Tag Archives: stars

They Traveled to Space

They Traveled to Space

img_6601img_6435This week we learned about some pioneers of space travel. Ashley, one of our fantastic volunteers, came up with the idea! This compliments the students Unique Curriculum unit for this month. The sensory boxes were related to different astronauts and space travel. The fine motor groups made space related art projects and the language group made a space themed snack.






img_6745img_6383Laika was the first dog who went to space! Found in her box were dog and bone shaped cookie cutters to press into some moon sand. Of course, we HAD to use our moon sand somewhere in this unit 🙂

img_5741Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





img_6719img_5816Other animals also went into space. Albert II was the first monkey in space. The students had fun finding colorful monkeys hidden in our black “outer space” beans. The monkeys were fun to connect together and also fun to look at under a black light!

img_6782Since the monkeys can be counted, the math access point associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.





img_5927img_6702We learned that the first man and the first woman in space (Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova) were both from the USSR. Our students sorted pompoms and beads in the colors of the Soviet flag.  We even discovered that some of the pompoms also glowed in the dark—-how cool is that!

img_5830Match objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.





img_6347img_6365Alan Shepard (the first american in space), Guy Bluford (the first african american in space),  and Mae Jamison (the first african american woman in space) all got close up views of the moon and stars! We gave our students a little of that experience with our “outer space” umbrella. There was a big moon, lots of stars, and a little space shuttle for them to look at.

img_6354Recognize a space related object is a science access point.





img_5872img_6682Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the moon. In this box, we put in a little astronaut that our students could walk on a lunar landscape of grey Floam. They also enjoyed squishing and squeezing the Floam into various shapes!

img_5790The science access point recognize a change in an object can be addressed here.






img_6670img_6442Astronauts eat freeze dried food when they are in space.  We thought our red Bubber made a pretty good (although not edible) stand in for some strawberry ice cream that the astronauts might enjoy! Included in this box were a variety of different sized spoons and measuring cups for the students to use for molding the Bubber.

img_5886Recognize differences in sizes of objects.






img_6472img_6453Astronauts cannot feel gravity in space so they experience weightlessness. Stars and glitter looked weightless as they floated around in our discovery bottle.

Track objects in motion is a science access point.







img_5906img_6376We encouraged our students to make circles—-like the earth and moon in our shaving foam messy play. There was also a foam shoe insert that could be used to make footprints on the moon!

Recognize a full moon as a circle, is a science access point.







img_6605img_6389After their hands were rinsed, the students used a sifter shovel to scoop glow in the dark stars out of water. These stars looked especially cool under the black light!

img_5712Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






img_5953img_5972Since night time is the best time for us to look into space, we thought that the Bath and Body Works midnight lotion worked as our scent this week.

It was a nice light scent that helped our students really liked.

img_5966Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday our students took their cue from Neil Armstrong and left their footprints on the lunar surface—-well ok, a piece of grey paper 🙂

img_6012We started by discussing the shape of our grey paper and asked out students to identify the shape using communication symbols.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.







img_6106Next the students painted the bottom of some rain boots with grey paint.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.









img_6028img_6073Then the students put the boots on and stood on a piece of rectangular paper. For students who couldn’t put on the boots, they just pressed down on them. We did discover in this activity that our prints might have turned out better if the boots had been smaller—-we still had fun though!

img_6089Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





img_6066img_6099TA DA! Footprints on the moon!









On Wednesday, the students painted moon rocks.

img_6486img_6499First we counted out the rocks and let the students choose which ones they wanted. Then the students painted their rocks with glue.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.





img_6511Next the students sprinkled glow in the dark chalk crumbles (from Crayola) onto the glue.

They had a lot of fun with this part 🙂

The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.







img_6524img_6516-2TA Da—-glowing moon rocks!!!!!












We made a “Midnight Blueberry Blast Smoothie” that was out of this world this week for our language group!

img_6833img_6832We started by getting out some milk and talking its temperature.  We found that it was COLD!  We put 1/2 a cup of milk into the blender.  Since it didn’t look like enough, we decided to double the amount of each of the ingredients so we put another 1/2 a cup in the blender.  We talked about how two 1/2 cups equals 1 cup!

The math access point recognize parts of whole objects is a math access point. The science access point distinguish between hot and cold objects is also addressed.





img_6841Next, we measured out a cup of vanilla yogurt.  Since we had to use 2 small containers of yogurt, our students had to convey that 1 was not enough and we needed MORE to make a cup.  We compared the yogurt and milk and found that they were the SAME color!

The science access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more, is addressed here.






img_6848img_6854After that, each of the students got to feel the bag of frozen blueberries.  We talked again about how it felt COLD.  We added 2 cups of blueberries to the blender.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.






img_6864Finally, each of our students got to try a bit of honey.  For the most part, our students communicated that they LIKED the taste.

One of our students helped SQUEEZE out 2 teaspoons and we put those into the blender.

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli, is a science access point.






img_6877img_6870Each of our students got a chance to turn on the blender by pressing a switch.  They love being the ones to take control of the blender 🙂

The science access point recognize that electrical systems must be turned on (closed) in order to work, is addressed here.






img_6890Once the ingredients were all blended up, we counted out cups for each of the students.  But wait!  There’s more!  What is a smoothie without some whipped cream on top??  Our students got to help PUT some whipped cream on top.










img_6893Time to enjoy this galactic drink——-YUM!










img_6612We learned a lot about the history of space travel this week, so much fun! Join us again next time for more fun and learning——-Group by Group!

Look Up in the Sky

Look Up in the Sky

IMG_4903This week our groups complimented the Unique Curriculum theme which explores things you see when you look up in the sky.

The students really loved all our activities and we got more than the usual super cute pictures—-our students really are quite adorable 🙂










IMG_4655After reading Cara’s book, we turned off the lights and looked up into the starry sky!

We made it by using twist ties to attach battery operated lights, beads, and some glow in the dark planets to a black umbrella—— SUPER easy! The battery operated lights were from Target and are usually on the shelves around holiday time.

Our students were all quite enchanted!

Associating stars with the night sky is a science access point. This activity also helps address the science access point of recognizing sources of light.









IMG_4786They also enjoy exploring this lighted moon. It had a rough surface as well as this fabulous glow–very mesmerizing.

Thanks Ms. Pam for letting us borrow it!

Associating the moon with night is a science access point.

Distinguishing light and dark is also a science access point that can be addressed with this activity.










IMG_4825When the lights came back on we began exploring our sensory boxes.  This first one was filled with blue basket filler “sky” and lots of things found in the sky to discover.

We put in feathers, toy birds, bats, and butterflies for some of the animals you see in the sky.  We also put in some toy airplanes .

Of course, we also included some cookie cutter stars and a crescent moon.

Weather related items included soft white pom pom clouds, grey craft foam storm clouds….







IMG_4685IMG_4489AND…….a fabulous stretchy rainbow slinky which ended up being the big hit of this box!

Exploring, observing, and recognizing common objects in the natural world is a science access point.

Recognizing models  of real objects is also a science access point.

And yet more science access points….tracking the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled AND recognizing that pushing and pulling an object makes it move!







IMG_4502Speaking of rainbows, our students really loved both looking at and touching our rainbow mat (found yet again at Target!).

As well as encouraging our students to touch the mat, we also discussed all the different colors that could be found in the rainbow.

Using senses to recognize objects is the science access point addressed here.











IMG_4467Our next box of Bubber reminded us of a beautiful blue sky! We love it’s soft tactile feel and it comes in so many cool colors, although we don’t have all of them—–YET 🙂

We included an airplane cookie cutter which helps build hand strength when pushed down into the Bubber. While fairly soft it does take some pressure to cut out a shape.

Recognizing that the appearance of an object or material has changed and applying a push to move an object are the science access points addressed in this activity.









IMG_4735We went from the blue daytime sky to the black night time sky with our next box. Lots of yellow craft foam stars were hidden for our students to find in the black beans.

The stars not only look different but feel different from the beans, making this a good activity for both visual and tactile discrimination.

Associating stars with the night sky is again addressed with this box.

Recognizing objects (the stars) that are identical to each other is another science access point addressed here.

We must admit the science access point of tracking objects in motion, as watching a few beans tossed into the air, was also addressed in each of our classrooms.

We have VERY understanding teachers 🙂






IMG_4688What’s a day without sunshine! This box was filled with sunglasses, yellow paper shred, a wooden sun, sun shaped manipulatives and yellow pom poms.

Whether shaking the paper shred, squeezing the pom poms or pushing and pulling apart the manipulatives ——-our students had a great time with this box!

IMG_4522The pom poms can be used to address the math access point of recognizing two objects that are identical to each other.

Applying a push to move an object and identifying objects by one observable property, such as color are the science access points addressed.

The science access point of recognizing that the sun is bright can also be addressed with this activity.






IMG_4537IMG_4810These sunglasses were the favorite item in this box. As you can see, our students had a lot of fun getting their cool on 🙂








IMG_4756Next we made our own fluffy clouds with shaving cream.  Wonderful fun to dive into with both hands and squish around!

Using senses to recognize objects is the science access point addressed with this activity.

The language access point of communicating about a selected object using nonverbal expression is beautifully demonstrated in this picture—-pure joy!










IMG_4844After rinsing our hands in “rain kissed leaves” (from Bath and Bodyworks) scented water, the students took turns smelling the lotion and showing us where they wanted it applied.

The science access points of recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli and recognizing external body parts are addressed here.

This had a nice soft scent that our students really seemed to like and to help them remember all the fun things we learned about today!










IMG_4639On Tuesday, for our art project we made a starry night time sky. We started by counting out 6 pieces of black rectangular paper. Some glue was poured onto the paper and then the students used paint brushes to spread the glue around.

The math access points of recognizing a two dimensional shape (rectangle) and recognizing differences in the length of the sides of rectangles are addressed.

Identifying objects by one observable property and applying a push to move an object are also the science access points addressed.










IMG_4612We added some sparkly silver glitter——our students LOVED shaking the glitter out!

What fun 🙂

Recognizing that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.










IMG_4643IMG_4606Next we let our students choose how many stars to glue onto their picture. We used these plastic glow in the dark stars we found at the dollar store.

These little stars were perfect for promoting pincer grasp skills.

Recognizing when an object is added to situation is a math access point.

Counting up to 5 objects is also a math access point.








Look at the milky way—-


IMG_4635                                   These turned out really quite cool and looked striking in Jeannie’s hallway.




On Thursday we turned from night to day and constructed our wonderful sun!

IMG_4995We started by asking our students to show us the color orange using our communication symbols.

Then we asked the students to glue an orange circle onto their white rectangular paper.











IMG_4940Bulls eye—-nice eye hand coordination!

Again, the math access point of recognizing 2 dimensional shapes (rectangles and circles) is addressed.

Recognizing objects by one observable property (color) is the science access point addressed in this activity.










IMG_4951The rays of the sun were made by stamping hand prints using yellow ink. Fortunately none of our students have tactile sensitivity so we did not have to adapt this for anyone.  All of them did a really great job of keeping their hands open so we could help them make their prints.

We counted the hand prints out loud as they were pressed onto the paper.

Recognizing the appearance of an object has changed is the science access point addressed here.

Yep, this looks pretty good 🙂








IMG_4853IMG_4869In this group, we talked about things that go UP in the air and things that go DOWN on the ground.

Using Boardmaker, we made  9 different pictures of objects: rainbow, sun, clouds, bird, airplane, moon and stars, person, car, and house.    We had real objects to go along with the pictures as well, which seemed to be a hit with the students!

Each student was given a picture and asked if it was UP in the sky……….









IMG_4875or…….. DOWN on the ground.

One of our students used the arrow as a road for a car—-too cute 🙂

Effectively communicating information using referent objects, pictures is the language access point addressed in this activity.












IMG_4872After they told us or showed us if the object was something seen UP or DOWN, they glued the picture onto a piece of paper with grass and sky drawn on it.

Our students did so well with this activity……we were SO proud!

Communicating about selected objects using pictures is a language access point.

That is it for this week. We had so much fun and learned a lot about things that we can see when we look up!







IMG_4997Join us again next week, you KNOW it’s going to be fun—–Group by Group 🙂