Tag Archives: Machu Picchu



img_1173img_0793One of our teachers recently took a trip to Peru and visited Machu Picchu—–how cool is that! Her trip inspired us to learn a little about the country of Peru! This theme also compliments the Unique Curriculum unit our students are working on this month. Our sensory groups explored boxes related to different facts about the country. The fine motor groups made art projects using symbols of Peru and the language group made a tasty Peruvian treat.






img_0569img_1552Machu Picchu is located in the Andes mountain range in Peru. Our students used Floam to make their own version of the mountains. We included 4 llamas a symbol of the country and domesticated by ancient Peruvians. Since we didn’t have any small llama figures, we just printed out some clip art pictures and laminated them—-it worked pretty well!

img_1112Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






img_1555img_1171The colors of the Peruvian flag are red and white. In this box we included a variety of textures and objects in those colors. It was fun seeing what the different students gravitated towards.

img_1502Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





img_1577img_1496The vibrating sound activated crab was a particular favorite!

img_1224                                                          There were LOTS of giggles with this one 🙂






img_1118img_1147Copper mining is a major industry in Peru. Our copper colored kinetic sand is such a fabulous tactile experience for the students. There was a cookie cutter letter P but watching it run through fingers is always the preferred way to explore this fabulous stuff!

img_1187The science access point apply a push to move an object can be addressed with this activity.






img_0548img_1216Potatoes originally came from Peru—–NOT Ireland 🙂 Letter P’s and a map of Peru could be found in this box of potato flakes. Soft and slightly crunchy, an interesting texture that the students really loved!

img_0563The social studies access point associate a picture with a place can be addressed here.






img_0542img_1239Jaguars are another animal that can be found in the rainforests of Peru. There were 2 plush jaguars to find hidden in the colorful rainforest flowers.  Some of the students loved the jaguars but others had a blast grabbing handfuls of petals and watching them drift down. A very eye catching box!

img_1518                                            Match animals that are the same is a science access point.






img_0638img_1482Much of the Amazonian rainforest is located in Peru. Ms. Zenia, our fabulous OT intern, made this wonderful rainforest umbrella for us. Along with the sounds of the rainforest recorded on a voice output device, it was almost like being there!

img_1081Match common living things with their habitats is a science access point.





img_1071img_1067And some more photos because this umbrella was pretty cool…..

img_1064                                                       and our students are just so darned cute 🙂






img_1490img_1137We found out that you can see Humboldt penguins in Peru so we put some in our water play this week. Ok, so perhaps our birds are more of the Madagascar cartoon variety but sometimes you have you use what you have on hand 🙂

img_0620The science access point track objects in motion can be addressed here.






img_0648img_1624The world’s finest cotton comes from Peru so Bath and BodyWorks cotton scent was the choice this week. It was a nice aroma that our students really seemed to like. This part of our group really encourages students to use communication words, symbols, and gestures.

img_1621One of our students communicated his idea that the adults also needed to sample this lotion 🙂

Associate information or wants and needs with referent object, gestures/signs, pictures, symbols, or words is a language access point.







On Tuesday our students made some Peruvian flags.

img_0667img_0676We started by talking about the shape of the flag and the students identified it using communication symbols.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.







img_0731img_0685The students then used either a paper cutter or switch operated scissors to cut 2 rectangles.

img_0810Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






img_0706img_0823After gluing the smaller RED rectangles onto a white piece of paper, they added the coat of arms to the middle. To find the coat of arms we enlarged one we cut out from a printable flag page we found using Google—–what would we do without Google! 🙂

img_0753Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






img_0763img_0844Ta Da!

img_0721                                                                               We love Peru!!!!






On Wednesday the students made some llamas using this: llama-template

img_1279img_1271First we counted how many students were in class so we would know how many llamas we needed!

img_1273Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.





img_1298img_1354Next the students painted glue onto their llama. We cut the llama’s out of orange poster board because that was the color we had on hand 🙂

img_1381The science access point recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move can be addressed here.





img_1317img_1376Then they sprinkled some precut yarn onto the glue. Great fine motor skill practice here!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









img_1342img_1344Ta llama Da!









img_1444img_1411WOW look at our herd!












img_1654img_1661After reading the book, we brought our Amazon jungle umbrella around to each student.

img_1642We’ve had some voice output issues so the students got to hear some of adult’s versions of what animals in the jungle would sound like.

VERY realistic lol—-we are keeping our day jobs 🙂

After the umbrella, we made a Peruvian dish.  This week we made Peruvian quinoa and cauliflower pilaf.  Here is the recipe that we used, which was found on the website perudelights.com: lets-make-peruvian-quinoa-and-cauliflower-pilaf  We did have to modify the amounts of each ingredient since we did not want to make a huge portion.

img_1678img_1667Cara roasted the cauliflower and cooked the quinoa the night before in order to make sure that the recipe could be completed during the time allotted for the language group.

img_1673Each of the students got to help MEASURE the ingredients and POUR them into the bowl.






img_1715img_1742When it came time to put in some lemon juice, each of the students got to try a little bit.  We talked about how it tasted SOUR.  Surprisingly, a few of our students went back for a second, and sometimes a third, taste!

img_1751                                                              Lemon is pretty popular with our kids!





img_1760img_1769We mixed all of the ingredients together and voila! A Peruvian meal!  We counted how many bowls we needed and then served it up.

img_1796Our students really liked it!  One of our students who typically doesn’t eat the snacks we make DID eat this one 🙂

Yay for Peru!

Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about Peru. Join us again next week for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!