Tag Archives: Taiwan

Taiwan book

Taiwan book

We are taking a trip and learning about Taiwan this week.  Earlier this year, we had some visitors from Taiwan come to our school and perform for us.  It was SO COOL so we thought it would be neat to learn some things about our visitors’ home.  Our book shares some information, such as the national animal, bird, and flower.  It even has some fun facts about a famous director who was born in Taiwan as well as a really interesting fact about their garbage trucks.  Take a look to find out more about this amazing country!





Here is a link to the book: Let_s Learn About Taiwan



We were lucky enough to be visited by an acrobatic school group from Taiwan. They were absolutely amazing and made us want to find out more about their country. Our sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about the country. The fine motor groups decorated dragons to use in dragon boat races hosted by the language group.





Red, white, and blue are the colors found in the Taiwanese flag so we had our students sort pompoms in those colors. We included a laminated flag for reference.




Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.

The math access point recognize three-dimensional, such as balls (spheres), can also be addressed here.





We used a bird shaped cookie cutter in blue moon sand to represent the Blue Magpie which is the national bird of Taiwan.





Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





Tea is a popular drink in Taiwan. Our box of tea contained the letters T-E-A for our students to find as well as a map at the bottom of the box. There were also 2 different sized spoons which made for lots of scooping fun.




Recognize similarities and differences in sizes of objects is a math access point.





The Formosan Black Bear is the national animal of Taiwan. The students really liked the feel of the black bear “fur” and cuddling with the cute plush black bear cub.




Recognize objects related to science by name, such as ice, animal, and plant, is a science access point.






Ang Li, who is from Taiwan, directed the movie The Hulk.  Our green kinetic sand was definitely the right pick for this box. Since we didn’t have a Hulk action figure on hand, we made our own laminated one and the students seemed pretty happy with what we came up with.


Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





We practiced making the letter T for Taiwan and had lots of fun scribbling in the shaving cream this week.





The science access point recognize the change in the motion of an object can be addressed here.





Taiwan is made up of lots of islands so fishing is an important part of the economy. We put different sized scoops and two cute little squirting fish in the water play this week.

This turned out to be a really fun activity and the students had a blast.


Track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point.





Plum blossoms are a symbol of Taiwan so we used Victoria’s Secret plum scented bath gel and lotion this week. The light floral scent was really popular with the students.




Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.







Joy drew these dragons on poster board and gave each of the classes one to decorate. Two of our classes decorated theirs during Fine Motor group time.


On Tuesday the students decorated their dragon in their team color—-PURPLE.

First the students identified the color purple using communication symbols.




Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.





Then we stamped UP and DOWN with a bubble wrapped stamper. Most of the students needed a little assistance with this but they were all very engaged in the activity!



Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down, is a math access point.





We sprinkled on some confetti for a little added sparkle.





Recognize a change in an object is a science access point that can be addressed here.












The Purple Dragons are ready to rumble!






On Wednesday the Pink team decorated their dragons.

First, we identified the color of our markers using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.

We also identified the number 3 because each student was asked to draw 3 lines on the dragon.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






A variety of PINK markers were used for this activity and the students were encouraged to draw straight lines but, of course, any effort was applauded 🙂





The math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more, can be addressed here.





We sang our glitter song while adding some PINK glitter.

Recognize a change in motion of an object is a science access point.








We used both regular and adaptive scissors to cut some Pink paper streamers and attached them to the dragon.

Recognize a change in an object, is a science access point.













Hear those Pink Dragons ROAR!!!







We had LOTS of fun in the language group this week.  We learned that each year, Taiwan has a big Dragon Boat race so we thought it’d be fun to have our OWN dragon race. Each elementary classroom chose their team color.





Before we began racing, we talked to the students about going FAST in the race.

Recognize a motion as FAST or SLOW is a science access point.





Everyone had to wait until they saw the signal to GO (we used the Pixon communication symbol for “go”)





…………..and they were off.









All the students and teachers ran down until they got to the red ribbon finish line.






We have some really fast teachers and students!





The competition was fierce…..







…..and there were some close finishes!





We talked about who was the fastest and won the race.  The top 2 fastest classes won trophies and the other classes each won medals.





The pictures can’t begin to capture all of the fun we had at the race lol!  We might have to make this an annual event as well 🙂



Join us again next week for more fun and learning

                               Group by Group!