Tag Archives: zebra longwing butterfly

Florida Animals

Florida Animals

This week we learned about Florida animals and their habitats. This compliments the Unique Curriculum unit of our students this month. Each of the sensory group boxes was centered around a specific animal. The fine motor groups made animal themed art projects and the language group played animal sound Bingo.






This woodland box contained leaves, pine cones, and flowers that you might see while walking in the Florida woods. We also put in some plush and plastic animals that also wander those woods such as panthers, deer, raccoons, and squirrels



The students loved listening to the animal sounds we recorded on a voice output device.








Science access point: recognize objects related to science by name, such as animal, and plant.











Our black bear box contained some soft fake fur and two cute little plush bears.





Science access point: match animals that are the same.





There were pictures of seagulls and pelicans to find at the bottom of our sandy beach box. We included 2 different sized scoops and a funnel which were lots of fun!





Science access point: track objects in motion.













Florida has LOTS of squirrels! In our part of the state you sometimes get a glimpse of a white albino squirrel— how cool is that! The students used a squirrel shaped cookie cutter to cut  squirrels out of moon sand.



Science access point: apply a push to move an object.













There are lots of different kinds of birds in Florida, including the mockingbird which is our state bird. We put models of some of these different birds in this box of bird seed.




Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.













Along with some leaves, bugs, and snakes, a  couple of different alligators roamed around a green jello Everglades swamp this week.





Science access point: match living things with their habitats.





Our water play contained a shark and dolphin—marine animals that can be found in Florida waters. There were also 2 different sized measuring cups for scooping fun.




Science access point: Recognize different containers that hold liquids.





Oranges are a symbol of Florida and something that our animals might like to snack on, so we thought that Bath and Body Works orange lotion was the perfect scent to finish our group!





Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.










On Wednesday the students made zebra longing butterflies—our Florida state butterfly—using this: zebralongwing

First, we identified color of our butterfly.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.








Using white paint, the students were instructed to paint LINES across their butterflies.






Science access point: apply a push to move an object.





Then they glued their butterflies on to a sheet of blue paper.

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.







Ta DA!







Beautiful Florida butterflies!





On Thursday the students made manatee habitats using this: manatee

First, we identified the color of our paper.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.










The students used a glue stick to apply glue ACROSS the back of a manatee, turned it OVER, and glued it DOWN on their paper.

Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.








Then the students used scissors, adaptive scissors, and switch operated scissors to snip the green paper “sea grass”. After cutting, we crumpled it up a bit to give it more dimension.






Science access point: recognize a change in an object.






After they had finished snipping their sea grass, they added it to the paper.

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.










TA DA!!!







We love manatees!!!!!







We changed it up a little bit this week.  Instead of making a tasty treat, we played a fun game of Florida animal BINGO!

Each student took a turn and listened to an animal sound.  They started by using picture symbol supports to say/indicate “I listen”.  The sounds of the different animals were recorded on a Go Talk.










After listening to the animal sound, the students had to locate the correct animal.  If they did not know which animal it was, they had to use the picture symbol supports to say/indicate “I need help”.

They would then have to listen to a descriptor about the animal.  “This animal is black” or “this animal lives in the water”.








Once the student figured out the correct animal, they would use the picture symbol supports to say/indicate “I hear a ___” and would either say the animal or locate the picture of the animal on their BINGO board.









It was really neat watching our students listening to the sounds.  They would get very quiet so they could hear.  They enjoyed hearing the growls and squeaks and tweets.




Science access point: recognize and respond to common sounds.





When the game was over, each student got to take the Go Talk and press whichever animal sound they liked the MOST.










The students really had fun learning about Florida animals!  Join us again next time for more fun—–Group by Group!

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