

Distance learning continues and we hope everyone out there is doing ok. Our SLP, OT, and PT have some more fun activities for you. This week we are going with a COLORFUL theme!

Once again we pulled some photos from our library 🙂








Let’s make OOBLECK!

This is a pretty messy activity so you might want to go outside for this one. Where ever you choose to do this, definitely have a basin of water, hose, or sink nearby! It you follow our blog regularly you know that oobleck is one of our favorite sensory experiences and SO easy to make at home—-all you need is cornstarch and water!

Mix 2 parts cornstarch and 1 part water and pour onto a cookie sheet. Put a few drops of food coloring on one side and a few drops of another color on the other side. Let your child dive right in with BOTH hands! Talk about the colors they SEE and watch the oobleck change colors as the food coloring swirls and mixes together.

So much fun 🙂





To address gross motor skills, make up some games to play to work on color identification and incorporate motor movements.  For example, you could place different colored pieces of construction paper or objects on the floor and ask your child to go pick up a certain colored piece of paper/object and bring it to you.

Have them change the way they travel to the colored paper/object.  For example, use movements like crawl, crab walk, bear crawl, hop like a bunny or frog, log roll, walk backwards, side step, etc.

The skill could also be worked on while sitting, by presenting two choices and having your child reach for a requested color.  This could be done in supported sitting or independent sitting.  You can make it even trickier by moving the choices around (up, down, out to the side, forward, etc.) or having them reach with a certain hand.  Hopefully that gives you a few simple ideas to try.






We saw this idea on Pinterest and we were totally inspired! You will need a black permanent marker, regular kids’ markers, and a paper towel folded in HALF. We found that the cheaper paper towels work best! You will also need a cookie sheet with a layer of water. This activity gets a little messy so you may want to go outside for this one too 🙂

For students who need help using or are learning to use classroom tools: draw an outline their initials or name in block letters with the BLACK permanent marker. Go over the outline a few times!

For students that are more proficient writers: have them draw a word of choice.




OPEN the towel up—you will see a faint outline of the design that was drawn on top.

Use DIFFERENT colored markers to FILL IN color each letter on the bottom half of the towel.

If your child can’t do fill in coloring, just have them add color to the bottom half of the towel—the end product will be great either way!






Once you have finished coloring, fold the top back over and place the paper towel on the water—–and watch the magic happen!

The colors will bleed from the bottom sheet onto the top sheet—-HOW COOL IS THAT 🙂




You can download this simple color board to point to the different colors that you are targeting.  Here’s the link:  color board

Some fun activities to incorporate color:

  • Pick out one color and go around the house to find different things that are the same color.  You can take the color board with you around the house and point to the targeted color as a reminder.  You can also use the board to show your child if what they found matches the targeted color or not.
  • If you have an ice cube tray, you can make colorful ice cubes by freezing water mixed with food coloring.  You can put them in a glass of water and watch the water change color.  You can also put 2 different colors of ice cubes in the water and see what new color it will make.  Try yellow+blue, blue+red, and red+yellow 🙂





We recommend reaching this book from April 2018: Look At The Colors Of The Rainbow

Here is another book from February 2016: The World is Full of Color


Join us next time for more fun and home learning—–Group by Group!

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2 Responses »

  1. Great Ideas. Sure wish I had a kid here. I’ll make my husband try them. We are up for any new ideas. Thanks.

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