essence 🙂

We scooped in one big spoonful of the chocolate pudding into each cup.







img_8660We all know that banana splits have whipped cream and cherries so we topped off each cup with whipped cream and chopped up cherries.








img_8674img_8656Lastly, and most importantly, we ate our newly invented dessert!  In the opinion of our students———YUM!









img_8404Thank you for joining us and we hope you enjoyed learning a little about some of the people of the American Revolution! We will see you next week for more fun and learning Group by Group!

Planets book

Planets book

IMG_5019This week was out of this world as we talked about the planets in our solar system!  The book has different facts for each of the planets.  The front even features one of our own students as an astronaut!  It really makes you want to take a trip to outer space!









IMG_5361Here is a link to the book: The Planets in Our Solar System



IMG_5246We explored a galaxy closer to home this week—–our own! Each box in the sensory group was related to one of the planets. The fine motor groups made some out of this world art projects and the language group made a yummy “spacey” snack.






Sensory Group

IMG_5256IMG_5028Before we got to our groups we brought out our cool solar system umbrella. It was easily made with some battery operated lights, yellow craft foam, and some super cool hanging planets (thanks Ms. Kim). The students totally LOVED it!



IMG_4791Recognize a space related object is a science access point.






IMG_5283IMG_5115Jupiter is the largest of the planets and Mercury is the smallest. With this box our students sorted BIG shaker balls and SMALL pompoms.

IMG_4832Recognize differences in sizes of objects is a math access point.


IMG_5060IMG_5120They REALLY had fun with the big shaker balls 🙂











IMG_4869IMG_5287One of the most recognizable planets is Saturn with its famous rings. Our students used fluffy chenille stems to make circular shaped rings of their own.




IMG_5082Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






IMG_5112IMG_4797Mars is known as the “red planet”. We made used black cherry Koolaid to make the play dough this week and we think the color turned out really well and smelled nice too! A cookie cutter letter M was included.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






IMG_4808IMG_5314We learned that Venus is a very hot planet with lots of volcanic activity. We made an orange and yellow discovery jar that looks like the planet’s surface using a technique that we found at The jar was so much fun to make that we made 2 more with different colors 🙂


IMG_5096Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






IMG_4863IMG_5064Since our planet Earth has a moon, we HAD to bring out our MOONSAND this week! The students used a round shape sorter to make circle shaped craters in the sand.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.








IMG_5290IMG_4817Our “deep space” black kinetic sand contained some fun things to find including a blue-green planet—— Saturn!




IMG_5277Recognize a space related object is a science access point.







IMG_5141IMG_5154The planet Neptune is a beautiful blue color like our water this week!  Since it is the furthest planet from the sun we figured it would be an ideal place to view other galaxies (lighted swim rings)!

There was also a scoop for pouring—-lots of splashy fun 🙂

IMG_5324The science access point observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a  science topic can be addressed here.






IMG_5155IMG_5338There are a lot of pretty noxious odors associated with some of the planets we explored! So rather than go realistic, we decided that midnight by Bath and BodyWorks was a pretty good choice—–after all, midnight is the perfect time for star gazing 🙂

IMG_5171Applied to hands, necks, or arms—–the science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed here.






Fine Motor Group

IMG_4910IMG_4912On Tuesday our students made space shuttles using this template: space shuttle  Recycled toilet paper rolls used to complete the project gave us a chance to discuss the Unique Curriculum theme for this month.

This group LOVED our solar system umbrella too!







IMG_4914We started our art project by asking the students to identify red and blue using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.









IMG_4928IMG_4951The student used red and blue markers to scribble on their rockets. We used Pipsqueak Markers by Crayola because their size is perfect for our students.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.







IMG_4921To finish off the project, the students added a circle “porthole” with their photo. Nice pincer grasp practice!

Recognize a common object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.










IMG_4933IMG_4944We attached the space shuttle to a toilet paper roll to help it stand up and 10, 9, 8, 7,6…..





IMG_4956                                                                Ta Da we have lift off!






On Wednesday our students made a solar system!

IMG_5178We started by discussing the shape of our planets and asked our students to identify it using communication symbols.

Recognize an object with a three-dimensional shape is a math access point.









IMG_5191IMG_5204To make our planets we used styrofoam balls cut in half so that they were easier to glue down. The students then painted their planets and sprinkled on some confetti to add a little texture.

This gave us lots of opportunities to work on the math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more.







IMG_5216IMG_5226Then the students glued their planets around the sun. Stars were added with  some glue and glitter!

This activity addresses the math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence.









IMG_5234                                                  TA DA——-welcome to our solar system!







Language Group

In our true language group style, we made a treat for the students this week——– a Saturn Slush!  We got special help from one of our other SLPs this week, Judy, who came in and helped with the lesson.

IMG_5373IMG_5383To start off, we checked out the frozen strawberries and blueberries we were going to use for our recipe. We asked the students if the bags felt WARM or COLD!

Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold is a science access point.







IMG_5365IMG_5385We put some frozen strawberries in the blender.   Then our students helped POUR some orange juice into the blender.  We talked about how the colors of strawberries and the orange juice were different.

Recognize differences in objects is a science access point.






IMG_5391IMG_5397After that, we put in some confectioners sugar.  Our students got to have some fun taking turns activating the blender.




IMG_5406The science access point recognize that electrical systems must be turned on in order to work, can be addressed with this activity.





IMG_5423IMG_5428Once the mixture was nice and smooth we POURED it into a bowl.

Then we put some frozen blueberries,  more orange juice, and confectioners sugar into the blender and blended again until it was smooth.







IMG_5444IMG_5456We alternated the strawberry and blueberry mixtures into cups for our students (of course, counting the cups out first) so that they could see the different layers—–or at least that was the plan! Our pouring efforts ended up with everything kind of mixing together.

On the bright side the Saturn Slush tasted really YUMMY so no one really minded 🙂







IMG_5103IMG_4874We had so much fun learning about the planets this week! Be sure to join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Rhode Island book

Rhode Island book

IMG_4271Since Rhode Island Independence Day is May 4, we decided it was the perfect theme for this week.  We learned lots of new things, like the state flower (violet), the state beverage (coffee), that the first circus in the United States was held there in 1774, and lots of other neat facts that are included in the book.  We also have a few of our students taking in some of the sights on the front cover and the “the end” page, so check it out!






IMG_4658Here is a link to the book: Let’s Learn About Rhode Island

Rhode Island

Rhode Island

IMG_4586We are giving a little shout out to our friends at the Cornerstone School in celebration of Rhode Island Independence Day! Our sensory groups explored some boxes related to different facts about the state of Rhode Island. The fine motor groups used unusual items for their Rhode Island art projects and the language group made an icy treat—-yum! Read along to see all the fun we had this week 🙂







IMG_4598IMG_4484Rhode Island was named for the red clay that lines its shore. We used red moonsand to represent that clay and cookie cutters with the state initials were included.

The students always have fun with moonsand, it has such a great texture!


IMG_4230Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






IMG_4202IMG_4439This box was filled with coffee beans to represent the state beverage—–what an aroma! There were lots of little R’s to find and we included a fun little cup for scooping.




IMG_4599The science access point uses senses to recognize objects can be addressed here.





IMG_4229IMG_4601The first circus held in the United States took place in Rhode Island! Our circus box was filled with colorful objects associated with the circus. There was rainbow basket filler, styrofoam circus peanuts, a popcorn container, and puzzle piece clowns.

We also included a fun noise tiger noisemaker that was really popular with the students.

IMG_4591Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






IMG_4632IMG_4193George Cohen was a composer who wrote Yankee Doodle Boy and You’re a Grand Old Flag was represented with our red, white, and blue rice. There was a big measuring cup and small spoon for scooping fun and comparisons. There was a flag picture to find at the bottom of the box.

IMG_4451Recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects is a math access point that can be addressed here.





IMG_4184IMG_4446Jewelry making is a key industry for Rhode Island so we had some discovery bottles filled with sparkly “gold” and “jewels”.

These were irresistible!


IMG_4226Track objects in motion is a science access point.






IMG_4478IMG_4465 (1)Gilbert Stuart was an artist from Rhode Island who painted the portrait of Washington that was used for the dollar bill! Our little artists mixed shaving cream with food coloring to come up with their own original works of art 🙂

IMG_4650Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






IMG_4188IMG_4607The first water driven cotton mill was built in Rhode Island. Our students experimented  with water power while watching our water wheel spin. They found it pretty fascinating!

Observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a science topic is a science access point that can be addressed with this activity.






IMG_4241IMG_4248Rhode Island is nicknamed the Ocean State so we used ocean scent from Bath and BodyWorks this week. It was a pretty strong scent that our students really noticed and liked having it rubbed on their skin.

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.







On Tuesday our students painted violets—-the Rhode Island state flower!

IMG_4259IMG_4264We started by discussing the color of violets and then identifying the color using communication symbols.

Identify common objects by one observable property, such as size or color is a science access point.





IMG_4312IMG_4275Next they used a paint brush to make green leaves and stems on their paper.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.









IMG_4268IMG_4321Then they used a soda bottle to stamp purple violets. We reminded the students to stamp UP and DOWN.

IMG_4297Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.





IMG_4304IMG_4358TA DA—-beautiful violets!










On Wednesday we discussed the fact that shipbuilding is another key industry of Rhode Island and made sailboats!

IMG_4503First we asked students to identify the shape of the sail—-a triangle!

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.








IMG_4523IMG_4535Then they used paper cutters to cut out their own sails. Of course we counted the sides as the sails were cut!

Recognize that pushing or pulling makes an object move is a science access point.







IMG_4549The students used a glue stick to adhere their sails to popsicle sticks and pushed them into a pool noodle slice.

Recognize the next step in a sequence of activities is a math access point.









IMG_4522IMG_4576Time to see if the ships are seaworthy!!!!!





IMG_4533                                                                                Ta Da!!!!!!







It’s been getting pretty hot here lately, so since Del’s Frozen Lemonade is a fixture in Rhode Island, we decided to make our own using this recipe: Frozen Lemonade

IMG_4673IMG_4671We started by mixing the lemon juice concentrate, water, and sugar.  Our students got to TASTE and SMELL the lemon juice.

Although some of our students actually didn’t mind the sour flavor, others had a different opinion 🙂

Uses senses to recognize objects is a science access point.





Our students activated the blender to mix the ingredients by pressing a switch hooked up to a power link.  They are getting so much better about holding the switch down, although some of them continue to tap it, making the blender turn off and on really fast.

IMG_4687                                                         They had a BLAST with this step!

Recognize that electrical systems must be turned on in order to work is a science access point that can be addressed here.





IMG_4713IMG_4705We gradually poured in the ice and blended until it was smooth.  Once it was done, we counted out the cups for all of our friends and they all got to try a little bit.




IMG_4723As with the lemon juice, most of them really enjoyed it and others………. not so much:)

Definitely a drink to cool us off in this heat!

IMG_4635Hope you had as much fun as we did learning about Rhode Island. Join us again next time for more fun and learning——-Group by Group!


April After Party

April After Party

IMG_2197Welcome to the After Party! Each week after the weekly blog featuring activities in the elementary department is posted, our sensory cart is parked in the media center where it is available for check out by the rest of the school.

This post has photos of our middle and high school students enjoying the books and cart during the month of April.




Our first theme complimented the Unique Curriculum theme for April. It was How We Earn Money. Both students and staff dressed up in costumes for their “dream jobs” in our book. Each of the sensory boxes was tied to one of those jobs.

IMG_1910IMG_1917The students had fun playing vet and taking care of the little puppy in this box.

IMG_2252                                                         The stethoscope was lots of fun 🙂







IMG_1919IMG_2238Our FAMU presidents box with it’s Rattler colors of orange and green AND “rattling” egg was a hit.











IMG_2210IMG_2257Everyone enjoyed playing  rock star!

IMG_1913The finger guitar and drums are always favorites with the students.



IMG_2146 (1)IMG_1949They totally rocked feather boas and sunglasses……

IMG_2206 (1)                                                   …..and showed us some groovy moves 🙂







IMG_2205IMG_1940Our future bakers had fun “icing” cupcakes……

And our future paleontologists discovered dinosaur bones in the sand.










IMG_2217IMG_2242Since the pool is open at school, they were very familiar with the job of Lifeguard!











IMG_2268IMG_2278The big hit of the this group was the underwater ocean umbrella habitat.






IMG_1926This is one of our favorite umbrellas and the whale sounds recorded on the voice output device added to the realistic feel.



IMG_2260IMG_2227More fun photos—–the students really had a blast with this 🙂











We learned about the country of India to celebrate the Indian New Year.

IMG_2682IMG_3836Our rice was green, white, and orange—— the colors of the Indian flag.

IMG_2678We also used green, white, and orange paper shred in our box containing symbols of India.






IMG_3857IMG_3839Our oobleck was especially colorful with the addition of green and orange glitter.

IMG_2685                                            The students practiced making letter I’s in it.






IMG_3850IMG_2703The students had fun matching “cobras” found in the box of lentils.

IMG_2275                                                                                    Cool!











IMG_2688IMG_2695Sandalwood and curry and scents associated with India. the students found them intriguing……..

IMG_2691                                                         ……..but not always appealing 🙂







IMG_3859IMG_2705The “monsoon” water play was lots of fun!

We loved learning about India.









April is National Poetry Month and we celebrated by looking at nursery rhymes. The students loved the book that accompanied the unit—-they always enjoy seeing their friends in costume 🙂

IMG_3988IMG_3584The students had fun sorting lambs and geese.

They also had fun making “cakes” with our red velvet cake mix.








IMG_3434IMG_3587Our Jack be Nimble box had waxy Wikki Stix strings and a spinning “flame” in our toy candle.


IMG_3995                                                                This was a really fun box!







IMG_3980There were number 3’s to find in our Old King Cole “coal”.











IMG_3590IMG_3420Miss Muffet’s spider box elicited LOTS of interest and giggles 🙂

IMG_4025                                                   They found the bottle very fascinating!





IMG_3415IMG_4003We turned oobleck into curds and whey by adding some cotton balls.

IMG_3417It really made it a different texture to explore!





IMG_4023IMG_3985Exploring different containers that hold liquids was a math access point addressed with the Jack and Jill water tub.










IMG_4120IMG_4363We finished April with a Star Wars theme. The students loved our galactic umbrella.







IMG_4368IMG_4122There were lights, starships, and a Death Star—-of course!











IMG_4155IMG_4164Students had fun building structures in our Tatooine sand box.

IMG_4387They also had fun building their own Darth Vader!





IMG_4160We had some colorful pasta to sort. There were 5 different characters to find.










IMG_4129IMG_4375There were more characters and a light saber—-which was VERY popular—– to find in another box!









IMG_4406IMG_4139Yoda’s jello swamp was complete messy FUN!

IMG_4125There were snakes, insects, lizards….and even a little Yoda to find.






IMG_4391IMG_4373Hands were cleaned in “Ewok” mahogany woods scents water.

The force was with us 🙂








We Love Star Wars book

We Love Star Wars book

IMG_3923IMG_3452In a galaxy far, far away…students were learning all about Star Wars!  We had a great time this week with our theme on Star Wars.  This year we’re talking about the first Star Wars movies that were made, so our book features some of the main characters from those movies, such as R2-D2, Lando, and Yoda.  Of course, we feature our awesome students dressed up as these characters.  We had lots of help with costumes from a former teacher, Lois, and also had many donations of costumes from Ms. Kim, and Gena (Joy’s sister-in-law).  And of course our own art teacher, Ms. Judy, along with some of her art students, created not one but TWO amazing backgrounds for us to use.  This is a book you can’t miss!





IMG_3920Here is a link to the book: WE LOVE STAR WARS












IMG_3408IMG_3409Here are some photos of our students preparing the 2 backgrounds for our book—-

IMG_4103                                                     ——they did such an awesome job!


We Love Star Wars

We Love Star Wars

IMG_3481The Force was with us as we explored a galaxy far, far away——it was all about Star Wars with fantastic galactic fun for all our groups and some special  guests who joined us on “bring your child to work” day! The sensory boxes had things to touch, smell, look at, and listen to! Pinterest helped us find ideas for our fine motor groups and language groups!







IMG_3756IMG_3769Our galaxy umbrella was a HUGE hit with the students. We used some scrap headliner fabric attached to poster board to make our Death Star and were totally pleased with the result! There were some little spaceships attached with fishing wire and with the Star Wars theme recorded on the voice output device this was one super cool umbrella—–the students LOVED it!

IMG_3605Recognize a source of light energy is a science access point.








IMG_3442IMG_3504We put a variety of Star Wars paraphernalia into this box. There were figures and key chains representing of some of the main characters from the movies (thank you Jeannie for the donation). We found a fun “light saber” at the Family Dollar Store and the students had a blast with it—–lights and sounds with the push of a button, how cool is that!

IMG_3854The science access point observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship can be addressed here.








IMG_3789Luke Skywalker lived on the planet Tatooine which has a desert landscape. Our homemade “sand” had a little bit of cinnamon in it so it was not only not only fun to touch but it smelled really good too!

IMG_3638We put in a variety of wooden shapes so our students could build some local “structures”.






IMG_3521IMG_3608Recognize common three-dimensional objects such as cylinders or cubes is a math access point.










IMG_3508IMG_3446 (1)Of course, we had to include a box dedicated to the ultimate bad guy—–Darth Vader! We put in some accessories from a “Darth Tater” kit in a box with our grey Floam so the students could build their own Vader.

IMG_3479The science access point recognize that the human body is made up of various parts can be addressed with this activity.







IMG_3470IMG_3649Kraft mac and cheese came out with  these cool Star Wars pasta shapes. It took a couple of hours to dye but SO worth it! There were black Darth Vaders, yellow CP3Os, blue R2D2s, green Yodas, and red star fighters for sorting fun. The students also loved picking up handfuls of the colorful pasta!

IMG_3798Match objects with similar observable properties, such as size, shape, color, or texture is a science access point.






IMG_3627IMG_3894We made a green jello swamp for our little Yoda—-complete with snakes, spiders, and a cute giant lizard.



IMG_3889Some of the students were a little hesitant to touch the cold, sticky goo but others thought it was pretty fantastic stuff 🙂

IMG_3454Recognize the temperature of items as cool or warm is a science access point.











IMG_3779IMG_3467Those sticky hands were rinsed off in water scented with “Ewok” mahogany woods from Bath and BodyWorks. Ms. Kim donated these fun Star Wars themed diving sticks that were perfect for our water play activity. The students really loved watching the water stream out of the bottom of these sticks!

Track objects in motion is a science access point.






IMG_3672IMG_3529The matching lotion was a hit with almost all of our students.

IMG_3902Recognize and respond to one type of sensory input is a science access point.







On Tuesday our little Jedi turned to the dark side and made paper plate Death Stars. We adapted this idea from .To prep ours, we drew the lines with glue rather than white crayon.

IMG_3546IMG_3553We started by bringing out our galactic umbrella to give the students inspiration. It was a hit 🙂











IMG_3558After the umbrella was reluctantly put away, we discussed the shape of the paper plate and asked the students to identify the shape using communication symbols.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.







IMG_3562IMG_3571Then the students painted over their plates with watered down grey paint using a sponge brush.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.








IMG_3574IMG_3567Ta Da……..

IMG_3577                                        ………looks like Darth Vader is in the house 🙂






We went Wookie on Wednesday! The idea for this project came from

Instead of fun fur used in the original project, we used furry duct tape purchased at Walgreens. The duct tape was adhered to some 6 inch rulers to prep this for our students.

IMG_3684We started by asking the students to count how many eyes a Wookie has and to identify the number using communication symbols.

We did the same thing for the nose.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.








IMG_3700Next the students cut strips of paper to use for the strap that Chewbacca wears. The paper cutter worked perfectly for this task!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









IMG_3677Then the students glued googlie eyes, pompom noses, and strap onto their Wookies. To work on one-to-one correspondence we placed target glue dots onto the fur.

Match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is a math access point.









IMG_3694IMG_3683Ta Da!!!!

The force is strong with these young padawans 🙂









We made another yummy snack this week—— Galactic Ice Cream Sundaes!  Our students got to make choices of what they wanted using picture symbols, gestures, and verbalizations.

IMG_3931The first choice they got was to tell us how many scoops of ice cream they wanted in their bowl.  We used big numbers showing “1” and “2” and our students would either point or place their hand on the amount they wanted.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.








IMG_3952Next, they got to chose which kind of syrup they wanted: chocolate, strawberry, or butterscotch.  They were provided with symbols and again, would point or put their hand on the one they wanted.

Adjust body movement or nonverbal expression with prompting as necessary to communicate wants and needs is a language access point.








IMG_3941When asked if they wanted whipped cream, they would either use head shake/nod, verbalize no/yes, or point to a symbol no/yes.  If they said yes, they had to show us how many squirts they wanted using the “1” and “2”.

They REALLY like this part 🙂








IMG_3943Finally, we poured some Star Wars cereal on top for a crunchy effect and let them choose which color pretzel/icing “light saber” they wanted: RED or GREEN.









IMG_3935IMG_3947We think we hit this one out of the galaxy!

IMG_3966                                        YUM!!!!!




IMG_3924IMG_3898We hope your May the Fourth festivities are a blast! Be sure and join us again next time……Group by Group!

Nursery Rhymes book

Nursery Rhymes book

IMG_3164IMG_2910Since it’s national poetry month, we decided to do a unit on Mother Goose nursery rhymes.  We had SO MUCH fun making this book!  Some of our amazing students were our models and got to dress up as some of the characters who appear in Mother Goose rhymes, like Jack & Jill, Old King Cole, and Humpty Dumpty, to name a few.  Thank you Ms. Lois for helping us with costumes!

Our characters are super cute, so check it out!





IMG_2973Here is a link to the book:  We Introduce Mother Goose

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes

IMG_2798April is National Poetry Month so we decided to make nursery rhymes our theme this week! Our sensory groups had lots of messy fun exploring boxes related to different characters. Our fine motor groups made some fun animal character art projects and the language group made a yummy treat based on nursery rhyme character.






IMG_2949IMG_3216There were three number 3’s to find in our Old King Cole black bean “coal”.  The students had fun discovering the hidden numbers as they ran their hands through the beans.

They also like picking up handfuls and watching them drop back into the box.


IMG_2969Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






IMG_2724IMG_2875Little Bo Peep’s lost sheep could be found in this box as well as some geese—that perhaps belonged to Mother Goose!

Both sets of animals came in a variety of sizes, shapes, and textures for sorting fun.



IMG_2814Match animals that are the same is a science access point.






IMG_3201IMG_3247Our Jack Be Nimble box contained Wikki Stix which are waxed strings like candles.

We also put a light toy that looked a little like a candle when the button was pushed.


IMG_2952 The students really had fun with this.

IMG_3172The science access point recognize a source of light energy and the science access point initiate a change in the motion of an object are addressed with this activity.






IMG_2777IMG_3282Spiders scared Little Miss Muffet away but ours were super cute and not scary at all! We had 2 cute little furry spiders, one that jiggled when it’s string was pulled, and a discovery bottle with spiders that scuttled up and down.



IMG_2886The science access point track objects in motion can be addressed here.

Lots of giggles were heard with this box 🙂






IMG_3291IMG_3186The Queen of Hearts and the baker both love to bake so this box was filled with red velvet cake mix. We put in 2 different size scoops and a heart shaped cookie cutter for our little bakers to play with.

IMG_2774This was pretty messy but LOTS of fun 🙂

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






IMG_3160IMG_2931Speaking of Little Miss Muffet, we learned that curds and whey are kind of like cottage cheese. We added cotton balls to our oobleck to get a lumpy kind of texture and were pretty pleased with the results. The oobleck started out white with each group but hands that had explored the red velvet cake mix tinged it pink!

IMG_3196The science access point demonstrate pushing away (repulsion) and pulling (attraction) is addressed here.






IMG_2921IMG_3256While rinsing their hands, the students had fun playing with Jack and Jill’s pail along with a couple of different size scoops.

The science access point recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids (capacity) is addressed here.







IMG_2824IMG_2990As a nod to our Baker and the Queen of Hearts, both our water and lotion were raspberry scented (from Bath and BodyWorks). It was a really yummy smell that our students loved!

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.








On Tuesday our students made handprint sheep!

IMG_2834IMG_2835First we discussed the shape of our paper and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Recognize common objects with 2-dimensional shapes is a math access point.








IMG_2836IMG_2841Next we painted one of their hands with white paint. The students were pretty intrigued with this step 🙂









IMG_2840IMG_2844Then we helped them press their hands onto our grassy green paper.

IMG_2842The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.






IMG_2857IMG_2853After their hands were cleaned, the students put 3 cotton balls onto their sheep’s tummy.





IMG_2849Match objects to designated spaces to show one-to-one correspondence is  math access point.






IMG_2847IMG_2852Ta Baaaaaaa Da!

IMG_2862Tell Little Bo Peep we found her sheep 🙂












On Wednesday it was all about mice with our Hickory Dickory Dock clock! Our fabulous volunteers did all the set up for this project—-thanks ladies! Here is the template for the mice:mouse template for clock

IMG_3041We started by asking the students to out “mouse heads”  using adaptive scissors—-counting how many cuts it took, of course! We also discussed the fact that the shape was a TRIANGLE!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









IMG_3009IMG_3045After they finished cutting out triangles, the students glued them onto an OVAL shaped body—complete with colorful tail. They added 2 big  CIRCLE ears and 1 little circle nose were added.

Recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects is a math access point.





IMG_3021IMG_3017Ta tick tock Da!!!

IMG_3046                                                            The students were SO proud!





IMG_3067IMG_8174To finish up, the students glued their mice onto the fabulous clock that our volunteers made. Then we counted them!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.











IMG_3322IMG_3325We channeled Humpty Dumpty for our language group and made some egg salad.  We had already pre-boiled the eggs and cut them up.

Before we put them in the bowl, we let each of our students smell the eggs——and got some pretty funny faces from some of the students 🙂

IMG_3317Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





IMG_3335IMG_3343Once the eggs were put INTO the bowl, our students counted out the spoonfuls of mayo (2) and the squirts of yellow mustard (3) that we put into the bowl as well.

Solve simple problems involving going or separating sets of objects to 5 is a math access point.








IMG_3340IMG_3347Our students helped POUR the cut up green onions and pickles into the bowl and helped SHAKE a little salt and pepper in as well.

IMG_3348We had to STIR the ingredients around until they were all mixed up.





IMG_3364IMG_3367We made 1 sandwich and cut it in HALF to make 2.  Then we cut one of the halves in half and counted 3 pieces and then cut the other half and counted 4 pieces.  Math with food is always a fun and YUMMY thing!

Partition a rectangle into equal parts with equal area is a math access point that can be addressed with this activity.

IMG_3368Since it was her last day, we also had a surprise for  Joy’s practicum student——yummy cupcakes!  We are sure going to miss you Ali!