Tag Archives: Severo Ochoa

Hispanic Heritage and Letter E

Hispanic Heritage and Letter E

UnknownHola, everyone! This week our Sensory and Fine Motor Groups celebrated hispanic heritage month. Our Language Group looked at words that start with letter E.

Sensory Group—Hispanic Heritage

Cara’s book focused on many aspects of hispanic culture including famous people with hispanic heritage. Our students loved it!

UnknownHispanic culture is so colorful and so was our

first box! We filled it with flowers and paper

streamers just like a fiesta. We also put some

plastic fruit to remind us of Cesar Chavez

who fought for farm workers rights. We

put in Dora the Explorer stickers, magnets

from places with hispanic names, a gavel for

Sonia Sotomayer a supreme court judge, and a voice output device with a snippet of one of Selena Gomez songs. So many cool things to talk about. In addition to the wonderful opportunities to increase language this box addresses the social studies access point of recognizing people from diverse backgrounds make contributions.





imagesSevero Ochoa won the Nobel prize for synthesizing RNA (riboneucleic acid). These springs (found at the junk store) looked similar to its shape.

As these springs move around they are very eye catching and look at this smile—beautiful 🙂

This box addresses the science access point of tracking objects up and down.









imagesOur next box contained cornmeal which reminded

us of yummy foods  like tacos and tortilla chips.

This stuff is so much fun to sift and run fingers

through and discover  the letter H for hispanic








UnknownAnother nod to hispanic cuisine with our box of dried pinto beans. This box gives our students a wonderful opportunity to practice their scooping skills…..

images….and develop tactile discrimination as the

individual beans touch their fingers.








imagesOscar de la Renta uses fabric to make beautiful clothes. This box had lots of different textures to compare and contrast. Some of our students used them to make their own fashion statements 🙂

We placed pairs of fabrics in the box to address the access point of recognizing objects that are identical to each other.









UnknownSome dried lentils in a water bottle made a wonderful

noisy maraca.

Bilateral functions are addressed as

the students move the bottle from hand to hand.

We have found that hot glueing the lid prevents

accidents 🙂









UnknownWe made some finger paint to honor painters Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.

We used a free coloring page and let our students explore the interesting texture. So much fun to squish around! The difference between the dry paper and the wet finger paint helps our students with the access point related to distinguishing between objects that are wet and objects that are dry.








imagesThen we rinsed our hands in grape scented water—

remembering  Delores Huerta who co-founded

the National Farm Workers Association.  We

used some inexpensive bubble bath from the

dollar store and it had a really strong scent to

which our students really responded.





UnknownWe finished with some orange scented lotion and discussed Spain where many hispanic ancestors came from. As we rubbed the lotion on their hands, our students were given the opportunity to indicate a desire for more or no more addressing math access points.









Fine Motor Group—Hispanic Heritage

imagesOn Tuesday we practiced hitting the pinata (hanging bolster)  in the sensory room—what a great activity for bilateral coordination and crossing midline.











imagesWe had  so much fun with the maraca in our

sensory group and we had to make more!

We started by picking out ONE egg—

addressing one to one correspondence.









imagesThen we scooped ONE scoop of dried beans into our egg. Holding the egg with one hand and scooping with the other addresses bilateral functions.

What a nice job shown in this picture, although most of our students needed some help….. And in case you are wondering, not all our students stopped at one—a couple dove in with both hands and beans went flying everywhere 🙂










imagesThe adults placed masking tape around the egg then

taped on two plastic spoons—which we counted

out, of course!









imagesNext we colored the eggs with markers to make them bright and colorful.

TaDa—these were a HUGE hit. The students loved

shaking them and laughing as we tried singing

La Cucaracha.

We had the best time 🙂






On Thursday we made some ponchos out of grocery bags (we saw this on the Family Fun website). We precut the opening for the head and the slits up the sides and then had our students practice writing their names on the back.

imagesThen we flipped them over and began decorating the ponchos. We used Crayola’s pipsqueak markers which are easy for our little hands to hold.

We used our adaptive scissors to make fringe










imagesMaking multiple cuts addresses the math access

point of recognizing the next step in a sequence.









images-302Completely awesome poncho,

don’t you think!

Can our students possibly get any cuter 🙂









Language Group—letter E

imagesWe brought back our Edible cornmeal and had fun tracing the letter E.











imagesThen we strung some Enormous beads—-two beads

for Each student!









imagesNext we Explored the contents of this bag…..












images…..and Extracted an















imagesTime to decorate an Egg. We used Eggplant colored Elbow macaroni—giving us an Excellent opportunity to work on our pincer grasp.

And here it is …….

an Elegant Egg!







imagesEverybody got an opportunity to play Cara’s sound game….so Exciting!











imagesWe finished as usual by looking at some of the wonderful

E words we found today.

Adios for now, join us next week Group by Group!