Tag Archives: Women’s History Month

Women in Sports book

Women in Sports book

We’re celebrating Women’s History Month by taking a look at some women in sports.  The book covers women who made a difference in sports, like Chole Kim, Shannon Eastin , and Jacqueline Joyner-Kersee, to name just a few.  Take a look to see the other women who have made an impact in their sport!  Of course, we have a couple of our students posing on the front and back of the book 🙂




Here is a link to the book: Look At The Women In Sports

Women in Sports

Women in Sports

March is Women’s History Month and this year we decided to take a look at some famous women in sports. The sensory groups explored boxes dedicated to some of the women featured in our book. Each box also contained a photo of the athlete. The fine motor groups made sports themed art projects and the language group hosted a sports event!







This box was filled with gold beads, reminding us of all the gold medals won by sprinter Wilma Rudolph.






Whether worn, shaken, or just explored the beads were a hit with the students.

Science access point: uses senses to recognize  objects.












The students made their own basketballs out of orange Floam in this box dedicated to famous WNBA player Lisa Leslie.






Floam has a unique texture which many of our students find intriguing as they squeeze it into shapes.

Science access point: recognize a common three dimensional object.










Sarah Thomas was the first woman to referee an NFL game. There were black, white, and striped pompoms to sort.





Of course, the students loved exploring the soft texture also.

Science access point: match objects with similar observable properties, such as size, shape, color, or texture.











Jackie Joyner Kersee is ranked as one of the greatest athletes of all time! She donned red, white, and blue to compete in four olympic games!






Our colorful rice contained two different size measuring cups for scooping fun.

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.










Since Chloe Kim competed in the winter olympics we filled her box with some insta snow. We also put in a rake and shovel, so the students could make their own half pipes!





Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






The students made tracks in shaving foam. We put in a little car for them to race around their track like famous race car driver Janet Guthrie.





The students had a lot of fun with this, especially when we made engine sounds as the car raced around 🙂

Science access point: recognize that an object can move in different directions, such as left to right, straight line, and zigzag.









Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to swim the English Channel—how cool is that! We put in some fish themed toys and pool noodles in her box.





The fish toys were especially fun as they had holes for water to drip through.

Science access point: recognize different containers that hold liquids.











Thinking of the flower blankets winning horses wear, we used Crabtree and Evelyn rose scent for our lotion this week.




While most of the adults were not fans of the scent, most of the students seemed to like the aroma!

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday the students made basketballs. We have done this craft before but since it fit our theme so well, we did it again 🙂

First, the students identified the shape of their ball and the color of the paint we were going to use.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.

Math access point: recognize a common object with a two-dimensional shape.






The students stamped UP and DOWN using a bubble wrapped kitchen scrubber.





Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down.






The ball was glued on to a piece of paper and…..






TA DA!!!!

Let’s play ball!













On Thursday, the students made referee shirts.

First, they identified the color of their markers.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.









Then, they drew stripes on their shirts.







Some of the students used a switch operated drawing tool.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.











Ta DA!!!







These referees are ready for game day!!!!

Who is ready to play 🙂













Since we are talking about women in sports this week, we decided to have our own heptathlon!

We started out by having a parade of athletes.







Other students who were not participating were part of the crowd cheering everyone on.






For the first event, we had wheelchair relay races.  These were so fun!  Athletes racing had to WAIT until they saw the GO symbol and then they were off!  We talked about going FAST.



The winner was the first to cross the pink ribbon.






The next event we held was the javelin.  Our students had to THROW the pool noodle and see who could get it the FARTHEST.  Some of our students needed a little more help than others with throwing 🙂









We had another throwing event: the discus.  Again, our students had to THROW the “discus” and see which one went the farthest.  We’ve got some competitive kiddos.










The 4th event was the pool noodle hurdle.  Students had to step or jump OVER the pool noodles.







Again, some students required a little more help than others, but they made it through!






Next, we held the snowboard balance event.  Students had to use good balance to stay up.







This was a difficult event, but they did wonderfully!






The 6th event, the trampoline high jump, was a fun event!  Jumpers had to see how HIGH they could get while jumping on the mini-trampoline.






Lots of fun!






Our 7th and final event was the bean bag archery event.  Students had to THROW the bean bags into the holes.  Awesome job!











Throughout our events we had students use sentence strips to say, “my turn”.

We also had ones with positive statements on them like “you did awesome”, “great job”, and “way to go” so that our students could cheer each other on.








Finally, we had the medal ceremony.  All participants received a medal or trophy for their hard work.







We are all winners!





Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Don’t forget if you want to follow us, check for your confirmation email.

Women’s History Month book

Women’s History Month book

March is Women’s History Month so we are celebrating women!  In the book, we have some famous women and a fact about each as to why they are famous.  We have an astronaut, a First Lady, and 2 different Olympics athletes to name a few.  We also have one of our own students dressed as Rosie the Riveter on the front cover.  On the back we feature the elementary teachers and instructional aids who help out at school each day and, in our opinion, should be recognized as important women in history as well as in the present!  Take a look and find out a little bit about some of America’s women in history.




Here is a link to the book: We Celebrate Women_s History Month

Women’s History Month

Women’s History Month

March is Women’s history month and March 8 was International Women’s Day so this week we chose to learn a little bit about some women who have made history. The sensory group boxes, fine motor group art projects, and the language group’s healthy snack, are all related to women featured in our book!

We had fun and learned a lot!





Ellen Ochoa is the first female Hispanic astronaut! This space themed box was filled with some “outer space” black beans. We added a little astronaut and some stars to find.





Recognize a space related object is a science access point.





Muriel Siebert was the first women to be on the New York Stock Exchange. There were all sorts of money related items in this box including some play money, a coin filled discovery bottle, and a wallet. They really had fun with this box!



The social studies access point identify coins as money that can be used to buy things can be addressed here.





Oprah is a multimedia giant—-actor, producer, talk show host, and philanthropist! One of her best known roles was in the movie The Color Purple so we chose purple kinetic sand and a letter O stamp for her box.




Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





Misty Copeland is the first African American woman promoted to principal dancer at the American Ballet Theater. Her box is filled with swatches of tulle and satin, some ballet shoes, and a tiara.



Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point.

We also put in a stretchy tutu that doubled as a very fun hat 🙂










Beyonce is one of the most well known singer/songwriters of today! We recorded one of her songs on a voice output device then put in some musical instruments so our students could play along.



Recognize objects that create sounds is a science access point.

We also included some cool sunglasses——-





——–which our students totally rocked of course!





We recently watched Chloe Kim become the youngest woman to win an Olympic gold medal in the half pipe snowboarding event! We thought she was amazing!! The students had fun making their own “snowboard” trails through our shaving cream “snow”.



Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





Natalie Coughlin is a swimmer who has won 12 Olympic medals and was the first ever woman to swim the 100 meter backstroke in less than a minute—-how cool is that! There were foam numbers 1 0 0 to scoop out of the water this week.

The math access point associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.





Our fruity raspberry scent from Bath and Body Works reminded us of farm to table item that Alice Waters might serve at her restaurant. The aroma was sweet—-just like our students 🙂





Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday as another nod to Alice Waters, we chose some healthy apples to PAINT with rather than eat this week!

First our students identified the shape of the paper we were using and then it’s color. They also identified the color of our paint.





Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point. Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.





To make it easier for our students to hold the apple we inserted a fork into it then we asked the students to stamp UP and DOWN.





Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.












We are celebrating Women’s History Month!





On Wednesday we made some scales—-like those that represent the Supreme Court Judge Sandra Day O’Conner!

First the students identified the shape of the our kleenex boxes.






Recognize and object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.





Then the students used colorful markers to decorate their boxes.





The science access points recognize a change in an object and recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move, both can be addressed here.





Our scales (made from some cut up cereal boxes, paper plates, and yarn by our wonderful volunteers) were attached with brads by the adults then we got to try them out! The students were pretty fascinated with seeing how their scales worked!

The math access point describe objects in terms of measurable attributes (longer, shorted, heavier, lighter, etc.) is addressed here.












We are celebrating Women’s History Month!










Michelle Obama launched a campaign to end childhood obesity while she was First Lady of the U.S. so we thought a healthy treat would be a great snack to make this week!

Here is what we used throughout the activity: Let_s Make A Healthy Parfait

We started out a little bit backwards today by counting out how many cups we needed for our snack.  We counted out 7 cups for 7 students.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.







Before we put together the first step of the parfait, our students had to choose the healthier food item: yogurt or ice cream.  This can be a little bit challenging, especially since some students like to pick what they’d LIKE to eat rather than what’s BETTER for us to eat 🙂



Once they chose the correct ingredient, it was put into the cups.  Next, we moved on to choosing whether chocolate chips or strawberries was the healthier choice.  Once we decided the correct ingredient, that was put into the cups.





Next up was oreos or cheerios.  Again, the healthier choice was added to the cup.

Finally, our students had to indicate whether honey or chocolate sauce was healthier.  (You can really see which kiddos love the sweets more with these types of quizzes!).  Of course, the honey went on top.








Each student had to request that they WANTED their snack before they got it.






Healthy choices aren’t so bad after all——–YUM!




We had fun celebrating Women’s History Month and hope you did too! Our spring break is coming up so we will be back in two weeks for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!