Tag Archives: wedding

The Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding

Like millions of others, we were glued to the tv watching Harry and Meghan get married last week. It was so fabulous, that we decided to pick it as our theme this week. Our sensory groups explored wedding related boxes. The fine motor groups made colorful art projects using tissue paper and the language group hosted the big event—-our very own Royal Wedding!







Since love is the reason people get married in the first place, we figured we needed to put hearts somewhere in this unit! Our students stamped hearts in red moon sand with two different sized cookie cutters.




Recognize similarities and differences in size of objects is a math access point.





Meghan Markle is from the USA. This all American box contained patriotic garland, flags, a bald eagle……..






……….and other patriotic plush toys.


Associate an object or symbol with a location is a social studies access point.







The hat was a hit 🙂






Prince Harry is from England. In his box we placed British flag garland, a zipper bag with the flag, plush toys, a small flag, and a double decker bus.




Again, associate an object or symbol with a location is social studies access point.





In this box filled with red rose petals we put in a variety of items associated with weddings. There was a tiara, top hat, pearls, “diamond” rings, play food, and some scraps of organza and lace. We also included the wedding march recorded on a voice output device.



Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.

The top hat was pretty popular too—–








———-our students can totally rock a hat!






People often throw rice or confetti at weddings. We combined the two with our confetti colored rice! There were letter W’s to find as well as a picture of a bride and groom at the bottom of the box.




Recognize two objects that are the same size or shape is a math access point.





The students had fun decorating our laminated wedding cake with oobleck—-our version of royal icing 🙂






Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






We used Philosophy’s wedding cake scent for our water play. We put in some floating light up flowers and a fun teapot.






The science access point track objects in motion can be addressed here.






To finish we used Bath and Body Works vanilla sugar scented lotion—-it smells like cake. A totally yummy scent that left our students with delicious wedding memories!





Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.







On Tuesday the students made wedding bouquets! We made the base of it by hot gluing a cardboard roll to a paper plate.

We discussed the shape of our paper plate and the students identified its shape using communication symbols.






Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






Next, they tore pieces of tissue paper and then crumpled up the pieces.






Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.






Then they dipped their tissue paper balls in glue and attached them to the paper plate.

We used tissue paper from “presents past” so this whole project was practically free!




Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.






TA DA!!!!







Look who caught the bouquet!











On Wednesday the students decorated this wedding cake: wedding cake template

First, they identified the shape found in the wedding cake.






Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.





Then they tore tissue paper into pieces—-they kind of had fun with this part 🙂






Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.






The students dipped their tissue paper balls in glue and began decorating their wedding cakes.





Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.














Time to cut the cake!!!!!








We had lots of fun this week during our language group!  Since we were talking about the royal wedding, we decided to recreate it with a little mock wedding of our own.

Two of our students in the language group got to play the parts of the bride and groom.  Before the wedding, official invitations were given out to classrooms and staff.  They even included a little jar of bubbles so that they could use them during the procession.

After reading the book, the “bride”, “groom”, and wedding party got ready for the big procession. We think the “bride” and “groom” had lots of fun being the center of attention 🙂






The bridesmaids led the procession through the elementary building halls while the spectators watched and blew bubbles.

We played the traditional “Wedding March” recorded on a voice output device.



It was very exciting!







Everyone  followed the wedding party to the reception where they got to request to have some of the wedding cake, or chips (for those who aren’t really into sweets).




There was also some sparkling,fizzy punch!







Ms. Danni made the beautiful wedding cake and Ms. Ellen loaned us the fabulous Harry and Meghan banner behind it!

Ms. Jane, our principal, couldn’t pass up the opportunity to attend the festivities!








The guests got to dance the day away with some Kidz Bop music that played in the background.







A good time was had by all!






We even had a fun photo booth where other students could “dress up” like a bride and groom.

So cute!







The adults had to join in the fun as well, of course!

Lots of happy couples 🙂











It was a royal event that we’ll remember for a long time 🙂










Well this is our last regular post for the school year. Please join us  in the fall for lots more fun and learning——Group by Group!

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