Tag Archives: play dough



img_1275We had a lot of fun putting this unit together and the students really loved seeing their friends in the book. The sensory group explored boxes filled with opposites. The fine motor groups made art projects that explored texture differences and the language group performed experiments!






img_0896img_1512This first box was filled with ROUGH AND SMOOTH textures including plastic spaghetti strands, bath scrubbers, container lids, and beads.

Lots and lots to touch and explore.

img_1294Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





img_1281img_0893BIG and LITTLE was the theme of this box. A box filled with balls—-what could be more fun than that 🙂

img_1210Recognize differences in size of objects is a math access point.





img_0915img_1568Our discovery bottles were filled with beads that floated UP and DOWN as the bottles were shaken or turned.

img_1613The math access point recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down, is addressed here.





img_1207img_1316LIGHT and DARK were explored with our light box. Our students really love lights, and the colorful ones we put in this shoebox were especially attractive.

img_0946Recognize a source of light energy is a science access point.





img_0871img_1243Our students pushed HARD cookie cutters into the SOFT playdough. As a bonus, the cookie cutters were also opposites—-ANIMAL and PLANT!

img_1259The science access point apply a push to move an object is addressed here.





img_1194img_0899Students practiced scooping IN and OUT  in the purple bean box. White beans are really easy to dye using food coloring and they turn out really eye catching!

img_1462The math access point solve simple problems involving putting together and taking apart small quantities of objects can be addressed here.





img_0903img_0920Oobleck kind of IS an opposite—-it is both a LIQUID and a SOLID! We added some confetti to give it some extra visual appeal. Sparkly, floaty, messy, and fun—–he students had an absolute blast:)

img_1450The science access point track objects that fall to the ground can be addressed here.





img_1445img_1265Hands got WET as the oobleck was washed off hands. We added some SINK or FLOAT objects for fun experimentation.

img_0906Recognize one way people use water is a science access point that can be addressed here.





img_1323img_1320After hands were DRY, it was time for lotion. It wasn’t easy coming up with a scent for a theme about opposites! We decided to use Bath and BodyWorks pink lemonade scent since the name has pink but the lotion is yellow—-not exactly opposites but close enough for us 🙂

img_1331Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday our fine motor group used sand to make their SMOOTH paint feel ROUGH!

img_0980First we identified the color of our paint—-we used a bright, eye catching PINK!

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.







img_1043img_1012Next the students used brushes to spread the paint around their paper. We used black paper so our pink paint would really pop!

img_0997Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






img_1050Then the students shook some pink sand onto the paint to add texture. Our sand was really fine and came out of our spice container quite fast! Suffice to say, the table ended up with plenty of sand too 🙂

The math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more, can be addressed here.

The science access point track objects falling to the ground can also be addressed 🙂







img_1006img_1027Ta DA!

img_1056-1It can’t really be seen in the photo but these did turn out pretty cool.






On Wednesday our fine motor group we made FLAT arrows BUMPY using tissue paper.

img_1355We started by discussing the color of the arrow and used communication symbols to identify it.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.







img_1366img_1360Then the students tore and crumpled tissue paper into little pieces. They dipped the paper balls into glue and pressed them down onto their arrows—-lots of pincer grasp practice here!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






img_1390Next they squeezed glue onto the back of the arrow and patted it down onto a piece of orange paper.

Recognize when an object is added to or taken away from a situation is a math access point.









img_1370img_1420TA DA—-

img_1406                                                 we are going in the right direction!






We did 2 different activities that looked at opposites.  Our first activity was about things that SINK and things the FLOAT.

img_1683img_1687We got 6 different objects.  Our first job was to make a prediction if we thought the objects would sink or float.  We talked about how things that are HEAVY tend to sink while things that are LIGHT tend to float.  Each student got a chance to hold an object and predict if it would float or sink.

Our predictions resulted in everyone believing that all of the objects would float!

Observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a science topic, is a science access point.






img_1731Now to put them to the test.  Each student got to put an object into a tub of water.  We looked to see if they sank UNDER the water or if they stayed ON top of the water.










img_1739We found that we were 50% correct in our predictions.  3 of the objects did float; however, the other 3 sank.









img_1752img_1754Our next activity focused on WET and DRY.  For this we used “Squand” which is made by RoseArt.  Our students got to POUR some of the Squand into a bin of water.  They saw that the sand went from being DRY to getting WET in the water.






img_1779img_1783We found that when we pulled the sand out of the water, it was DRY once again!

img_1765Such a cool activity and very impressive to both the students and the adults—we were all completely fascinated! This stuff is the COOLEST!




img_0863img_1579Join us again next week for more fun and learning———–Group by Group!



IMG_5246We explored a galaxy closer to home this week—–our own! Each box in the sensory group was related to one of the planets. The fine motor groups made some out of this world art projects and the language group made a yummy “spacey” snack.






Sensory Group

IMG_5256IMG_5028Before we got to our groups we brought out our cool solar system umbrella. It was easily made with some battery operated lights, yellow craft foam, and some super cool hanging planets (thanks Ms. Kim). The students totally LOVED it!



IMG_4791Recognize a space related object is a science access point.






IMG_5283IMG_5115Jupiter is the largest of the planets and Mercury is the smallest. With this box our students sorted BIG shaker balls and SMALL pompoms.

IMG_4832Recognize differences in sizes of objects is a math access point.


IMG_5060IMG_5120They REALLY had fun with the big shaker balls 🙂











IMG_4869IMG_5287One of the most recognizable planets is Saturn with its famous rings. Our students used fluffy chenille stems to make circular shaped rings of their own.




IMG_5082Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






IMG_5112IMG_4797Mars is known as the “red planet”. We made used black cherry Koolaid to make the play dough this week and we think the color turned out really well and smelled nice too! A cookie cutter letter M was included.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






IMG_4808IMG_5314We learned that Venus is a very hot planet with lots of volcanic activity. We made an orange and yellow discovery jar that looks like the planet’s surface using a technique that we found at http://mom.com The jar was so much fun to make that we made 2 more with different colors 🙂


IMG_5096Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






IMG_4863IMG_5064Since our planet Earth has a moon, we HAD to bring out our MOONSAND this week! The students used a round shape sorter to make circle shaped craters in the sand.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.








IMG_5290IMG_4817Our “deep space” black kinetic sand contained some fun things to find including a blue-green planet—— Saturn!




IMG_5277Recognize a space related object is a science access point.







IMG_5141IMG_5154The planet Neptune is a beautiful blue color like our water this week!  Since it is the furthest planet from the sun we figured it would be an ideal place to view other galaxies (lighted swim rings)!

There was also a scoop for pouring—-lots of splashy fun 🙂

IMG_5324The science access point observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a  science topic can be addressed here.






IMG_5155IMG_5338There are a lot of pretty noxious odors associated with some of the planets we explored! So rather than go realistic, we decided that midnight by Bath and BodyWorks was a pretty good choice—–after all, midnight is the perfect time for star gazing 🙂

IMG_5171Applied to hands, necks, or arms—–the science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed here.






Fine Motor Group

IMG_4910IMG_4912On Tuesday our students made space shuttles using this template: space shuttle  Recycled toilet paper rolls used to complete the project gave us a chance to discuss the Unique Curriculum theme for this month.

This group LOVED our solar system umbrella too!







IMG_4914We started our art project by asking the students to identify red and blue using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.









IMG_4928IMG_4951The student used red and blue markers to scribble on their rockets. We used Pipsqueak Markers by Crayola because their size is perfect for our students.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.







IMG_4921To finish off the project, the students added a circle “porthole” with their photo. Nice pincer grasp practice!

Recognize a common object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.










IMG_4933IMG_4944We attached the space shuttle to a toilet paper roll to help it stand up and 10, 9, 8, 7,6…..





IMG_4956                                                                Ta Da we have lift off!






On Wednesday our students made a solar system!

IMG_5178We started by discussing the shape of our planets and asked our students to identify it using communication symbols.

Recognize an object with a three-dimensional shape is a math access point.









IMG_5191IMG_5204To make our planets we used styrofoam balls cut in half so that they were easier to glue down. The students then painted their planets and sprinkled on some confetti to add a little texture.

This gave us lots of opportunities to work on the math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more.







IMG_5216IMG_5226Then the students glued their planets around the sun. Stars were added with  some glue and glitter!

This activity addresses the math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence.









IMG_5234                                                  TA DA——-welcome to our solar system!







Language Group

In our true language group style, we made a treat for the students this week——– a Saturn Slush!  We got special help from one of our other SLPs this week, Judy, who came in and helped with the lesson.

IMG_5373IMG_5383To start off, we checked out the frozen strawberries and blueberries we were going to use for our recipe. We asked the students if the bags felt WARM or COLD!

Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold is a science access point.







IMG_5365IMG_5385We put some frozen strawberries in the blender.   Then our students helped POUR some orange juice into the blender.  We talked about how the colors of strawberries and the orange juice were different.

Recognize differences in objects is a science access point.






IMG_5391IMG_5397After that, we put in some confectioners sugar.  Our students got to have some fun taking turns activating the blender.




IMG_5406The science access point recognize that electrical systems must be turned on in order to work, can be addressed with this activity.





IMG_5423IMG_5428Once the mixture was nice and smooth we POURED it into a bowl.

Then we put some frozen blueberries,  more orange juice, and confectioners sugar into the blender and blended again until it was smooth.







IMG_5444IMG_5456We alternated the strawberry and blueberry mixtures into cups for our students (of course, counting the cups out first) so that they could see the different layers—–or at least that was the plan! Our pouring efforts ended up with everything kind of mixing together.

On the bright side the Saturn Slush tasted really YUMMY so no one really minded 🙂







IMG_5103IMG_4874We had so much fun learning about the planets this week! Be sure to join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

IMG_3225Happy 2016 everyone! To welcome the new year we thought it would be fun to take a look BACK at some things that happened in past “new” years.

Each of the sensory group boxes related to one of the historic events. The fine motor groups made art projects celebrating 2016 and the language group—-well they had a party 🙂






IMG_3035IMG_3170The marriage of Prince Ferdinand and Queen Isabella united the country of Spain. The red and yellow of this colorful box were a nod to the colors of the Spanish flag. In addition to sorting by color, the students were able to sort by texture since we included soft pompoms and hard beads.

Of course, the beads were also lots of fun to wear or shake 🙂

IMG_3162Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.






IMG_3165IMG_2790In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed and in celebration of that historic event we made some red, white and blue play dough! We added snipped pieces of an old star garland and some glitter to give the play dough a patriotic sparkle 🙂

The students cut out stars using two different sized cookie cutters.

The science access point recognize differences in size of objects is addressed here.






IMG_2827IMG_3012At the turn of the century, people were thrilled with the construction of the Statue of Liberty. We thought our green Bubber looked pretty similar to the color of the statue as we see it today.

Bubber’s texture is a little like circus peanut candy so it is drier than play dough but it still sticks together really well.





IMG_2980IMG_3122 We also included a souvenir  hat just for fun——thanks Kira!

While making sculptures with the Bubber, the students addressed the science access point recognize a change in an object.

Trying on the hat addressed the “let’s have fun” access point 🙂







IMG_3146IMG_3021In 1955 the hit song Rock Around the Clock was released. Our students used finger drums and a maraca to rock out to the song we recorded on a voice output device.

The finger drums were a HUGE hit 🙂

IMG_2990The science access points recognize an action as fast or slow and recognize objects that create sounds are addressed here.




IMG_2857IMG_3030The movie Footloose was hugely popular in 1984 and we thought this neon rice perfectly represented the decade!

The little funnel and spoon made for lots of scooping fun and the students were especially fascinated as they watched the grains stream out the bottom. At the bottom of the box was a piece of paper with the numbers 1984—–written with neon markers, of course!

Track a falling object is a science access point.





IMG_3139IMG_3033The psychedelic 1960’s rang out with the Woodstock concert held in the summer of 1969. In homage to the fashion of the day, we made some tie dye oobleck! Watching the colors swirl around was just GROOVY 🙂

IMG_3013We got the tie dye effect by mixing the different colors in separate bowls and then pouring them onto a tray.

Track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point.




IMG_2839IMG_3157Another musician made history in 1977 with his concert in Hawaii—–the king himself, Elvis! Since lei’s are made from plumeria flowers we used that scent from Bath and Bodyworks for our water play scent this week. There was a “plumeria” blossom floating in the water and a bulb syringe to “water” it with.

IMG_3123Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is addressed here.





IMG_3180IMG_2866The students really liked the aroma of the matching lotion rubbed on their arms and hands.

IMG_3046Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






On Tuesday the students decorated signs made from paper plates and popsicle sticks.

IMG_2879We started by discussing the shape of plate and asking the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Recognize a common object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.







IMG_2886IMG_2919Then they painted the plate with GOLD paint—-this looked so cool!!! By having the students hold onto the popsicle stick handle we also addressed bilateral coordination with this activity.

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.





IMG_2910IMG_2900We added even more sparkle with some glitter confetti and topped off the sign with a piece of paper with “2016” printed on it.

The paper stuck easily to the paint so we didn’t  have to use glue!

Recognize that objects can stick together is a science access point.




IMG_2896TA DA—–Happy 2016!










On Wednesday we used the numbers 2016 again, but this time we put them on a SHIELD—-kind of like the one Henry VIII might have used!

IMG_3060We started by identifying the number 6 on a number line—-the students did a really great job with this!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






IMG_3081IMG_3064Then we got out some BIG brushes and painted the shields with silver paint. Some of the students are still learning to use paint brushes but most of them  got to work without any help from us!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.




IMG_3095IMG_3110We used the Ellison machine to cut out the numbers 2-0-1-6 and the students placed them on their shields.

To make it easier to hold, a toilet paper roll was hot glued to the back of the shield by an adult, then…….

IMG_3105                                                                Time for a 2016 royal TA DA





In our language group this week, we made some yummy cornbread. It is a traditional Southern food eaten for good luck because it’s supposed to resemble gold!

IMG_3186We started by counting out the cupcake liners while placing them in the cupcake tin.  We used a visual of the number 6 to help reinforce number recognition.

The math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is addressed here.






IMG_3191Then, we followed the directions on the Jiffy cornbread mix box and put all of the ingredients in a bowl.  We made sure to talk about the COLOR of the cornbread mix and also how it was DRY.  When we cracked the egg in, we talked about how the mixture was now WET.

Distinguish between items that are wet and items that are dry is a science access point.






IMG_3199IMG_3202When it was time to pour in the milk, noting that it was a LIQUID, our students got to feel the temperature—-it was COLD!

IMG_3206Recognize the temperature of items, such as food, as cool or warm is a science access point.






IMG_3210IMG_3215We mixed up the ingredients and counted out how many spoonfuls we needed to put into the cupcake tin.  Once finished, we put them in the oven to bake.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





IMG_3240IMG_3234While we were waiting, we had a small New Years party of our own.  We got out party hats, boas, and princess crowns.  Our students then got to make some “fireworks” by walking or rolling over bubblewrap-IMG_3262                                                               —they had a BLAST!




IMG_3278IMG_3268Finally, we got to eat our “gold”.  Cheers to a lucky 2016!!









IMG_3135Well, it was back to school with a blast and we had tons of fun welcoming in the new year! Join us again next week for more fun and learning——Group by Group!



IMG_0187We learned a lot of fun facts about the month of December this week. There is actually more to the month besides holidays! Our sensory groups explored boxes related to symbols and events related to the month. The fine motor groups painted fabulous art projects and the language group made delicious hot chocolate—-YUM!






IMG_0344IMG_0621Each month has a special “birthstone” and the one for December is turquoise. The students searched for both upper and lower case “D”s in our box of turquoise beans. Beans are always a hit with our students but when they are this beautiful color they are even more enticing 🙂

The science access point match objects with similar observable properties, such as shape, can be addressed here.





IMG_0407IMG_0372The flower for the month is the narcissus. In this box we mixed green holly with white silk “narcissus” petals—–actually, they’re white poinsettias from the dollar store, but we think they totally worked! In addition to sorting by color, there were textures to compare.

IMG_0349Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.






IMG_0176IMG_0741The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded during the month of December—–how cool is that! In honor of everyone’s hope for peace around the world we added a big peace symbol to our blue and green rice. Underneath there was a picture of our world as viewed from space.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point addressed in this activity.







IMG_0382IMG_0228This box contained lots of different symbols of December. There were a variety of items representing the holidays of Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas. A mountain goat was included to represent capricorn—-one of the zodiac signs that fall during the month. Since many people visit FRIENDS and FAMILY during this month, we added those words to the box as well.

IMG_0414                                           Some of the toys made noise and these were a HUGE hit!

Recognize an object related to an event is a social studies access point.





IMG_0352IMG_0241There were also some fun Christmas tree glasses and as usual, our students totally rocked them 🙂

IMG_0687                                                                                       Too cute!








IMG_0397IMG_0170National Chocolate Candy Day falls during this month—-how sweet is that, LITERALLY 🙂 We made some delicious smelling chocolate play dough that could be cut into little candy pieces with a cookie cutter.

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.





IMG_0437IMG_0192The Wright brothers made their first flight on December 17, 1903. While they didn’t quite make it up into the clouds that day, our little plane is flying around some shaving cream clouds in celebration of that historic day!

IMG_0515                                      Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





IMG_0180IMG_0714Hands were rinsed in water scented with Bath and Bodyworks winter candy apple scent. There were 2 different size scoops and a giant foam “D”.

Recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.






IMG_0817The students really liked the matching lotion! Asking if they “liked” the scent and “where” they wanted it was a great opportunity to practice communication skills.









On Tuesday the students made a poinsettia craft in celebration of national poinsettia day which occurs on December 12. We used this:pointsettia template

IMG_0268We started by discussing the color of the paint we were going to use and the students used communication symbols to show us the color RED!

The science access point identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is addressed here.







IMG_0288IMG_0293Bubble wrap was tied with a rubber band around a kitchen scrubber and the students used that to apply the paint to their flowers. We emphasized that we were stamping “up” and “down”. Of course, they all had their own techniques 🙂

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.




IMG_0281IMG_0302After the students finished painting we taped their flowers to a large craft stick and TA DA——

IMG_0282                                                                              ——-pretty poinsettias!




On Wednesday the students painted a peace symbol in honor of the Nobel Peace Prize. We found this idea at kiwicrate.com

IMG_0441IMG_0444We started by discussing the paint colors we were going to use—–BLUE and GREEN. Again the students used communication symbols to identify the colors.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.




IMG_0473Before we started painting, we also discussed the shape of our plates and that the painters tape that had been placed on the paint was called a “peace symbol”. Then we squirted paint onto their plates and the students got to work!

Recognize an object with a 2-dimensional shape is a math access point.





IMG_0468After they had finished painting, they got to peel the tape off their plates—–they really had fun with this part 🙂 It was also a great way to practice pincer grasps.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






IMG_0465IMG_0477Sending wishes for…….











IMG_0858Our language group made a tasty December treat—–hot chocolate!

We started by opening 2 packages of hot chocolate mix, making sure that we counted each package, and pouring them INTO a bowl. This was a great activity for practicing pincer grasps!







IMG_0875IMG_0879Then we added 2 cups of water and began stirring it into the chocolate powder. After each student took their turn we would ask them if we needed to stir MORE or if we were ALL DONE.

The math access point indicate desire for more of an action or object is a math access point.





IMG_0887We set the microwave for 1 minute. After we took it out we asked the students to touch the bowl—it was WARM!








IMG_0891IMG_0892To make the hot chocolate even yummier we gave the students a choice between toppings—–marshmallows or whipped cream!








IMG_0904Time to drink up——-YUM 🙂








Join us again next time for more fun and learning——–Group by Group!

Peter Pan

Peter Pan

IMG_7292We had so much fun preparing for this week’s theme which was filled with fun and lots of pixie dust :).

Our sensory groups explored boxes related to the various characters seen in the Peter Pan story. The fine motor groups both used glitter to complete their art projects and the language group dressed like lost boys while playing Follow the Leader! All of the groups had so much fun seeing their friends dressed as characters in the book.





IMG_6742IMG_7023The color GREEN is all over the Peter Pan story—-from Tinker Bell and Peter Pan’s clothing to that enormous crocodile! Even Neverland itself is mostly green! With all that green, we had to include a box of this fabulous green kinetic sand. Kinetic sand is always pretty irresistible but with this bright color—-it was even more so!!! There was a letter “P” cookie cutter included in this box but most of us just enjoyed watching it dribble through our fingers.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.




IMG_7150IMG_6953We made a night sky for our little Wendy to fly through and included a couple of stars to count. There was also a picture of Peter Pan himself to find at the bottom of the box. The students really enjoyed running their hands through the beans—-a completely different texture compared to the kinetic sand!

The math access points recognize differences in size of objects and associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.




IMG_6859IMG_7149This Captain Hook box was filled with fun. There was treasure to find as well as some “piratey” stuff—-like a hook, an eye patch, and spy glass. There were also Captain Hook and crocodile figurines!  We even put in a toy clock—–the students had a blast!

IMG_6971Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.




IMG_6793The Mr. Smee box contained red and white pompoms and beads for sorting fun. The items could be sorted by color or texture. As usual, the beads proved to be very popular.

Match objects with similar observable properties, such as size, shape, color, or texture is a science access point.








IMG_7113IMG_7147These pixie dust bottles were just fabulous and VERY eye catching. The students loved watching the the glitter swirl around!

IMG_6993Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move can be addressed in this activity.




IMG_6956IMG_7124Peter Pan told Wendy to “fly to the second star to the right and then straight on ’til morning”. We mixed our yellow play dough with lots of gold glitter for a perfect sparkle!

IMG_6749With the included 2 cookie cutters, the math access point recognize differences in size of objects is addressed.




IMG_7009IMG_6990Our mermaid lagoon, scented with plumeria scented bath gel from Bath and Bodyworks, had a cute little mermaid and a water lily with an extra special feature—-it lit up! The students had lots of splashy fun with this activity and were especially fascinated by the lighted flower.

IMG_6962Recognize sources of light is a science access point.




IMG_7214The students really liked the scent we chose this week. We chose plumeria as a nod to Princess Tiger Lily—-it was the closest scent we had to lilies so we went with it 🙂

It was perfect for rubbing on hands, arms, ……..and the back of a neck!

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






IMG_7169IMG_6947We finished our group by turning off the lights and bringing out our fairy umbrella. This was a huge hit—-the students loved seeing all the twinkling “fairies” hidden among the flowers. Of course, we included a little Tinker Bell figure to fly around with her friends.

IMG_6938This is probably the prettiest umbrella we have ever made—–just magical!





On Tuesday our students turned into little pirates! We used this template: hook template to cut hooks out of poster board and taped them to large craft sticks.

IMG_6867IMG_6887We squeezed glue onto the hooks and used a sponge brush to spread the glue around on both sides. This was a great activity for working on bilateral coordination.

This also addresses the science access point recognize pushing and pulling an object makes it move.




IMG_6880IMG_6890Next we sprinkled on some silver glitter. Lots of glitter ended up on the bottom of our tray, so the students could also dip their “hooks” into that as well.

IMG_6902Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.




IMG_6912IMG_6873The hooks were slipped into some paper cups and……Ta Da——Captain Hook at your service!









On Wednesday our fine motor group made their own pixie dust bottles!

IMG_7065IMG_7032First the students chose which color glitter glue they wanted to use for their bottles. Then they deposited the glue into their bottles—–squeezing the bottle 3 times.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.





IMG_7056Then they got to add some regular glitter—either silver or gold to their bottle. To make things easier we used a funnel. We did help the students a little bit with this part, to make sure they didn’t dump the entire container into the bottle—-kids will be kids, after all 🙂

The science access point track objects in motion can be addressed as the students watch the glitter fall.






IMG_7051Warm water was added next. A 1 cup scoop was used for the water and after each scoop we asked the students if they needed “more”. When we got to the top of the bottle we discussed that we had added “enough”. Occasionally we also got to discuss the concept of “too much” 🙂

Solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more is a math access point.






IMG_7085IMG_7075After an adult hot glued the lids back onto their bottles we asked the students to shake everything up—-then TA DA!

Can you feel the magic?!!!!








Following the leader was the name of the game in the language group this week and it was so much fun!

IMG_7232IMG_7239First we brought out a variety of animal hats and let the students choose which one they wanted to wear. We also used a Peter Pan hat to let them take turns being the leader.  The rest of the group wore their different animal hats and headbands to dress up like the Lost Boys (and Girls).

IMG_7251We put on the song “Following the Leader” from the Peter Pan cartoon and set off!




IMG_7248IMG_7278Whoever was the leader had to lead the rest of the group OVER the stepping stones, THROUGH the cones, AROUND the tables, and UNDER the swing.

IMG_7267Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship is a math access point.




IMG_7288IMG_7230Each of our students got to take a turn as the leader and they all got to be a variety of different animals as the Lost Boys and Girls.


Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Creepy Crawly Critters

Creepy Crawly Critters

IMG_6169Many of our students are learning about animal habitats with their Unique Curriculum unit this month. Since it is October which has us thinking about things that bump in the night, a creepy crawly critters theme seemed like the perfect complement ! Our sensory groups explored boxes related to different animals. The fine motor groups painted their animal themed art projects using unusual tools and the language group went on a creepy, crawly critter hunt—-read along to see all the fun we had!





IMG_6172IMG_6290Spiders—-well those are some pretty creepy crawlies and we put an assortment in this box! One of the spiders scuttled across the table after a string was pulled, which of course elicited a few nervous giggles—-from both students AND staff 🙂 We also included a discovery bottle with some floaty spiders that wiggled up and down as the bottle was turned.

IMG_5902Track objects in motion is a science access point.




IMG_5865IMG_6152This little desert habitat was home to some snakes and lizards. There were 3 of each for sorting and counting. The students also had fun sliding them around making paths in the sand.

Solve simple problems involving joining or separating sets of objects to 3 is a math access point.







IMG_6299IMG_6158Owls aren’t really creepy but their hoots can give you a little shiver if you are out in the woods at night so we went ahead and included them. We put in our fabulous “owl” feather boa and a super cute, totally NOT creepy plush owl.

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.







IMG_6307IMG_6292Put some battery operated lights and black paper shred in a box——it looks just like lots of little bug eyes staring back at you! Light boxes are always a hit with our students and this was no exception. Pretty cool—-if we do say so ourselves 🙂

IMG_5862                                    Recognize sources of light is a science access point.




IMG_5911IMG_5939We brought back our black play dough from a couple of weeks ago but this time our students used a bat cookie cutter to make the classic creepy night critter.

IMG_6300The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.




IMG_6304IMG_5859A black light helped make both our oobleck and the 3 centipedes crawling around in it GLOW! While we couldn’t make the classroom completely dark the effect was still—–WAY COOL!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






IMG_6301IMG_6209There was an ENORMOUS water beetle to find in our “pond” this week. Our students quite enjoyed checking out this really big bug! The water was scented with  Bath and Bodyworks twilight woods scented bath gel which seemed like the appropriate scent for this unit 🙂

The science access point match common living things with their habitats can be addressed here.






IMG_6220IMG_6229The matching lotion was a hit. The students liked the scent and, as usual, we asked them if they “wanted” some and “where” they wanted it applied—-hands, arms, neck, noses, or toes 🙂

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.








IMG_5992We made spider webs using marbles on Tuesday! First we counted out 3 marbles into a cup of white paint and asked our students to show us the number 3 using communication symbols.

The math access point associate quantities with number names is addressed here.






IMG_6015IMG_5998Then the students scooped out the marbles and dropped them onto a piece of black paper that was placed inside a lidded box. Of course the shapes of the paper and marbles were also discussed!

IMG_6051Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape and recognize common three-dimensional shape are math access points.




IMG_6007IMG_6002We closed the lid and started shaking the box! The students REALLY had fun with this part 🙂

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move and track objects in motion are science access points addressed in this step.

IMG_6040After the lid was taken off it was pretty exciting to see how it turned out!




IMG_6034IMG_6021We removed the marbles and the students glued fuzzy pom pom spiders onto their webs—–great for practicing pincer grasps!

This was another opportunity to address the science access point match animals to their habitats.





IMG_6003IMG_6014TA DA—–

IMG_6061                                                         ——–such creepy crawly spiders 🙂




On Thursday we painted with SPRAY BOTTLES!

IMG_6242We started by discussing the color of the paint we were going to use and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.







IMG_6246IMG_6252The students dropped this rat stencil(made with: rat template) onto a piece of black paper and began spraying! They had so much fun with this and really did a great job of spraying onto the paper and NOT the floor or their friends 🙂

IMG_6264Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.




IMG_6276IMG_6278Ta ratty Da!

IMG_6255                                                              Pretty cute—-for a rodent 🙂




For the language group this week, we went on a creepy, crawly critter hunt.  While the students were out of the room, we hid 6 different animals and insects from our book all around the room.

IMG_6359We turned off the lights to read the book and kept them off so we could use a flashlight to find the critters.  We had real pictures of each of the critters hidden around the room, so one-by-one, we LOOKED for each of them.

Recognize sources of light is a science access point.






IMG_6326IMG_6390If the students needed clues, they had to request HELP and we would give them a clue about where the critter might be.

IMG_6348For example, for the centipede on the refridgerator, we said “it’s where we go to get COLD food and drinks” or for the owl we said “it’s somewhere UP HIGH”.

Seek assistance to clarify the meaning of pictures, symbols, gestures/signs, or words in classroom activities with prompting is a language access point.



IMG_6371IMG_6394Once our students located the critter, we caught it and let each of our friends look at it and feel it.

We counted all the critters we found at the end to make sure that we had the SAME number of real critters and pictures of critters.

We did it!  The classroom is once again critter-free thanks to our critter catchers 🙂



IMG_6287Join us again next week for more fun and learning——Group by Group!



IMG_9471Spring has sprung and since many of our teachers are busy planting gardens with their students we decided that a unit on plants would be the perfect theme for this week! Our sensory group boxes were filled with plants and plant like materials. The fine motor group made beautiful floral art projects and the language group planted some REAL flowers!






IMG_9611IMG_9759Lots of different things to discover in this box which was filled with play food fruits, vegetables, and flowers. We also put in some picture cards and toy animals—all plant eaters of course! A piece of fabric was included because the cotton plant was used to MAKE that fabric!

IMG_9464Recognize a model of a real object is the science access point addressed here. The science access point recognize objects related to science by name such as plant or animal is also addressed.




IMG_9723The students really had fun planting seeds (dry beans) and growing carrots (play food) in our coffee ground dirt. There was also a letter G for “grow” and “garden” and hidden at the bottom of the box was a picture of a cute little groundhog…..ok, so perhaps leftover from a previous unit BUT he is a plant eater after all 🙂

The science access point recognize that plants grow is a science access point explored here.






IMG_9554The different parts of plants can be explored in this fun and colorful box filled with silk flowers and leaves.

The science access point recognize the leaf and flower of a plant is addressed with this activity.









IMG_9733IMG_9563We made this pretty pink batch of play dough using koolaid and we really liked the way it turned out! The students had a choice of 2 different flower cookie cutters which allowed for the opportunity to discuss concepts of “same” and “different.

Not only can the flowers be counted, but the science access point. apply a push to move an object is also addressed.




IMG_9458IMG_9512Plant seeds are food sources for many animals such as birds. We filled this box with bird seed and put 3 little birds in it for the students to find. The bird seed had an amazing tactile feel on buried hands—-super cool!

IMG_9602In addition to visual and tactile discrimination, the math access point associate quantities with number names is addressed.




IMG_9726IMG_9558Our green oobleck represents chlorophyll which is the green coloring in plants. We used sour apple koolaid which made it such a pretty color gave it a very enticing aroma!

The science access point recognize the change in motion of an object is addressed here.






IMG_9502We put some cool LIGHTED flowers in our water play this week (thanks Ms. Kim). There was also a little watering can included so the students could water them—-such fun!

Recognize that plants need water is a science access point.







IMG_9541We finished the group with Bath and Body works plumeria scented lotion and the matching bath gel was used in our water play. This floral plumeria scent was very aromatic, a perfect fit for our plant theme this week and a great way to help us remember all the fun we had.

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is the science access point addressed here.







IMG_9633On Tuesday the science access point identify the major parts of a plant such as the root, stem, leaf, and flower with our art project.

First we used the paper cutter to cut out the green stems. Our students are getting so good at this!

This addresses the science access point recognize a change in an object.






IMG_9645IMG_9665Then we assembled the flower by asking the students to place the pre-labled (thank you Dana and Olivia) pieces on the designated places using glue as a visual cue. Our students are still practicing this skill but they are getting better at it! We discussed that the flower went on TOP of the stem, the roots at the BOTTOM, and that there were 2 leaves.

IMG_9684The math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is addressed here.




IMG_9689IMG_9718TA DA—-fabulous floral specimens!










On Thursday we made a fun torn paper art project!

IMG_9865We started by choosing which flower (cut from the Ellison machine) to decorate.

Communicate a preference for objects is a language access point.






IMG_9901Then the students chose pieces of tissue paper to tear, crumple, and glue onto their flowers.

In addition to promoting bilateral coordination, the science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed in this activity.







IMG_9878IMG_9892The flowers look fabulous—–especially with the addition of the students cute little faces 🙂

IMG_9946                                                                                 Ta DA!!!!





IMG_9812The weather was beautiful when we went outside and planted some flowers during our language group. We started by showing our students the flowers we were going to plant and they took turns smelling them.

Explore, observe, and recognize common objects in the natural world through observation is a science access point.






IMG_9792IMG_9803Each of our students got to take a turn planting their own flower and we worked through the steps with them—starting with digging a hole.  Typically, a spade is used.  But since we couldn’t find ours, we improvised and used a spoon 🙂

This is a great opportunity to address the science access point distinguish examples of soil from other substances.





IMG_9788Next, we took the flower and planted it in the hole.

As the soil is pushed back around the roots, the science access point recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.

Recognize common objects related to science by name, such as plant is another science access point addressed.






IMG_9809Once the flowers were planted, we watered them and  discussed the fact that water was a liquid.   Then we watched as the soil soaked up the water.

Recognize that plants need water is a science access point.






IMG_9831Finally, our nice little garden was finished!  Our gardeners were pretty proud of themselves and we were proud of them too!

Happy Spring!!!!

Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Famous African Americans at my School

Famous African Americans at my School

We celebrated Black History month by spotlighting some very special members of our staff. Our students loved reading Cara’s book about some of the special people in their lives. In our sensory group each of the boxes were filled with items representing a staff member. Our fine motor and language groups honored staff members in their classes with special treats. Here is what we did:


IMG_2757Ms. Regina is one of our newest owls and when she is not helping keep our school clean, taking care of her children, OR studying she likes to go on nature walks.

We filled her box with leaves, flowers, vines, and spanish moss—–things you always see on a walk in Florida. We put in some wildlife you might see including ducks, butterflies, birds, frogs, lizards. Bird sounds were also recorded on a voice output device to add to that outdoors feeling. It was a very attractive box which definitely invited exploration!

The science access point distinguishing between a plant and an animal is addressed here, helping our students learn about the organization and development of living organisms.

Recognize and respond to common sounds is the science access point related to the understanding of forms of energy.




IMG_2582Coach Brown helps our owls gain new athletic skills. In this blue and yellow rice (our school colors) we put in 3 different sport ball erasers. Since the erasers were a little small we encased them in some photo pockets sealed with packing tape. That kept them visible and able to be handled but avoided any safety issues. It worked really well and our students enjoyed discovering them in the rice—-and of course, burying them back in it 🙂

2 of the balls were round and 1 was oval shaped. Recognizing a common object with a 2 dimensional shape is a math access point.






IMG_2540IMG_2745Ms. Frankie loves the Denver Broncos! Her box had 3 pompom shakers in the Bronco colors of blue, orange, and white. We also put in a “bronco” that neighed when it’s button was pushed.

Our students love the shakers. Not only do they love shaking and waving them around but they also love the rustling sound they make.

Identifying objects by one observable property, such as color is the science access point related to learning properties of matter. Applying a push to move an object is related to learning about forces and changes in motion.



IMG_2719Ms. Jackie loves the colors hot pink and black. We filled her box with colorful hard beads and soft pompoms in different sizes. A great way to explore the properties of matter and the access point match objects by one observable property such as size or color. Working on the concepts “same” and “different” addresses the math access point recognizing similarities and differences in sizes of common objects. This relates to the understanding of geometry and measurement.

Of course, it’s also a great way to work on the science access point identify of external body parts—–as in, let’s put the beads over our heads 🙂





IMG_2591IMG_2637Ms. Metra likes to ride motorcycles with her husband. We put in 2 different motorcycles (one a toy and the other a puzzle piece) on our black bean highway.

The toy was a lot of fun because it was one of the kind that could be pulled back and released to drive along the table. Our students also enjoyed both submerging the motorcycles and their hands/arms in the beans—-they really do have a wonderful tactile feel.

Forces and changes in motion are explored as the science access point apply a push to move an object is addressed.




IMG_2600Grandma Daisy loves to eat sherbet ice cream! We made sherbet play dough by mixing lime gelatin and cornstarch then putting it in the refrigerator. Find the recipe here: http://blogmemom.com. It really looked like the real thing especially when it was scooped. Since it had been refrigerated it was a little hard and some force needed to be applied!

We discussed whether the sherbet was “warm” or “cold” which is a science access point related to properties of matter.






IMG_2589Ms. Shakelia’s favorite color is blue! We mixed blue food coloring with our oobleck this week AND added some blue glitter—–we thought she would appreciate that 🙂 The glitter also adds a nice visual element as it get swirled around with the oobleck as it moves.

As the oobleck goes from a solid to a liquid and back again our students explore changes in matter: addressing the science access point recognize that the appearance of a material has changed.






IMG_2533IMG_2780Ms. Sonya loves when things AND her students are sparkly clean 🙂 so to clean up after our messy play we used Crystal Waters scent that we found at the local pharmacy. Ms. Sonya also loves to cook so we thought an apple shaped sponge would be a fun addition and give the students an opportunity to work on hand strengthening by squeezing water out of the sponge.

Recognizing the water as a liquid is a science access point related to learning properties of matter.

The matching lotion had a light pleasant aroma which our students liked. Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli (in this case olfactory) is a science access point related to the understanding of the organization and development of living organisms.




IMG_2670IMG_2666On Tuesday we made a handprint peace dove. We started by showing the students the different colors of paper we had available and then asking them which color paper they would like to use for today’s project. They used communication symbols to make their choices.

The students either used eye gaze or pointed to the symbol to indicate their preference.





IMG_2675As we passed out the paper, we discussed its shape (rectangle) and how many sides it had. This addresses the math access point recognize common objects with 2 dimensional shapes.

Then we painted one of their hands with white paint. None of these students are particularly tactile defensive so this was not a problem. In the past we have had students with tactile issues and we adapted the activity by letting them paint a staff members hand instead.







IMG_2685Then we pressed our hands down onto the paper. Some of the students were able to do this part independently but most of them needed a little assistance.

The students were pretty excited to see their hand print appear on the paper! Recognizing a change in an object is a science access point related to the understanding of changes in matter.







IMG_2690IMG_2693Adults added a beak, legs and eye with a permanent marker and our dove was ready to carry its olive branch!









On Thursday we painted a picture frame for Ms. Celeste! She can use it to frame the beautiful picture she took for out book this week. We decided to paint it with her favorite colors of brown and rust!

IMG_2866We started by showing the students the brown paint bottle. We presented the communication symbols and asked them “which one says brown”. Almost all the students answered correctly!

Identifying objects by one observable property such as color—–yep, we’ve got that one!






IMG_2896 Then we got out the paint brushes and started painting. They all manipulated their painting tools well! The students did a great job but the hole in the middle of the frame was a little confusing for them and so they needed a little redirection at times.

As the frame is painted, the students track the movement of the brush as it is pushed or pulled——this is a science access point related to the understanding of forces and changes in motion.






IMG_2899The we shook on some rust colored glitter for a little additional sparkle 🙂









As the glitter was applied, it changed the appearance of the frame. Recognizing a change in an object is a science access point related to the understanding of changes in matter.

IMG_2919                          It turned out really fabulous and Ms. Celeste loved her picture frame!




Since Grandma Daisy works in the room where we do our language group, we based our activity on her favorite food: SHERBET ICE CREAM!  In her honor, we decided to make sherbet sundaes.

IMG_2814IMG_2820The focus for the group today was requesting and informing.  The students were provided with visuals of the numbers 1-5.  They had to tell us how many scoops they wanted in their bowl.  As Cara scooped the sherbet out, we all counted.

Counting from 1 to 5 using objects of pictures is a math access point related to geometry and measurement.







IMG_2824Because we were making sundaes, of COURSE we needed some toppings.  First we discussed the different toppings and discovered that one of them made NOISE!

Our students with visual impairments were very good at recognizing that the items were nearby—–a science access point related to the understanding of earth in space and time.







IMG_2837Cara made a board that showed the pictures of each topping that was provided:  magic shell sauce, whipped cream, and sprinkles.  The student whose turn it was would point to the picture of the topping they wanted, verbalizing what it was if they were able to.  Cara then put just a little bit of the topping in the bowl.

The PIXON pictures “more” and “all done” were located on the page as well.  Our students were able to convey if they wanted more of the topping or if they were all done with it.  For the most part, they wanted MORE!

In addition to language/communication aspects of indicating “more” and “all done”, these concepts are also math access points related to representation of quantities.



Everyone seemed to really enjoy their sundae!

IMG_2831                                                                                                             YUM!!!

Another great week—-thanks to all the staff members who allowed us to put their photograph in our book! And a great big thank you for all they do to make our school such a great place to be.

IMG_2804Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day

IMG_2234Love was in the air this week as we celebrated Valentine’s Day. It was all hearts, flowers, and chocolate in our sensory group! Our fine motor group made valentines and a box to put them in. A MadLib valentine was a fun project in the language group.

Throughout our groups we addressed the social studies access point associate an object with an event. Read along to see all activities.




IMG_2277IMG_2183Our first box was filled with a variety of red and white valentine themed objects. We had red paper shred, paper valentines, ribbons, garland, teddy bears, and a variety of hearts of all different textures and sizes. There were even some little valentine rubber duckies—-so cute!

Lots of things to look at, feel, and explore—-it was hard to pick a favorite item!

The science access point recognize common objects in the natural world through observation is addressed here.



IMG_2194Hearts are EVERYWHERE this time of year and we had a whole string of them! Ms. Kim found these fabulous felt hearts at Target and they were an instant hit with the students. They were so pretty and colorful. The hearts were strung on the string in such a fashion that they could be slid back and forth, which was pretty cool.

The science access point track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is addressed here in addition to the science access point identify objects by one observable property, such as color.




IMG_2507Some people give their valentines roses and jewelry. Our next box was filled with red silk rose petals and beads of gold, silver, and pearls. Of course the beads were popular but we had great fun picking up handfuls of petals and watching them drop to the ground.

The science access points recognizing two objects that are identical to each other and track objects that fall to the ground are both addressed here.






IMG_2171Other people like to give their valentines chocolate! Our chocolate scented play dough looked and smelled like the real thing—–VERY tempting not only for our students but also the adults 🙂

Fortunately most of our “tasters” have learned all that salt in the recipe makes for a particularly yucky morsel!

We included some hugs and kisses cookie cutters which gave the students the opportunity to recognize differences in the shapes of objects and also to recognize objects as the same which are science access points.

Of course, the shapes can also be counted addressing math access points.





IMG_2196 This box was filled with red and white beans.  It was a really pretty box with a nice contrast between the colors, the photo doesn’t really do it justice! We included two fun heart shaped spoons in different sizes. As scooping skills were practiced the math access points recognize when an object is added to a situation and associate quantities with language, such as many, a lot, or a little are addressed.

IMG_2189Putting your whole arm in instead, addresses the science access point apply a push to move an object 🙂







IMG_2511We used  a package of red velvet cake mix to make one ingredient cloud dough and it works quite well. There were 2 different sized heart cookie cutters with which to stamp impressions and to address the math access point recognize differences in size of objects.

Of course what our students really enjoyed doing was grabbing handfuls  and squeezing—-it is kind of irresistible 🙂






IMG_2182In case you were wondering, YES that powder IS messy—–fortunately we had some cinnamon candy scented water with which to rinse it off! We got this scented bath gel at Target a couple of years ago and it is a great scent that smells just like cinnamon red hots!

Recognizing when something has been taken away from a situation—–in this case, the red powder—-is a math access point.






IMG_2348IMG_2316We used 2 discovery bottles with our group this week. One was filled with gold glitter and jewels and the other with a collection of hearts and beads in valentine colors.

Some of our students were able to turn the bottles around themselves—-addressing the science access point recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move.

Others enjoyed just watching the contents swirl around—- addressing the science access point track objects in motion.





IMG_2335We finished our session with a yummy chocolate scent to remember all the fun things we learned about Valentines Day. We used a chocolate scented lip balm (thanks for the donation Ms. Elaine )to apply the scent to wrists and hands—-letting the students smell the sweet aroma. For obvious reasons, it was not applied to lips 🙂

Some visitors from E.H.Miller school gave us the idea to use lip balm because it comes in such a variety of flavors—-genius!

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.








IMG_2211On Tuesday we made some fabulous valentines. This project has been all over Pinterest and we knew it would be perfect for our students.

We started by talking about the heart shape of our paper and its color. Then we asked our students to show us the color “red” using our communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.






IMG_2222IMG_2237Then we glued puzzle pieces onto the heart—-a great way to work on pincer grasp skills and eye hand coordination!

We also glued a sentence strip with the words “I love you to pieces” onto the heart.

This addresses the science access point recognize a change in an object.

It also addresses the math access point recognize quantities 1 to 3 using sets of objects.





IMG_2247Happy  Valentine’s Day!

IMG_2436On Thursday the students decorated coffee containers to hold all the valentines they received from their friends. We started by giving the students a choice of 3 paper colors. After they had chosen their paper, we asked them to identify the color using communication symbols.

Identifying an object by one observable property, in this case color, is a science access point.





IMG_2431We used our paper cutters to trim the strips of paper to fit the container. After the paper was trimmed we noted that we had turned the strip into a rectangle and a square. The students were asked to show us the “square” and they did a pretty good job!

Recognizing a change in an object (as the paper is cut) is a science access point.

Recognizing objects with 2 dimensional shapes is a math access point.





IMG_2444 IMG_2459The rectangle was taped to the coffee container and then decorated with all sorts of heart shaped foam stickers. Holding onto those stickers is a great activity for promoting pincer grasp skills!

Before given another sticker, the students were asked if they wanted “more”. Indicating a desire for “more” or “no more” of an object is a math access point.







IMG_2492The students really loved their boxes!

We are ready for the big day 🙂











Since we were celebrating Valentine’s day,  we decided to make make a Valentine for someone we love. To make it even more personal, we did them in a Mad Libs fashion!

IMG_2367IMG_2372Cara created a letter with some words missing.  Here is the document: My Valentine mad lib.  For each word missing, the students had the option of using 2 or 3 different words in place.  Here are the words from which the students chose: My Valentine mad lib 2.  Our students chose a piece of construction paper and then glued their letter template down.

Communicating a preference for an object is a language access point.




IMG_2407We then started choosing words to put in our Valentines.  When going through the letter, we talked about what an adjective is, what a verb is, what kind of feelings people have.

Our students were given a choice of 3 words which we read to them and then asked to indicate which word they wanted. The students have a variety of ways they communicate, including eye gaze, pointing, and vocalizing. Our student with a visual impairment made his choice by pressing a voice output device to say “that’s the one I want”  as we read his choices.

Using pictures, symbols, gestures/signs, or words to communicate meaning is a language access point.

Using technology resources to support learning is also a language access point.




IMG_2380The students then cut their chosen words using tabletop scissors and glued them onto their papers. It may be a language focused group but we never pass up an opportunity to incorporate some fine motor skill building 🙂

Using pictures, symbols, gestures/signs, or words to communicate meaning is a language access point.

Using the scissors addresses the science access point recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.





IMG_2388When the students completed their Valentine, they each signed their name at the bottom.

For privacy we blurred this students signature but take it from us, he did an excellent job!

They were so proud——and rightly so 🙂








IMG_2359We loved all our activities this week and hope your Valentine’s Day was just as fun filled as ours was! Join us again next week for more smiles, fun, and learning.

Hugs and kisses from Group by Group xoxoxo

The Places I Go Around School

The Places I Go Around School

IMG_0139It was literacy week at our school and the general theme was “all the places you go”. We decided to focus on the all the places you go around school. Cara’s book was a huge hit—-our students loved seeing themselves or their friends faces in the book. Our sensory boxes were a lot of fun to put together, the fine motor art projects turned out so well, and our language group scavenger hunt was a blast!





IMG_0322TIMG_0148he cafeteria is one of the favorite places around school—-that’s where  all the food is after all 🙂 We filled the cafeteria box with paper shred and then added lunch related items including straws, play food, an ID card, and little tray.

The students had a lot of fun picking out their favorite food items and of course this led to lots of language opportunities. The straws we included turned out to be quite popular also—-placed into the milk carton or just waved about, our students loved them!

The science access point recognizing a model of a real object is addressed here. As with all our activities and boxes this week, the social studies access point associating a place with an activity in the classroom or school is also addressed.



IMG_0384We are so lucky to have a large sensory room at our school and needless to say it is one of the most popular places at school. Our students LOVE the sensory room and one of the favorite pieces of the equipment is the colorful ball pit!

Our colorful pompoms are round spheres just like the balls. We included 2 different sized pompoms in this box to compare or match. The plan was to address the math access point recognizing similarities and differences in size of common objects and the science access point to identify objects by one observable property, such as color…..

BUT kids being kids, the science access point of tracking falling objects was usually the one that was addressed 🙂





IMG_0354Music is another area that our students love to visit. We recorded a music clip on our voice output device and gave the students a shaker bottle instrument to jam along with the beat. We made the shaker bottle using a plastic soda bottle, adding some colorful beads AND hot gluing the lid on—-to at least slow down busy little hands 🙂

The science access points to recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli and apply a push or pull to move an object are addressed with this activity.







IMG_0295IMG_0423One of the most exciting places to go at school is the bus ramp BECAUSE that means it is time to go out for community based instruction. Like kids everywhere, our students enjoy riding the bus to exciting places.

For this box we added 2 different colored school buses to drive along black bean roads. We asked our students to find the bus that was the same color as the buses they ride, addressing the science access point to identify objects by one observable property.




IMG_0171Our students love making clay projects in art. Instead of clay, we brought back our green play dough from a few weeks ago. It still had the wonderful peppermint scent we had added and our students really enjoyed the aroma. We included 2 letter A (A for Art) cookie cutters.

The science access points recognizing an object by one observable property, applying a push or pull to move an object,  and recognizing a change in an object are all addressed in this activity.






IMG_0408There are 3 playgrounds at our school—-how cool is that! Going to the playground is probably the number one favorite place of most of our students.  So many fun things to do from climbing, to swinging to digging in the sandbox!

For our mini sandbox we taped a picture of a play ground (cut from a catalog) to the bottom of the box for the students to find as the sand was pushed aside. We also included a small measuring cup and spoon to practice scooping skills, bilateral skills and eye hand coordination.

The math access point solving problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language such as enough, too much, or more are explored in this activity. Another math access point, recognizing differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids (capacity) is also addressed.




IMG_0137Probably THE most favorite place at our school is the pool! Our PE teachers do such a great job and it is such a therapeutic place for our students.

We used Bath and Bodyworks Dancing Waters scent in our water—-it is kind of hard to find chlorine scented bath products 🙂 We also included 4 foam swim noodle pieces and a measuring spoon. The students practiced their scooping and eye hand coordination skills again as they tried to scoop water into the noodle holes.

Math access points addressed here include recognizing two dimensional shapes such as a circle and using one to one correspondence to identify sets of objects with the same amount to 2 can be addressed in this activity.





IMG_0437IMG_0192We finished with the Dancing Waters lotion to help us remember all the fun we had! Our students really liked the soft aroma of this scent and enjoyed indicating where they wanted the lotion on their bodies.

As usual this activity addresses the science access points of recognizing one or more external body parts and recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli. It also addresses the language access point of adjusting body movements of nonverbal expressions to communicate desires or preferences.





IMG_0211The playground was the theme for our Tuesday art project. We started by counting out rectangle shaped paper and using a sponge brush to paint on some glue.

The math access point recognizing a 2 dimensional shape is addressed. The science access point recognizing a change in an object is also addressed.

IMG_0241Then we scooped crushed yellow cereal “sand” onto the glue. This activity promotes scooping skills and eye hand coordination.  We also counted how many scoops each student put on their paper.

The science access point recognize a change in an object is again addressed. The math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more is also addressed.




IMG_0226IMG_0261We precut a bunch of playground pictures from some old catalogs and let our students choose which one they wanted to add to their pictures.

Our students with physical challenges used eye gaze to indicate their preferences.

This activity addresses the language access points of responding to informational materials and using body movement or nonverbal expression to communicate preferences.



IMG_0207IMG_0281We love the way these turned out—–and so did our students!

TA DA!!!!!!!








On Thursday we chose the cafeteria as the theme for our art project.

IMG_0488We counted out rectangle pieces of paper and discussed the paint colors, red and yellow, that we were going to use with our big apple and small corn cob. A fork was stuck into the apple to make it easier for our students to handle—-it worked really well!

We started by stamping 1 red apple print.

IMG_0572Next 1 yellow corn cob print.

The math access point recognizing differences in sizes of objects is addressed, in addition to the math access point recognizing 2 dimensional shapes.







IMG_0501Then we asked our students ” what color comes next?”.

After we stamped another apple print, we again asked “what comes next?”.

We thought the students would need a lot of assistance with this BUT they did really well—-our students ROCK!

The math access point recognizing the next step in a simple pattern or sequence of activities is addressed in this activity.






IMG_0534IMG_0565 TA Da!






IMG_0542                                                                                 So proud—-and rightly so!




IMG_0446Since we are talking about all the different places you go, we decided to have a scavenger hunt and find 3 different places around our school.

After reading Cara’s book, we looked at the directions for the scavenger hunt.  We went over what we had to find FIRST, NEXT, and LAST.  The directions had a picture of the places that we had to find.

The math access point to indicate the next step in a sequence of activities is addressed.

The social studies access point recognizing a picture of a location is also addressed.



IMG_0465FIRST we had to find the music room.  On the way, we would stop and ask the students to show us the way to go.  They would point in the direction we had to go.

NEXT we had to find the art room.  Since our students go to art and music once a week, they were easily able to locate these rooms.

LAST we had to find the playground.  Our students DEFINITELY know where the playground is!  Once we got to the playground, we looked at the directions again and went over what places we had just found.

All done and time to play!




IMG_0309Another great week! Join us again, there is more fun and learning to come—-Group by Group.