Tag Archives: Occupational and Speech Therapy

Famous Scientists

Famous Scientists

img_1947This week we learned about some famous scientists. We chose this theme to compliment the Unique Curriculum unit for some of our grade levels. The sensory groups explored boxes related to individual scientists. The fine motor groups created science themed art projects and the language group performed some fun science experiments!






img_2386img_2379Galileo and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are famous for studies in the area of astronomy. Our little astronomers loved our solar system umbrella. With its twinkly stars and hanging planets, it was a real hit.

Recognize a space-related object is a science access point.






img_2431Stephen Hawking knows a LOT about black holes. We used black kinetic sand for our “black hole” box and added a star shaped cookie cutter. So much fun and irresistible to both our students and staff 🙂

The science access point apply a push to move an object can be addressed here.








img_1970img_2399The thermometer was invented by Daniel Fahrenheit. In honor of him we filled a box with some “Insta-Snow”. While not quite as cold as the real thing, it still feels a little chilly!

img_2411Distinguish between hot and cold objects is a science access point.







img_1925img_2035We think our chimpanzee habitat would be a hit with Jane Goodall, she is an anthropologist who studies wild chimpanzees! Included in this box are binoculars, a variety of chimps, play fruit, and a voice output device with monkey sounds we recorded from You Tube. The monkey sounds were a huge hit!

The science access point recognize common objects related to science by name, such as animal or plant, can be addressed here.






img_1928Kepler was a famous mathematician. In our box of white cornmeal were numbers 1-9 for our students to find. We haven’t used this cornmeal box for a while and it has a really intriguing texture for our students.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.









img_2021img_2447Mary Anning was a famous fossil hunter. The students had fun hunting for dinosaur skeletons buried in our box of moon sand. They also had a lot of fun with the dinosaur molds.

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






img_2404img_2570Since our theme was all about famous scientists, we decided to put pop rocks into our shaving cream to start a “chemical” reaction. Those crackling pop rocks sounded pretty cool!

The science access point recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is addressed with this activity.






img_1895Charles Darwin’s boat the HMS Beagle sailed in our little ocean—-passing a giant sea turtle along the way!

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.








img_2477Since we found out that chimpanzees like all sorts of fruit—not just bananas—-we used Bath and Body Works mango tangerine scent for both our water and lotion this week. The citrusy scent was a real hit with the students!

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.








On Tuesday our students made a galaxy!

img_2076We started by discussing the shape of planets found in galaxies and used communication symbols to identify a CIRCLE.

Recognize objects with a 2-dimensional shape is a math access point.








img_2156Then we used a circle punch to cut “planets” out of wallpaper scraps. You have to push pretty hard to make the punch work, so the students needed a little help with this. Of course, we counted how many planets each student cut out.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.







img_2108img_2171Next they painted watered down glue onto black paper and the planets were placed on the glue.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






img_2122Sparkly stars were added using chunky silver glitter.

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.









img_2124img_2183Ta Da!

img_2093                                                                  It’s a galaxy!











On Wednesday the students painted with corn syrup! We have done this before and always love how the syrup retains its “wet” look after it hardens. VERY COOL!

img_2488First we discussed the color of our syrup—-we had added some food coloring 🙂

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.

The students identified the color using communication symbols.







img_2501img_2541We poured a little of the syrup onto their science lab beakers, cut from poster board using this:beaker-template

The students used regular paint brushes to spread it around. Yes, this did get a little sticky and messy but it was WAY fun 🙂

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point addressed here.





img_2537img_2509TA DA!

Let’s do some experiments!











Our students turned into little scientists today!  We tried out 2 different experiments today.  Here is a breakdown of each experiment: experiments

img_2576img_2580For our first experiment, our students helped POUR some baking soda into a pan.  Then, our students helped fill up some cups HALFWAY with vinegar.  They also got to choose what color should be put into each vinegar cup.

img_2627Recognize when an object is added to (addition) a situation, is a science access point.






img_2608img_2613Once everything was ready, each student got a chance to use droppers and SQUEEZE some of the vinegar onto the baking soda.

img_2642Our students loved seeing the colorful fizz!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





img_2620img_2589For our second experiment, we filled up a measuring cup HALFWAY with vinegar.  We added some food coloring as well.  Our students got to CHOOSE the color glitter they wanted.  They also got to help SQUEEZE some dish soap into the measuring cup.  We STIRRED it up.






img_2633Finally, we got a big spoonful of baking soda and POURED it into the measuring cup.  We gave it another little stir and watched it foam up!  It was pretty amazing how much foam came out of our experiment!


What an exciting week! Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes

IMG_2798April is National Poetry Month so we decided to make nursery rhymes our theme this week! Our sensory groups had lots of messy fun exploring boxes related to different characters. Our fine motor groups made some fun animal character art projects and the language group made a yummy treat based on nursery rhyme character.






IMG_2949IMG_3216There were three number 3’s to find in our Old King Cole black bean “coal”.  The students had fun discovering the hidden numbers as they ran their hands through the beans.

They also like picking up handfuls and watching them drop back into the box.


IMG_2969Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






IMG_2724IMG_2875Little Bo Peep’s lost sheep could be found in this box as well as some geese—that perhaps belonged to Mother Goose!

Both sets of animals came in a variety of sizes, shapes, and textures for sorting fun.



IMG_2814Match animals that are the same is a science access point.






IMG_3201IMG_3247Our Jack Be Nimble box contained Wikki Stix which are waxed strings like candles.

We also put a light toy that looked a little like a candle when the button was pushed.


IMG_2952 The students really had fun with this.

IMG_3172The science access point recognize a source of light energy and the science access point initiate a change in the motion of an object are addressed with this activity.






IMG_2777IMG_3282Spiders scared Little Miss Muffet away but ours were super cute and not scary at all! We had 2 cute little furry spiders, one that jiggled when it’s string was pulled, and a discovery bottle with spiders that scuttled up and down.



IMG_2886The science access point track objects in motion can be addressed here.

Lots of giggles were heard with this box 🙂






IMG_3291IMG_3186The Queen of Hearts and the baker both love to bake so this box was filled with red velvet cake mix. We put in 2 different size scoops and a heart shaped cookie cutter for our little bakers to play with.

IMG_2774This was pretty messy but LOTS of fun 🙂

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






IMG_3160IMG_2931Speaking of Little Miss Muffet, we learned that curds and whey are kind of like cottage cheese. We added cotton balls to our oobleck to get a lumpy kind of texture and were pretty pleased with the results. The oobleck started out white with each group but hands that had explored the red velvet cake mix tinged it pink!

IMG_3196The science access point demonstrate pushing away (repulsion) and pulling (attraction) is addressed here.






IMG_2921IMG_3256While rinsing their hands, the students had fun playing with Jack and Jill’s pail along with a couple of different size scoops.

The science access point recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids (capacity) is addressed here.







IMG_2824IMG_2990As a nod to our Baker and the Queen of Hearts, both our water and lotion were raspberry scented (from Bath and BodyWorks). It was a really yummy smell that our students loved!

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.








On Tuesday our students made handprint sheep!

IMG_2834IMG_2835First we discussed the shape of our paper and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Recognize common objects with 2-dimensional shapes is a math access point.








IMG_2836IMG_2841Next we painted one of their hands with white paint. The students were pretty intrigued with this step 🙂









IMG_2840IMG_2844Then we helped them press their hands onto our grassy green paper.

IMG_2842The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.






IMG_2857IMG_2853After their hands were cleaned, the students put 3 cotton balls onto their sheep’s tummy.





IMG_2849Match objects to designated spaces to show one-to-one correspondence is  math access point.






IMG_2847IMG_2852Ta Baaaaaaa Da!

IMG_2862Tell Little Bo Peep we found her sheep 🙂












On Wednesday it was all about mice with our Hickory Dickory Dock clock! Our fabulous volunteers did all the set up for this project—-thanks ladies! Here is the template for the mice:mouse template for clock

IMG_3041We started by asking the students to out “mouse heads”  using adaptive scissors—-counting how many cuts it took, of course! We also discussed the fact that the shape was a TRIANGLE!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









IMG_3009IMG_3045After they finished cutting out triangles, the students glued them onto an OVAL shaped body—complete with colorful tail. They added 2 big  CIRCLE ears and 1 little circle nose were added.

Recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects is a math access point.





IMG_3021IMG_3017Ta tick tock Da!!!

IMG_3046                                                            The students were SO proud!





IMG_3067IMG_8174To finish up, the students glued their mice onto the fabulous clock that our volunteers made. Then we counted them!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.











IMG_3322IMG_3325We channeled Humpty Dumpty for our language group and made some egg salad.  We had already pre-boiled the eggs and cut them up.

Before we put them in the bowl, we let each of our students smell the eggs——and got some pretty funny faces from some of the students 🙂

IMG_3317Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





IMG_3335IMG_3343Once the eggs were put INTO the bowl, our students counted out the spoonfuls of mayo (2) and the squirts of yellow mustard (3) that we put into the bowl as well.

Solve simple problems involving going or separating sets of objects to 5 is a math access point.








IMG_3340IMG_3347Our students helped POUR the cut up green onions and pickles into the bowl and helped SHAKE a little salt and pepper in as well.

IMG_3348We had to STIR the ingredients around until they were all mixed up.





IMG_3364IMG_3367We made 1 sandwich and cut it in HALF to make 2.  Then we cut one of the halves in half and counted 3 pieces and then cut the other half and counted 4 pieces.  Math with food is always a fun and YUMMY thing!

Partition a rectangle into equal parts with equal area is a math access point that can be addressed with this activity.

IMG_3368Since it was her last day, we also had a surprise for  Joy’s practicum student——yummy cupcakes!  We are sure going to miss you Ali!