Tag Archives: Mount Everest

The 1950’s

The 1950’s

To start the new year, we decided to take a look back——–WAY back, all the way to the 1950’s! The sensory groups explored boxes related to different facts from the decade. The fine motor groups made some cool art projects and the language group made a 1950’s inspired recipe.








We put the numbers 1 9 5 0 in this rice box. In addition to running their fingers through the rice, the students had fun scooping it up and adding it to a small metal cup.





Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more.











Our outer space black beans and rice contained our nod to NASA which was started in 1958.

There was a cool rocket toy that had a spinning astronaut and flashing lights when the button was pushed.




Science access point: distinguish between objects in motion (kinetic energy) and at rest.






Disney Land and the Mickey Mouse Club tv show both had their start in 1955.

There were lots of fun things to find in this box, including Disney character figures, colorful beads, and a VOD that had the Mickey Mouse song recorded on it.


Social studies access point: recognize a character in a story that is not real.






Elvis had a hit with the song Heartbreak Hotel in 1956.







The students made both BIG and LITTLE hearts in red moon sand.

Math access point: recognize the larger of two objects.











TV dinners were first introduced in 1953. Since they had foil trays and covers, we thought it would be fun to have a box with a foil. This space blanket was the perfect choice.





It was fun to throw up in the air and made a fun crackling noise when crunched—–it was a huge hit with the students!


Science access point: recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli.






A couple more photos—–this was a really fun experience for the students!











Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay made it to the top of Mount Everest in 1953.






The students swirled snowy shaving foam around a laminated mountain top for messy play this week.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.











20000 League Under the Sea was a movie released in 1954.






Our water play contained a little submarine and a variety of sea animals—-including a giant squid!

Science access point: match living things with their habitats.












Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959! This inspired us to use Bath and Body Works pineapple as our scent this week.





The sweet aroma was a big hit with the students.

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday the students made Mount Everest models and then put themselves on the mountain using this template: mountain climber template

First, the students identified the shape of their poster board mountain. They also identified the shape of a tissue box that would be used for the project.



Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.





Then they added “snow” (a mixture of glue and shaving cream) to their triangle.




Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.





Next, they put themselves on to the mountain. Since there was glue in our snow mixture, we didn’t need extra glue!

The mountain was hot glued (by an adult) on to the tissue box to help it stand up and…..









TA DA from the top of the world!!!







We climbed Mount Everest!!!!












On Thursday the students gave themselves a new look using this: elvis hair template

First, the students identified the color of the yarn we were going to use for the project.





Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.





Then, using regular, adapted, or switch operated scissors, the students snipped pieces of yarn.






Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more.






Glue spreaders were used to spread glue around the black poster board hair template and applied their pieces of yarn.






Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.





TA—-Elvis—- DA!!!








Don’t tread on our blue suede shoes!













We made a yummy treat that was popular in the ’50s: jello salad!  Here is the recipe that we used: let_s make blueberry vanilla jello salad

(The words that are capitalized are the targeted words on the communication boards)

We started by talking about how we were going to MAKE a jello salad, noting that this type of salad is DIFFERENT from the salad that we usually eat.

First, we PUT a box of vanilla instant pudding mix into a BOWL.  One of our students indicated they WANTed to HELP by raising their hand and indicating HELP.






Next, we PUT vanilla yogurt into the BOWL.  We had 2 students HELP with this since the container was big.  We had to STIR the ingredients together.











After that, we PUT cool whip in and STIRRED that together as well.










Finally, we added some blueberries and STIRRED those in, first talking about how the bag of frozen blueberries felt COLD.





We LOOKed at the ingredients and saw that the color was becoming DIFFERENT, going from white to a purple color.





Each student had to request some of the jello salad by indicating WANT.  They were only given a small amount, so they had to request MORE if they wanted more than what they got.  A spoon was not given to them either, which prompted them to request a SPOON as well.




We’re thinking these kiddos really LIKED their ’50s treat!  What do you think?  🙂




Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

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Mount Everest book

Mount Everest book

This may seem like a random topic, but we found out that the first American woman to summit Mt. Everest was in September of 1988.  The book has some really great pictures of this amazing mountain, emphasizing that it is the tallest mountain in the world.  While passing the voice output device around, we had our students “tell us something about Mt. Everest”.  Putting the pictures against a blue background really helped them to stand out.  Put on your heavy jackets and enjoy being taken to Mt. Everest!

IMG_3649Here is a link to the book: Mt. Everest is the Tallest Mountain

Mount Everest

Mount Everest

This week we went to the top of the world—-Mount Everest!  We had a lot of fun learning about a place so different from the one where we live.


IMG_3715When you think of Mount Everest you think of the snow that covers it. We had two snow boxes to explore. Our first one contained white floam—perfect for making snow balls…..

…..or a snowman!

Isn’t that what you would want to do on the mountain ? 🙂

Floam is a purchased moldable substance (non toxic but not to be eaten so we watch our students very closely). It has a slightly sticky feel which can be aversive to some of our students (and staff also!). Hand skills such as palmer arching  and bilateral coordination can be addressed when molding it into shapes.

Recognizing a 3 dimensional object such as a sphere is a math access point.

Recognizing when an object is added or taken away from a situation is another math access point.






IMG_3557We brought back our fun snow from a couple of weeks ago. Keeping it refrigerated makes for some chilly fun……Brrr!!!!!!!

Again, while non-toxic, this substance is not meant to be consumed so we watch our students closely.

Fun to explore alone but even more fun when shared with a partner!

Distinguishing between items that are wet and items that are dry and recognizing materials as warm or cold are science access points that can be addressed here.

Sharing objects with a partner is also a science access point.





IMG_3694After that cold snow, it was nice to rinse hands in some nice warm water. Our water was scented with Old Spice Denali scent—-we thought it had the appropriate rugged aroma for mountain climbing 🙂

A large measuring cup and a small spoon were placed in the water for scooping and pouring fun. This addresses the math access point of recognizing differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.

Of course, just splashing around and checking out the bubbles with friends is fun also— addressing the science access point of applying a push or pull to move an object.





IMG_3550IMG_3657he country of Nepal borders Mount Everest. It’s flag has two colors, red and blue. We filled this box with a variety of textural objects such as shiny basket filler, hard blocks, soft pom poms, large chenille stems, rough scrubbers, soft plush toys etc. So many fun things to explore, compare and have FUN with!

Recognizing and responding to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point.

Identifying common objects by one observable property is also a science access point.



IMG_3523Lentils are part Dal,  which is a soup eaten in Nepal.  Lentils feel so cool as they slip through your fingers, quite soft and silky! Once you put your hands in you just want to keep playing with them—–kind of a zen thing 🙂

Hidden in them were the letters N and T. We used ones with some nice textural bumps which added an extra sensory element (thanks to our intern for suggesting this!)

N for Nepal and T for Tibet the other country that borders Mount Everest.

Tactile and visual discrimination is addressed when locating the letters in the lentils.

Discussing the different countries addresses the social studies access point of recognizing a cultural characteristic of a population.







IMG_3549IMG_3669A lot of people in Tibet put prayer flags around their house. Our students had so much fun exploring these colorful flags we found at an import store.

We also included a voice output device with a Tibetan zymbol recording. The zymbol has a really unusual sound that our students found really appealing. We found the recording on Sound Bible—-check it out!

Some of out students really like draping or shaking the flags, while others were more intrigued by the music.

This activity also addresses the social studies access point of recognizing a cultural characteristic of a population.





IMG_3760IMG_3750For our lotion we used Bath and Body Works Be Enchanted——because wouldn’t it be ENCHANTING to visit Mount Everest? Ok, YES a bit of a stretch lol, but we went with it 🙂

As usual, the lotion helps address the science access point of using senses to recognize objects and the science access point of recognizing one or more external body parts.







IMG_3588On Tuesday we made a mountain for our art project—-OF COURSE!!!!

We started by turning a rectangle into a triangle with our paper cutters. Our students with physical challenges used an adapted switch operated electric scissors—-totally cool!

Recognizing a change in an object is a science access point.

Recognizing a common object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.









IMG_3594We glued our triangle mountain to a piece of blue rectangular paper. We used our communication symbols and asked our students to “show us blue”.

Identifying common objects by one observable property is a science access point.

IMG_3633Then we started adding snow to the mountains with our shaving cream and glue mixture. We have done this before and when the mixture dries it has a spongy texture to it—-very, very cool!

A brush was taped to a paint stirrer to make it easier to hold for some of our students.

Tracking the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point.

Solving problems involving small quantities of actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more is a math access point.





IMG_3646TA DA—-

Mount Everest!!!!





IMG_3827On Thursday we got our students ready for a mountain expedition by making parkas! We started with an orange circle plate (using our color communication symbols again to reinforce color concepts) with a precut hole. We chose an orange plate because……… well, that was the color we had!

Then we counted out 5 cotton balls and had the students show us number 5.

Recognizing a common object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.

Counting from 1 to 5 using objects is also a math access point—-we probably didn’t need to point that one out 🙂






IMG_3844We glued the cotton balls onto the plate, adding more to the first 5. This is a great activity for practicing pincer grasp and eye hand coordination skills.

Recognizing when an object is added to a situation is a math access point that is also addressed by this activity.








IMG_3871Ready to climb that mountain…….

Ta Da!














IMG_3773We decided to help the teacher, Mrs. Robin, summit Mt. Everest in our language group.

Joy made a replica of Mt. Everest using a big cardboard box that she cut into the shape of triangle and covered it with some brown paper. White paper was crumpled and taped on the top to create snow.  She drew a person with a snowsuit and added Robin’s face to it.  The students really got a kick out of seeing their teacher on a cutout 🙂

We used a big die that the students rolled to see how many steps Robin could go UP the mountain.

Applying a push or pull to move an object, such as the die, is a science access point.





IMG_3807IMG_3797We emphasized that she was going UP by writing the word and holding an arrow to show “up”. The students then had to use the dots that were located on the mountain and move Robin the exact number shown on the die up the mountain.

After Robin safely summitted Mt. Everest, it was time for her to go DOWN the mountain.  Our students rolled the die to see how many steps she could go DOWN and got her safely back to the bottom of the mountain.  Again, we used an arrow to show “down” as well as wrote the word.

Using pictures, symbols, gestures/signs, or words to communicate meaning is a language access point. Matching objects to marked spaces to show one-to-one correspondence is a math access point.

The students really seemed to enjoy this activity and did a GREAT job with helping their teacher climb Mt. Everest!

IMG_3771This was another great week at Group by Group, join us again next week—-its going to be so much fun!