Tag Archives: springtime

Springtime in Tallahassee book

Springtime in Tallahassee book

IMG_6090The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and spring is in the air in Tallahassee!  Hopefully it’ll come soon to the northern states as well 🙂  The book shows some things that are seen and also that are going on here in Tallahassee.  Azaleas seem to be EVERYwhere right now and are so beautiful and there are butterflies all around.  One of the big events here this month is Springtime Tallahassee, the parade and festival we have each year.  Our school is lucky because the “Rough Riders”, a group of people who are in the parade, come and hand out beads and teddy bears to each of our students.  Such fun!

Enjoy the book AND the gorgeous weather!

IMG_6096Here is a link to the book:It’s Springtime in Tallahassee