Category Archives: Speech Therapy

Egypt book

Egypt book

IMG_8177On November 4, 1922, the entrance to King Tut’s tomb was discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter.  We decided to base our theme for this week around that discovery and learn a little bit about Egypt.

Our book includes some facts about Egypt, both from ancient times as well as present times.   You should definitely check it out!





IMG_7904Here is a link to the book: Let’s Learn About Egypt

Peter Pan book

Peter Pan book

IMG_7127We are so excited about the book for this week!  We got help from a few of our students who dressed up as different characters from Peter Pan.  They all got to pose in front of an AMAZING background painted by our art teacher, Judy, and some of the students in her classes.

We also had huge help with costumes from Ms. Lois and Ms. Michelle. This book is so colorful and the pictures are just so beautiful!  Some of our wheelchair-bound students posed as Peter Pan and Tinker Bell and they look like they’re flying across the scenery.

This is definitely a book you’ll want to see!




IMG_7227Here is a link to the book: Let’s Go To Neverland!












IMG_7300IMG_7301Here are some photos of our students preparing the backdrop.









IMG_3759IMG_3760There was LOTS of painting!







IMG_7302                                                          They did a really awesome job!

Creepy, Crawly Critters book

Creepy, Crawly Critters book

IMG_6175We are talking about creepy, crawly critters and their habitats this week, which goes along with the Unique theme for the month.  We came up with lots of different animals and insects that we think are pretty creepy and/or crawly and found out that they can live in so many different places.  When reading the book, we pointed out the animals and insects that we see outside of our school, like lizards and spiders.  We turned the lights off while reading this book to add to the creeeeeepiness.  Enjoy!!




IMG_5885Here is a link to the book: Creepy, Crawly Critters

Plants book

Plants book

IMG_9697Spring is in the air as plants and flowers are in full bloom—–at least down here in Florida, they are 🙂  Our book specifically tells how flowers grow and worked as a step by step guide for our language group activity.  We are loving all of the beautiful colors that we get to see each day because of the flowers that are in bloom!  Now if only this pollen would go away…





IMG_9782Here is a link to the book: This is How Flowers Grow

Native Americans book

Native Americans book

IMG_4713We are following the Unique theme this week and focusing on learning about Native Americans.  All of the pictures (found using google images) and information relate to Native Americans from long ago.  On each page there is a piece of information about Native Americans.  After the information is read to the students, we asked them, “what are we learning about?”  The repetitive line answers, “The life of a Native American.”  We hope you enjoy!




IMG_4535Here is a link to the book: The Life of a Native American

September After Party

September After Party

IMG_3773Welcome to the After Party! Each week after the weekly blog featuring activities in the elementary department is posted, our sensory cart is parked in the media center where it is available for check out by the rest of the school. During the summer in our post about the sensory cart we included some photos of our middle and high school students enjoying the items. This was so popular that we decided to do monthly posts showcasing the fun!




IMG_2055IMG_2076Our unit on the Soccer World Cup was a lot of fun—– the fabulous Brazilian rainforest umbrella and the wacky fan were student favorites!



IMG_2244IMG_2156They also loved sifting through the red, white, and blue Team USA rice to find letters and hidden pictures!








IMG_2951 IMG_2315Labor Day brought more fun activities!





IMG_3756IMG_3111The Goldilocks and the 3 Bears unit had lots of fun textures to explore!










IMG_3107IMG_3751There were also activities to promote a variety of fine motor skills…….










IMG_3732……including seeing which scoop could pick up more oatmeal……

IMG_3109                                                 ……and which numbers could be found in the rice.




IMG_0597IMG_4466Everyone had a blast celebrating Elephant Appreciation Day!









IMG_4468There were interesting textures to explore while working on learning access point science and math concepts.

IMG_4476The students also loved finding the elephants floating in our discovery bottles!







IMG_4491We finished September with our Comic Book Superhero unit which everyone enjoyed——especially the cool glowing Ninja turtle ooze!








IMG_4508As with our elementary students, our older students enjoy smelling the different lotions that go along with each unit—-think we have a winner here 🙂

Well, we hope you enjoyed seeing all the fun our older students have been having with the sensory cart! We will be back with another After Party post in October. As usual, it will be filled with more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Circus book

Circus book

IMG_6464The FSU circus is in town, so that became the inspiration for our theme.  We used some of our students as models for the book, so get ready for an abundance of CUTENESS!  There are lots of different jobs within a circus, like a juggler, trapeze artist, and strong man.  We touched on a few of the jobs in the book.  Again, our students were so excited to see their friends all dressed up.  Since so many of our little students can be acrobats without even trying, it made photographing them so much more interesting 🙂  As always, Joy did a wonderful job posing them.  The art teacher, Judy, created the background that is used in each of the pictures.  It pulls the book all together and really makes it look like our models were in the circus!  Enjoy!

IMG_6980Here is a link to the book: We Have Fun at the Circus

Springtime in Tallahassee book

Springtime in Tallahassee book

IMG_6090The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and spring is in the air in Tallahassee!  Hopefully it’ll come soon to the northern states as well 🙂  The book shows some things that are seen and also that are going on here in Tallahassee.  Azaleas seem to be EVERYwhere right now and are so beautiful and there are butterflies all around.  One of the big events here this month is Springtime Tallahassee, the parade and festival we have each year.  Our school is lucky because the “Rough Riders”, a group of people who are in the parade, come and hand out beads and teddy bears to each of our students.  Such fun!

Enjoy the book AND the gorgeous weather!

IMG_6096Here is a link to the book:It’s Springtime in Tallahassee

New York Vacation book

New York Vacation book

IMG_5191Since spring break was last week, we wanted to talk about traveling.  And since our own Joy traveled to New York over the break, we decided that was the place to talk about this week.

There are so many different sights to see in New York and we only touched on a few of them.  The pictures, with the exception of the Brooklyn Bridge, were found using google images and they are amazing!  Our students were really captivated by them.  We hope you enjoy the sights that we found!


Here is a link to the book: New York Has Lots to See

Dr. Seuss book

Dr. Seuss book

Dr. Seuss’ Birthday was last week so we’re a little late to the party, but better late than never, right?  We had written a book last year which we loved, so we decided to use it again this year (repetition is always a good thing!).  The book takes a look at some of the different books Dr. Seuss has written along with some of the staff at our school enjoying them.  Cara formatted it to be a rhyming book so it seemed more Seuss like.  We hope you enjoy it!

IMG_4864Here is a link to the book: Let Me Take a Closer Look,I Would Like to Read That Book