Tag Archives: Rachel Carson

Women in History

Women in History

IMG_9432To celebrate Women’s History month we decided to learn about some amazing women of the past. Each of the sensory group boxes was dedicated to a different woman and the fine motor groups made art projects that were also dedicated to one of them. The language group became French chefs—-like Julia Child!

So let’s hear it for the girls!!!





IMG_9567IMG_9749Sacagawea was a member of the Shoshone tribe. We put in lots of  beads—–necklaces and a shaker bottle—– in this box because members of the tribe wear clothing decorated with colorful beadwork.

IMG_9748The science access point track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is addressed in this activity.





IMG_9361IMG_9584Emmeline Pankhurst was a British suffragette. Not only did her box contain a British flag banner, but it also contained a fellow suffragette—–of the teddy bear kind 🙂

IMG_9732Recognize a characteristic of national identity is a social studies access point.





IMG_9579IMG_9754Maria Montessori was born in Italy and developed methods for teaching children with intellectual disabilities. This box contained rice in the colors of the Italian flag red, white, and green.

There were letters and numbers for the students to find as well as a picture of a teacher at the bottom of the box.

IMG_9373Recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





IMG_9371IMG_9729Edith “Jackie” Ronne was the first women to explore Antarctica. We used shaving cream and cornstarch to make a fun snow box in her honor!  The snow could be squished or scooped into little snow balls and the students had so much fun playing in it 🙂

IMG_9570Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





IMG_9614IMG_9341Bessie Coleman was the first African American to become a pilot. Not only did she fly planes but she performed stunts with them too—–how cool is that!

We recorded the sounds of a propellor plane on a voice output device and added a hand held fan so the students could get the feel of riding in one of those old planes.

IMG_9358IMG_9757Goggles, toy plane and cute little co-pilot added to the fun. There were LOTS of giggles with this box 🙂

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.









IMG_9564IMG_9727Edith Flanigen was a scientist who invented a molecular sieve used to make oil refining cleaner and more efficient. In our water play, the students got to see how sieves work—-what fun!

IMG_9334Recognize a way to stop an object from moving is a science access point.





IMG_9694IMG_9331Rachel Carson started the modern environmental movement when she wrote the book Silent Spring which highlighted the misuse of pesticides. Her box contained leaves, flowers, insects and birds. The box was not so silent though——our little blue bird chirped when squeezed 🙂

IMG_9707Recognize common objects related to science by name, such as ice, animal, and plant.





IMG_9764IMG_9626Our scent this week was cucumber melon from Bath and Body Works. We chose it because we thought Julia Child might have like it’s yummy aroma. The students liked the scent and are really doing a great job of letting us know where they want the scent applied.

IMG_9768Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.








On Tuesday our students used watercolors to make a “secret” picture appear. Our secret picture represented the nickname of World War II spy hero Nancy Wake and was made by using a white crayon and this: mouse template

IMG_9427We started by asking the students to identify the shape of the paper we were using—–a rectangle!

Recognize objects with 2-dimensional shapes is a math access point.








IMG_9439IMG_9452Then they applied watercolor paint to the paper using paintbrushes or a switch operated vibrating massager.

IMG_9431                                       Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





IMG_9441IMG_9437Ta DA

IMG_9457                                                                  It’s the White Mouse!





On Wednesday our students made their own representations of the flag of Benazir Bhutto’s country of Pakistan. We used this to complete the project:moon and star template

IMG_9646First we talked about the shape of the flag and the students used communication symbols to identify a rectangle.

The math access point recognize objects with 2-dimensional shapes is again addressed here.








IMG_9643IMG_9661Then we talked about the colors used in the flag and used a paper cutter to trim a green rectangle piece of paper into a SQUARE!

The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.  Identify objects by one observable property, such a color is also addressed.





IMG_9658IMG_9841Ta DA—–let’s celebrate Benazir Bhutto!












We channeled Julia Child for our language group this week (you know we can’t pass up a time to cook!).  Since Julia Child wrote a cookbook bringing French cuisine to America, we decided to try out a (modified) French recipe——we made crescent rolls filled with brie cheese.

IMG_9771IMG_9780We passed around the container of crescent rolls so that our students could FEEL if it was hot or COLD.  Then, we passed around small bites of the brie cheese so they could TASTE it.  Brie cheese is definitely an acquired taste to some, so there were some funny faces 🙂

Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold is a science access point.





IMG_9789Cara rolled up the cheese in the crescent rolls and we counted out how many were on the tray.  Then we placed them in a toaster oven to cook!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.









IMG_9801IMG_9791We read that kids in France drink water or fruit juice, so we decided to combine the 2 and make flavored water!

IMG_9800We brought plastic fruits depicting the different flavors and each of our students indicated the one they wanted.





IMG_9810We ended up with 4 votes for grape and 2 votes for peach.  Our students indicated that there were MORE grape votes.

The flavored water was a HIT!









IMG_9826IMG_9829Finally, once our crescent rolls were finished, we cut them up and enjoyed our version of French cuisine!

IMG_9827                                                                         Delicieux 🙂




We really enjoyed learning about all these amazing women this week! Our spring break is starting so it will be 2 weeks until we are back with more fun and learning——Group by Group!