Tag Archives: movies

Movies We Love book

Movies We Love book

Holy cuteness!!  We have such an adorable book for this weeks theme.  We decided to celebrate National Popcorn Day(1/19) by talking about the different movies we love.  This was a GREAT opportunity to dress some of our students up as some pretty cool characters.  Some movies featured in our book are Frozen, Trolls, and Toy Story.  You’ll have to read to find out what other movies we love!




Here is a link to the book: movies we love

Movies We Love

Movies We Love

January 19 was National Popcorn Day so we couldn’t pass up an opportunity to do another movie theme—they are just so much fun! Our sensory groups explored colorful movie themed boxes. The fine motor groups made cartoon character art projects and the language group got to be movie critics!








Students searched for letter M’s to find in this box of popcorn kernels.

The students loved the feel of the kernels running through their hands!

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.











Lots of fun movie themed items could be found in this box. There were some plastic and plush characters from movies in this box including Winnie the Pooh and Toy Story.

Since it is fun to eat a snack during movies, we put in a popcorn box and some play food.


Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.






For our Peter Pan box, we put in a Captain Hook figure and a crocodile cookie cutter.






The green kinetic sand was especially eye catching and so much fun to explore!

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.











We thought these potato flakes resembled the look and feel of sawdust. They are soft but have a crunch quality—-very intriguing!






In addition to the various circus figures, there was a spoon for scooping fun.

Science access point: recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli.











Follow the Yellowbrick Road was recorded on a voice output device to go along with Wizard of Oz discovery bottles.

The students had fun finding “ruby slippers” and “witchy shoes” in one of the bottles.



Glittery swirls in both bottles were mesmerizing and a huge hit with all the students this week!

Science access point: track objects in motion.












Insta-Snow filled our Frozen box. The students were intrigued with the snow, not only is it fun to sift through fingers but actually FEELS cool—-just like the real thing!





Of course, we included some fun figures and a little scoop!

Science access point: recognize objects or materials as warm or cold.












Both Dory and Nemo could be found swimming around our little ocean this week. Not only were the colorful fish very eye catching but, they wiggled when strings were pulled!




Lots of fun with this splashy box!

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.












We used Bath and Body Works “be enchanted” scent this week….. because doesn’t everyone want to be enchanted when they go the movies!

The students are encouraged to use the Pixon communication boards to indicate WHERE they want the lotion.



Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.








On Wednesday, the students made Troll wigs using these templates: boy troll  girl troll

First, the students identified the color of their paper wig. We used PURPLE paper for the girl wigs and BLUE for the boy’s.

Science access point: match objects by one observable property, such as size or color.







Then they used textured paint rollers to apply glue to the wigs. The rollers didn’t work quite as well as we had hoped, but the students still enjoyed using them.




Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.





The students used either BLACK or PURPLE glitter on their wigs. Everybody sang the glitter song of course! In case you are new to the blog, we sing “shake, shake, shake that glitter” to the tune of that old KC and the Sunshine band song 🙂



Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.






TA DA!!!







                                                              Such cute hair!

Such cute Trolls!!!!!












On Thursday the students made Dalmatians using this template: dalmatian

First, they identified the color of the ink and the shape of the stamp they were using.






Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as size or color.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.





Next, the students stamped UP and DOWN to make spots on their Dalmatians. We made the stamps by adhering sticky back craft foam circles to sewing thread spools. The size of the spools makes them easy to grip for our students.




Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.





Then they glued their Dalmatians DOWN on to a piece of red construction paper.






Math access point:  recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down.













We have 101 Dalmatians!

Well, almost 🙂












We changed things up a little bit this week.  Although we still had food (we HAD to have some popcorn), our students didn’t participate in the making of any food.

Instead, our students acted as movie critics.  Each student had a chance to request to watch a movie clip from one of the movies from our book.





They had to use the sentence strip that was provided to say “I want to watch” and then they had to point to the movie they wanted to see.





The movie clips weren’t longer then about 2 1/2 minutes.  After the clip ended, each student had a chance to indicate that they thought the movie was good and they liked it, or they thought the movie was bad and they didn’t like it.




We used a voice output device that the students used to indicate if it was good or bad.






After watching the movies, our critics’ outcome was that the best movie out of all of the movies was Sherlock Gnomes, but there were 2 close seconds–Toy Story and Finding Dory.

We noticed that once we were all done, the room looked a little bit like a movie theatre with all the popcorn on the ground 🙂





Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

Also, don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us.


Lights! Camera! Action!

Lights! Camera! Action!

Since our school wide theme this year is Lights! Camera! Action!, this unit is movie themed and we focused on live action kids movies. The sensory groups explored boxes related to specific movies. The fine motor groups made movie themed art projects and the language group watched movie clips.







Our Jumanji umbrella was a hit with the students! There was a little pop-up screen (ours was actually just an index card)from the movie that listed a character’s strength and weaknesses.





Music from the movie was recorded on a voice output device and there was a cute monkey finger puppet to add to the fun.

Pressing the voice output device allows the students to observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a science topic is a science access point.





This Star Wars box had a lot of fun items including some character items and figures. We also included a Darth Vader mask and a small light saber that made noise and flashed lights—-very cool!




The language access point identify characters or objects in familiar stories can be addressed here.











We made our own little Jurassic Park with kinetic sand and some plastic dinosaurs. There were also some plastic plants and rocks.





Recognize objects related to science by name, such as animal or plant can be addressed here.






There were lots of fun things to explore in this box!












There were 4 letter P’s to find in our Pink Power Ranger sand. We also included a fun sifter scoop.







Track a falling object is a science access point.











Indiana Jones may not like SNAKES, but our students sure had fun finding the 5 we hid in this box of lentils.

The lentils not only looked cool but were so much fun to run hands and fingers through!


Match objects with similar observable properties such as color, is a science access point.










There was a fun Superman toy to fly around in the fluffy shaving cream clouds on our messy play tray.





Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





There were little duck pirates floating around in our little Caribbean Sea. Of course, we used our old aquarium “shipwreck” to help set the scene. Fun scoop and pour fun to be had here.





Recognize differences in the sizes of containers that hold liquids is a math access point that can be addressed here.





It was hard coming up with a scent for this week—-since we don’t have any popcorn scented lotion 🙂 We decided to use Bath and Body Works moonlit path scent. Many action movies have night scenes, so we thought it kind of worked……




The students liked the scent and did a great job of using the communication boards to indicate where they wanted it placed.

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.







On Wednesday we made our own Hollywood Walk of Fame!

Using communication symbols, the students identified a star.

Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.









Then they used glue spreaders to spread glue all over the star. We just got these in and they worked pretty well!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.







Next, we sang our glitter song while adding gold glitter to the star. Shake shake shake that glitter 🙂






Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





The students added their picture to the middle of the star, then glued that down on to a piece of grey paper.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.















Our very own Hollywood stars!





On Thursday the student made movie posters using this:Jurassic Park

First, using communication symbols the students identified the shape of their paper.







Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.








Then they chose the 3 colors they were going to use to color their poster (a free dinosaur coloring page we printed out).

Identify objects  by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.








The students used either crayons or markers to decorate their posters. We had to remind some of them to use all 3 colors.






Recognize a change in the appearance of an object is a science access point.




Then they glued THEMSELVES on to their poster and the poster on to the marquee!







Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.




















Since our theme is all about movies this week we had to watch a movie! Of course, if you watch a movie you have to MAKE popcorn!!!!










First, we had to OPEN the box.

We counted 3 bags and decided that since we have a small class 1 bag would be enough for everyone.

One of the students got to HELP microwave the popcorn—-closely supervised of course!






While we were waiting for the popcorn to cook we drank some soda (flavored sparkling water). We took the can out of the refrigerator and the students touched it and told us whether it was COLD or WARM.

Recognize objects as warm or cold is a science access point.






After they tasted the soda, the students let us know whether they LIKED it or DID NOT LIKE it. Most of the students thought it tasted pretty good…..






others not so much 🙂





After the popcorn was cooked we let the bag cool for a bit, so it was safe to touch then asked the students whether it was WARM or COLD.

Again, recognize objects as warm or cold is a science access point.







We counted out bowls and then put a little popcorn in each bowl. The students used communication symbols or verbalized if they wanted MORE popcorn in their bowls.

Indicate desire for more of an object is a math access point.









Finally! Time to kick back, eat some popcorn, and watch the movie!







This language group was a HIT!








Thank you for joining us this week! Also don’t forget to look for your confirmation email if you want to follow us. If you don’t see it—-check your SPAM folder!


Come back next week for more fun and learning—-Group by Group!

Monsters in Movies book

Monsters in Movies book

We have a pretty spooky book this week for our monsters in movies theme!  We’ve got monsters from Pirates of the Caribbean, from Monsters, Inc., and from Scooby Doo, plus a few more.  You’ve got to check out the book to see which other ones are featured.  We have our awesome students in this book and they are dressed as some of these scary, sometimes silly, monsters.  Check it out!





Here is a link to the book: Look At The Monsters In Movies

Monsters in Movies

Monsters in Movies

We had so much fun with this unit! Our book is awesome and the students had a great time dressing up as different characters so be sure to check it out. Our sensory groups explored boxes related to different movie monsters. The fine motor groups made some monster art projects and the language group conducted some monster experiments!






To set the mood, we turned off the lights and brought out our Hotel Transylvania umbrella. It had orange lights, ghostly garland, and some little bats. The students loved it!




The science access point recognize a model of a real object can be addressed here





We filled this “monster” box of black and red paper shred with figures, finger puppets, a plush Scooby Doo, and a great BIG squeaky rat! The students rocked out to The Monster Mash recorded on a voice output device. Lots of things to look at, touch, listen to, and explore!


Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





For our Frankenstein box we used green Floam and then added Mr. Potato Head pieces and some laminated props we made. The students came up with some monstrously  cool creations!


Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point that can be addressed here.





Bubber is a great molding substance, perfect for making Scooby snacks! The students could use the bone shaped cookie cutter or just mold the Bubber into whatever shapes they liked.




Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






The character Mal, from The Descendants, has purple hair. We decided our purple kinetic sand would be PERFECT for this box. We included a heart shaped scoop that could be used for a mold and a little rake. Whether pushing and pulling to make it move or just watching it drip back down into the box—–this stuff is always a favorite!Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






The students used pieces cut from black craft foam to turn shaving foam into ghosts. Messy fun as usual.





Track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point.






Our caribbean pirate lagoon contained a shipwreck and a couple of ducky pirates. There were also 2 different size scoops for added fun.




Recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids is a math access point.





We thought that Bath and BodyWorks twilight woods scent would be the perfect complement to our unit this week. They really loved the scent!




Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.







On Tuesday the students made some monster masks using this: monster mask

We asked the students to choose which marker they wanted to use first. We took a cue from the colors of Sully from Monsters Inc. and used the colors BLUE and PURPLE.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.






Some of our students used the writer we made using a switch operated vibrating toy, others decorated their masks old school—-with markers 🙂




Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.











                                                      Such cute little monsters!






On Wednesday we made some paper bag mummies! We found the idea on Pinterest.

First the students identified the color of our marker using communication symbols.

Match objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.








We asked the students to use their black markers to draw ACROSS lines on the bag. Then they glued a strip of torn black paper at the TOP of the bag.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, is a math access point.






Next we squeezed 2 glue dots on the black piece of paper and asked the students to put a googlie eye on each dot.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point. Match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is also a math access point.





Ta DA!!!






                                                    It’s a Mummy Monster Mash!







This week, instead of making yummy treats, we put together some pretty awesome monster experiments.  Here are the ones that we used with the directions: Let_s Do Monster Experiments!

Since the pumpkin was cut beforehand, we had the innards of the pumpkin in a bag.  We passed it around so our students could feel what the insides of pumpkins are like. Since it had been in the fridge it also felt COLD.

Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold, is a science access point.






We started out by making an Erupting Pumpkin.  First, we put some baking soda in a small bowl.

Next, we added some dish soap to the bowl.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation, is a math access point.





Our students voted between 2 different colors of food coloring.  The choice was a tie, so Grandma had to break it by voting for PINK.  We added the food coloring and some glitter.

Compare quantities to 3 using language, such as more, less, or the same, is math access point. Communicate preference for familiar objects or actions is a language access point.






We put the bowl in a carved out pumpkin (thank you to Cara’s son and daughter for creating the faces for the pumpkin).  We poured some vinegar in it and watched it erupt!







For our next experiment, we made some Monster Slime.

We started by putting 1/2 cup of glue in a bowl.  Then we added 1/2 cup of water to the glue.

We put in some slimy green food coloring and, of course, some glitter!  We made sure to stir it up really well.  We talked about how it was thin and watery.

Solve simple problems involving joining small quantities of objects is a math access point






Then we added the liquid starch.  When we began stirring it around, it almost instantly started firming up.  We transferred it to a plate so the students could see how it changed to a solid.



Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






We added some googly eyes and voila!  Monster slime!





There were mixed reactions about it all around 🙂






Last, we made an Expanding Ghost.

We put some vinegar into an empty water bottle.  Then we put some baking soda into a balloon that had a ghost face on it.

Again, the math access point recognize when an object is added to a situation, is addressed.





We secured the balloon over the top of the bottle and then turned the balloon over so that the baking soda fell into the bottle.

WOW!!  The balloon got bigger as the reaction happened in the bottle.  Our students also got to feel the bottle which was COLD from the reaction.

So much spooky fun!




We had a MONSTER good time this week! Join us again next time for more fun and learning——-Group by Group!


The Oscars book

The Oscars book

IMG_4244Oh my goodness!  We have had SO much fun creating this book.  It really is a must-see.  We haven’t done an Oscars theme before and thought that it would be fun to talk about movies and awards.  But the BEST part was dressing our students up to act the parts of some of the movies that have won Oscars in the past.  And boy did our students love it!  Some of the movies featured in our book are Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Shrek, The Music Man, and Aladdin, to name a few.  Joy was definitely the creative mind for the book this week.  The repetitive line was “an Oscar winner” and was heard after the first line on the page named a movie that had won.  Not only did the students get a kick out of seeing their friends in a book, but the adults were crazy about the pictures too!  You have GOT to check it out!

IMG_4062Here is a link to the book: An Oscar Winner

The Oscars

The Oscars

IMG_3839With the Academy Awards all over the news these past couple of weeks, the Oscars seemed like a perfect theme for us!  Cara’s book was a huge hit and as usual, our groups were tons of fun! In our sensory group each of our sensory boxes represented a different Oscar winning movie. In the fine motor group our students made some movie star art themed art projects. For our language group it was all about the red carpet experience! Read along to see all the fun we had.




IMG_3698 IMG_3889Popcorn—-gotta have some at the movies! Our first box was filled with popcorn kernels and items related to our theme including: Disney princess figures, a pirate ship wreck, pirate beads, and an Indiana Jones duck! There was a “Music Man” maraca to shake and an Alice in Wonderland cupcake that squeaked. Since the Academy Awards take place in California, we tossed in a state magnet and finally—–a mini Oscar statue (thanks Ms. Caressa!) This was a great box—-something for everyone!

In addition to lots of opportunities for vocabulary building, science concepts of forces and changes in motion were explored with some of the items. Specifically the science access point recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move is addressed.

The world in spatial terms is also explored and the social studies access point associate an object, picture, or symbol with a location is addressed.

IMG_3758The students got to make their own Shrek ogres using our green Floam, some potato head features and 2 plastic pegboard pegs—–perfect ogre ears :). Floam has an interesting texture and while you can mold it, it doesn’t “feel” sticky. Pretty cool stuff!

It’s great for working on bilateral coordination as it is squished and molded into roundish heads.

We explored organization and development of living organisms addressing the science access point recognize one or more external body parts.





IMG_4038We loved the way our Wizard of Oz discovery bottle turned out! We mixed some green tinted hair gel with water and green glitter. Then we put in 3 red Barbie shoes—–they looked just like ruby slippers!

The Unique Curriculum intermediate unit this month explores the theme of movement so this bottle, along with other items in our boxes compliments it.

Science concepts of forces and motion are explored. In addition motion of objects is explored with the science access point track objects in motion.




IMG_3996IMG_3738Our Wizard of Oz box also included a slinky rainbow and this was a HUGE hit with our students! Some of them loved SLOWLY pulling it apart. Others pulled it as wide as they could make it and then shook it to see it vibrate. Either way——–fun was had!

Of course forces and changes in motion were explored with the science access point recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move. Forms of energy are explored with the access point recognize the change in motion of an object.




IMG_3707The students had so much fun with our Pirates of the Caribbean box! Along with tons of sparkly gold beads were an eye patch and hook so they could get into character if they wanted.

Again the science access point recognize external body parts is explored. In addition tool use is practiced as the hook plunders for beads—-arrgg!







IMG_3886The number 3 and 3 plastic snakes were buried in the sand of our Indiana Jones box—–guess he probably wouldn’t like this box very much 🙂

The science access point match animals that are the same can be addressed with this activity. This access point is related to the concept of diversity and evolution of living organisms.

Recognizing when 1 or 2 items have been added to or removed from sets of objects to 3 is a math access point addressed. This access point is related to developing understandings of multiplication and division and strategies for basic multiplication facts and related division facts.





IMG_3926IMG_4048Blue “genie” oobleck——for Aladdin of course!!!! We sprinkled blue raspberry Koolaid onto our oobleck observing as it changed from white to blue!

As usual, fun was had as our little scientists pushed, pulled, and grabbed handfuls of this gloppy goo 🙂

Recognizing that the appearance of a material has changed is a science access point related to the concept of changes in matter.





IMG_3730For our nod to Snow White we washed the oobleck off hands and arms using an apple sponge. The water was scented with lavender vanilla scented bath gel from Bath and Bodyworks chosen because when Snow White ate the apple she fell asleep…….and lavender makes you feel relaxed…… Ok, kind of a stretch but we went with it 🙂

Properties of matter are addressed with the science access point recognize water as a liquid.






IMG_3773The matching lotion was used to send our students off with memories of all the things they learned. Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is the science access point addressed and is related to the organization and development of living organisms concepts.


IMG_3822Our Tuesday art project had the students putting their own stars on the Hollywood walk of fame! The students counted the sides of our grey rectangular piece of paper—-and then we counted out one for each student. After they “wrote” their names, we painted their hands with dark grey paint and stamped them onto the paper.

Using appropriate vocabulary to compare shapes according to attributes and properties is promoted as the math access point recognize common objects with 2 dimensional shapes is addressed in this activity.





IMG_3791The students chose which glittery star they wanted and then glued a picture of their face onto the star.

Squeezing the glue is great for hand strengthening of course! Pincer grasp skills and eye hand coordination are promoted when placing the picture.

Effectively communicating wants and needs to a familiar person using gestures is a language access point.






IMG_3858IMG_3881The star was then glued down onto the paper and——–

TA DA!!!!!

IMG_3840A few new stars on the Hollywood walk of fame!

On Thursday we made our own little Oscar statues!

IMG_4168Joy drew an outline of an Oscar onto gold colored paper. You can print out the outline here: oscar award. It was then glued onto a toilet roll so it could stand up.

Glue was diluted with water and the students used a paint brush to apply it to the paper.

Recognizing that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point addressed as the students paint with their brushes.





IMG_4203Gold glitter was then added for that authentic look 🙂

IMG_4161While some of our students were able to able the glitter independently, most of them needed a little help.

We stopped periodically to ask  them “do we need more?”. They used a Go Talk to communicate whether they needed to add more glitter or if they were all done.

Solving problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language such as enough, too much, or more is a math access point related to understandings of addition and subtraction.

Using technology resources to support learning is a language access point.


The finished product looked fabulous!

IMG_4230                                                                                     We’d like to thank the Academy………..




We’ve talked about some movies that have won Oscars.  We’ve earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and received an Oscar.  Now it’s time to walk down the red carpet!  But of course, before getting near the red carpet, we need to be dressed for the occasion.

IMG_4066We printed out pictures of all of the different things we could wear and bring to the red carpet, such as sunglasses, sports coats, feather boas, top hats, and earrings.  The pictures were put on an All-Turn-It Spinner which was activated using a switch.

Our students took turns activating the switch and seeing what they would be wearing.  A couple of our students were able to verbalize what they landed on.

Using an input device, such as a switch to interact with a technology resource is a language access point.



IMG_4059IMG_4108We talked about putting the clothes/objects ON.  It was neat to see how many of our students got so excited to dress up! Such a fun way to practice dressing skills!

But really, who doesn’t get a LITTLE excited about getting all fancy 🙂

Communicating recognition of familiar objects and communicating about a selected object are language access points.




Time for a quick interview with Entertainment News…….

IMG_4116then off to the red carpet!


IMG_4132IMG_4120We had taped down some red paper to act as our red carpet.  One by one our little movie stars walked the red carpet and were photographed in their fancy attire.  They had fun with that!

After the red carpet they were treated to a movie on the smart board.  Our version of the Oscars was a success!  So much so that a couple of our students didn’t want to give back their costumes 🙂  Sadly, they had to and we talked about taking things OFF.





IMG_3969Hope you enjoyed seeing all the fun we had with the Oscars. Be sure and come back next week—–there will be more fun and learning Group by Group!