Category Archives: Uncategorized

They Traveled to Space

They Traveled to Space

img_6601img_6435This week we learned about some pioneers of space travel. Ashley, one of our fantastic volunteers, came up with the idea! This compliments the students Unique Curriculum unit for this month. The sensory boxes were related to different astronauts and space travel. The fine motor groups made space related art projects and the language group made a space themed snack.






img_6745img_6383Laika was the first dog who went to space! Found in her box were dog and bone shaped cookie cutters to press into some moon sand. Of course, we HAD to use our moon sand somewhere in this unit 🙂

img_5741Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





img_6719img_5816Other animals also went into space. Albert II was the first monkey in space. The students had fun finding colorful monkeys hidden in our black “outer space” beans. The monkeys were fun to connect together and also fun to look at under a black light!

img_6782Since the monkeys can be counted, the math access point associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.





img_5927img_6702We learned that the first man and the first woman in space (Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova) were both from the USSR. Our students sorted pompoms and beads in the colors of the Soviet flag.  We even discovered that some of the pompoms also glowed in the dark—-how cool is that!

img_5830Match objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.





img_6347img_6365Alan Shepard (the first american in space), Guy Bluford (the first african american in space),  and Mae Jamison (the first african american woman in space) all got close up views of the moon and stars! We gave our students a little of that experience with our “outer space” umbrella. There was a big moon, lots of stars, and a little space shuttle for them to look at.

img_6354Recognize a space related object is a science access point.





img_5872img_6682Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the moon. In this box, we put in a little astronaut that our students could walk on a lunar landscape of grey Floam. They also enjoyed squishing and squeezing the Floam into various shapes!

img_5790The science access point recognize a change in an object can be addressed here.






img_6670img_6442Astronauts eat freeze dried food when they are in space.  We thought our red Bubber made a pretty good (although not edible) stand in for some strawberry ice cream that the astronauts might enjoy! Included in this box were a variety of different sized spoons and measuring cups for the students to use for molding the Bubber.

img_5886Recognize differences in sizes of objects.






img_6472img_6453Astronauts cannot feel gravity in space so they experience weightlessness. Stars and glitter looked weightless as they floated around in our discovery bottle.

Track objects in motion is a science access point.







img_5906img_6376We encouraged our students to make circles—-like the earth and moon in our shaving foam messy play. There was also a foam shoe insert that could be used to make footprints on the moon!

Recognize a full moon as a circle, is a science access point.







img_6605img_6389After their hands were rinsed, the students used a sifter shovel to scoop glow in the dark stars out of water. These stars looked especially cool under the black light!

img_5712Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






img_5953img_5972Since night time is the best time for us to look into space, we thought that the Bath and Body Works midnight lotion worked as our scent this week.

It was a nice light scent that helped our students really liked.

img_5966Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday our students took their cue from Neil Armstrong and left their footprints on the lunar surface—-well ok, a piece of grey paper 🙂

img_6012We started by discussing the shape of our grey paper and asked out students to identify the shape using communication symbols.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.







img_6106Next the students painted the bottom of some rain boots with grey paint.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.









img_6028img_6073Then the students put the boots on and stood on a piece of rectangular paper. For students who couldn’t put on the boots, they just pressed down on them. We did discover in this activity that our prints might have turned out better if the boots had been smaller—-we still had fun though!

img_6089Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





img_6066img_6099TA DA! Footprints on the moon!









On Wednesday, the students painted moon rocks.

img_6486img_6499First we counted out the rocks and let the students choose which ones they wanted. Then the students painted their rocks with glue.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.





img_6511Next the students sprinkled glow in the dark chalk crumbles (from Crayola) onto the glue.

They had a lot of fun with this part 🙂

The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.







img_6524img_6516-2TA Da—-glowing moon rocks!!!!!












We made a “Midnight Blueberry Blast Smoothie” that was out of this world this week for our language group!

img_6833img_6832We started by getting out some milk and talking its temperature.  We found that it was COLD!  We put 1/2 a cup of milk into the blender.  Since it didn’t look like enough, we decided to double the amount of each of the ingredients so we put another 1/2 a cup in the blender.  We talked about how two 1/2 cups equals 1 cup!

The math access point recognize parts of whole objects is a math access point. The science access point distinguish between hot and cold objects is also addressed.





img_6841Next, we measured out a cup of vanilla yogurt.  Since we had to use 2 small containers of yogurt, our students had to convey that 1 was not enough and we needed MORE to make a cup.  We compared the yogurt and milk and found that they were the SAME color!

The science access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more, is addressed here.






img_6848img_6854After that, each of the students got to feel the bag of frozen blueberries.  We talked again about how it felt COLD.  We added 2 cups of blueberries to the blender.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.






img_6864Finally, each of our students got to try a bit of honey.  For the most part, our students communicated that they LIKED the taste.

One of our students helped SQUEEZE out 2 teaspoons and we put those into the blender.

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli, is a science access point.






img_6877img_6870Each of our students got a chance to turn on the blender by pressing a switch.  They love being the ones to take control of the blender 🙂

The science access point recognize that electrical systems must be turned on (closed) in order to work, is addressed here.






img_6890Once the ingredients were all blended up, we counted out cups for each of the students.  But wait!  There’s more!  What is a smoothie without some whipped cream on top??  Our students got to help PUT some whipped cream on top.










img_6893Time to enjoy this galactic drink——-YUM!










img_6612We learned a lot about the history of space travel this week, so much fun! Join us again next time for more fun and learning——-Group by Group!

The Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm

img_4697img_5258We had a lot of fun with this week’s theme. Our book is just fantastic and we have to thank Ms. Lois, Ms. Jen, and Ms. Kim who were a huge help with costumes for our students. Be sure to check it out!

Our sensory group explored boxes filled with color and texture. The fine motor groups made fairy tale themed art projects and the language group made a snack the Grimm brothers would love!






img_4719img_5106We filled this box with play figures and props representing different characters from Grimm Brothers stories. There were lots of things to explore and find but the magic wand with flashing lights was a real favorite!

img_5116The social studies access point recognize a person in a story, can be addressed with this activity.





img_5110img_5369Pink “princess” sand and letter P’s were sifted with a little sieve. The sand is such a pretty color and very enticing to the students. They really enjoyed watching it cascade down!

img_5048Track a falling object is a science access point.





img_5242img_4722Yellow rice, red and black beans, represented the colors of the German flag—-the Grimm brothers came from that country! In addition to letter “G”‘s to find, there was a picture of the actual brothers to find at the bottom of the box.

img_4757The science access point track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled, is addressed with this activity.





img_4674img_5266The students had lots of fun with our Big Bad Wolf box. The wolf mask (from Target) wasn’t TOO scary and the students had fun trying it on. We also included some grandma glasses, a little plush wolf, and some fun fake wolf fur to complete the look.

img_4714The science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed with this activity.

img_4766img_5104Ok, so we had a few more photos that were too cute to leave out!

img_5344                                                                              How could we resist 🙂





img_5255img_4728In the story, Jack sold his cow for those magic beans he planted.


In our box of mixed beans, there were 3 little cows for our students to find and count.

img_4711Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.





img_4703img_5332We put some colorful confetti in our oobleck this week to make it look like the icing that decorated the gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel. As usual, it was gooey, messy fun!

img_5383Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





img_5263img_4676There was a little pond for our frog “prince” to play in. We also included a measuring cup for scooping and pouring.

img_5070Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.





img_5125img_5128We scented our water with Snow White approved Bath and Body Works country apple scented lotion. The students really liked the yummy scent of the matching lotion.

img_5123Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





On Tuesday our students made some pretty cute Cinderella carriages.

img_4801img_4807First we discussed the shape our paper punch would cut out and asked our students to identify a circle using communication symbols. The students either used eye gaze or pointed to the circle.

img_4803Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.





img_4924img_4822The students glued their pumpkins down onto construction paper. Then they glued their photos onto their pumpkins.

The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed with this activity.





img_4916img_4884Next the students punched out 2 circles. Our paper punch is a difficult to press, so the students did need help with this step.




img_4841Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.




img_4861img_4947The circle “wheels” were then glued to the bottom of the carriage.

Match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is a math access point.







img_4878img_4838Ta DA!

img_4955                                                             Let’s go to the ball!




On Wednesday the students made a dwarf forest using tree stamps! The dwarves were made by gluing the photos of the students faces on this: dwarf-template

img_5140img_5137First we discussed the shape and color of our poster board.

The math access point recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape, and the science access point identify objects by one observable property, such as color are addressed here.





img_5145Next we asked the students to identify the number 5 on a number line.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.








img_5157img_5159We glued thread spools onto our tree stamps to make them easier for our students to grasp as each stamped 5 trees onto the poster board. We emphasized stamping UP and DOWN!

Recognize a moment that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down, is a math access point.





img_5177img_5185Then the students picked out their dwarves and put them into the forest. It turned out pretty cute!

img_5192Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.



img_5196Ta Da!

So…..kind of like herding cats but we did get a group shot 🙂









Our language group had fun making “Jack’s Magic Bean Dip” in honor of Jack and the Beanstalk.  We used pixon symbols throughout the group to model how our students can use symbols during activities.

img_5475img_5475We started out by putting a can of cannellini beans that had been drained and rinsed into a food processor.  Next, we passed around the 2 cloves of garlic that had been chopped up.  Each of our students took turns smelling the garlic.

img_5471They had to indicate whether or not they liked it by pointing to the symbol for “I like this” or “I don’t like this”.  It turned out to be about half and half for our students.





img_5478img_5473After we put the garlic in the food processor we let each of our students taste a little bit of lemon juice, which was the next ingredient to put in.  We talked about how lemons are SOUR.  Again, they got to convey if they liked it or not and again it was split down the middle.

img_5486We put 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into the food processor.





img_5495img_5497Next, we added some fresh parsley.

img_5501We also used some dried oregano which our students got to smell and tell us if they liked or not.





img_5506img_5518Finally, our students got to use a switch to activate the food processor so the ingredients could be chopped.  Our students used symbols to tell us if we needed to chop up the ingredients MORE or if we were ALL DONE.

The students really liked using the food processor 🙂





img_5535img_5536Once we were finished, we counted out bowls and put some of the magic bean dip in each of them.  We sprinkled a bit of salt and pepper on the dip and added some cut up tortillas.

img_5530                                                                                YUM!



img_4684Hope you enjoyed our unit on the Grimm Brothers! Join us again next time for more fun and learning Group by Group!

Talk Show Hosts

Talk Show Hosts

img_4247October 23 is National Talk Show Host day—-yes, there really is a day for everything!! While kind of an unusual theme, we had a lot of fun with it.

Our sensory group explored boxes related to some of our favorite talk show hosts. The fine motor groups made some fun art projects and the language group looked to Rachael Ray to make a tasty treat in less than 30 minutes 🙂






img_3622img_4304Oprah is a legendary talk show host. The base of her box was green paper shred—-we learned that green is her favorite color! We added things that we associate with Oprah like books (for her book club), a peace sign, the word FRIENDS (she has lots of them), and some little play people (one in a dress that is the color purple). We also included lots of hearts because of all the love Oprah spreads 🙂

img_4072Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.





img_4268img_4055Harry Connick is not only a talk show host but is also an actor and singer. He starred in the movie Dolphin Tale. Our students got to swim with the dolphins with our underwater umbrella. There were also some dolphin sounds we recorded on the voice output device.

They LOVED this umbrella!




img_3639img_4065The science access point match common living things with their habitats is addressed here.










img_4087img_4151Whoopi Goldberg is another talk show host who is also an actor. She starred in the Sister Act movies. We took a cue from the colors of the nun’s habit that she wore in those movies and used white rice and black beans for her box. There were lots of letter W’s as well as a picture to find at the bottom of the box.

img_3607The science access point recognize common objects as the same can be addressed here.





img_3609img_4078Our super cool galaxy play dough would be a sure hit with astrophysicist and host of Star Talk——Neil DeGrasse. We added regular gold glitter in addition to some chunky silver glitter to make the black play dough look out of this world! There were two different sized star shaped cookie cutters for our students to make size comparisons.

img_4384Recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects is a math access point.





img_3633img_3653Lots of people turn to the Dr. Oz show for health advice so his box was filled with “doctor” stuff. There were some gauze bandages, medicine cups, cotton balls, tongue depressors, and a stethoscope.

Of course, we included a little patient for our students to take care of.

img_4165Associate an object with a person is a social studies access point.





img_4109img_4129Conan O’Brien is well known to late night talk show fans. He is also famous for his red hair. We laminated a picture of a bald Conan and our students had a lot of fun re-styling his hair using orange shaving cream. Perhaps he should come to our school for a makeover 🙂

img_4453Track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point.





img_4163img_4340Ellen DeGeneres not only has a hit talk show but starred as the voice of Dory in two movies that are huge hits among our students! Ms. Kim found a fun Dory pool toy that, when it’s string was pulled, swam around our little ocean. We didn’t have a Nemo toy but we did include an orange toy fish that resembled him—– and squirted water when squeezed!

The science access point recognize the change in the motion of an object can be addressed with this activity.





img_3670img_4172Our scent this week is one we are pretty sure Rachel Ray would like—-cucumber melon from Bath and BodyWorks! Our students really liked this aroma.

img_4500Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday our students made microphones!

img_3812First we discussed that styrofoam balls were spheres and identified their shape using communication symbols. We had pre-painted the balls with silver tempera paint.

This activity addresses the math access points: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, and recognize three-dimensional shapes.






img_3819img_3709Then the students used cutting tools such as paper cutters or switch operated scissors to trim some black construction paper. We noted that the shape of the paper was a rectangle.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





img_3750img_3834Next the students used a glue stick to apply glue to the paper and then they rolled it around a toilet paper tube. The styrofoam ball was pushed onto the top for a finishing touch.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





img_3835img_3765Ta Da—-

img_3806                                                           —-time for an interview!





On Wednesday the fine motor group made picture frames—to hold a picture of each student with Jimmy Fallon (cleverly made by Power Point whiz Cara).

img_4191We started by discussing the shape of the picture frame and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.







img_4201img_4208Then the students painted the frame with some watered down glue.

img_4213The science access point recognize pushing and pulling an object makes it move is addressed here.





img_4230Time to add gold or silver glitter—-a celebrity photo needs to be framed in shiny glitter 🙂

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









img_4237img_4226Ta Da!

img_4217                                                   We are just a little starstruck!






We channeled Rachael Ray today and made one of her recipes for the language group.  We made her recipe Whole Wheat Sweet Cinnamon Chips with Creamy Honey Dip (recipe found here:

img_4513img_4514Since the tortillas had already been pre-cut, we talked to our students about what shape they were.  They had to indicate the triangle out of a field of 2 shapes.

Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.





img_4521img_4534Our students got to HELP us spray the tortillas with cooking spray and then SPRINKLE cinnamon and sugar on top.  Of course, they got to smell the cinnamon first!

img_4525Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





img_4545img_4556While the tortillas were in the oven, our students helped PUT the yogurt and honey in a bowl.  We observed how the ingredients MIXED together.







img_4559img_4572While we were waiting for the tortilla chips to finish, we got out our Dolphin Tale umbrella for them to look at

img_4581—–what a fun way to pass the time!





img_4588img_4591Once the chips were done baking, we counted out bowls for each of our students and put together our snack.

Lots of opportunities to use communication devices with this yummy treat!

img_4593Thank you, Rachael Ray, for the wonderful recipe!




img_4136We had a great time with our talk show host theme. Join us again next week for more fun and learning——Group by Group!


Fall Fun

Fall Fun

img_3049The weather is finally getting a little cooler and we are thinking about all the fun things that happen in the fall! The sensory group explored colorful, eye catching boxes. The fine motor group decorated some fall leaves and the language group made a tasty treat!







img_2842img_3336Fall festivals are so much fun with hay rides, pumpkins, decorations, and people in costumes! Our fall festival box had a base of raffia hay and silk leaves. There were lots of fall symbols including pine cones, jack o lanterns, turkeys, and squirrels to explore and discover in the box.

img_2814Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.





img_2892img_3275College football is a big part of fall around here. The students loved the shaker pompoms—-so much fun to cheer for your favorite team! They also had fun filling the game day cups with black and white “referee” paper shred or a little football.

img_2917Recognize the change in the motion of an object is a science access point.





img_2823img_2860We love our orange and black rice box—-it is SO eye catching! The students had fun scooping the rice and beans into the little pumpkin bowl or looking for a jack o lantern picture at the bottom of the box.

img_2936The math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more, can be addressed with this activity.





img_2956img_3210The Owl Run is a race our school hosts for all the middle schools in our district. It is a popular event that we all look forward to each year. To represent the race, the students stamped our schools’ initials into yellow moon sand—-yellow is one of our school colors! There was also a t-shirt cookie cutter because you always get a t-shirt after a race 🙂

img_2856Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





img_2949img_3149We brought out one of our favorite umbrellas this week. Our fall umbrella is a pretty simple one—- just some fall garland and craft foam leaves attached to a yellow umbrella—but it is completely eye catching! A little hand held fan helped add to the experience by blowing the leaves around with a gentle breeze. Some of the students also loved the feeling of the air blowing on their faces.

img_3186The science access point recognize a seasonal change in the appearance of a common plant can be addressed with this activity.






img_3228img_2833This week our messy play was indeed messy—-we used pumpkin puree! The Dollar Tree stocks cans of pumpkin so this was pretty inexpensive.  In addition to an interesting texture, it also has a nice aroma which added to the experience. Most of the students were pretty intrigued by the pumpkin—–others not so much 🙂

Use senses to recognize objects is a science access point.





img_2837img_2830Some craft foam and plastic symbols of fall (such as leaves, the letter F, and bats) were  scooped out of the water. Bath and BodyWorks cinnamon pumpkin scented bath gel in the water made it smell really nice.


img_3295The social studies access point associate an object with an event can be addressed here.





img_3363img_3352The matching lotion was rubbed on various body parts to give our students a yummy reminder of all the fun they had. They were able to communicate whether they “liked” the scent or not—-it was pretty much a universal LIKE!

img_2983Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






Due to a district holiday, we only had one fine motor group this week—-but it was a fun one! We used this template:  leaf-template

img_2999img_3007First we discussed the color of our leaves and the students used communication symbols to identify the color BROWN.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.







img_3020img_3021Then the students squeezed some gold paint onto their leaves and spread it around using paint brushes. They were pretty intrigued with the metallic paint!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





img_3030img_3029Ta Da!

img_3035                                                                   Feeling fallish 🙂






We got back into cooking during our language group and made a fall treat: Pumpkin Fluff Dip!  Here is a link to the recipe:  lets-make-pumpkin-fluff-dip

img_3368img_3372We started out by making the pudding.  We used the Pixon core 50 communication board throughout the process to model how symbols are used for communication.  Our students helped PUT the pudding mix into the bowl.  They all took turns feeling how COLD the milk was and then PUT the milk in the bowl as well.

img_3384Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.





img_3390Each student had a TURN pressing the switch to activate the mixer.  So fun!










img_3406Next, we took turns smelling the pumpkin puree.  This smell was not a favorite for some of our students but others thought it was pretty yummy!









img_3412We PUT the pumpkin puree into a different bowl and added half a container of whipped cream.









img_3415img_3423Then we added some cinnamon after taking turns smelling it.

img_3419We used communication symbols to let the students tell us if they “liked” the scent. For the most part, it was a pretty popular scent 🙂





img_3425We mixed the pumpkin and whipped cream and then added the vanilla pudding.  We counted out the bowls for our students.








img_3432img_3433For the ones who are on a puree diet, they ate the Pumpkin Fluff Dip by itself.  For our students who eat solid food, we added some crumbled up Nilla Wafers.







img_3267It looks like we are ready for fall around here! Join us again next time for more fun—–Group by Group!

Famous Scientists

Famous Scientists

img_1947This week we learned about some famous scientists. We chose this theme to compliment the Unique Curriculum unit for some of our grade levels. The sensory groups explored boxes related to individual scientists. The fine motor groups created science themed art projects and the language group performed some fun science experiments!






img_2386img_2379Galileo and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are famous for studies in the area of astronomy. Our little astronomers loved our solar system umbrella. With its twinkly stars and hanging planets, it was a real hit.

Recognize a space-related object is a science access point.






img_2431Stephen Hawking knows a LOT about black holes. We used black kinetic sand for our “black hole” box and added a star shaped cookie cutter. So much fun and irresistible to both our students and staff 🙂

The science access point apply a push to move an object can be addressed here.








img_1970img_2399The thermometer was invented by Daniel Fahrenheit. In honor of him we filled a box with some “Insta-Snow”. While not quite as cold as the real thing, it still feels a little chilly!

img_2411Distinguish between hot and cold objects is a science access point.







img_1925img_2035We think our chimpanzee habitat would be a hit with Jane Goodall, she is an anthropologist who studies wild chimpanzees! Included in this box are binoculars, a variety of chimps, play fruit, and a voice output device with monkey sounds we recorded from You Tube. The monkey sounds were a huge hit!

The science access point recognize common objects related to science by name, such as animal or plant, can be addressed here.






img_1928Kepler was a famous mathematician. In our box of white cornmeal were numbers 1-9 for our students to find. We haven’t used this cornmeal box for a while and it has a really intriguing texture for our students.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.









img_2021img_2447Mary Anning was a famous fossil hunter. The students had fun hunting for dinosaur skeletons buried in our box of moon sand. They also had a lot of fun with the dinosaur molds.

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






img_2404img_2570Since our theme was all about famous scientists, we decided to put pop rocks into our shaving cream to start a “chemical” reaction. Those crackling pop rocks sounded pretty cool!

The science access point recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is addressed with this activity.






img_1895Charles Darwin’s boat the HMS Beagle sailed in our little ocean—-passing a giant sea turtle along the way!

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.








img_2477Since we found out that chimpanzees like all sorts of fruit—not just bananas—-we used Bath and Body Works mango tangerine scent for both our water and lotion this week. The citrusy scent was a real hit with the students!

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.








On Tuesday our students made a galaxy!

img_2076We started by discussing the shape of planets found in galaxies and used communication symbols to identify a CIRCLE.

Recognize objects with a 2-dimensional shape is a math access point.








img_2156Then we used a circle punch to cut “planets” out of wallpaper scraps. You have to push pretty hard to make the punch work, so the students needed a little help with this. Of course, we counted how many planets each student cut out.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.







img_2108img_2171Next they painted watered down glue onto black paper and the planets were placed on the glue.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






img_2122Sparkly stars were added using chunky silver glitter.

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.









img_2124img_2183Ta Da!

img_2093                                                                  It’s a galaxy!











On Wednesday the students painted with corn syrup! We have done this before and always love how the syrup retains its “wet” look after it hardens. VERY COOL!

img_2488First we discussed the color of our syrup—-we had added some food coloring 🙂

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.

The students identified the color using communication symbols.







img_2501img_2541We poured a little of the syrup onto their science lab beakers, cut from poster board using this:beaker-template

The students used regular paint brushes to spread it around. Yes, this did get a little sticky and messy but it was WAY fun 🙂

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point addressed here.





img_2537img_2509TA DA!

Let’s do some experiments!











Our students turned into little scientists today!  We tried out 2 different experiments today.  Here is a breakdown of each experiment: experiments

img_2576img_2580For our first experiment, our students helped POUR some baking soda into a pan.  Then, our students helped fill up some cups HALFWAY with vinegar.  They also got to choose what color should be put into each vinegar cup.

img_2627Recognize when an object is added to (addition) a situation, is a science access point.






img_2608img_2613Once everything was ready, each student got a chance to use droppers and SQUEEZE some of the vinegar onto the baking soda.

img_2642Our students loved seeing the colorful fizz!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





img_2620img_2589For our second experiment, we filled up a measuring cup HALFWAY with vinegar.  We added some food coloring as well.  Our students got to CHOOSE the color glitter they wanted.  They also got to help SQUEEZE some dish soap into the measuring cup.  We STIRRED it up.






img_2633Finally, we got a big spoonful of baking soda and POURED it into the measuring cup.  We gave it another little stir and watched it foam up!  It was pretty amazing how much foam came out of our experiment!


What an exciting week! Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!



img_1275We had a lot of fun putting this unit together and the students really loved seeing their friends in the book. The sensory group explored boxes filled with opposites. The fine motor groups made art projects that explored texture differences and the language group performed experiments!






img_0896img_1512This first box was filled with ROUGH AND SMOOTH textures including plastic spaghetti strands, bath scrubbers, container lids, and beads.

Lots and lots to touch and explore.

img_1294Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





img_1281img_0893BIG and LITTLE was the theme of this box. A box filled with balls—-what could be more fun than that 🙂

img_1210Recognize differences in size of objects is a math access point.





img_0915img_1568Our discovery bottles were filled with beads that floated UP and DOWN as the bottles were shaken or turned.

img_1613The math access point recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down, is addressed here.





img_1207img_1316LIGHT and DARK were explored with our light box. Our students really love lights, and the colorful ones we put in this shoebox were especially attractive.

img_0946Recognize a source of light energy is a science access point.





img_0871img_1243Our students pushed HARD cookie cutters into the SOFT playdough. As a bonus, the cookie cutters were also opposites—-ANIMAL and PLANT!

img_1259The science access point apply a push to move an object is addressed here.





img_1194img_0899Students practiced scooping IN and OUT  in the purple bean box. White beans are really easy to dye using food coloring and they turn out really eye catching!

img_1462The math access point solve simple problems involving putting together and taking apart small quantities of objects can be addressed here.





img_0903img_0920Oobleck kind of IS an opposite—-it is both a LIQUID and a SOLID! We added some confetti to give it some extra visual appeal. Sparkly, floaty, messy, and fun—–he students had an absolute blast:)

img_1450The science access point track objects that fall to the ground can be addressed here.





img_1445img_1265Hands got WET as the oobleck was washed off hands. We added some SINK or FLOAT objects for fun experimentation.

img_0906Recognize one way people use water is a science access point that can be addressed here.





img_1323img_1320After hands were DRY, it was time for lotion. It wasn’t easy coming up with a scent for a theme about opposites! We decided to use Bath and BodyWorks pink lemonade scent since the name has pink but the lotion is yellow—-not exactly opposites but close enough for us 🙂

img_1331Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday our fine motor group used sand to make their SMOOTH paint feel ROUGH!

img_0980First we identified the color of our paint—-we used a bright, eye catching PINK!

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.







img_1043img_1012Next the students used brushes to spread the paint around their paper. We used black paper so our pink paint would really pop!

img_0997Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






img_1050Then the students shook some pink sand onto the paint to add texture. Our sand was really fine and came out of our spice container quite fast! Suffice to say, the table ended up with plenty of sand too 🙂

The math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more, can be addressed here.

The science access point track objects falling to the ground can also be addressed 🙂







img_1006img_1027Ta DA!

img_1056-1It can’t really be seen in the photo but these did turn out pretty cool.






On Wednesday our fine motor group we made FLAT arrows BUMPY using tissue paper.

img_1355We started by discussing the color of the arrow and used communication symbols to identify it.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.







img_1366img_1360Then the students tore and crumpled tissue paper into little pieces. They dipped the paper balls into glue and pressed them down onto their arrows—-lots of pincer grasp practice here!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






img_1390Next they squeezed glue onto the back of the arrow and patted it down onto a piece of orange paper.

Recognize when an object is added to or taken away from a situation is a math access point.









img_1370img_1420TA DA—-

img_1406                                                 we are going in the right direction!






We did 2 different activities that looked at opposites.  Our first activity was about things that SINK and things the FLOAT.

img_1683img_1687We got 6 different objects.  Our first job was to make a prediction if we thought the objects would sink or float.  We talked about how things that are HEAVY tend to sink while things that are LIGHT tend to float.  Each student got a chance to hold an object and predict if it would float or sink.

Our predictions resulted in everyone believing that all of the objects would float!

Observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a science topic, is a science access point.






img_1731Now to put them to the test.  Each student got to put an object into a tub of water.  We looked to see if they sank UNDER the water or if they stayed ON top of the water.










img_1739We found that we were 50% correct in our predictions.  3 of the objects did float; however, the other 3 sank.









img_1752img_1754Our next activity focused on WET and DRY.  For this we used “Squand” which is made by RoseArt.  Our students got to POUR some of the Squand into a bin of water.  They saw that the sand went from being DRY to getting WET in the water.






img_1779img_1783We found that when we pulled the sand out of the water, it was DRY once again!

img_1765Such a cool activity and very impressive to both the students and the adults—we were all completely fascinated! This stuff is the COOLEST!




img_0863img_1579Join us again next week for more fun and learning———–Group by Group!

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities

img_0431What kids do after school, extracurricular activities, is our theme this week. We found out there are LOTS of things to choose from! The sensory groups explored boxes related to specific activities. The fine motor groups made some fun art projects and the language group helped figure out what items are needed for different activities!






img_9848img_9950Many extracurricular activities involve sports that use balls. The students molded white foam into different sized balls—-SMALL like golf balls, MEDIUM like baseballs, or BIG like volleyballs.

img_9812Identify objects by one observable property, such as size, is a science access point.





img_0245img_0357Our ballet box was a real hit! We put in some fluffy feather boas, pieces of tulle, and a butterfly headband. Ok, so the goofy headband was a bit of a stretch as a ballet prop, but we did record music from the Swan Lake ballet on a voice output device 🙂

img_0520As the ballet props are tried on, the science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed.





img_0317img_0251Cheerleading is another activity some of our students enjoy. We put in some shaker pompoms and our students totally got their cheer on!

img_0377The science access point recognize the change in the motion of an object can be addressed here.





img_0277img_0554Learning a musical instrument is another popular extracurricular activity. The ever-popular finger drums were found in this box, along with a tambourine, and electronic maraca. Our students totally rocked out!

img_0303Recognize and respond to common sounds is a science access point.






img_9992img_9920Many students, including our own, have fun at their school’s After School programs. We represented ours with a rice box in our school colors and some alphabet letters. There was also a picture of a teacher reading to children to find at the bottom of the box.

img_0271Track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point.







img_9927img_0266We went back to sports with our messy play. Since many sports include round balls, we asked the students to make round circles in shaving cream.

Recognize that pulling or pushing an object makes it move, is a science access point.






img_0327img_0548After the students rinsed their hands they got to go fishing in our little water pond. With rivers, lakes, and the ocean nearby, fishing is a fun extracurricular activity that many of our students enjoy! There were 2 fish to find—–a big one and a little one!

Recognize differences in size of objects is a math access point.







img_0393img_0576Our scent for our water and lotion was vanilla sugar from Bath and BodyWorks. We thought this scent reminded us of Girl Scout cookies! A delicious reminder of the fun we had exploring different extracurricular activities.

img_0382Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.







Students at our school are always proud to show off their Special Olympics medals so we let our future olympians make some of their own using our go to favorite—paper plates!

img_0019img_0025We started by discussing the shape of our paper plate and using communication symbols to identify it.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.





img_0065img_0109Then the students painted their plates using gold paint and then added glitter for additional sparkle—-we never pass up the opportunity to add a little sparkle to our projects 🙂

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.




img_0121Next the students placed a small circle with “1st” printed on it DOWN onto the plate. The paper stuck to the paint easily so glue was not needed.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.







img_0130img_0151Ta Da!!!

Our students are winners for sure!








Our other fine motor group made art projects related to another fun extracurricular activity—-fishing! We used this:fish-template

img_0429img_0442First the students used communication symbols to pick the color of the crayon they wanted to use to color their fish. We used Easy Grip crayons for this project and the crayons lived up to their name—–they were easy for the students to grasp!

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.





img_0410img_0437Ta DA——

img_0466                                                           let’s go fishing!





img_0471img_0489After the students finished coloring their fish, we attached a paper clip to the tail and put them on the table.

Our fishing rod was made from a sturdy cardboard tube with a cute flower magnet attached with yarn. Recognize that objects can stick together is a science access point.

img_0478The students were completely intrigued with how the magnet picked up their fish. This activity was a real HIT 🙂






This week we changed it up a little bit in our language group.  We discussed some of the items that people will need if they are participating in extracurricular activities.

The 5 activities we focused on were baseball, basketball, fishing, music, and cheerleading.  Each of our students took turns indicating which item fit with which activity.

img_0595img_0599For each turn, the student  was presented with 2 pictures of different items.  They were asked, for example, “which one do we need for baseball?  A baseball bat or a fishing pole?”  They would then have to point to the correct item.





img_0588img_0583After they chose the item, they would point to the pixon symbols for “we” and “need” and then point to the item to convey “we need baseball bat”.

We used the photos from the book for a visual prompt.




img_0632img_0625The students finished by gluing down their picture choices.








img_0622THEN, since this is the language group and we like our snacks, we each got to eat a Thin Mint in honor of the Girl Scouts 🙂




img_0506Well we hope we inspired you to try some new extracurricular activities! Join us again for next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!


Video Games

Video Games

img_8800National Video Game Day is September 12! We thought this would be a really fun theme for our students and totally enjoyed planning all the activities. Our sensory groups explored boxes related to specific video games. The fine motor groups made characters from video games and the language group played games!








img_8778img_8810We put lots of different bits and pieces related to the Legend of Zelda game in this box. Since we didn’t have any play figures from the game, we just pulled together some toys that we thought resembled the characters! There were also some objects that were mentioned in the stories such as a compass, hearts,  and a boomerang toy. It really  came together pretty nicely 🙂

img_9051Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






img_9148img_9425The students stamped lots of little squares—–like ones seen in the game Minecraft—- in our red moon sand.

img_8784The science access point recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed can be addressed here.






img_9049img_9326The Mario Brothers wear different colored overalls so we had our students sort GREEN Luigi pompoms and RED Mario pompoms!

Match objects by one observable property, such as size or color is a science access point.





img_9058img_9361Sonic the Hedgehog and his friend Tails collect rings. The students made rings by joining the ends of large chenille stems to form the CIRCLE shape! So much fun to wave or wear!

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as circle or square is a math access point.






img_8799img_9076Video games often have lots of flashing lights so we included a variety of light toys in this box. Some required button pressing while others simply had to be tapped.

img_9055Either way, the students had a blast with them, lights are always a favorite with our students! We also included a voice output device with recorded video game sounds so our students could get the whole “gamer” experience 🙂

img_9109img_8802The science access point recognize objects that create sounds and the science access point recognize that a common activity can be repeated are addressed with this activity.



img_9432Did we mention our students REALLY liked the lights 🙂





img_9121img_9146Craft foam figures from the game Pac Man chased each other around the oobleck this week! We made the oobleck a little thin so the craft foam really glided over the surface as the students pushed it around.

img_9399Recognize that pushing or pulling makes an object move (contact force) is a science access point.





img_9153img_8794Hands were rinsed in banana scented water (we got the bubble bath at Walmart). The students were able to scoop up a Donkey Kong barrel or just enjoy watching the water spill down out of the scoop!

img_8777Recognize different containers that hold liquids is a science access point.





img_8831img_9450A matching banana scented lotion from World Market left out students smelling quite delicious 🙂



This scent was a real hit!

img_9182Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.







On Tuesday our students made Pac Man out of a paper plate!

img_8839img_8841First we asked the students to identify our paint color—-YELLOW—-using communication symbols. Some of our students point to the symbols, others use eye gaze.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as size or color is a science access point.





img_8852img_8890Then they painted their paper plates. A brush was taped onto a wooden paint stick to make the process easier for some of our students.

img_8875Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





img_8868To finish, a little circle eye was added, then…..











img_8881img_8894Ta Wakka Wakka Da












On Wednesday the students made Angry Birds using red paper plates!

img_9186First they identified the color and shape of the paper plate using communication symbols.

The science access point identify objects by one observable property, is addressed here







img_9201img_9209Then we identified the TRIANGLE shape of the bird’s beak and how many sides it has using communication symbols.

The math access point recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as circle or square is addressed here and the math access point associate quantities with number names is also addressed.





img_9212img_9247Paper cutters were used to cut the 3 sides the triangle. Of course, we counted the number of cuts out loud!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






img_9217Then the students glued down the beak and 2 pre-made eyes, made with googlie eyes glued onto larger circles—-we do love those googlie eyes 🙂

The math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence.







img_9244img_9253Ta Da!

img_9219                                                       Some not so angry birds.







We had such a great time in our language group this week!  Our students played games that were inspired by real video games.  They each had to get through 4 levels.

img_9480img_9484The first level was Mario Brick-Buster.  Our students had to PUSH over a wall of “bricks” in order to complete this level.  They had so much fun with this!  Our ambulatory students pushed the bricks over while our students in wheelchairs got help from the adults and were pushed into the bricks.

img_9455                                                          LEVEL 1 COMPLETE!






img_9490img_9493Level 2 was Angry Birds Pig Knock Out.  The object of this game was to THROW an Angry Bird bean bag and knock over the Pigs on the log.  Some of our students threw the bean bag while others who have more difficulty grasping and throwing objects used their hand to knock the pigs over.  Everyone participated and everyone passed the level.  img_9505                                                       LEVEL 2 COMPLETE!





img_9529img_9540As in video games, the levels just keep getting more difficult.  Level 3 was Sonic Ring Toss.  Each of our students had to TOSS a ring and hook it.  Although this was challenging, all of our students passed the level.

img_9513                                                      LEVEL 3 COMPLETE!





img_9549img_9564In our final level, Legend Of Zelda Map Making, our students got to use our Color Bug wireless controller to MAKE a map.    They had to make sure to stay within the paper–a feat that was difficult for even the adults in the room!  Our students had to direct it left/right, forward/backward.  They had such a great time with this and made a great map.

img_9554                                                       LEVEL 4 COMPLETE!






img_9592img_9614Since each level was completed, our students got a fireworks show to celebrate!

img_9594                             Our students got pretty creative with it—SO FUN!




img_9165Hope you enjoyed our video game fun this week. Join us next week for more fun and learning—–Group By Group!


People of the American Revolution

People of the American Revolution

img_8249Our students are learning about the American Constitution and Bill of Rights as part of their Unique Curriculum unit this month. To compliment the unit, we decided to learn a little more about the people who helped form our country.  Our sensory groups explored boxes related to different patriots. The fine motor group discussed shapes while making their art projects and the language group “invented” a dessert.

Due to the Labor Day weekend and another hurricane day, we had a shortened week and couldn’t do all our groups but we still had lots of fun!






img_8407img_8393Paul Revere, who road his horse through the streets sounding the alarm that the “British were coming”, was a silversmith. We filled his box with silver beads and 2  different sized horses. As usual, the students had a blast with the beads—-always a favorite!

img_8224Recognize differences in size of objects is a math access point.





img_8252img_8431Abigail Adams probably drank lots of tea—–that is before her friends dumped it in the Boston Harbor 🙂 There were upper and lower case letter A’s and a picture of Abigail herself to find while sifting through the tea leaves.

The students enjoyed both the feel and the aroma of this box.

img_8376Recognize two objects that are identical to each other is a math access point.





img_8231img_8426The Marquis de Lafayette was a frenchman who came to help with the American Revolution. The colors of the French flag are red, white, and blue like our rice! We put in the numbers 1776 and a picture of the Marquis to find at the bottom.

In addition to visual and tactile discrimination, the science access point: track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled, can be addressed in this activity.






img_8211img_8274Thomas Jefferson not only wrote the Declaration of Independence but was also an architect.

Our students got to be little architects building their own buildings with blue Floam!



img_8537Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.





img_8270img_8518We learned that Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals! For his box we put in Wikki Stix strands that could be shaped into CIRCLES like glasses.

Yeah, we had a little fun with this 🙂

img_8448Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as circle or square is a math access point.





img_8244img_8218Shaving foam was used to add hair to George Washington’s head. Of course he also ended up with “hair” on his chin, cheeks, and nose!

The science access point recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is addressed here.





img_8415img_8375Patrick Henry enjoyed hunting and fishing so we had the students go fishing in our little pond. There were 2 fish to catch with a large scoop.

Since the fish could be counted, the math access point associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.






img_8559img_8314We thought that Bath and BodyWorks country apple scent was perfect this week. After all whats more american than APPLE PIE! This yummy scent was a hit with our students and a great reminder of all the things we learned about the people of the American Revolution.

img_8320Recognize one or more body parts is a science access point.






This week our students made Ben Franklin kites.

img_8325img_8349We started by discussing the shape of our kite—–a DIAMOND. We also discussed the TRIANGLE shapes that could be seen as part of the kite—-we thought that was pretty cool!

Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






img_8340img_8355Then they decorated their kites using colorful markers. This was also a great opportunity for our students to practice their communication skills asking for “more” markers or letting us know they were “all done”.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






img_8334img_8342After they finished coloring their kites, the students used glue to attach a key made with this:  key-template. We love the story of how Ben Franklin attached a key to his kite to study electricity, so of course we had to have keys for our kites! After they students put glue onto their keys they had to turn their key over and pat it DOWN onto their kite.

This activity addresses the math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down.





img_8339img_8362TA DA—-

img_8366                                                                    —–lets go fly a kite!







We kind of stretched it a little bit this week to incorporate inventing, one of Ben Franklin’s specialties, into our group.  We decided to invent a new recipe—–we’ll call it, Banana Split Pudding!

Here is a link to our recipe:  lets-invent-a-banana-split-pudding


img_8668We used Pixon picture symbols throughout so that our students could request and inform.

The targeted symbol was presented to each child and they had to locate it on a Pixon board with 50 symbols on it.








img_8605img_8597We started by making some instant banana cream pudding.  When getting the milk out, we passed it around and talked about how it was COLD.  We poured 2 cups into a measuring cup and then poured in into a bowl.

img_8606Recognize the temperature of items, such as food, as cool or warm is a science access point.





img_8614img_8665Then we carefully added the pudding mix!










img_8620img_8625Our students got to use a wireless switch to activate the mixer.

This is always fun for them and everyone got a turn!



img_8627Recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship is a science access point.






img_8631img_8633We then counted out how many cups we needed for each student and found that we needed 6.  Everyone helped count!










img_8643We put 3 spoonfuls of the banana cream pudding into each cup.  Cara had already whipped up some chocolate pudding since we know that time is of the essence 🙂

We scooped in one big spoonful of the chocolate pudding into each cup.







img_8660We all know that banana splits have whipped cream and cherries so we topped off each cup with whipped cream and chopped up cherries.








img_8674img_8656Lastly, and most importantly, we ate our newly invented dessert!  In the opinion of our students———YUM!









img_8404Thank you for joining us and we hope you enjoyed learning a little about some of the people of the American Revolution! We will see you next week for more fun and learning Group by Group!



IMG_5246We explored a galaxy closer to home this week—–our own! Each box in the sensory group was related to one of the planets. The fine motor groups made some out of this world art projects and the language group made a yummy “spacey” snack.






Sensory Group

IMG_5256IMG_5028Before we got to our groups we brought out our cool solar system umbrella. It was easily made with some battery operated lights, yellow craft foam, and some super cool hanging planets (thanks Ms. Kim). The students totally LOVED it!



IMG_4791Recognize a space related object is a science access point.






IMG_5283IMG_5115Jupiter is the largest of the planets and Mercury is the smallest. With this box our students sorted BIG shaker balls and SMALL pompoms.

IMG_4832Recognize differences in sizes of objects is a math access point.


IMG_5060IMG_5120They REALLY had fun with the big shaker balls 🙂











IMG_4869IMG_5287One of the most recognizable planets is Saturn with its famous rings. Our students used fluffy chenille stems to make circular shaped rings of their own.




IMG_5082Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






IMG_5112IMG_4797Mars is known as the “red planet”. We made used black cherry Koolaid to make the play dough this week and we think the color turned out really well and smelled nice too! A cookie cutter letter M was included.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






IMG_4808IMG_5314We learned that Venus is a very hot planet with lots of volcanic activity. We made an orange and yellow discovery jar that looks like the planet’s surface using a technique that we found at The jar was so much fun to make that we made 2 more with different colors 🙂


IMG_5096Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






IMG_4863IMG_5064Since our planet Earth has a moon, we HAD to bring out our MOONSAND this week! The students used a round shape sorter to make circle shaped craters in the sand.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.








IMG_5290IMG_4817Our “deep space” black kinetic sand contained some fun things to find including a blue-green planet—— Saturn!




IMG_5277Recognize a space related object is a science access point.







IMG_5141IMG_5154The planet Neptune is a beautiful blue color like our water this week!  Since it is the furthest planet from the sun we figured it would be an ideal place to view other galaxies (lighted swim rings)!

There was also a scoop for pouring—-lots of splashy fun 🙂

IMG_5324The science access point observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a  science topic can be addressed here.






IMG_5155IMG_5338There are a lot of pretty noxious odors associated with some of the planets we explored! So rather than go realistic, we decided that midnight by Bath and BodyWorks was a pretty good choice—–after all, midnight is the perfect time for star gazing 🙂

IMG_5171Applied to hands, necks, or arms—–the science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed here.






Fine Motor Group

IMG_4910IMG_4912On Tuesday our students made space shuttles using this template: space shuttle  Recycled toilet paper rolls used to complete the project gave us a chance to discuss the Unique Curriculum theme for this month.

This group LOVED our solar system umbrella too!







IMG_4914We started our art project by asking the students to identify red and blue using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.









IMG_4928IMG_4951The student used red and blue markers to scribble on their rockets. We used Pipsqueak Markers by Crayola because their size is perfect for our students.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.







IMG_4921To finish off the project, the students added a circle “porthole” with their photo. Nice pincer grasp practice!

Recognize a common object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.










IMG_4933IMG_4944We attached the space shuttle to a toilet paper roll to help it stand up and 10, 9, 8, 7,6…..





IMG_4956                                                                Ta Da we have lift off!






On Wednesday our students made a solar system!

IMG_5178We started by discussing the shape of our planets and asked our students to identify it using communication symbols.

Recognize an object with a three-dimensional shape is a math access point.









IMG_5191IMG_5204To make our planets we used styrofoam balls cut in half so that they were easier to glue down. The students then painted their planets and sprinkled on some confetti to add a little texture.

This gave us lots of opportunities to work on the math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more.







IMG_5216IMG_5226Then the students glued their planets around the sun. Stars were added with  some glue and glitter!

This activity addresses the math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence.









IMG_5234                                                  TA DA——-welcome to our solar system!







Language Group

In our true language group style, we made a treat for the students this week——– a Saturn Slush!  We got special help from one of our other SLPs this week, Judy, who came in and helped with the lesson.

IMG_5373IMG_5383To start off, we checked out the frozen strawberries and blueberries we were going to use for our recipe. We asked the students if the bags felt WARM or COLD!

Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold is a science access point.







IMG_5365IMG_5385We put some frozen strawberries in the blender.   Then our students helped POUR some orange juice into the blender.  We talked about how the colors of strawberries and the orange juice were different.

Recognize differences in objects is a science access point.






IMG_5391IMG_5397After that, we put in some confectioners sugar.  Our students got to have some fun taking turns activating the blender.




IMG_5406The science access point recognize that electrical systems must be turned on in order to work, can be addressed with this activity.





IMG_5423IMG_5428Once the mixture was nice and smooth we POURED it into a bowl.

Then we put some frozen blueberries,  more orange juice, and confectioners sugar into the blender and blended again until it was smooth.







IMG_5444IMG_5456We alternated the strawberry and blueberry mixtures into cups for our students (of course, counting the cups out first) so that they could see the different layers—–or at least that was the plan! Our pouring efforts ended up with everything kind of mixing together.

On the bright side the Saturn Slush tasted really YUMMY so no one really minded 🙂







IMG_5103IMG_4874We had so much fun learning about the planets this week! Be sure to join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!