Tag Archives: oobleck



January 10 is Bittersweet Chocolate Day so this week we are all about CHOCOLATE! Our sensory groups explored chocolate themed boxes. The fine motor groups painted some sweet art projects and the language group made a very tasty chocolate treat! The students are learning about properties of matter with their Unique Curriculum this month and this unit complemented it quite nicely.






Chocolate comes from the cocoa bean. We didn’t have any cocoa beans on hand, so we substituted with coffee beans—-they look pretty similar.






The students searched for letter C’s in the beans.

Science access point: recognize objects that are identical to each other.











Pompoms were sorted into either a cute heart shaped candy tin for the BROWN chocolate ones  or a white “candy dish” for the WHITE chocolate ones.

Of course, sometimes it was fun just to grab a handful and enjoy the pompoms’ soft and squishy texture!

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.

Math access point: recognize a common three-dimensional object.






Our chocolate scented play dough was pretty realistic looking AND smelling!

The adults definitely kept a close eye on things with this box 🙂 The students cut “chocolate donuts” or made their own candy creations.





There was also a pastry wheel that made some fun patterns in the play dough.

Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.











Chocolate cake mix made perfect cloud dough! It was fun to scoop, mold, or squeeze through fingers.





A little messy, but a really fun sensory experience that smelled good too! The students were really intrigued with this box!

Science access point: recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli.











We wanted to add a little bit of color to this unit, so we brought out our colorful candy colored rice. There were some “cocoa” beans to find as well as play food candy, chocolate, and two different sized cookies. This rice was really eye catching!



Underneath the rice were pictures of chocolate candy.

Science access point: recognize the larger of two objects.











A little cocoa powder added to oobleck made for a fun chocolate river.







This was really MESSY but really FUN 🙂

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.











There was a little teapot and water wheel in our water basin this week.






Once the first student rinsed their hands, our water play turned into a chocolate fountain!

Science access point: recognize water as a liquid.












We couldn’t find any chocolate scented lotion, so we used a chocolate scented LipSmacker to apply our signature scent to wrists or behind ears.






Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.













On Wednesday the students made candy apples using purchased craft foam apple shapes!

First, they identified the color of their apples.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.









We mixed a little glue with the brown paint and painted our apples. The popsicle stick already taped to the apple made it easy to hold.






Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






Then, we added some confetti sprinkles (the glue in the paint helped make sure it stuck) and of course, we sang our glitter song 🙂





Math access point: indicate desire for more of an action or object.













Candy apples………

……they look good enough to eat!











On Thursday the students made chocolate chip cookies using paper plates.

First, they identified the shape of paper plate.






Math access point: recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape.





Then, they painted their paper plates with brown paint.






Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.





Next, the students let us know how many chocolate chips they wanted on their cookie.

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.








The pre-cut chips were added and the glue we had added to the paint helped them stick.






Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.















Time for cookies!!!













We got to make a nice and chocolatey treat this week for language group.  This week we made chocolate mousse using this recipe:  let_s make chocolate mousse

**Words in caps are the words targeted on their communication boards**

We started out by talking about how we were going to MAKE chocolate mousse.

The first thing we did was PUT a box of instant chocolate pudding mix into the BOWL.  Whichever student WANTed to HELP had to raise their hand and indicate HELP on their board.







Next, we PUT 2 tbsp of cocoa powder into the BOWL.  Each student had to identify the tablespoon when presented with a cup and a tablespoon.  They were told that the tablespoon was the LITTLE one.  We talked about how using the wrong kitchen tool could ruin the recipe.


Math access point: recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.





For the final ingredient (only 3 ingredients…yay!) we PUT some heavy cream into the BOWL.  This time, the students were presented with a cup and a 1/2 cup.

They were told to identify the BIG one.



Math access point: recognize a half of an object as part of the whole object.





Each student got a chance to press the switch to make the mixer TURN.  Our mousse formed really fast, so each student just got a little chance to press the switch.




Science access point: observe an recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a science topic.





When it was ready, each student got a small amount of mousse and no spoon.  They had to indicate that they needed a SPOON and that they wanted MORE.




We think we’d all like to do a chocolate theme each week 🙂





Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us!

Let’s go Shopping

Let’s go Shopping

This time of year, there is a lot of shopping going on so we thought it would be a fun theme to pick for this week. Our sensory groups explored shopping themed boxes. The fine motor groups decorated shopping bags and the language group got to go shopping at our very own Owl Mart!







Blue and yellow rice (our school colors) contained some the letter S—–for shopping, of course!





We also included some different sized spoons for scooping fun.

Science access point: recognize two objects that are identical to each other.










Our students ride buses when they go out into the community to shop.






There were two different school buses to drive along a black bean road.

Science access point: recognize the larger of two objects.












When going shopping you have to have money! We put paper money, play coins, a purse, a money clip, and dollar sign mardi gras beads.





We also put in a money themed discovery bottle which was lots of fun to shake. There were even some “credit/debit” cards.

Social studies access point: recognize coins as money.












Shopping for clothes is always fun! The students used cookie cutters shaped like a t-shirt, hat, and 2 different sized boots to cut clothes out of yellow moonsand.





Science access point: apply a push to move an object.












Our food court box was filled with lots of play food—-such as soda, cookies, burgers, and french fries!

The students loved the squeaky cupcake and pizza oven mitt!





The students had a lot of fun with the play food, but the green paper shred was pretty popular also!

Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.












Cinnabons, another food court staple, inspired our messy play this week.






We thought our oobleck looked just like the frosting on those yummy treats!

Science access point: track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled.









As usual, the students had so much fun exploring one of our favorite substances—-it’s amazing what you can make with a little cornstarch and water 🙂










Staying with the food court theme, hands were rinsed in Bath and Body Works cinnabon scented water.  There were a variety of different sized scoops and spoon for some splashy fun.





Math access point: recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.









Vanilla sugar scented lotion was a hit with the students this week!





Our students left the group with a sweet reminder of all the fun we had 🙂

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday the students used foam stamps to decorate canvas shopping bags.

First, we identified the shape of the shopping bags.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.











Then the students chose stamps to decorate their bags. We glued plastic thread spools to the stamps to make them easier to hold. The students had to lift the stamps UP and DOWN.

Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.














We are ready to go shopping!













On Thursday the students decorated their shopping bags using textured rollers!

First, they identified the shape of their bags.







Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.






After paint was applied to the rollers, the students began rolling them across the canvas. We had a variety of cool textures to choose from!





Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






TA DA!!!!!!!!









We’re going to shop til we drop!!!












Our school has a little student run store called the Owl Mart that our language group got to go to this week.  As a reward for good behavior, our students are able to earn “owl bucks”.  They can then use those owl bucks to buy different things at the Owl Mart.

We all walked over to the Owl Mart after reading the book, making sure to grab the bags that we had made during the fine motor group earlier in the week.

We worked on staying together while we walked.






When we got to the Owl Mart, students walked around with the staff to find something they wanted to buy.









They could choose from toys, clothes, jewelry, books, stuffed animals, and Christmas objects.






Just like in the book, they had to make choices based on how many owl bucks they had.






Once they decided what they wanted, they had to go and pay for their item.  Students worked on counting out their money.  We had sentence strips for them to use if they needed HELP.



Once their items were bought, they put their new treasures in their bags.






Everybody was happy with their purchases.








It was a successful trip 🙂




What a fun, fabulous week. Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Don’t forget if check your SPAM folder for a confirmation email if you want to follow us 🙂



Ciao—-October is Italian-American Heritage month! Our guidance counselor got to visit Italy over the summer and shared some fabulous photos with us, some of which we used for our book. The sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about Italy. The fine motor groups made art projects inspired by Italian symbols and the language group made an Italian inspired treat!







Letters that spelled “Italy” were found in this box of red, white, and green rice—-the colors of the Italian flag.





There was a map to find at the bottom of the box. We also added 2 different sized measuring cups for scooping fun.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as shape, is a science access point.










We used red, white, and green paper shred as the base of this box filled with Italian symbols (postcards of famous buildings) and inventions (eyeglasses).




Other items included an “Italian wolf”, flag, pizza printed oven mitt, a Lamborghini car, and a fashion model. We recorded some authentic Italian music on a voice output device and it was a hit enjoyed by all!



Associate an object, picture, or symbol with a location is a social studies access point.






Red and green glitter and green rosemary were added to our play dough, so it was not only colorful but also smelled ohh so good!

Italy is said to look like a boot so, we used boot shaped cookie cutters this week.




Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






We had a little fun with this next box dedicated to our favorite Italian meal—-spaghetti and meatballs! Plastic spaghetti strings and soft brown pompom “meatballs” made for some interesting shape and texture comparisons.




The students had a blast with the tongs we included.

Counting the meatballs added to a plate addresses the math access point associate quantities with number names.










The students made their own colosseum using grey Floam. Laminated pictures of ancient romans and a chariot were included.





Recognize that pushing or pulling makes an object move is a science access point.










There are 3 active volcanos in Italy! We turned our oobleck into lava by adding some food coloring and crackling pop rocks.





So much fun!

The science access point distinguish between objects in motion (kinetic energy) and at rest can be addressed here.











In addition to a little gondola, there was a scoop, small fishing net and fish to catch in our water play this week.





Recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids is a math access point.











We used grape scented bubble bath in our water and pear scented lotion to represent some of the fruit grown in Italy.






Use senses to recognize objects is a science access point.







On Wednesday students painted a colosseum using this: romancolesseum

First, the students identified the color of our paint.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.








Then we gave the students their colosseum page and asked them to CRUMPLE it up! The students were not quite sure what to do—-we usually ask them to STOP crumpling paper 🙂



Recognize changes in observable properties of objects is a science access point.






Next, they spread the paper back out, we think the crumpling gave it an aged appearance! Diluted paint was used so we could continue to see the details of the picture.





Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.




We laid a paper towel on top of their picture to help absorb extra paint and then the 2 layers turned over. Glue was squeezed over the back and then the picture was turned back over onto a piece of background paper. The paper towel was then removed and thrown away.

This method helps reduce the amount of paint that gets on fingers—–and everywhere else!



Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.












Let’s visit Italy!





On Thursday the students practiced their cutting skills making an Italian flag.

They identified the colors found in the flag using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.








Next, they used paper cutters or scissors to cut 1 red and 1 green strip of paper.







Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.





They glued their paper strips down onto a piece of white paper. We helped the students by pointing out which side each color went.

The math access point recognize when an object is added to a situation is addressed here.
















Viva Italia!







We tasted a bit of Italy during our language group this week.  We made some mini pizzas!  Here is the recipe that we used: Let_s Make Mini Pizzas!

First, we PUT 1/2 of an English muffin on a paper plate.  Each student had to request a plate by indicating WANT and then pointing to the picture of the paper plate.  We talked about how 1/2 of an English muffin was LESS than a WHOLE English muffin.

Solve simple real-world problems involving joining or separating small quantities of objects.






Next, we put 2 spoonfuls of pizza sauce on the English muffin.  Each student had to indicate WANT and then had to help count out 2 spoonfuls.  Our students then got to SPREAD the sauce around.

Recognize when an object is added to or taken away from a situation is a math access point.






Then they got to decide whether or not they wanted pepperoni on their pizza.  They indicated either YES or NO.  If they indicated YES, then they got to decide how many pepperoni’s they wanted by pointing to either 1, 2, or 3 on a number line.




Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.





To top the pizza off, each student was given some cheese.  At first, they were only given a few pieces.  They had to request MORE if they wanted more.

Indicate desire for more of an action or object is a math access point.







Time to heat up our pizza!  One of our students is learning to use the microwave, so he helped out with heating the pizzas up.  After they were done cooking, he delivered them to his friends.

We talked about how the pizza was HOT and we needed to let it COOL down. After it cooled down we cut the pizza into bite sized pieces.

Recognize parts of whole objects and parts of sets of objects is a math access point.


Finally it was time to eat!  YUUUUMMM!!




The students really enjoyed all our fun activities this week, thank you for joining us! Remember, don’t forget to look for your confirmation email if you want to follow us. If you don’t see it—-check your SPAM folder!


Arrivederci and come back next time for more fun and learning—-Group by Group!




It is Hispanic American Heritage Month ! Ms. Judy, one of our SLP’s, recently visited Cuba and this inspired us to learn more about the country. The sensory group explored boxes related to facts about Cuba. The fine motor groups made art projects portraying symbols of the country and the language group made a yummy dessert that Cuban children might eat.






This box contained a variety of items related to Cuban symbols or culture. The base of the box was filled with paper shred in the colors of the flag—-red, white, and blue.

Everyone really enjoyed the authentic Cuban music that we recorded on a voice output device!




Some of the items we included were a guitar (playing music is a popular pastime), a baseball glove (favorite sport), mariposa petals (the national flower), orange (citrus is one of the crops), and a picture of Fidel Castro.

The social studies access point associate a picture with a place can be addressed here.









Cuba gained independence in 1898. Those numbers could be found in our red, white, and blue rice box.






There was also a map of Cuba to find at the bottom of the box.

Associate an object, picture, or symbol with a location is a social studies access point.










Cuba is known as very colorful country and we wanted to come up with a way to represent that, so we decided to use our multi-colored pasta.






The students practiced their fine motor skills by threading the pasta tubes on to chenille stems.

The science access point identify objects by one observable property, such as shape, can be addressed here.










Since the country of Cuba resembles a crocodile from the air, in Spanish it is nicknamed El Cocodrilo” or “El Caimá”. Using our crocodile cookie cutter, the students made their own versions of the island in green kinetic sand.



Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





In Cuba, most meals contain rice and often beans as well. Our box of black beans and rice contained a 4 letter C’s for the students to find. Running hands through sifting beans is always fun!





Identify objects by one observable property, such as shape, is a science access point.










We tried to make our messy play resemble Dulce de leche by adding some cocoa powder to oobleck. Not an exact match but as close as we could get, and the students still had a great time!





So much drippy, goopy fun 🙂

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.










There was a fishing boat and fish to catch in our water play. Fishing is one of Cuba’s industries.

Both the big and little fish could squirt water which added to the fun!




Recognize similarities and differences in size of objects is a science access point.





Sugar cane is Cuba’s biggest crop, so Bath and Body Works vanilla sugar seemed the perfect scent for this week. The students really seemed to like the sweet, yummy aroma!




Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.







On Wednesday the students made a map of Cuba using puffy paint. Our homemade puffy paint was made with shaving cream, glue, and green paint. We pre-cut the islands out of cereal boxes using a map we downloaded as a guide.

First, the students identified the color of the puffy paint using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.








The students used foam brushes to apply paint. We found that dabbing the paint rather than spreading it around worked best. When the paint dries it will add a nice texture and 3-dimensional aspect to our project.



Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





The island was then glued to a piece of blue paper and we added a pre-printed title.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.
















The Republic of Cuba!





On Thursday the students made a Cuban flag.

First, the students identified a triangle—-one of the shapes found on the flag.






Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as a rectangle is a math access point.





The students glued a pre-cut star  to a red triangle.







Match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is a math access point.






Then they cut 1 piece of white paper into 2 pieces using standard scissors, paper cutters or switch operated scissors.






Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





The 2 white strips were glue ACROSS a sheet of blue paper.

Then the triangle was added to the flag.





Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.





Ta DA!

Let’s visit Cuba!












We decided to make Flan, a dish many Cuban children might like to eat! We used a Jello box mix picked up at the grocery store.

The students used communication symbols to indicate their desire to HELP pour the syrup into small cups.






We counted out how many cups we needed. There were enough for students AND staff—–of course! 🙂

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.





We found the MIXING BOWL on our communication board and then PUT the dry Flan mix into a mixing bowl.






Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.




The students felt the measuring cup containing milk. It was COLD!

Recognize objects or materials as WARM or COLD is a science access point.









The milk was poured from a MEASURING CUP into the mixing bowl and we began stirring it up so the dry powder was absorbed.






Since the next step was heating the mixture up on the stove top, we left that to the adults!

The science access point distinguish between items that are wet and items that are dry can be addressed here.




We carefully poured the cooled mixture into the small cups and then put it in the refrigerator to set.

The math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more can be addressed here.







Finally the Flan was ready! Fortunately we didn’t have to wait long—-Ms. Joi had actually whipped up a batch the day before. Just like they do on tv cooking shows 🙂

The cups were turned upside down into bowls!









Our tasters all agreed——-








Flan tastes very good——–YUM!!!!!!




We so enjoyed learning about the colorful country of Cuba this week and hope you did too!

Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group! Also don’t forget to look for your confirmation email if you want to follow us. If you don’t see it—-check your SPAM folder!

The Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding

Like millions of others, we were glued to the tv watching Harry and Meghan get married last week. It was so fabulous, that we decided to pick it as our theme this week. Our sensory groups explored wedding related boxes. The fine motor groups made colorful art projects using tissue paper and the language group hosted the big event—-our very own Royal Wedding!







Since love is the reason people get married in the first place, we figured we needed to put hearts somewhere in this unit! Our students stamped hearts in red moon sand with two different sized cookie cutters.




Recognize similarities and differences in size of objects is a math access point.





Meghan Markle is from the USA. This all American box contained patriotic garland, flags, a bald eagle……..






……….and other patriotic plush toys.


Associate an object or symbol with a location is a social studies access point.







The hat was a hit 🙂






Prince Harry is from England. In his box we placed British flag garland, a zipper bag with the flag, plush toys, a small flag, and a double decker bus.




Again, associate an object or symbol with a location is social studies access point.





In this box filled with red rose petals we put in a variety of items associated with weddings. There was a tiara, top hat, pearls, “diamond” rings, play food, and some scraps of organza and lace. We also included the wedding march recorded on a voice output device.



Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.

The top hat was pretty popular too—–








———-our students can totally rock a hat!






People often throw rice or confetti at weddings. We combined the two with our confetti colored rice! There were letter W’s to find as well as a picture of a bride and groom at the bottom of the box.




Recognize two objects that are the same size or shape is a math access point.





The students had fun decorating our laminated wedding cake with oobleck—-our version of royal icing 🙂






Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






We used Philosophy’s wedding cake scent for our water play. We put in some floating light up flowers and a fun teapot.






The science access point track objects in motion can be addressed here.






To finish we used Bath and Body Works vanilla sugar scented lotion—-it smells like cake. A totally yummy scent that left our students with delicious wedding memories!





Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.







On Tuesday the students made wedding bouquets! We made the base of it by hot gluing a cardboard roll to a paper plate.

We discussed the shape of our paper plate and the students identified its shape using communication symbols.






Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.






Next, they tore pieces of tissue paper and then crumpled up the pieces.






Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.






Then they dipped their tissue paper balls in glue and attached them to the paper plate.

We used tissue paper from “presents past” so this whole project was practically free!




Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.






TA DA!!!!







Look who caught the bouquet!











On Wednesday the students decorated this wedding cake: wedding cake template

First, they identified the shape found in the wedding cake.






Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.





Then they tore tissue paper into pieces—-they kind of had fun with this part 🙂






Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.






The students dipped their tissue paper balls in glue and began decorating their wedding cakes.





Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.














Time to cut the cake!!!!!








We had lots of fun this week during our language group!  Since we were talking about the royal wedding, we decided to recreate it with a little mock wedding of our own.

Two of our students in the language group got to play the parts of the bride and groom.  Before the wedding, official invitations were given out to classrooms and staff.  They even included a little jar of bubbles so that they could use them during the procession.

After reading the book, the “bride”, “groom”, and wedding party got ready for the big procession. We think the “bride” and “groom” had lots of fun being the center of attention 🙂






The bridesmaids led the procession through the elementary building halls while the spectators watched and blew bubbles.

We played the traditional “Wedding March” recorded on a voice output device.



It was very exciting!







Everyone  followed the wedding party to the reception where they got to request to have some of the wedding cake, or chips (for those who aren’t really into sweets).




There was also some sparkling,fizzy punch!







Ms. Danni made the beautiful wedding cake and Ms. Ellen loaned us the fabulous Harry and Meghan banner behind it!

Ms. Jane, our principal, couldn’t pass up the opportunity to attend the festivities!








The guests got to dance the day away with some Kidz Bop music that played in the background.







A good time was had by all!






We even had a fun photo booth where other students could “dress up” like a bride and groom.

So cute!







The adults had to join in the fun as well, of course!

Lots of happy couples 🙂











It was a royal event that we’ll remember for a long time 🙂










Well this is our last regular post for the school year. Please join us  in the fall for lots more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Don’t forget if want to follow us, make sure to look for your confirmation email. Sometimes it ends up in your SPAM folder, especially if you work in a school system!

South Africa

South Africa

We are traveling again this week—-all the way to South Africa! Cara recently got to visit her sister who lives there and brought back amazing photos, some of which we used in the book this week. The sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about South Africa. The fine motor groups crafted symbols of the country and the language group made a South African inspired treat.






It takes a VERY long plane ride to get to South Africa! Our students got to get a little of the airplane experience with our vibrating tube and jet sounds recorded on a voice output device.



Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point.



This vibrating tube was really popular!






The students LOVED it!!!






South Africa is known as the “Rainbow Nation” due to the variety of cultures and languages spoken there. We included fluffy chenille stems and sparkly beads in the rainbow of colors found in the South African flag.



Match objects with similar observable properties, such as color, is a science access point.






Gold is one of the countries natural resources. We included S and A cookie cutters in this box of gold kinetic sand. While stamping the letters was fun, nothing beats watching the kinetic sand ooze and move through fingers. We still love this stuff 🙂




Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






Going on a safari is one of the highlights of a South African vacation. We included a variety of animals you might see while on safari—-and some binoculars to see them better! There was also a play camera, some sunglasses, a cheetah headband, and a fun lion visor. Lots of fun with this box!


Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.





You can see penguins on the beach there—-how cool is that!!! We put a couple of cool penguins and a fun sifting spoon in this box. There was also a picture of a penguin to find at the bottom of the box.




Match living things with their habitats is a science access point.






We learned that kids in South Africa like to eat candy called Fizzers. We decided to make our own—— SORT OF! We added pop rocks to our oobleck to make it sound “fizzy”, kind of a stretch but the students thought it was fun 🙂



Use senses to recognize objects is a science access point.





There are lots of different animals to see along the coast including whales and sharks like the ones we put in our water play this week. Our little whale was extra special because it lit up when placed in the water—-very eye catching!



Match living things with their habitats is a science access point.






Citrus crops are grown in South Africa so we chose Bath and Body Works orange scent for this week. The students thought the scent was pretty yummy!





Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday the students used this for their art project: springbok

First, they identified the color of our paper.






Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.





Then they used adaptive tabletop scissors to fringe the edge of their paper into “grass”.





Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.





Some of the students used  switch operated scissors to make their “grass”.






                                                                    It is kind of fun 🙂









Glue was applied and the “grass” was rolled on to a paper tube.  We found that using a piece of tape helped the paper stay in place.





Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





A beautiful springbok antelope (colored by our great volunteers—-thanks Lauren and Madison) was added to the scene.






Some of the students needed a little help with this part.













                                                               Let’s go on safari!!!!





On Wednesday the students made another symbol of South Africa—- the Protea flower. It is a pretty intriguing looking flower and we think our project turned out equally so!

First, they identified the shape of the paper plate we were using. Thanks Ms. Kim for the fabulous pink plates!






Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.





Then they used a variety of cutting tools to snip the edges of the paper plate into points.





Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.





After they had finished cutting their flower petals, the students applied glue to the plate and added some yellow paper shred.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.






To finish the inside of the flower and get the rounded look it has, we used a styrofoam ball that had been cut in half and glued it to the center. To give it a little color and sparkle we painted it with some red glitter glue.

Recognize parts of whole objects is a math access point that can be addressed here.





The Protea was hot glued to a paper towel  tube and….. TA DA!!!!!








                                                               Let’s visit South Africa!






In South Africa, people eat a lot of meat.  Since we don’t typically make anything that has meat in it since we try and find recipes that don’t involve cooking, we had to find some other popular foods.  Cara’s sister said that people in South Africa like to also eat lots of citrus.  After a lot of deliberation on what recipe to make to represent South Africa, we decided to make a smoothie.  Here is a link to the recipe: Let_s Make A South African Mango Tangerine Smoothie

The first ingredient of the recipe was frozen mangoes.  Each of our students felt the bag of the frozen mangoes.  They had to indicate on their board whether the mangoes felt HOT or COLD.



Recognize objects as warm or cold is a science access point.





Then they had to locate the common core vocabulary word PUT on their boards to indicate that we had to put the mangoes into the blender.  We had a volunteer to help us by indicating HELP.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.






Next, we added some sliced up tangerine.  Again, we talked about how the tangerine slices were COLD.  Again, we reinforced the word PUT and also located the picture of the blender to show where the slices needed to be put.

We had another student locate HELP in order to help put the frozen banana slices into the blender.




Then, we added some vanilla Greek yogurt.  We located the measuring cup to show that we needed to use it to measure out how much yogurt we needed and a student helped PUT it into the blender.








Finally, we measured out some honey.  We talked about using measuring spoons because we needed a SMALL amount.  Each student got to taste some of the honey.

Students had to indicate whether it tasted SWEET or SOUR.






Once all the ingredients were in the blender, each student got to use a switch to turn on the blender.  Students had to indicate MORE on their communication boards to keep the blender going until the ingredients were all mixed up and smooth.

Operating the blender is always lots of fun 🙂




Finally, we got to sample our smoothie!

It looked and tasted pretty yummy!






The students used their communication boards and devices to let us know if they wanted MORE.




Another great week! Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!




Ms. Jen got to go to Colorado over spring break and brought back some great photos that inspired this unit. Our sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about the state. The fine motor groups  used homemade puffy paint to complete their projects and the language group made a tasty Colorado treat!







There were lots of things associated with the beautiful state of Colorado. This box contained animals and plants that are native to the state. We also put in a miniature backpack and small compass—things you might need while hiking in the Rocky Mountains. The state fossil is a stegosaurus, so we put a puzzle piece one in the box too 🙂

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






We put in a pinwheel and some fans in this box because Colorado gets a lot of its energy from the wind. Fans are pretty popular with our students, they like the feel of the moving air.




Indicate awareness of air moving is a science access point.





The Broncos are an NFL team located in Denver. This bright colorful box had shaker pompoms, beads, and a small football in the team colors. We also put in a cute little pony puppet to represent the team mascot.


The science access point recognize an action as fast or slow can be addressed here.





Red Rocks Amphitheatre is a huge naturally formed outdoor concert site located in Colorado. Our students used scoops and their hands to make their own “red rocks” out of moon sand. We included a little musician holding play figure to add to the fun.



Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





The aquamarine is the state gem and we thought our box of dyed blue beans looked like a box full of aquamarines! We put some letter C’s to find as hands explored the colorful beans.




Match objects by one observable property, such as size, shape, or color, is a science access point.





The Colorado River is nicknamed the Red because of its color and the red rocks it travels through. We made our own river by adding some red velvet cake mix to our oobleck this week. The color was pretty intriguing to the students, but it certainly made for some really MESSY play this week!


Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





Since Colorado is nicknamed the “centennial state” we put the foam numbers 1 0 0 in the water this week. There was also a water wheel, which is always a fun addition. As hands were rinsed, we found we also kind of continued the RED river theme 🙂



Recognize one way people use water is a science access point that can be addressed here.





Bath and Body Works peach scented lotion was chosen this week because we learned that peaches are grown in Colorado. And you thought all peaches came from Georgia 🙂




Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






On Tuesday our students got to go skiing in the Rocky Mountains—–well sort of 🙂 We added their photos to this template: Colorado skier

First, they identified a triangle by either vocalizing, pointing, or looking at communication symbols.





Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.





Then, they put some glue on to their triangles and put them DOWN on to a blue background.





Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship is a math access point.





They added some “snow” made from a mixture of shaving cream and glue (approximately 3 parts to 1)  using a sponge brush. Once dry this stuff ends up feeling just like puffy paint—–so cool!



Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





After they had finished painting, the students added themselves to the picture!






Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.














                                                                 Let’s go skiing in Colorado!





On Wednesday the students made a Rocky Mountain poster.

We started by identifying a triangle using communication symbols. We discussed that triangles have 3 sides.






Recognize the sides of a triangle is a math access point.





Next the students used paper cutters to cut out a triangle, counting each side as is was cut.





Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.






All the triangles got glued DOWN on to a blue background.






Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship is a math access point.





Then each student got a chance to add snow to the mountains. We used  our home made puffy paint mixture again. They really had a lot of fun with this!





Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.







Ta DA!

                                                        Let’s visit The Rocky Mountains!!!!!!!






We were all so surprised that the state fruit of Colorado was the peach!  What a great fruit to use in a recipe, though 🙂  Here is the recipe that we used this week: Let_s Make A Peaches And Cream Trifle

We started out by making some vanilla pudding.  Our students requested to help pour the mix into the bowl.  They had to locate the bowl on their communication boards.










We had one student help hold the measuring cup while milk was poured into it.  Then we had another friend request to help pour the milk into the bowl.








Everyone had a turn to press the switch to activate the mixer.  Our students indicated that we needed to mix “more” and when we were “all done” using their communication boards.





Solve problems involving small quantities of object or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more, is a math access point.





We then added the layers of the trifle.  First, we PUT some angel food cake in our cups.











Then we added some vanilla pudding.







Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.





We put peaches on top of that and topped it all off with some whipped cream.  With each layer, our students had to indicate any of these core vocabulary words to participate: HELP (if they wanted to help put the ingredients in the cup), PUT (to use as a command to put ingredients in the cup), WANT (to request ingredients), and/or MORE (to indicate that there are more ingredients/more steps).

Pictures of the ingredients were modeled and used by both the adults and the students.





When the recipe was finished, each student had to indicate that they “want eat” to get their trifle.









Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

February 26 was national Tell a Fairy Tale Day so we chose one of our favorites, Sleeping Beauty! It also helped that we had costumes to go with the story 🙂 The sensory groups explored boxes related to different characters in the story. The fine motor groups used cardboard to make their art projects and the language group made a fairy tale inspired tasty treat!






There were some magical things to find amongst the sprinkled silk leaves and flower petals in this box. We included some princess and fairy figures in addition to some woodland animals. One of the birds included made authentic chirping sounds.



The real hits of the box were the tiara, knights helmet, and lighted magic wand—-the students really had fun with these!

The science access points recognize a model of a real object and recognize sources of light can be addressed here.











Pink rice seemed perfect for Sleeping Beauty’s box. There was a picture of the princess herself to find at the bottom of the box and letters S and B to scoop up.




Match objects by an observable property, such as shape, is a science access point.





The students stamped the letter P for Prince or Princess in some blue Bubber. The smooth texture of Bubber is always intriguing to our students—-the adults kind of like it too 🙂




Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





There were some different textures to explore with our grey Floam. We included some laminated castle props, some “thorny” plastic holly leaves, and a dragon.

This was a fun box!



The science access point apply a push to move an object is again addressed here.





With all the fairies in this story, we thought some magical fairy lights would be a perfect addition to our boxes this week. In addition to the colorful lights, we added some silver tinsel to give it extra sparkle. It was pretty cool looking, especially when we turned off the lights!



Recognize sources of light is a science access point.





Neon purple food coloring along with purple glitter made Maleficent’s oobleck really eye catching this week. Even some of our students who are usually averse to messy play couldn’t resist touching it this time!



Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.

More photos because this was really fun…..

…..and we believe that fun is an important access point too 🙂










Hands were rinsed in a pond filled with 2 floating lighted flowers, a big scoop, and a funnel.






Track objects in motion is a science access point.






“Be enchanted” from Bath and BodyWorks was the perfect scent to go with our theme this week! It was a nice soft scent that the students loved—-whether rubbed on hands, arms, or behind ears!




Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday we made some fairy wands! We pre-glued cake pop sticks to cardboard stars.

We started by asking the students to identify a star shape.

Recognize and object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.








They each put 1 glittery sticker on to their star.






Recognize when an object is added to a situation, is a math access point.






Then they used adaptive table-top scissors to snip a length of ribbon.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.








The students helped tie a knot in the ribbon—-a great way to practice bilateral coordination.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.







Ta Da!






                                                                       Time to make a wish!






On Wednesday, the students became fire breathing dragons! We loved these on Pinterest and thought our students would also!

First, using communication symbols,  they identified the color of their paper covering the cardboard roll.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.









We started by having the students tear red and yellow tissue paper into small strips. This is a great activity for bilateral coordination.


Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.






Then they painted some glue on to the inside of their toilet paper roll.





The science access point recognize a change in the appearance of an object is addressed here.






Next, they attached their tissue paper strips to the glue.






Recognize when an object is added to a situation, is a math access point.






Two green pompoms were added to make the dragons nose.

Match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is a math access point.














                                                                         There be dragons here!






We had lots of fun making our wicked Maleficent smoothies this week during the language group!  Here is the recipe that we used: Let_s Make A Maleficent Smoothie

We started out by each of our students touching the bag of frozen blueberries.  They indicated that the blueberries felt COLD.




Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold is a science access point.





We measured out a cup and had a student request to HELP put them in the blender.

Next, we put a cup of frozen mangoes in the blender.  Since we had felt the frozen blueberries, we asked the students what they thought the frozen mangoes would feel like, and again, they had to indicate COLD.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.






We added some vanilla Greek yogurt to the blender next.  Each time we talked about WHERE we were putting the ingredients.  The students would either verbalize BLENDER or they would indicate it on their communication board.


Finally, we added some milk to the blender.





After all of the ingredients were in the blender, we had our students predict what color they thought the smoothie would be once the ingredients were all blended up.  Then, each student got to help turn the blender on using a wireless switch.



Recognize that electrical systems must be turned on in order to work is a science access point.





It took a lot of mixing but once the ingredients were ready, we counted out how many cups we needed for our friends and poured some smoothie into 6 cups.








But we weren’t done yet!  We wanted to add some green to the purple smoothie to represent Maleficent’s face.  We put some cool whip into a bowl and added some green food coloring.  Our students helped count out 5 drops.  Then we watched as the white cool whip turned green.


Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.





We added some of the cool whip to each of the cups and then each student had to request that they WANTED a smoothie to DRINK.




It was wickedly delicious 🙂




What a magical week! Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!





One of our staff members, Ms. Ellen, recently travelled to Scotland so this week we learned about the country of Tartan—-and so much more! Our sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about Scotland. The fine motor groups made symbols of the country art projects and the language group made a Scots inspired treat!






Since Ms. Ellen took a plane to get to there, we replicated the airplane experience using a vibrating massager and jet sounds recorded on a voice output device.



Of course, our plane ride lasted a whopping 3 minutes——just a tad shorter than the real thing 🙂





The vibrating tube was a HUGE hit with the students!






Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is science access point.





We used rice in the colors of the Scottish flag for this box. There were letter “S”s to find and a map of the country at the bottom of the box. We also put in 2 different sized scoops.



Recognize similarities and differences in size of objects is a math access point.





The background of the Scottish flag is blue, so we pulled out our blue moon sand this week. The students used 2 different sized cookie cutters to stamp letter “S” into the sand.



Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





This box had a variety of items associated with Scotland including their national animal—-the unicorn! Symbols of famous Scottish authors such as J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes), and Robert Louis Stevenson (Treasure Island) were a fun addition.





We also included a passport, a voice output device with some bagpipe music recorded on it, and a phone for Alexander Graham bell was pretty popular!

Lots to explore here!




Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.





There are over 3000 castles in Scotland—–how cool is that! The students had fun making their own castles using grey Floam. We laminated some props including a kilted Scotsman.



Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





Oatmeal added to our oobleck turned it into “porridge” this week! This lumpy oobleck was certainly a different texture and pretty  fascinating to our students—-although some were a little hesitant to actually touch it.



The science access point track objects in motion is a science access point.





The students found cute little Nessie  swimming around in “Loch”. You will notice that Nessie bears a striking resemblance to a My Little Pony seahorse 🙂 We also included 2 different sized scoops for added fun.




Recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids is a math access point.





Since Scotland gets a lot of rainy weather, Bath and BodyWorks rain kissed leaves seemed a good scent to use this week. The students really liked the soft scent.




Recognize one or more external body parts.






On Tuesday, our students made the Scottish flag.

First, using communication symbols we identified the shape and color of our paper.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.


Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.





Then we cut 1 strip of white paper into 2 pieces using switch operated scissors or paper cutters.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.







Next the students were asked to glue down the strips of paper in the shape of an X.




The math access point recognize when an object is added to a situation can be addressed here.





TA DA!!!!!!!!

We love Scotland!





On Wednesday, our students turned into Unicorns using paper plates !

We started by using communication symbols to identify the shape of our paper.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.







Then the used a glue stick to “color” their triangle. The glue in these sticks comes out purple which makes it easy to see.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.







Next, the students sprinkled pink and purple glitter onto the glue. Of course we sang our “shake that glitter” song (adapted from KC and the Sunshine Band’s famous song) 🙂





Track falling objects is a science access point.





The students glued their triangles DOWN on to a precut paper plate.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down, is a math access point.







TA DA!!!!






We just spotted some Unicorns!






We made a popular Scottish dessert this week–raspberry cranachan.  Typically, this dessert has whiskey in it so we had to do some searching to find a kid friendly recipe.  Here is that recipe: Let_s Make Raspberry Cranachan

Cara had prepared the toasted oats before the group so we were able to skip the first part of the recipe.

Our students requested to put the whipping cream in the bowl.  We talked about how it was a liquid when it was poured into the bowl  Each of our students took turns pressing the switch to activate the mixer.   Once it thickened up, we talked about how it had turned into a solid.

Identify objects and materials as solid or liquid is an access point.





Next, we added some mascarpone and mixed that together with the whipping cream.

Recognize when an object has been added to a situation is a math access point.








We added some honey and caramel sauce next.  We talked about how we were using a measuring spoon because we needed a smaller amount of each ingredient.  Our students got to taste the caramel sauce.

Recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids is a math access point.




Before we added the honey and caramel sauce we tasted them. We talked about how they tasted SWEET.





This taste test received a unanimous thumbs up 🙂





Once the ingredients were all mixed up, we counted out cups for each of our students.  We layered the cups with raspberries, the whipped cream mix, raspberry preserves, and toasted oats.

The consensus was a positive one!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.




It was a great week and we enjoyed learning so much about Scotland. Join us next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

On Old MacDonald’s Farm

On Old MacDonald’s Farm

September 16-23 is Farm Animal Awareness Week and we thought what a perfect time to do a unit on Old MacDonald! The sensory groups explored boxes with a variety of farm related tactile experiences. The fine motor groups used paint to create their art projects and the language group made yummy edible mud pies!






In a base of raffia “hay” we put a variety of farm related items including play animals, fruit, vegetables, and a toy tractor. We also included a colorful red bandana and a dog puppet that sang when its muzzle was pressed—–too cute!

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






This box of corn contained the letters F, A, R, M for the students to find. Of course, they also had fun pushing their fingers and hands through the kernels. Visual and tactile discrimination skills can be addressed with this activity.

The science access point match objects by an observable property, such as shape, can be addressed here.





It was all contrast and compare with our fur and feather box! There were a variety of fake fur swatches along with some feather boas. A great opportunity to talk about which farm animals had fur and which had feathers. They made some great fashion statements also lol.

Sort objects by an observable property, such as texture, is a science access point.






We put some play food for the students to plant and harvest in our coffee grounds “dirt”. There were also pictures of fruit to find at the bottom of the box.

The science access points match plants that are the same and recognize that plants grow, can be addressed here.






Wheat flour was used  to make our play dough and this gave it a slightly grittier, more crumbly texture. Another interesting tactile experience!

We put in some farm animal cookie cutters (turkey, sheep, and duck) to add to the fun.

Recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.






This week we put cocoa powder in the oobleck to make MUD. The students had fun helping our little foam piggy get a mud bath. It really smelled much better than the real thing too 🙂

Track objects in motion is a science access point.





Our duck pond contained 2 rubber ducks—–1 big and 1 small. There was also a measuring cup for scooping fun!

Recognize differences in size of common objects is a math access point.






A fruity scent seemed the perfect choice for a farm unit so we used Bath and BodyWorks pearberry scent this week.

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.







On Tuesday the students made “hay” using a rolling pin wrapped with some rubber bands.

We started by discussing the color of our paint and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.






The students needed to hold the rolling pin with both hands in order to make it roll properly—–great bilateral coordination practice!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.






To finish, they got to choose some farm animals (cut from the Ellison machine) to put on their pictures. Of course we  counted how many each student added!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.







Ta Da!

                                                                   E  I  E  I  O






On Wednesday the students used a craft foam tractor stamp. We hot glued a plastic thread spool to make it easier for them to hold.

First the students drew ACROSS lines on their paper using a pencil. These lines were the “furrows” in the field. They really did a great job with this!

Recognize the change in appearance of an object, is a science access point.






Then we discussed the color of our paint and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.







Next the students stamped UP and DOWN to put 1 tractor on their fields.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship is a math access point.






TA Da!

                                                         Look at our cute little farmers!







We made a very tasty dessert this week!  We made Animal Cracker Caramel Mud Pies.  Here is the recipe that we used: Let_s Make Animal Cracker Caramel Mud Pie

During the recipe, we focused on the following words that were located on each of our student’s cooking communication boards: make, put, turn, more, all done, like/don’t like.  Each week, these are the most frequently used words.  Other words located on the boards are fringe vocabulary words such as the different ingredients used as well as the utensils and appliances used.

We started by making our chocolate pudding.  Our students helped put the pudding mix and 2 cups of milk into a bowl.  Then they took turns pressing the wireless switch used to turn the mixer on.  Our students helped to indicate if we needed to mix MORE or if we’re ALL DONE.

Solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more, is a math access point.





Next, we melted the butter talked about how it changed from a solid to a liquid. We put our -already-crushed-up animal crackers in the butter and added some sugar.  Then we stirred it up and put it in the pan

Distinguish between water as a solid or liquid is a science access point.





Then we put cream cheese and powdered sugar into a bowl and mixed it up with the mixer, giving each student a turn.  We were SUPPOSED to add caramel to this part, but I missed that page so we added it at the end 🙂  You can do it any way you’d like!  We added some whipped cream and mixed it up again.

Solve simple problems involving putting together and taking apart small quantities of objects is a math access point.






We put that mixture on top of the animal cracker mix in the pan and added the chocolate pudding to the top.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.





A little caramel sauce and we were ALL DONE!

We counted out how many bowls we needed and then ALL enjoyed eating these yummy mud pies 🙂





Thanks so much for joining us on Old MacDonald’s farm! Join us again next week for more fun and learning——Group by Group!