Tag Archives: science



We learned about Nobel Prize winners this week. This complements our student’s Unique Curriculum unit this month. The sensory group explored boxes with a variety of themes. The fine motor group made peace symbols and the language group made Peace Pizza!








The Nobel Prize is made out of gold. A circle cookie cutter matched the shape of the medal and our gold kinetic sand moves like molten gold!





Our students love this stuff—-and so do we!

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as a circle.











Students loved twisting chenille stems into rainbows, peace symbols, or their own original designs.






Soft, bendable, bright, colorful—-a definite hit!

Science access point: recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move.











Rainbow rice represented the Rainbow Nation of Nelson Mandela. The colorful rice was very eye catching and there were different sized spoons and cups for scooping fun.







Math access point: recognize similarities and differences in size of objects.










Malala, the youngest prize winner, is from the country of Pakistan. We learned that they drink green tea there, so we filled her box with some green tea leaves.





This was the first time we have used this tea and our students found the aroma and texture of the tea very interesting. There was a scoop, small pot, and a picture of Malala in the box.

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to or taken away from a situation.










Students sorted red and white pompoms—–the colors of the Polish flag. Lech Walesa, another Nobel Prize winner, came from Poland.





Math access point: identify items that belong together to form a set.





The students were encouraged to draw circles—like a peace sign or Nobel Prize medal—in shaving cream.






Of course, most of them simply enjoyed the experience!

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.








Then again, some of them were a little more tentative 🙂










There were foam letters forming the word P E A C E in this week’s water play.






There were also a selection of funnels and scoops for pouring

Math access point: recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.











Martin Luther King came from our neighboring state of Georgia. We chose Georgia peach as our scent and the students really liked the sweet aroma.





Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.







On Wednesday we made a Claddagh picture in honor of Irish Nobel Prize winner Betty Williams.

First, we discussed the shape of our paper and identified it using communication symbols.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.









The students glued a heart in the MIDDLE of the paper.

Next, they glued a crown at the TOP of the heart.





Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.






Then, the students got to pick what paint they wanted to use.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.









We squeezed a little paint into the students’ hands and asked them to rub them together to spread the paint around. Ms. Michelle and Ms. Joi came up with the idea of putting paint in old soap containers—-brilliant!

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.







Their picture was taped to an old oatmeal container which we handed to them, asking them to “squeeze it tight”.





Science access point: apply a push to move an object.





TA DA!!!!!!!!!







An Irish symbol of peace,

loyalty, and love.










On Thursday, the students made a peace sign symbol using this template: peace sign

First, the students identified the color of their background paper. We chose this color because we had a lot of it and wanted to use it up 🙂





Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.





Then, the students chose a marker and began decorating their peace sign.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.









They also used craft foam stamps and ink to decorate the peace sign. We attached the stamps to plastic thread spools to make them easier to grasp.




Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down.





The peace signs were glued to the background paper and——–TA DA!!






We thank the PEACEKEEPERS!






We made a yummy peace pizza for this week’s language group.  Here is the recipe that we used: Let’s Make A Peace Pizza

We started by talking about the shape of the pizza pan.  We observed that the pan we were using was a circle and the pan in the picture on the book was a rectangle.  Those shapes are DIFFERENT.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as a circle.








We had a student HELP open the Boboli pizza crust and PUT it on the pan.












Next, a couple of our students HELPed PUT pizza sauce on top.  We had to SPREAD it out so that it covered the top of the pizza crust.






Science access point: apply a push to move an object.






Our students got to HELP SPRINKLE some cheese, making sure that it also covered the top.

Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more.









Finally, we had one of our students HELP PUT the pepperoni into the shape of a peace symbol.

He did a great job!










Once the pizza was ready, we talked about where we would PUT it so that it could heat up.  Students located OVEN on their boards. After the pizza was done cooking, we talked about how it was HOT.

After it cooled off a bit it was time to EAT!!!!








We cut the pizza and everyone shared it, just like peacekeepers!











Join us next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Also, don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you plan to follow us.



G’day mate! January 26 is Australia Day so this week we learned about that “down under” country! The sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about the country. The fine motor groups crafted symbols of the country and the language group made a favorite Australian dessert—-pavlova!







Since they are the national colors of Australia, we used yellow and green paper shred as the base of this box. We added some plush and plastic animals, such as the koala, kangaroo, and crocodile.



There was also some fake sheep wool and pictures of famous Australians. We even included a voice output device with a didgeridoo recorded on it.

Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.











Our green and yellow rice contained some black bean “coal”. We learned that Australia is the world’s largest producer of coal!




There were upper and lower case letter A’s to find in the rice, as well as a map of the country at the bottom of the box.

Science access point: match objects by an observable property, such as shape.










Ayers Rock is called Uluru by aboriginal Australians. Our red mood sand resembled the color of the world’s largest monolith.





There were 5 snakes and a 1 lizard that might be found there.

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.












The world’s larges coral reef is located in Australia. Our Great Barrier Reef umbrella was a hit with the students. They also liked the plush “great white shark” puppet!





Science access point: match living things with their habitats.





Kinetic sand made a perfect “Bondi Beach”!







The students loved watching the sand drop through their fingers or using the sea life molds to stamp in it.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.












Students mixed cornstarch and shaving cream to make “meringue” pavlovas!






It was messy, but the students really loved the soft cool texture!

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.












Lake Hillier is a PINK lake—-how cool is that!! This cool pink bowl was a perfect stand in for the lake but since it was a little “tippy”, we put it inside a regular basin to avoid any accidental or not so accidental spills 🙂



There were some pool noodle pieces and a scoop to add to the fun.

Math access point: recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.










Bath and Body Works eucalyptus scent was a perfect scent for out little koalas this week!






The strong scent certainly got everyones attention!

Science access point: recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli.











On Wednesday the students made kangaroo puppets using this template: kangaroo

First, they identified the color BROWN from an array of 3 colors. All of the students identified the correct color—-our students rock!!!





Science access point: identify an object by one observable property, such as color.





Next, the students used brown crayons to color their kangaroos.






Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.





Then, we added 2 googlie eyes.

Math access point: match one object to a designated space to show one-to one correspondence.










TA DA!!!!!







The kangaroo is a symbol of Australia!










On Thursday the students made a didgeridoo out of a paper towel tube.

First, the students chose their paper and identified the color.

Science access point: identify an object by one observable property, such as color.









Next, they drew lines and shapes using markers.






It was fun seeing the different patterns each student chose!

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.











Then, they cut their paper into strips using paper cutters or switch operated scissors.







Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.






The students then shared their strips with each other and began wrapping them around their

tubes. We fastened them down with tape, but glue would work too.

Science access point: share objects with a partner.







TA DA!!!







Look at our fabulous didgeridoos!

These were a hit 🙂













We made a tasty popular Australian dessert today–pavlova cake.  Well, we made our own rendition of it.  Here is a link to the recipe: lets make mini pavlova cakes


First, we PUT 1 cup of whipping cream into a BOWL.  We compared a cup with a tablespoon.  Our students were asked to indicate the BIGGER one.

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.









Once the cream was in the bowl, we observed that it was a liquid.  The students were told to watch and see if it became DIFFERENT after it was mixed.  Each student took TURNS pressing the switch to activate the mixer.




Science access point: recognize changes in observable properties of materials.






We observed that the liquid became a solid.  Next, we added a tsp of vanilla.  We compared a teaspoon with a tablespoon and asked our students to identify the SMALLER one.

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.









Next, we PUT a tbsp of confectioners’ sugar into the bowl.  Each student got to taste some of the sugar.  They had to indicate whether it tasted SWEET or SOUR.



Science access point: recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli.





Once that was all mixed up we started PUTTING together our pavlova.  On the recipe, we saw that the cake was put together like a math equation.  First, each student got a meringue cookie.  Next, we added just a little bit of the whipped cream.  Each student had to say if they WANTED MORE.



Math access point: indicate more of an action or an object.





Finally, we added some strawberries.  Only one piece of strawberry was given to each student and they had to request MORE if they wanted more.

It turned out to be a really pretty dessert!





We sure learned a lot about Australia this week! Join us next time for more fun and learning—-Group by Group!

If you want to follow us, don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email.

Movies We Love

Movies We Love

January 19 was National Popcorn Day so we couldn’t pass up an opportunity to do another movie theme—they are just so much fun! Our sensory groups explored colorful movie themed boxes. The fine motor groups made cartoon character art projects and the language group got to be movie critics!








Students searched for letter M’s to find in this box of popcorn kernels.

The students loved the feel of the kernels running through their hands!

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.











Lots of fun movie themed items could be found in this box. There were some plastic and plush characters from movies in this box including Winnie the Pooh and Toy Story.

Since it is fun to eat a snack during movies, we put in a popcorn box and some play food.


Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.






For our Peter Pan box, we put in a Captain Hook figure and a crocodile cookie cutter.






The green kinetic sand was especially eye catching and so much fun to explore!

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.











We thought these potato flakes resembled the look and feel of sawdust. They are soft but have a crunch quality—-very intriguing!






In addition to the various circus figures, there was a spoon for scooping fun.

Science access point: recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli.











Follow the Yellowbrick Road was recorded on a voice output device to go along with Wizard of Oz discovery bottles.

The students had fun finding “ruby slippers” and “witchy shoes” in one of the bottles.



Glittery swirls in both bottles were mesmerizing and a huge hit with all the students this week!

Science access point: track objects in motion.












Insta-Snow filled our Frozen box. The students were intrigued with the snow, not only is it fun to sift through fingers but actually FEELS cool—-just like the real thing!





Of course, we included some fun figures and a little scoop!

Science access point: recognize objects or materials as warm or cold.












Both Dory and Nemo could be found swimming around our little ocean this week. Not only were the colorful fish very eye catching but, they wiggled when strings were pulled!




Lots of fun with this splashy box!

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.












We used Bath and Body Works “be enchanted” scent this week….. because doesn’t everyone want to be enchanted when they go the movies!

The students are encouraged to use the Pixon communication boards to indicate WHERE they want the lotion.



Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.








On Wednesday, the students made Troll wigs using these templates: boy troll  girl troll

First, the students identified the color of their paper wig. We used PURPLE paper for the girl wigs and BLUE for the boy’s.

Science access point: match objects by one observable property, such as size or color.







Then they used textured paint rollers to apply glue to the wigs. The rollers didn’t work quite as well as we had hoped, but the students still enjoyed using them.




Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.





The students used either BLACK or PURPLE glitter on their wigs. Everybody sang the glitter song of course! In case you are new to the blog, we sing “shake, shake, shake that glitter” to the tune of that old KC and the Sunshine band song 🙂



Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.






TA DA!!!







                                                              Such cute hair!

Such cute Trolls!!!!!












On Thursday the students made Dalmatians using this template: dalmatian

First, they identified the color of the ink and the shape of the stamp they were using.






Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as size or color.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.





Next, the students stamped UP and DOWN to make spots on their Dalmatians. We made the stamps by adhering sticky back craft foam circles to sewing thread spools. The size of the spools makes them easy to grip for our students.




Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.





Then they glued their Dalmatians DOWN on to a piece of red construction paper.






Math access point:  recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down.













We have 101 Dalmatians!

Well, almost 🙂












We changed things up a little bit this week.  Although we still had food (we HAD to have some popcorn), our students didn’t participate in the making of any food.

Instead, our students acted as movie critics.  Each student had a chance to request to watch a movie clip from one of the movies from our book.





They had to use the sentence strip that was provided to say “I want to watch” and then they had to point to the movie they wanted to see.





The movie clips weren’t longer then about 2 1/2 minutes.  After the clip ended, each student had a chance to indicate that they thought the movie was good and they liked it, or they thought the movie was bad and they didn’t like it.




We used a voice output device that the students used to indicate if it was good or bad.






After watching the movies, our critics’ outcome was that the best movie out of all of the movies was Sherlock Gnomes, but there were 2 close seconds–Toy Story and Finding Dory.

We noticed that once we were all done, the room looked a little bit like a movie theatre with all the popcorn on the ground 🙂





Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Also, don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us.




January 10 is Bittersweet Chocolate Day so this week we are all about CHOCOLATE! Our sensory groups explored chocolate themed boxes. The fine motor groups painted some sweet art projects and the language group made a very tasty chocolate treat! The students are learning about properties of matter with their Unique Curriculum this month and this unit complemented it quite nicely.






Chocolate comes from the cocoa bean. We didn’t have any cocoa beans on hand, so we substituted with coffee beans—-they look pretty similar.






The students searched for letter C’s in the beans.

Science access point: recognize objects that are identical to each other.











Pompoms were sorted into either a cute heart shaped candy tin for the BROWN chocolate ones  or a white “candy dish” for the WHITE chocolate ones.

Of course, sometimes it was fun just to grab a handful and enjoy the pompoms’ soft and squishy texture!

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.

Math access point: recognize a common three-dimensional object.






Our chocolate scented play dough was pretty realistic looking AND smelling!

The adults definitely kept a close eye on things with this box 🙂 The students cut “chocolate donuts” or made their own candy creations.





There was also a pastry wheel that made some fun patterns in the play dough.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.











Chocolate cake mix made perfect cloud dough! It was fun to scoop, mold, or squeeze through fingers.





A little messy, but a really fun sensory experience that smelled good too! The students were really intrigued with this box!

Science access point: recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli.











We wanted to add a little bit of color to this unit, so we brought out our colorful candy colored rice. There were some “cocoa” beans to find as well as play food candy, chocolate, and two different sized cookies. This rice was really eye catching!



Underneath the rice were pictures of chocolate candy.

Science access point: recognize the larger of two objects.











A little cocoa powder added to oobleck made for a fun chocolate river.







This was really MESSY but really FUN 🙂

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.











There was a little teapot and water wheel in our water basin this week.






Once the first student rinsed their hands, our water play turned into a chocolate fountain!

Science access point: recognize water as a liquid.












We couldn’t find any chocolate scented lotion, so we used a chocolate scented LipSmacker to apply our signature scent to wrists or behind ears.






Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.













On Wednesday the students made candy apples using purchased craft foam apple shapes!

First, they identified the color of their apples.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.









We mixed a little glue with the brown paint and painted our apples. The popsicle stick already taped to the apple made it easy to hold.






Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






Then, we added some confetti sprinkles (the glue in the paint helped make sure it stuck) and of course, we sang our glitter song 🙂





Math access point: indicate desire for more of an action or object.













Candy apples………

……they look good enough to eat!











On Thursday the students made chocolate chip cookies using paper plates.

First, they identified the shape of paper plate.






Math access point: recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape.





Then, they painted their paper plates with brown paint.






Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.





Next, the students let us know how many chocolate chips they wanted on their cookie.

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.








The pre-cut chips were added and the glue we had added to the paint helped them stick.






Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.















Time for cookies!!!













We got to make a nice and chocolatey treat this week for language group.  This week we made chocolate mousse using this recipe:  let_s make chocolate mousse

**Words in caps are the words targeted on their communication boards**

We started out by talking about how we were going to MAKE chocolate mousse.

The first thing we did was PUT a box of instant chocolate pudding mix into the BOWL.  Whichever student WANTed to HELP had to raise their hand and indicate HELP on their board.







Next, we PUT 2 tbsp of cocoa powder into the BOWL.  Each student had to identify the tablespoon when presented with a cup and a tablespoon.  They were told that the tablespoon was the LITTLE one.  We talked about how using the wrong kitchen tool could ruin the recipe.


Math access point: recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.





For the final ingredient (only 3 ingredients…yay!) we PUT some heavy cream into the BOWL.  This time, the students were presented with a cup and a 1/2 cup.

They were told to identify the BIG one.



Math access point: recognize a half of an object as part of the whole object.





Each student got a chance to press the switch to make the mixer TURN.  Our mousse formed really fast, so each student just got a little chance to press the switch.




Science access point: observe an recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a science topic.





When it was ready, each student got a small amount of mousse and no spoon.  They had to indicate that they needed a SPOON and that they wanted MORE.




We think we’d all like to do a chocolate theme each week 🙂





Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us!

The 1950’s

The 1950’s

To start the new year, we decided to take a look back——–WAY back, all the way to the 1950’s! The sensory groups explored boxes related to different facts from the decade. The fine motor groups made some cool art projects and the language group made a 1950’s inspired recipe.








We put the numbers 1 9 5 0 in this rice box. In addition to running their fingers through the rice, the students had fun scooping it up and adding it to a small metal cup.





Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more.











Our outer space black beans and rice contained our nod to NASA which was started in 1958.

There was a cool rocket toy that had a spinning astronaut and flashing lights when the button was pushed.




Science access point: distinguish between objects in motion (kinetic energy) and at rest.






Disney Land and the Mickey Mouse Club tv show both had their start in 1955.

There were lots of fun things to find in this box, including Disney character figures, colorful beads, and a VOD that had the Mickey Mouse song recorded on it.


Social studies access point: recognize a character in a story that is not real.






Elvis had a hit with the song Heartbreak Hotel in 1956.







The students made both BIG and LITTLE hearts in red moon sand.

Math access point: recognize the larger of two objects.











TV dinners were first introduced in 1953. Since they had foil trays and covers, we thought it would be fun to have a box with a foil. This space blanket was the perfect choice.





It was fun to throw up in the air and made a fun crackling noise when crunched—–it was a huge hit with the students!


Science access point: recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli.






A couple more photos—–this was a really fun experience for the students!











Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay made it to the top of Mount Everest in 1953.






The students swirled snowy shaving foam around a laminated mountain top for messy play this week.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.











20000 League Under the Sea was a movie released in 1954.






Our water play contained a little submarine and a variety of sea animals—-including a giant squid!

Science access point: match living things with their habitats.












Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959! This inspired us to use Bath and Body Works pineapple as our scent this week.





The sweet aroma was a big hit with the students.

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday the students made Mount Everest models and then put themselves on the mountain using this template: mountain climber template

First, the students identified the shape of their poster board mountain. They also identified the shape of a tissue box that would be used for the project.



Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.





Then they added “snow” (a mixture of glue and shaving cream) to their triangle.




Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.





Next, they put themselves on to the mountain. Since there was glue in our snow mixture, we didn’t need extra glue!

The mountain was hot glued (by an adult) on to the tissue box to help it stand up and…..









TA DA from the top of the world!!!







We climbed Mount Everest!!!!












On Thursday the students gave themselves a new look using this: elvis hair template

First, the students identified the color of the yarn we were going to use for the project.





Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.





Then, using regular, adapted, or switch operated scissors, the students snipped pieces of yarn.






Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more.






Glue spreaders were used to spread glue around the black poster board hair template and applied their pieces of yarn.






Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.





TA—-Elvis—- DA!!!








Don’t tread on our blue suede shoes!













We made a yummy treat that was popular in the ’50s: jello salad!  Here is the recipe that we used: let_s make blueberry vanilla jello salad

(The words that are capitalized are the targeted words on the communication boards)

We started by talking about how we were going to MAKE a jello salad, noting that this type of salad is DIFFERENT from the salad that we usually eat.

First, we PUT a box of vanilla instant pudding mix into a BOWL.  One of our students indicated they WANTed to HELP by raising their hand and indicating HELP.






Next, we PUT vanilla yogurt into the BOWL.  We had 2 students HELP with this since the container was big.  We had to STIR the ingredients together.











After that, we PUT cool whip in and STIRRED that together as well.










Finally, we added some blueberries and STIRRED those in, first talking about how the bag of frozen blueberries felt COLD.





We LOOKed at the ingredients and saw that the color was becoming DIFFERENT, going from white to a purple color.





Each student had to request some of the jello salad by indicating WANT.  They were only given a small amount, so they had to request MORE if they wanted more than what they got.  A spoon was not given to them either, which prompted them to request a SPOON as well.




We’re thinking these kiddos really LIKED their ’50s treat!  What do you think?  🙂




Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us!

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

We chose a holiday classic this week—-A Christmas Carol! The sensory groups explored boxes filled with texture and color. The fine motor groups put together some Dickens inspired art projects and the language group hosted a holiday party worthy of Mr. and Mrs. Fezziwig!








As a nod to the setting of the story, English tea leaves filled this box.






There were 2 different sized letter C’s to find as well as 2 different sized spoons for scooping fun. At the bottom of the box was a picture of a holiday wreath.

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.











Since Ebeneezer Scrooge was obsessed with his money, we filled this box with pure gold—of the mardi gras bead type that is 🙂





Bright and shiny—-fun to look at, wear, or shake!

Science access point: recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli.











There were colorful chenille stems that could be linked like the chains Marley’s ghost carried around.






The students really loved twisting and winding the stems around each other.

Math access point: recognize when an object or material has been added to a situation.











Our Christmas box contained garland, plastic pine and holly sprigs, jingle bells, and a variety of other items associated with the season filled this box.




The blinking Rudolph nose and squeaky candy cane certainly brought some smiles!

Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.











In the story, light fills the room when the ghost of Christmas past visits Ebeneezer. The students loved our light box which contained colorful lights and garland.




Whether the overhead lights were on or off it was still mesmerizing!

Science access point: recognize a source of light.












Red and green glitter was swirled around in fluffy snow white shaving cream.





The students made patterns, swirled it around, or just watched it ooze through their fingers!

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.










The students scooped up character (a santa and dapper penguin) foam balls in our water play this week.





There were also two different sized measuring cups and a strainer scoop

Science access point: track objects in motion.











Bath and Body Works sugar plum seemed the perfect scent to finish the group.





The sweet scent certainly transported us to merry old England and left our students smelling like delicious little sugar plums 🙂

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.













On Wednesday the students made their own Dicken’s village.

We pre-wrapped tissue boxes in colorful paper and let the students choose their house color.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.








The students identified the shape of their box.







Math access point: recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape.






The students also compared the size of their box to the size of the door—-which one was BIG and which one was LITTLE.

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.








The students glued 3 pre-cut windows and 1 door on to their houses.

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.









Then, they used bubble wrap to stamp snow on to the house and roof.






Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.






The roof was added and….







………it’s a Dickens Village!







Merry Christmas from Merry Old England!


















On Thursday we made paper chains!

First, we identified the color of our paper.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.









Next, the students used paper cutters to cut strips of paper.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.








The students used glue sticks to link the strips into circles, adding their strips together to make chains.

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.









As we went around the table, our chain got bigger, and BIGGER!







Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.





TA DA!!!!!!!!











We had a super fun Christmas Carol party this week for the language group!  We love to do these parties because it gets all of the different classes together to practice language and social skills—–and also for some fellowship and fun.




We started out with a Christmas parade around the elementary building.  Of course, we had Santa Claus leading the pack.  Some of our students dressed up as elves.

We all shook bells while walking.

Very festive 🙂










Once we made it all around, the party could start.  2 tables were set up that had drinks and snacks.








By each drink and snack were sentence strips that our students could use in order to request what they wanted.

Staff helped as needed so that the students would point to each symbol from left to right.






We had picture symbols for “thank you” as well.






A good time was had by all!












Of course, we had our backdrop for photos to be taken.  Students could choose what prop they wanted to wear or hold.

Super cute!!




Join us again next time for more fun and learning!

Happy Holidays from Group by Group!




December 5 is International Ninja Day—-who knew! Our sensory groups explored boxes related to interesting Ninja facts! The fine motor groups made Ninja themed art projects and the language group made a tasty Ninja themed treat!







Ninjas are from Japan. In this box we put RED and WHITE pom poms—-the colors of the Japanese flag.






The students had fun sorting or just exploring the soft texture of the pompoms.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.









We learned that Ninjas come from a mountainous region of Japan.







We used green Floam to represent the mountains and put in 3 laminated Ninjas.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.











Our rainbow rice represented the colored rice Ninjas used to send coded messages.






There were both upper and lower case N’s as well as a map of Japan to find under the rice.






Two spoons included made for lots of scooping fun!

Science access point: match objects by an observable property, such as shape and color.










Throwing stars were tools used by Ninjas. We put 3 large stars for the students to find in this box of red beans—-but these weren’t for throwing 🙂





As usual, the students liked running their hands through the beans, but the large stars were pretty intriguing to them as well this week!










Math access point: associate quantities with number names.













One of the most interesting facts we learned about Ninjas was that they could tell time by looking at a cat’s eyes!!!!






We put in two different sized cat cookie cutters to make impressions in black kinetic sand. The students also loved squeezing the sand into balls and then watching it drip down through fingers.






Science access point: recognize the larger of two objects.











We encouraged the students to try to make letter N’s in shaving foam.







Messy play is always a favorite with the students and we had lots of smiles this week!

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.










A few more smiles—–we just couldn’t leave out these photos!







Our students are just too cute 🙂






Hands were rinsed in our own little koi pond. There were 2 different size fish—-both of which squirted water when squeezed.



These were very intriguing to the students!


Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.











Both our water and lotion were scented with Bath and Body Works Japanese cherry blossom.






The students really seemed to like the floral scent and we think they all smelled like Ninjas 🙂

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday the students made crickets!

First, they identified the shape of the paper.






Math access point: recognize objects with two dimensional shapes.






Using paper cutters, they trimmed the paper into a smaller rectangle.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.









The rectangle was rolled around a paper tube.






Science access point: apply a push to move an object.






We squished one end of the tube and stapled it down. Most of our students needed help with this part.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.










Next, chenille stem “legs” were threaded through precut holes.

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.









Then, the students added 2 googlie eyes to their cricket’s face and attached it to the tube.

Math access point: use one-to-one correspondence to identify sets of objects with the same amount to 2.










Ta Da!








Nobody will hear our Ninja footsteps!











On Thursday the students made Ninja masks!

First, we identified the shape of the paper plate and the color of our paint.

Math access point: recognize objects with two dimensional shapes.




Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.





Then, the students painted their paper plates.








Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.






A red paper ribbon was added and TA DA……








We are Ninjas!








Since ninjas used a coding system using colored rice, we thought we would color some rice of our own.

Each student took a turn indicating what color they WANTed to color their rice.  They could choose from BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, or RED.










Once they chose a color, we added just a little bit of food coloring to some cooked white rice that we put in a plastic bag.  Our students had to indicate if they needed MORE of the color.

Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more.






Our students had to shake up the bag to get the coloring all over the rice.  Adults HELPed as needed.

Once the rice was dyed, our students had to indicate that they were ALL DONE.










Because there were 4 different colors and our students each only got to use 1 color, they had to indicate the colors that they still needed so that they had each color on their plate to eat.







We think the students really liked their colorful Ninja rice!










Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us!


Let’s go Shopping

Let’s go Shopping

This time of year, there is a lot of shopping going on so we thought it would be a fun theme to pick for this week. Our sensory groups explored shopping themed boxes. The fine motor groups decorated shopping bags and the language group got to go shopping at our very own Owl Mart!







Blue and yellow rice (our school colors) contained some the letter S—–for shopping, of course!





We also included some different sized spoons for scooping fun.

Science access point: recognize two objects that are identical to each other.










Our students ride buses when they go out into the community to shop.






There were two different school buses to drive along a black bean road.

Science access point: recognize the larger of two objects.












When going shopping you have to have money! We put paper money, play coins, a purse, a money clip, and dollar sign mardi gras beads.





We also put in a money themed discovery bottle which was lots of fun to shake. There were even some “credit/debit” cards.

Social studies access point: recognize coins as money.












Shopping for clothes is always fun! The students used cookie cutters shaped like a t-shirt, hat, and 2 different sized boots to cut clothes out of yellow moonsand.





Science access point: apply a push to move an object.












Our food court box was filled with lots of play food—-such as soda, cookies, burgers, and french fries!

The students loved the squeaky cupcake and pizza oven mitt!





The students had a lot of fun with the play food, but the green paper shred was pretty popular also!

Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.












Cinnabons, another food court staple, inspired our messy play this week.






We thought our oobleck looked just like the frosting on those yummy treats!

Science access point: track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled.









As usual, the students had so much fun exploring one of our favorite substances—-it’s amazing what you can make with a little cornstarch and water 🙂










Staying with the food court theme, hands were rinsed in Bath and Body Works cinnabon scented water.  There were a variety of different sized scoops and spoon for some splashy fun.





Math access point: recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.









Vanilla sugar scented lotion was a hit with the students this week!





Our students left the group with a sweet reminder of all the fun we had 🙂

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday the students used foam stamps to decorate canvas shopping bags.

First, we identified the shape of the shopping bags.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.











Then the students chose stamps to decorate their bags. We glued plastic thread spools to the stamps to make them easier to hold. The students had to lift the stamps UP and DOWN.

Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.














We are ready to go shopping!













On Thursday the students decorated their shopping bags using textured rollers!

First, they identified the shape of their bags.







Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.






After paint was applied to the rollers, the students began rolling them across the canvas. We had a variety of cool textures to choose from!





Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






TA DA!!!!!!!!









We’re going to shop til we drop!!!












Our school has a little student run store called the Owl Mart that our language group got to go to this week.  As a reward for good behavior, our students are able to earn “owl bucks”.  They can then use those owl bucks to buy different things at the Owl Mart.

We all walked over to the Owl Mart after reading the book, making sure to grab the bags that we had made during the fine motor group earlier in the week.

We worked on staying together while we walked.






When we got to the Owl Mart, students walked around with the staff to find something they wanted to buy.









They could choose from toys, clothes, jewelry, books, stuffed animals, and Christmas objects.






Just like in the book, they had to make choices based on how many owl bucks they had.






Once they decided what they wanted, they had to go and pay for their item.  Students worked on counting out their money.  We had sentence strips for them to use if they needed HELP.



Once their items were bought, they put their new treasures in their bags.






Everybody was happy with their purchases.








It was a successful trip 🙂




What a fun, fabulous week. Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Don’t forget if check your SPAM folder for a confirmation email if you want to follow us 🙂



November 17 is National Hiking Day, so we are looking at the state of Wyoming—–a great place to go hiking! The sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about the state. The fine motor groups’ art projects were symbols of Wyoming and the language group made a yummy dip using pinto beans—the state food!






Since we are recognizing National Hiking Day, we had to include a hiking box with this unit! The box contained plastic pine branches and a “petrified wood” tree.





There was also a small backpack, compass, and sunglasses. We even included a plush grizzly bear and bison! Wolf howls were recorded on a voice output device. The students were pretty fascinated by the wolf sound we recorded on a voice output device.

Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.











Pinto beans are the state food of Wyoming!






The students had fun running their hands through this box of dried beans to find letter W.


Math access point: recognize two objects that are the same size or color.










Wyoming is known as the “cowboy state”. We put 2 horses, a cow, and a little cowgirl to find in this box of brown rice. There was a picture of a cowboy to find underneath.






Science access point: match animals that are the same.










Fossil Butte national monument has the richest deposit of fish fossils—-which we thought was pretty cool!





The students used plastic fish and bones to make “fossil” impressions in kinetic sand. We found a cool plastic frog skeleton that was also included in this box.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.








Wyoming gets a LOT of snow! Insta-snow is pretty close to the real thing—-it even feels a little cold!





A small shovel and measuring cup were used to practice scooping skills.

Science access point: recognize objects or materials as warm or cold.











The snow capped Grand Tetons are one of our national parks. We had the students swirl shaving cream “snow” around a laminated Grand Tetons.






Lots of fun here 🙂

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.










Yellowstone National Park is also located in Wyoming. One of the features of the park are the colorful prismatic hot springs.




To make our mini version, we used colorful Crayola bath drops and white craft foam (to simulate the crusty top of the springs). A measuring cup and small funnel added to the fun.

Science access point: track objects in motion.






The state tree of Wyoming is the Plains Cottonwood, so we chose Bath and Body Works cotton scent for this week.





As usual, the students used vocalizations, gestures, or communication symbols to indicate WHERE they wanted the lotion.

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday we made a bison using this template: bison

First, using communication symbols, we identified the color of the bison.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.







Then the students glued their bison DOWN on to a blue background.

Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up or down.









Then, the students used either tabletop or regular scissors to snip small pieces of brown fluffy yarn.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.







The students applied some glue (with help as needed) to their bison then added yarn.






Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.




TA DA!!!!







Look at our herd of bison!





On Thursday the students made the Grand Tetons!

First, the students identified the color BLUE.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.

Then, they identified a TRIANGLE.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.






The students used paper cutters or regular scissors to cut out triangles. We discussed that triangles have 3 sides!

Math access point: recognize the sides of a triangle.









They glued their triangle “mountains” on to a blue background, then used glue spreaders to add glue to the top.






Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.





Time to add the snow! We enlarged the holes in the tops of some spice jars and filled them with fake snow. This worked pretty well but we found that it was better if we didn’t “pack” the snow into the container.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.







TA—-Grand Teton—– DA!!!!







Lets visit Wyoming!







Since the state food of Wyoming is pinto beans, we decided to make some pinto bean dip for our language group today.  Here is the recipe we used: Let_s Make Pinto Bean Dip

We started by PUTTING a can of rinsed pinto beans into a food processor.

The student who wanted to HELP had to indicate HELP on their communication board or verbally state that they wanted to HELP.

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.







We had to turn the food processor on to get the beans mashed up a bit before adding the other ingredients.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.








Next, we PUT 2 tbsp of sour cream into the food processor.  The students were shown a tsp and a tbsp and had to indicate which one was BIGGER.

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.







We added the ranch seasoning mix next.  We talked about how we were using the SMALL measuring spoon.

Math access point: recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects.








After all the ingredients were PUT into the food processor, each student had a chance to TURN the food processor on until the ingredients were smooth. They always have fun with this part 🙂

Science access point: recognize that electrical systems must be turned on (closed) in order to work.








We PUT the dip into a microwaveable bowl and added a little bit of cheese.  The students indicated that we should PUT MORE cheese into the bowl.

Math access point: indicate desire for more of an action or object.









One of our students helped TURN on the microwave.  We talked about how the dip would be HOT once it was done.

Science access point: recognize the temperature of items, such as food, as cool or warm.









After each student indicated that they WANTed to EAT, they got a spoonful of dip and some chips.










Join us next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Also, don’t forget to look for your confirmation email if you want to follow us. If you don’t see it, be sure to check your SPAM folder!


We Salute The Troops

We Salute The Troops

We learned about our armed forces this week. The sensory groups explored boxes dedicated to different services branches. The fine motor groups decorated service vehicles with camouflage and the language group made a patriotic treat.







This box was dedicated to animal mascots—-goat for the Navy, bulldog for the Marines, bear for the Coast Guard, mule for the Army, and falcon for the Air Force. There were plush or laminated pictures of each of the mascots in this box. The Marine Corps hymn was recorded on a voice out put device and also placed in this box.


Social studies access point: recognize a patriotic song.







A little Coast Guard ship roamed around this blue kinetic sand ocean.






Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.





There were 6 (3 in green and 3 in desert uniforms) Army soldiers to find in this box of “camouflage” beans. It was made by combining a variety of dried beans and we think it looks pretty cool.





Math access point: solve simple problems involving joining sets of objects with the same quantity to 3.





We went pretty patriotic with the play dough this week—-we had red, white, and blue! The students used cookie cutters with letter M (for Marines) and a star shape.




Science access point: apply a push to move an object.





Our rice was red, white, and blue too! There was a picture of planes to find at the bottom of the box and a little plane to fly around in the rice. There were also 3 letter A’s—-for Air Force.




Science access point: identify object by one observable property, such as shape.





A little Air Force jet flew around in some fluffy shaving cream clouds for our messy play this week.






Science access point: track objects in motion.












A Navy ship and a Navy submarine floated around our ocean. There were 2 different sized measuring cups included for scooping fun.





Math access point: recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.







We went with Bath and Body Works ocean scent this week—-in honor of the Navy and Coast Guard armed forces.





Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.







On Wednesday the students tore green, brown, and tan paper into pieces and glued them onto an Army transport truck using this template: army truck

First, using communication symbols the students identified the colors BLACK, GREEN, and BROWN.

Science access point: Identify objects by one observable property, such as color.







They tore BIG pieces paper into SMALL pieces.

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.









Then they glued the pieces of paper DOWN on to their trucks.







Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.





TA DA!!!!!!











Go ARMY!!!!!!






On Thursday the students painted fighter jets using this template: fighter jet

First, they identified the colors of the paint.






Science access point: Identify objects by one observable property, such as color.





After paint was added to a stamper, the students stamped UP and DOWN on their jets. We made the stampers by adding foam stickers to some kitchen scrubbers.



Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down.





TA DA!!!!!






Go Air Force!!!!












In honor of Veterans Day, we made some edible American flags during the language group.  Here is the recipe that we used: Let_s Make Edible American Flags

We started by each student getting 1 graham cracker.  In order to get the graham cracker, they had to request it using WANT and then pointing to the picture of the graham cracker.  When asked where the graham cracker should be put, our students had to indicate PUT and then point to the picture of the plate.








Next, each student got a spoonful of vanilla frosting.  They had to spread it on the cracker, asking for HELP if they needed it.

Once it was spread, each student got to lick the spoon.  They had to indicate whether it tasted SWEET or SOUR.





Each student then got 4 blueberries.  If they were not given the entire amount, they had to request MORE.  They had to follow the direction to PUT the blueberries in the top left corner.









Then, they each got some cut up strawberries.  They had to follow the direction to PUT the strawberries in lines on the cracker.  If they did not have enough, they had to request MORE.









Once they were ALL DONE, they had to indicate that they wanted to EAT the edible flag.

Yummy AND patriotic!









Join us next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Also, don’t forget to look for your confirmation email if you want to follow us. If you don’t see it, be sure to check your SPAM folder!