Tag Archives: literacy

Rhode Island

Rhode Island

IMG_4586We are giving a little shout out to our friends at the Cornerstone School in celebration of Rhode Island Independence Day! Our sensory groups explored some boxes related to different facts about the state of Rhode Island. The fine motor groups used unusual items for their Rhode Island art projects and the language group made an icy treat—-yum! Read along to see all the fun we had this week 🙂







IMG_4598IMG_4484Rhode Island was named for the red clay that lines its shore. We used red moonsand to represent that clay and cookie cutters with the state initials were included.

The students always have fun with moonsand, it has such a great texture!


IMG_4230Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






IMG_4202IMG_4439This box was filled with coffee beans to represent the state beverage—–what an aroma! There were lots of little R’s to find and we included a fun little cup for scooping.




IMG_4599The science access point uses senses to recognize objects can be addressed here.





IMG_4229IMG_4601The first circus held in the United States took place in Rhode Island! Our circus box was filled with colorful objects associated with the circus. There was rainbow basket filler, styrofoam circus peanuts, a popcorn container, and puzzle piece clowns.

We also included a fun noise tiger noisemaker that was really popular with the students.

IMG_4591Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






IMG_4632IMG_4193George Cohen was a composer who wrote Yankee Doodle Boy and You’re a Grand Old Flag was represented with our red, white, and blue rice. There was a big measuring cup and small spoon for scooping fun and comparisons. There was a flag picture to find at the bottom of the box.

IMG_4451Recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects is a math access point that can be addressed here.





IMG_4184IMG_4446Jewelry making is a key industry for Rhode Island so we had some discovery bottles filled with sparkly “gold” and “jewels”.

These were irresistible!


IMG_4226Track objects in motion is a science access point.






IMG_4478IMG_4465 (1)Gilbert Stuart was an artist from Rhode Island who painted the portrait of Washington that was used for the dollar bill! Our little artists mixed shaving cream with food coloring to come up with their own original works of art 🙂

IMG_4650Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






IMG_4188IMG_4607The first water driven cotton mill was built in Rhode Island. Our students experimented  with water power while watching our water wheel spin. They found it pretty fascinating!

Observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a science topic is a science access point that can be addressed with this activity.






IMG_4241IMG_4248Rhode Island is nicknamed the Ocean State so we used ocean scent from Bath and BodyWorks this week. It was a pretty strong scent that our students really noticed and liked having it rubbed on their skin.

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.







On Tuesday our students painted violets—-the Rhode Island state flower!

IMG_4259IMG_4264We started by discussing the color of violets and then identifying the color using communication symbols.

Identify common objects by one observable property, such as size or color is a science access point.





IMG_4312IMG_4275Next they used a paint brush to make green leaves and stems on their paper.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.









IMG_4268IMG_4321Then they used a soda bottle to stamp purple violets. We reminded the students to stamp UP and DOWN.

IMG_4297Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.





IMG_4304IMG_4358TA DA—-beautiful violets!










On Wednesday we discussed the fact that shipbuilding is another key industry of Rhode Island and made sailboats!

IMG_4503First we asked students to identify the shape of the sail—-a triangle!

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.








IMG_4523IMG_4535Then they used paper cutters to cut out their own sails. Of course we counted the sides as the sails were cut!

Recognize that pushing or pulling makes an object move is a science access point.







IMG_4549The students used a glue stick to adhere their sails to popsicle sticks and pushed them into a pool noodle slice.

Recognize the next step in a sequence of activities is a math access point.









IMG_4522IMG_4576Time to see if the ships are seaworthy!!!!!





IMG_4533                                                                                Ta Da!!!!!!







It’s been getting pretty hot here lately, so since Del’s Frozen Lemonade is a fixture in Rhode Island, we decided to make our own using this recipe: Frozen Lemonade

IMG_4673IMG_4671We started by mixing the lemon juice concentrate, water, and sugar.  Our students got to TASTE and SMELL the lemon juice.

Although some of our students actually didn’t mind the sour flavor, others had a different opinion 🙂

Uses senses to recognize objects is a science access point.





Our students activated the blender to mix the ingredients by pressing a switch hooked up to a power link.  They are getting so much better about holding the switch down, although some of them continue to tap it, making the blender turn off and on really fast.

IMG_4687                                                         They had a BLAST with this step!

Recognize that electrical systems must be turned on in order to work is a science access point that can be addressed here.





IMG_4713IMG_4705We gradually poured in the ice and blended until it was smooth.  Once it was done, we counted out the cups for all of our friends and they all got to try a little bit.




IMG_4723As with the lemon juice, most of them really enjoyed it and others………. not so much:)

Definitely a drink to cool us off in this heat!

IMG_4635Hope you had as much fun as we did learning about Rhode Island. Join us again next time for more fun and learning——-Group by Group!


We Love Star Wars

We Love Star Wars

IMG_3481The Force was with us as we explored a galaxy far, far away——it was all about Star Wars with fantastic galactic fun for all our groups and some special  guests who joined us on “bring your child to work” day! The sensory boxes had things to touch, smell, look at, and listen to! Pinterest helped us find ideas for our fine motor groups and language groups!







IMG_3756IMG_3769Our galaxy umbrella was a HUGE hit with the students. We used some scrap headliner fabric attached to poster board to make our Death Star and were totally pleased with the result! There were some little spaceships attached with fishing wire and with the Star Wars theme recorded on the voice output device this was one super cool umbrella—–the students LOVED it!

IMG_3605Recognize a source of light energy is a science access point.








IMG_3442IMG_3504We put a variety of Star Wars paraphernalia into this box. There were figures and key chains representing of some of the main characters from the movies (thank you Jeannie for the donation). We found a fun “light saber” at the Family Dollar Store and the students had a blast with it—–lights and sounds with the push of a button, how cool is that!

IMG_3854The science access point observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship can be addressed here.








IMG_3789Luke Skywalker lived on the planet Tatooine which has a desert landscape. Our homemade “sand” had a little bit of cinnamon in it so it was not only not only fun to touch but it smelled really good too!

IMG_3638We put in a variety of wooden shapes so our students could build some local “structures”.






IMG_3521IMG_3608Recognize common three-dimensional objects such as cylinders or cubes is a math access point.










IMG_3508IMG_3446 (1)Of course, we had to include a box dedicated to the ultimate bad guy—–Darth Vader! We put in some accessories from a “Darth Tater” kit in a box with our grey Floam so the students could build their own Vader.

IMG_3479The science access point recognize that the human body is made up of various parts can be addressed with this activity.







IMG_3470IMG_3649Kraft mac and cheese came out with  these cool Star Wars pasta shapes. It took a couple of hours to dye but SO worth it! There were black Darth Vaders, yellow CP3Os, blue R2D2s, green Yodas, and red star fighters for sorting fun. The students also loved picking up handfuls of the colorful pasta!

IMG_3798Match objects with similar observable properties, such as size, shape, color, or texture is a science access point.






IMG_3627IMG_3894We made a green jello swamp for our little Yoda—-complete with snakes, spiders, and a cute giant lizard.



IMG_3889Some of the students were a little hesitant to touch the cold, sticky goo but others thought it was pretty fantastic stuff 🙂

IMG_3454Recognize the temperature of items as cool or warm is a science access point.











IMG_3779IMG_3467Those sticky hands were rinsed off in water scented with “Ewok” mahogany woods from Bath and BodyWorks. Ms. Kim donated these fun Star Wars themed diving sticks that were perfect for our water play activity. The students really loved watching the water stream out of the bottom of these sticks!

Track objects in motion is a science access point.






IMG_3672IMG_3529The matching lotion was a hit with almost all of our students.

IMG_3902Recognize and respond to one type of sensory input is a science access point.







On Tuesday our little Jedi turned to the dark side and made paper plate Death Stars. We adapted this idea from http://fun-a-day.com .To prep ours, we drew the lines with glue rather than white crayon.

IMG_3546IMG_3553We started by bringing out our galactic umbrella to give the students inspiration. It was a hit 🙂











IMG_3558After the umbrella was reluctantly put away, we discussed the shape of the paper plate and asked the students to identify the shape using communication symbols.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.







IMG_3562IMG_3571Then the students painted over their plates with watered down grey paint using a sponge brush.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.








IMG_3574IMG_3567Ta Da……..

IMG_3577                                        ………looks like Darth Vader is in the house 🙂






We went Wookie on Wednesday! The idea for this project came from http://funfamilycrafts.com

Instead of fun fur used in the original project, we used furry duct tape purchased at Walgreens. The duct tape was adhered to some 6 inch rulers to prep this for our students.

IMG_3684We started by asking the students to count how many eyes a Wookie has and to identify the number using communication symbols.

We did the same thing for the nose.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.








IMG_3700Next the students cut strips of paper to use for the strap that Chewbacca wears. The paper cutter worked perfectly for this task!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









IMG_3677Then the students glued googlie eyes, pompom noses, and strap onto their Wookies. To work on one-to-one correspondence we placed target glue dots onto the fur.

Match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is a math access point.









IMG_3694IMG_3683Ta Da!!!!

The force is strong with these young padawans 🙂









We made another yummy snack this week—— Galactic Ice Cream Sundaes!  Our students got to make choices of what they wanted using picture symbols, gestures, and verbalizations.

IMG_3931The first choice they got was to tell us how many scoops of ice cream they wanted in their bowl.  We used big numbers showing “1” and “2” and our students would either point or place their hand on the amount they wanted.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.








IMG_3952Next, they got to chose which kind of syrup they wanted: chocolate, strawberry, or butterscotch.  They were provided with symbols and again, would point or put their hand on the one they wanted.

Adjust body movement or nonverbal expression with prompting as necessary to communicate wants and needs is a language access point.








IMG_3941When asked if they wanted whipped cream, they would either use head shake/nod, verbalize no/yes, or point to a symbol no/yes.  If they said yes, they had to show us how many squirts they wanted using the “1” and “2”.

They REALLY like this part 🙂








IMG_3943Finally, we poured some Star Wars cereal on top for a crunchy effect and let them choose which color pretzel/icing “light saber” they wanted: RED or GREEN.









IMG_3935IMG_3947We think we hit this one out of the galaxy!

IMG_3966                                        YUM!!!!!




IMG_3924IMG_3898We hope your May the Fourth festivities are a blast! Be sure and join us again next time……Group by Group!

Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes

IMG_2798April is National Poetry Month so we decided to make nursery rhymes our theme this week! Our sensory groups had lots of messy fun exploring boxes related to different characters. Our fine motor groups made some fun animal character art projects and the language group made a yummy treat based on nursery rhyme character.






IMG_2949IMG_3216There were three number 3’s to find in our Old King Cole black bean “coal”.  The students had fun discovering the hidden numbers as they ran their hands through the beans.

They also like picking up handfuls and watching them drop back into the box.


IMG_2969Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






IMG_2724IMG_2875Little Bo Peep’s lost sheep could be found in this box as well as some geese—that perhaps belonged to Mother Goose!

Both sets of animals came in a variety of sizes, shapes, and textures for sorting fun.



IMG_2814Match animals that are the same is a science access point.






IMG_3201IMG_3247Our Jack Be Nimble box contained Wikki Stix which are waxed strings like candles.

We also put a light toy that looked a little like a candle when the button was pushed.


IMG_2952 The students really had fun with this.

IMG_3172The science access point recognize a source of light energy and the science access point initiate a change in the motion of an object are addressed with this activity.






IMG_2777IMG_3282Spiders scared Little Miss Muffet away but ours were super cute and not scary at all! We had 2 cute little furry spiders, one that jiggled when it’s string was pulled, and a discovery bottle with spiders that scuttled up and down.



IMG_2886The science access point track objects in motion can be addressed here.

Lots of giggles were heard with this box 🙂






IMG_3291IMG_3186The Queen of Hearts and the baker both love to bake so this box was filled with red velvet cake mix. We put in 2 different size scoops and a heart shaped cookie cutter for our little bakers to play with.

IMG_2774This was pretty messy but LOTS of fun 🙂

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






IMG_3160IMG_2931Speaking of Little Miss Muffet, we learned that curds and whey are kind of like cottage cheese. We added cotton balls to our oobleck to get a lumpy kind of texture and were pretty pleased with the results. The oobleck started out white with each group but hands that had explored the red velvet cake mix tinged it pink!

IMG_3196The science access point demonstrate pushing away (repulsion) and pulling (attraction) is addressed here.






IMG_2921IMG_3256While rinsing their hands, the students had fun playing with Jack and Jill’s pail along with a couple of different size scoops.

The science access point recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids (capacity) is addressed here.







IMG_2824IMG_2990As a nod to our Baker and the Queen of Hearts, both our water and lotion were raspberry scented (from Bath and BodyWorks). It was a really yummy smell that our students loved!

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.








On Tuesday our students made handprint sheep!

IMG_2834IMG_2835First we discussed the shape of our paper and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Recognize common objects with 2-dimensional shapes is a math access point.








IMG_2836IMG_2841Next we painted one of their hands with white paint. The students were pretty intrigued with this step 🙂









IMG_2840IMG_2844Then we helped them press their hands onto our grassy green paper.

IMG_2842The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.






IMG_2857IMG_2853After their hands were cleaned, the students put 3 cotton balls onto their sheep’s tummy.





IMG_2849Match objects to designated spaces to show one-to-one correspondence is  math access point.






IMG_2847IMG_2852Ta Baaaaaaa Da!

IMG_2862Tell Little Bo Peep we found her sheep 🙂












On Wednesday it was all about mice with our Hickory Dickory Dock clock! Our fabulous volunteers did all the set up for this project—-thanks ladies! Here is the template for the mice:mouse template for clock

IMG_3041We started by asking the students to out “mouse heads”  using adaptive scissors—-counting how many cuts it took, of course! We also discussed the fact that the shape was a TRIANGLE!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









IMG_3009IMG_3045After they finished cutting out triangles, the students glued them onto an OVAL shaped body—complete with colorful tail. They added 2 big  CIRCLE ears and 1 little circle nose were added.

Recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects is a math access point.





IMG_3021IMG_3017Ta tick tock Da!!!

IMG_3046                                                            The students were SO proud!





IMG_3067IMG_8174To finish up, the students glued their mice onto the fabulous clock that our volunteers made. Then we counted them!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.











IMG_3322IMG_3325We channeled Humpty Dumpty for our language group and made some egg salad.  We had already pre-boiled the eggs and cut them up.

Before we put them in the bowl, we let each of our students smell the eggs——and got some pretty funny faces from some of the students 🙂

IMG_3317Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





IMG_3335IMG_3343Once the eggs were put INTO the bowl, our students counted out the spoonfuls of mayo (2) and the squirts of yellow mustard (3) that we put into the bowl as well.

Solve simple problems involving going or separating sets of objects to 5 is a math access point.








IMG_3340IMG_3347Our students helped POUR the cut up green onions and pickles into the bowl and helped SHAKE a little salt and pepper in as well.

IMG_3348We had to STIR the ingredients around until they were all mixed up.





IMG_3364IMG_3367We made 1 sandwich and cut it in HALF to make 2.  Then we cut one of the halves in half and counted 3 pieces and then cut the other half and counted 4 pieces.  Math with food is always a fun and YUMMY thing!

Partition a rectangle into equal parts with equal area is a math access point that can be addressed with this activity.

IMG_3368Since it was her last day, we also had a surprise for  Joy’s practicum student——yummy cupcakes!  We are sure going to miss you Ali!



IMG_1997Many states in the Republic of India are celebrating the New Year this week so we thought it would be fun to learn a little more about the country.

We are lucky enough to have students whose families are from India so that made it even more special for us as they contributed some of the photos we used in our book. The sensory groups explored boxes related to different facts about India. The fine motor groups made art projects with animals that are symbolic of the country and the language group made a yummy ethnic dish to eat!






IMG_2513IMG_2474Our rice was orange, green, and white this week because those are the colors of the Indian flag. There were lots of letter I’s to find both upper and lower case, as well as a picture of a Bengal Tiger, which is the national animal, at the bottom of the box.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






IMG_2358IMG_2024We went with the flag colors, paper shred this time, as the base of this box. It was filled with animals that are symbols of the country such as tigers, peacocks, lions and elephants. We learned India is the only country in the world with both lions and tigers—-how cool is that! Cricket is a favorite sport so we included a picture of that also! There was a little teapot and cup in the box because tea is an important Indian export.

IMG_2504Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






IMG_2324IMG_2532The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and is located in Agra. Our students tried their hands at building a replica of the Taj Mahal using our white Floam. Not quite as lovely as the white marble used for the original but our students had fun anyway 🙂

IMG_1993Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





IMG_2564IMG_2367Dahl or lentils are a staple food throughout India. Our box of dried lentils felt so cool to run hands through—-the students loved it! There were some King Cobras to find AND match in this box.

IMG_2535The math access point recognize two objects that are identical to each other is addressed with this activity.






IMG_2481IMG_2550There were some interesting discovery bottles for the students to explore. One bottle was filled with sequins—-like those seen on colorful saris. If looked at closely enough, a little elephant could be found floating around too! Our peacock discovery bottle was filled with blue and green sparkly glitter which made it pretty fascinating to watch swirl.

Track objects in motion is a science access point.





IMG_1984IMG_2393The other discovery bottles were had cotton balls with scents associated with India—-sandalwood and curry. These were some pretty interesting aromas and very intriguing to our students.

IMG_2499Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli—-in this case smell—-is a science access point.






IMG_2050IMG_2349We put some green and orange glitter into our white oobleck—–once again representing the colors of the Indian flag. It was lots of fun to practice making the vertical and horizontal strokes needed to make a letter I!

IMG_2517Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






IMG_2029IMG_2355Hands were rinsed in our Ganges River, complete with an Indian crocodile—-ours  a very cute one 🙂  India is known for periods of rain called “monsoons” so we created a little one here using a hand operated water mister fan. When pointed above the students heads it created a mini rainfall—-resulting in lots of giggles.

Our water was scented with coconut bath gel as a nod to the fact that it is an important crop in India.

IMG_2368Recognize weather conditions including hot/cold and raining/not raining during the day is a science access point that can be addressed here.






IMG_2403IMG_2064We finished our group with mango scented lotion. Mangos are the national fruit of India. A perfect scent to remind us of all the things we learned about the wonderful country of India! The students really liked the aroma and as usual they practiced body part identification by indicating where they wanted it applied.

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.








On Tuesday our students painted a Bengal Tiger using marbles. The tigers were cut from orange poster board using this:  tiger template

IMG_2100IMG_2101First the students identified the color orange using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property such as color is a science access point.









IMG_2104The tiger was placed in a box, then the students scooped 3 marbles out of black paint and put them in the box.

Recognize when 1 or 2 items have been added to or removed from sets of objects to 3, is a math access point.









IMG_2127IMG_2107Next came the fun part which our students always LOVE—–time to shake, shake, shake!

IMG_2116Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






IMG_2108IMG_2119The lid was opened and our tigers had their stripes! Googlie eyes and popsicle stick handles were then added.

Recognize that the appearance of an object has changed is a science access point.








IMG_2123IMG_2110Ta Da…………….. GRRRRRRR!












On Wednesday, our students made peacocks—–the national bird of India. We used this:  peacock template

IMG_2429We started by discussing the shape of the coffee filter and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.









IMG_2442IMG_2434They used blue and green markers to scribble on the coffee filters and then…….sprayed their art work with water.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.







IMG_2454IMG_2447The filter was then folded in half and placed on a paper plate (we had cut in half ) to make it a little more stable. The peacocks body was placed on TOP of that then everything was stapled together.

Recognize a half of an object as part of the whole object is a math access point.






IMG_2463IMG_2450Ta DA! What beautiful peacocks!












We made some curry hummus  in our language group!  This was a neat recipe because there were so many things for our students to SMELL.

IMG_2590We started by putting a can of drained and rinsed chickpeas in our food processor.  One student poured HALF of the can in and another student poured the REST of it in.

Recognize when an object or person is added to (addition) or is taken away from (subtraction) a situation is a math access point.






IMG_2592IMG_2600We then measured out some sesame oil and poured that in as well.  Our students got to smell the sesame oil——some liked it and others were not so thrilled about it 🙂









IMG_2611We then squirted some lemon juice into the mixture.  This time, our students got to TASTE the lemon juice.  We talked about how it was SOUR.

They made some pretty funny faces when the lemon juice hit their taste buds!









IMG_2622After that, we shook some curry, cumin, garlic powder, salt, and pepper into the food processor.  Each of our students had a turn smelling the different spices.

These spices have some strong smells!










IMG_2645With all the ingredients added, the students used a switch to activate the food processor——-they always love that part 🙂

Observe and recognize a predictable cause-effect relationship related to a science topic.










IMG_2658IMG_2654Once all of the ingredients were smooth, each of our students got to taste some of the hummus on a piece of pita bread.





IMG_2613                                                                           YUM!



Hope you enjoyed our visit to India this week! Join us next time for more fun and learning———–Group by Group!

How We Make Money

How We Make Money

IMG_1290This week our theme compliments the April Unique Curriculum unit for our students. They are learning about money and what we do with it. Our focus is on how we earn it! The sensory groups explored boxes related to specific jobs. The fine motor groups painted job related art projects and the language group got real time job experience—–they made a dessert 🙂






IMG_1681IMG_1244Helping people get an education as the President of a University would be a pretty important job to have! If you were the president of FAMU you would cheer on the Rattlers. Our box featured the team colors of ORANGE and GREEN and the little egg shaker we included made rattling sounds when shaken.

The science access point recognize objects that create sounds can be addressed here.






IMG_1685IMG_1456Paleontologists study dinosaur bones—–how cool is that! There were four little bones to find buried in our sand and we included a small scoop so they could be buried again.  Of course it was also really fun to watch the sand sift through fingers. This box was lots of fun 🙂

IMG_1292Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






IMG_1480IMG_1674Veterinarians take care of our pets. There were lots of “medical” supplies in this box for fun pretend play. There were soft cotton balls and gauze as well as a fun stethoscope to try out. Our little vets took good care of their patient!

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






IMG_1268IMG_1506One really cool way to earn money would be as a Rock Star! In addition to finger drums and a tiny toy guitar, there were some star worthy sunglasses and feather boas in this box.

IMG_1679The science access points recognize objects that create sounds and the science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed with this activity.

IMG_1697IMG_1236Everyone got in on the fun……..

IMG_1256…..looks like we have some future superstars in the making 🙂






IMG_1525IMG_1299We brought out our underwater umbrella for our budding Marine Biologists. To add to the experience there were orca and humpback whale sounds recorded on a voice output device. Everyone found it fascinating!

IMG_1668Match living things with their habitats is a science access point that can be addressed here.





IMG_1220IMG_1631Our little Chefs had fun icing the play food cupcake with whipped (shaving) cream. Great messy fun!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.








IMG_1454IMG_1281Our students got to play Lifeguard by scooping swim rings (made out of water noodle slices) and a little toy figure out of the water. This activity is great for counting and eye hand coordination practice!

IMG_1693Recognize 2 dimensional shapes in the environment is a math access point.





IMG_1723IMG_1720We chose Bath and BodyWorks vanilla sugar scent for our water play and lotion this week because the aroma reminded us of some of the yummy treats that Chefs might make! This is always a popular scent with our students 🙂

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.









On Tuesday we talked about Beekeeping and our students made some bees using this: honey bee template  We used yellow poster board for the base so it was a little sturdier and just regular white paper for the wings.

IMG_1322IMG_1323We started by discussing the shape of the bees body—-an oval—-and asked the students to identify the color yellow using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property such as size or color is a science access point.






IMG_1326IMG_1331Next the students painted black stripes on their bee.

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.








IMG_1342Then they used a glue stick to apply glue to the wing and put it on their bee. We encouraged them to put the wing DOWN onto the bee’s body.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.








IMG_1350With a little help they added a googlie eye by placing in ON a glue spot.

The math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is addressed here.









IMG_1346IMG_1353Ta Da!

IMG_1337                                                                 BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!





On Wednesday like Paleontologists, we discovered some dinosaur fossils! To prep this an adult traced this: dinosaur bones template  Instead of making copies of our template, we took another piece of paper to trace over it with a pencil and made copies of that. By doing it that way the outline was very light. One of our fantastic volunteers then filled in each template with glue—-all 7 of them! She used a paint brush and it actually went really fast!

IMG_1561IMG_1562The students identified the shape of the paper using communication symbols—-they did a really great job and we were SO proud 🙂

Recognize 2-dimensional shapes in the environment is a math access point.






IMG_1563IMG_1577Then they dipped their sponge brushes into VERY watery brown paint. You need your paint to be pretty translucent for this project to turn out correctly. As the students brushed the paint over the paper, their fossils appeared—–this was super cool!!!

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.





IMG_1574IMG_1566Ta Dino DA

IMG_1580                                                            Fabulous fossil finds!!!!







We tied in a couple of the jobs we talked about in our book because we made an edible treat (chef) with honey (beekeepers)!

IMG_1767IMG_1773We started by going around the room and letting our students look at and smell some real honey comb that Joy brought it.  We talked about how it smelled SWEET.  We also talked a lot about looking with our eyes and smelling with our noses, not with our hands!

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





IMG_1777IMG_1780Next, we counted out cups for all of our friends.  Each of our students got to indicate how many spoonfuls of vanilla yogurt they wanted by pointing to the numbers 3, 4, or 5.  When scooping out the yogurt, we counted out loud to make sure that we put in the correct amount.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.





IMG_1800IMG_1807Our students then got to indicate if they wanted strawberries on top by verbalizing yes/no or by nodding/shaking their heads.

Once the strawberries were in, our students helped SQUEEZE the honey onto their yogurt and strawberries.  Finally, we topped the mix with some granola.





IMG_1838IMG_1815We think this job was a successful one for our students!

IMG_1822They thought it was a pretty a delicious one as well 🙂


We had an absolute blast this week! Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

How We Make Money

How We Make Money

IMG_1290This week our theme compliments the April Unique Curriculum unit for our students. They are learning about money and what we do with it. Our focus is on how we earn it! The sensory groups explored boxes related to specific jobs. The fine motor groups painted job related art projects and the language group got real time job experience—–they made a dessert 🙂






IMG_1681IMG_1244Helping people get an education as the President of a University would be a pretty important job to have! If you were the president of FAMU you would cheer on the Rattlers. Our box featured the team colors of ORANGE and GREEN and the little egg shaker we included made rattling sounds when shaken.

The science access point recognize objects that create sounds can be addressed here.






IMG_1685IMG_1456Paleontologists study dinosaur bones—–how cool is that! There were four little bones to find buried in our sand and we included a small scoop so they could be buried again.  Of course it was also really fun to watch the sand sift through fingers. This box was lots of fun 🙂

IMG_1292Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






IMG_1480IMG_1674Veterinarians take care of our pets. There were lots of “medical” supplies in this box for fun pretend play. There were soft cotton balls and gauze as well as a fun stethoscope to try out. Our little vets took good care of their patient!

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






IMG_1268IMG_1506One really cool way to earn money would be as a Rock Star! In addition to finger drums and a tiny toy guitar, there were some star worthy sunglasses and feather boas in this box.

IMG_1679The science access points recognize objects that create sounds and the science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed with this activity.

IMG_1697IMG_1236Everyone got in on the fun……..

IMG_1256…..looks like we have some future superstars in the making 🙂






IMG_1525IMG_1299We brought out our underwater umbrella for our budding Marine Biologists. To add to the experience there were orca and humpback whale sounds recorded on a voice output device. Everyone found it fascinating!

IMG_1668Match living things with their habitats is a science access point that can be addressed here.





IMG_1220IMG_1631Our little Chefs had fun icing the play food cupcake with whipped (shaving) cream. Great messy fun!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.








IMG_1454IMG_1281Our students got to play Lifeguard by scooping swim rings (made out of water noodle slices) and a little toy figure out of the water. This activity is great for counting and eye hand coordination practice!

IMG_1693Recognize 2 dimensional shapes in the environment is a math access point.





IMG_1723IMG_1720We chose Bath and BodyWorks vanilla sugar scent for our water play and lotion this week because the aroma reminded us of some of the yummy treats that Chefs might make! This is always a popular scent with our students 🙂

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.









On Tuesday we talked about Beekeeping and our students made some bees using this: honey bee template  We used yellow poster board for the base so it was a little sturdier and just regular white paper for the wings.

IMG_1322IMG_1323We started by discussing the shape of the bees body—-an oval—-and asked the students to identify the color yellow using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property such as size or color is a science access point.






IMG_1326IMG_1331Next the students painted black stripes on their bee.

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.








IMG_1342Then they used a glue stick to apply glue to the wing and put it on their bee. We encouraged them to put the wing DOWN onto the bee’s body.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.








IMG_1350With a little help they added a googlie eye by placing in ON a glue spot.

The math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is addressed here.









IMG_1346IMG_1353Ta Da!

IMG_1337                                                                 BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!





On Wednesday like Paleontologists, we discovered some dinosaur fossils! To prep this an adult traced this: dinosaur bones template  Instead of making copies of our template, we took another piece of paper to trace over it with a pencil and made copies of that. By doing it that way the outline was very light. One of our fantastic volunteers then filled in each template with glue—-all 7 of them! She used a paint brush and it actually went really fast!

IMG_1561IMG_1562The students identified the shape of the paper using communication symbols—-they did a really great job and we were SO proud 🙂

Recognize 2-dimensional shapes in the environment is a math access point.






IMG_1563IMG_1577Then they dipped their sponge brushes into VERY watery brown paint. You need your paint to be pretty translucent for this project to turn out correctly. As the students brushed the paint over the paper, their fossils appeared—–this was super cool!!!

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.





IMG_1574IMG_1566Ta Dino DA

IMG_1580                                                            Fabulous fossil finds!!!!







We tied in a couple of the jobs we talked about in our book because we made an edible treat (chef) with honey (beekeepers)!

IMG_1767IMG_1773We started by going around the room and letting our students look at and smell some real honey comb that Joy brought it.  We talked about how it smelled SWEET.  We also talked a lot about looking with our eyes and smelling with our noses, not with our hands!

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





IMG_1777IMG_1780Next, we counted out cups for all of our friends.  Each of our students got to indicate how many spoonfuls of vanilla yogurt they wanted by pointing to the numbers 3, 4, or 5.  When scooping out the yogurt, we counted out loud to make sure that we put in the correct amount.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.





IMG_1800IMG_1807Our students then got to indicate if they wanted strawberries on top by verbalizing yes/no or by nodding/shaking their heads.

Once the strawberries were in, our students helped SQUEEZE the honey onto their yogurt and strawberries.  Finally, we topped the mix with some granola.





IMG_1838IMG_1815We think this job was a successful one for our students!

IMG_1822They thought it was a pretty a delicious one as well 🙂


We had an absolute blast this week! Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

At the Hoedown

At the Hoedown

IMG_0995One of the most fun activities our PE department does is hold a annual “hoedown”. At the hoedown, each class performs an original square dance they practiced during PE.  It is always so much fun that we decided it would be this week’s theme! The sensory group explored boxes with textures and symbols associated with hoedowns. The fine motor groups made colorful art projects and the language group invited their friends to a hoedown.






IMG_0702IMG_0911We put some sawdust at the bottom of this box to give it that “barn like” feel. The sawdust was not super fine so no dust was kicked up when little fingers ran through it. It really had an interesting texture that our students found enticing. There were some barn animals and square dancers to find as well as the word FRIENDS.

IMG_0920The science access point select an object or picture to represent observed events.





IMG_0928IMG_0755It wouldn’t be a hoedown without music! We recorded some appropriate music on a voice output device and our students rocked along with a bean bottle shaker. Needless to say, fun was had!

IMG_0601Recognize objects that create sounds is a science access point.


IMG_0554IMG_0598So did we mention how much fun the students had—–and how totally cute they looked 🙂







IMG_0761IMG_0726There were lots of colorful bandanas and a bandana garland in this box. The students had fun waving and shaking the items. There was also an opportunity to compare the SOFT cotton of the bandanas with the ROUGH feel of the burlap on the banner.

Recognize differences in objects or pictures is a science access point.







IMG_0841IMG_0608We included 2 cookie cutters—-a boot and hat—- with the blue moonsand in this box.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.










IMG_0534IMG_0613Each classroom decides the kinds of patterns they form in their square dance.  The students practiced making some of those same kind of  lines—– such as  straight, curved, or zigzag—- in our Goo Bag (made with hair gel and confetti stars).

We found that double bagging the gel and taping all four sides down onto the tray helped make it a little more durable.


IMG_0833Initiate a change in the motion of an object are science access point.






IMG_0756IMG_0558There were both upper and lower case letter H’s to find in our rice, dyed blue and yellow which are our school colors.

There was a cute cowboy hat to find at the bottom of the box.

IMG_0732Recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






IMG_0610IMG_0832Country apple scent from Bath and BodyWorks seemed the perfect scent for our hoedown unit! We put some of the bath gel in our water play and it really was a nice aroma. There were 2 different size scoops to add to the fun.

Recognize different containers that hold liquids is a science access point.






IMG_0632IMG_0955The matching lotion was very popular with our students. As usual, after we asked them to smell the lotion, we asked them to show us where they wanted it applied.




IMG_0953The science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed here.







On Tuesday our students used markers and stickers to decorate a cowboy boot using this: boot template.

IMG_0638IMG_0650We started by asking the students to choose a marker and identify it’s color using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as size or color.







IMG_0651IMG_0670Our students did a great job coloring within the designated area!

IMG_0681Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






IMG_0645IMG_0688Applying stickers was great for practicing pincer grasp skills. The students were able to brush up on their math skills by counting the stickers as they were placed on the boots!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.








IMG_0646IMG_0675Ta yeehaw Da!

IMG_0690                                                                                 Ready for the hoedown!





On Wednesday the students made a poster and used this: hoedown girl and boy template to decorate it.

IMG_0788IMG_0789First we asked the students to use communication symbols to identify our paint color—–they did an awesome job!

Match objects with similar observable properties, such as size, shape, color, or texture is a science access point.





IMG_0793IMG_0797Then they stamped “hay” on the poster using UP and DOWN movements. Our stamper was made using a piece of fringed craft foam folded in half and held together with rubber bands.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.






IMG_0815IMG_0811Next it was time to add dancers—–we have our fantastic volunteers to thank for getting them ready for us. We asked the students to find the one with their picture on it, apply glue, and attach it to the poster.

The math access point recognize when an object is added (addition) or is taken away from (subtraction) a situation.





IMG_0823IMG_1042Ta Da—-swing your partner round and round!












IMG_1004So since we were talking about hoedowns this week we HAD to have one! After we read the book, 2 of our little cowpokes moseyed on down to the other elementary classrooms to invite their friends to join the fun.









IMG_1005IMG_1008We had some cider and vittles—-otherwise known as apple juice, ice cream, and chips 🙂

It was pretty TASTY!




IMG_1011                                                                                        YUM!




IMG_1015IMG_1036There was a fun photo booth….

IMG_1145                                                                 Say “round ’em up cowboy”!





IMG_1019IMG_1037Of course we did some square dancing—-you can’t have a hoedown without dancing!

We pulled up a bunch of different bluegrass videos from YouTube on the Smart Board and took a turn around the dance floor.





IMG_1035IMG_1009A good time was had by all 🙂

IMG_0767Join us again next week for more fun and learning——Group by Group!





March Madness

March Madness

IMG_0210It is that time of year——time for March Madness! So we are all about the NCAA basketball tournament this week! Our sensory groups explored basketball themed boxes. The fine motor groups painted their basketball themed art projects. The language group made bouncy balls!







IMG_0238IMG_9895Lots of college teams compete in the tournament and UCLA has won the most championships! This box contained pompoms and beads in the team’s colors—–blue and gold. In addition to the color, the items can be differentiated by texture.

Identify common objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.






IMG_0331IMG_9961Blue and white rice represented The University of Kentucky which has had the most WINS of any university—–how cool is that! We put in the letters N C A A for our students to find and there was a little picture of a basketball player at the bottom of the box.

IMG_0289Match objects by an observable property, such as size, shape, and color—-in this case the letter A’s—is a science access point that can be addressed here.





IMG_0287IMG_0077Everybody has a favorite team to cheer for so we put a bunch of colorful shaker pompoms into this box. Of course we made sure to include some in the colors of our favorite teams 🙂

We also included a goofy fan hat for the students to wear and our fans had a blast with this box!

IMG_0097Initiate a change in the motion of an object is a science access point.





IMG_0257IMG_9915The students had fun with this bright orange play dough—–very eye catching! We encouraged them to try to roll the play dough into balls or to use the cookie cutter to cut out letter B’s.

IMG_0135Recognize changes in observable properties of materials is a science access point.





IMG_9892IMG_9954This year the final four games will be held in Houston, Texas so we dedicated this box to the state. We used paper shred in the colors of the state flag (red, white, and blue) and put in a big white “lone” star that is also seen on the flag. We also included a cowboy, horses, and cows—-other things we associate with the state.




IMG_0259IMG_0082There was a fun little cowboy hat (thanks Ms. Kim) which our students

—–and teachers :)—–thought was lots of fun.

IMG_0105The science access point recognize a model of a real object can be addressed with this activity.








IMG_9913IMG_0300The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) was founded by President Teddy Roosevelt so we went “all american” with some red and blue glitter sprinkled into our oobleck this week 🙂 As usual the students had a blast with it and those little bits of sparkle made it even more inviting!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





IMG_9964IMG_0156We went with a “sporty” scent for our water play, hands were rinsed in Old Spice Denali scented water. You may notice we even tied our circle shaped bowl into the theme—-rather clever, if we don’t say so ourselves 🙂 Since getting the highest score is the object of the game, we included some numbers for our students to scoop out and SCORE!

Recognize quantities 1 to 3 using sets of objects, pictures, or number names is a math access point.





IMG_0342IMG_0346Instead of lotion this week we used some Coca Cola scented lip balm. We figured all that cheering would make any fan want a nice cold soda! The students loved the scent which we applied to wrists, ears, or hands—–NOT lips of course!!

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.







On Tuesday our students painted paper plate basketballs.

IMG_9996First we discussed the shape of our plate and asked the students to identify a CIRCLE using communication symbols.

Recognize a common object with a 2-dimensional shape is a math access point.






IMG_0004IMG_0001Then students also used communication symbols to identify the color ORANGE.

The science access point identify objects by one observable property, such as color is addressed here.






IMG_0018IMG_0024We wrapped some bubble wrap around a scrubber sponge and encourage the students to stamp UP and DOWN.




IMG_0013Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.





IMG_0017IMG_0022Ta DA—–

IMG_0011                                                                  let’s play some B-Ball!





On Wednesday our students made some basketball jerseys  using paper bags.

IMG_0177First the students identified the color of our paint using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property is a science access point.








IMG_0187Then they started painting their “jerseys”.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.









IMG_0194IMG_0198Next they identified their number and placed it on the wet paint.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.








IMG_0217IMG_0222TA DA—-

IMG_0228put me in coach——






IMG_0216—–I’m ready to play!













To celebrate March Madness, we made our own bouncy balls!  We actually used 2 different recipes so that we could COMPARE them to see which one worked better.  These are the 2 recipes that we used: DIY bouncy balls  Since both of these recipes contained borax, we VERY closely supervised our students!

IMG_0357IMG_0360We started by asking our students to choose which 2 colors they wanted the balls to be (since we were making 2 different recipes).

After we tallied up all the votes, we discussed which 2 colors had the MOST votes: blue and pink it was!

Compare quantities using language, such as more, less, or the same is a math access point.





IMG_0369IMG_0376We started with the first recipe in the link above.  Our students helped us POUR the ingredients into each of the different cups.  We observed the white glue change colors when we put in the food coloring.  When we poured the glue mixture into the cup with the borax/water, we observed the glue becoming solid—–how cool is that!

IMG_0379The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.





IMG_0406IMG_0407Once we took the glue mixture out of the water, we had to squeeze the water off and form the ball (this was done by an adult). After the ball had hardened somewhat, everybody got to touch it!

IMG_0403Recognize 3-dimensional objects, such as balls (spheres) is a math access point that can be addressed here.






IMG_0388IMG_0397Then we made the next recipe. We talked about how the amounts of ingredients were smaller and how the steps were DIFFERENT.  We also got some good math skills in by discussing how we needed 2 half tablespoons to make 1 whole tablespoon while measuring out the ingredients.

IMG_0392Distinguish half from whole using objects is a math access point.





IMG_0408IMG_0414Once both balls were made, we compared the 2 by bouncing each of them.  Before we bounced them, though, we HYPOTHESIZED which one we thought would bounce higher.  Although they bounced about the same height, we think the blue one (from the first recipe) went a little bit higher! The students loved this part of the activity 🙂

Distinguish between objects in motion (kinetic energy) and at rest is a science access point.




IMG_0277Thanks for joining us this week for March Madness and we hope  your bracket did well 🙂

Join us again next week for more fun and learning——Group by Group!


Women in History

Women in History

IMG_9432To celebrate Women’s History month we decided to learn about some amazing women of the past. Each of the sensory group boxes was dedicated to a different woman and the fine motor groups made art projects that were also dedicated to one of them. The language group became French chefs—-like Julia Child!

So let’s hear it for the girls!!!





IMG_9567IMG_9749Sacagawea was a member of the Shoshone tribe. We put in lots of  beads—–necklaces and a shaker bottle—– in this box because members of the tribe wear clothing decorated with colorful beadwork.

IMG_9748The science access point track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is addressed in this activity.





IMG_9361IMG_9584Emmeline Pankhurst was a British suffragette. Not only did her box contain a British flag banner, but it also contained a fellow suffragette—–of the teddy bear kind 🙂

IMG_9732Recognize a characteristic of national identity is a social studies access point.





IMG_9579IMG_9754Maria Montessori was born in Italy and developed methods for teaching children with intellectual disabilities. This box contained rice in the colors of the Italian flag red, white, and green.

There were letters and numbers for the students to find as well as a picture of a teacher at the bottom of the box.

IMG_9373Recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





IMG_9371IMG_9729Edith “Jackie” Ronne was the first women to explore Antarctica. We used shaving cream and cornstarch to make a fun snow box in her honor!  The snow could be squished or scooped into little snow balls and the students had so much fun playing in it 🙂

IMG_9570Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





IMG_9614IMG_9341Bessie Coleman was the first African American to become a pilot. Not only did she fly planes but she performed stunts with them too—–how cool is that!

We recorded the sounds of a propellor plane on a voice output device and added a hand held fan so the students could get the feel of riding in one of those old planes.

IMG_9358IMG_9757Goggles, toy plane and cute little co-pilot added to the fun. There were LOTS of giggles with this box 🙂

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.









IMG_9564IMG_9727Edith Flanigen was a scientist who invented a molecular sieve used to make oil refining cleaner and more efficient. In our water play, the students got to see how sieves work—-what fun!

IMG_9334Recognize a way to stop an object from moving is a science access point.





IMG_9694IMG_9331Rachel Carson started the modern environmental movement when she wrote the book Silent Spring which highlighted the misuse of pesticides. Her box contained leaves, flowers, insects and birds. The box was not so silent though——our little blue bird chirped when squeezed 🙂

IMG_9707Recognize common objects related to science by name, such as ice, animal, and plant.





IMG_9764IMG_9626Our scent this week was cucumber melon from Bath and Body Works. We chose it because we thought Julia Child might have like it’s yummy aroma. The students liked the scent and are really doing a great job of letting us know where they want the scent applied.

IMG_9768Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.








On Tuesday our students used watercolors to make a “secret” picture appear. Our secret picture represented the nickname of World War II spy hero Nancy Wake and was made by using a white crayon and this: mouse template

IMG_9427We started by asking the students to identify the shape of the paper we were using—–a rectangle!

Recognize objects with 2-dimensional shapes is a math access point.








IMG_9439IMG_9452Then they applied watercolor paint to the paper using paintbrushes or a switch operated vibrating massager.

IMG_9431                                       Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





IMG_9441IMG_9437Ta DA

IMG_9457                                                                  It’s the White Mouse!





On Wednesday our students made their own representations of the flag of Benazir Bhutto’s country of Pakistan. We used this to complete the project:moon and star template

IMG_9646First we talked about the shape of the flag and the students used communication symbols to identify a rectangle.

The math access point recognize objects with 2-dimensional shapes is again addressed here.








IMG_9643IMG_9661Then we talked about the colors used in the flag and used a paper cutter to trim a green rectangle piece of paper into a SQUARE!

The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.  Identify objects by one observable property, such a color is also addressed.





IMG_9658IMG_9841Ta DA—–let’s celebrate Benazir Bhutto!












We channeled Julia Child for our language group this week (you know we can’t pass up a time to cook!).  Since Julia Child wrote a cookbook bringing French cuisine to America, we decided to try out a (modified) French recipe——we made crescent rolls filled with brie cheese.

IMG_9771IMG_9780We passed around the container of crescent rolls so that our students could FEEL if it was hot or COLD.  Then, we passed around small bites of the brie cheese so they could TASTE it.  Brie cheese is definitely an acquired taste to some, so there were some funny faces 🙂

Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold is a science access point.





IMG_9789Cara rolled up the cheese in the crescent rolls and we counted out how many were on the tray.  Then we placed them in a toaster oven to cook!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.









IMG_9801IMG_9791We read that kids in France drink water or fruit juice, so we decided to combine the 2 and make flavored water!

IMG_9800We brought plastic fruits depicting the different flavors and each of our students indicated the one they wanted.





IMG_9810We ended up with 4 votes for grape and 2 votes for peach.  Our students indicated that there were MORE grape votes.

The flavored water was a HIT!









IMG_9826IMG_9829Finally, once our crescent rolls were finished, we cut them up and enjoyed our version of French cuisine!

IMG_9827                                                                         Delicieux 🙂




We really enjoyed learning about all these amazing women this week! Our spring break is starting so it will be 2 weeks until we are back with more fun and learning——Group by Group!



IMG_8631IMG_8724We went west and learned about the awesome state of Nevada this week! We chose this topic to compliment the Unique Curriculum unit our students are studying this month. Our sensory group boxes represented different facts about Nevada. The fine motor groups used paint brushes to complete their art projects and the language group cooked with a solar oven.






IMG_8663IMG_8987Hay production is one of the key industries of Nevada so we used some hay (well actually raffia but we thought it looked pretty similar) as the base for this box. A puzzle piece cow, Las Vegas magnet, gold and silver beads also represented key industries. There were animals that are symbols of the state (mountain blue bird, tortoise, big horn sheep) or are found there (burro). We even included a camel because camel races are held in Virginia City every year——how fun is that!

IMG_8319Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point. Totally rocking the sunglasses from the box is a COOL point 🙂





IMG_8665IMG_8907Turquoise is the official semiprecious gem of Nevada and our box of colored beans looked pretty close to the real thing!  The students had lots of fun sifting through the beans and we put in some letter N’s for them to find—–great for tactile and visual discrimination.

The math access point recognize two objects that are identical to each other can be addressed here.






IMG_8997IMG_8295The Hoover Dam provides hydroelectric power for millions of people! Our students experimented with water power in our little Lake Mead (the reservoir formed by the dam). They even got to wear a hard hat——like the ones invented for the men who worked on constructing the dam! Our students had lots of fun with this, as you can tell with these super cute pictures 🙂

IMG_8289Recognize one way people use water is a science access point.






IMG_8953IMG_9005Nevada is our driest state which means the sun shines A LOT!  We filled this box with some bright yellow Floam——perfect for squishing and molding it into little round suns!




IMG_8989Recognize three dimensional objects, such as balls (spheres) is a math access point.







IMG_9012IMG_8978With an average rainfall of about 7 inches, Nevada is mostly desert, not a lot of trees grow there! We used some kinetic sand for this box and put in some animals such as snakes and lizards you might find in the desert.

The science access point match animals that are the same can be addressed here.








IMG_8657IMG_8898With all those lights, Las Vegas is one of the brightest cities in the world! There were some fun light producing toys for our students to explore in this box. The students had a blast with them!

IMG_8983Recognize sources of light is a science access point.






IMG_8701IMG_8659The students had fun finding silver glitter in the shaving foam—–not exactly silver “mining” but still lots of fun 🙂

IMG_8933Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





IMG_8369IMG_9015The scent we used for our water play and lotion was called pink lemonade fizz (from Bath and Body Works). Since the average temperature is usually pretty hot, we thought sitting by the pool drinking a pink lemonade would be the perfect ending to a day exploring Nevada.

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






On Tuesday our students made a miniature Hoover Dam art project!

IMG_8459IMG_8468They started by using a paper cutter to cut out a strips of paper printed with the words “Hoover Dam”.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.

Then they glued their strips onto a paper plate cut into a half circle.






IMG_8477Next we discussed the shape of the paper we were going to use to complete our project and asked the students to identify its color using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.

The math access point recognize a common object with a two-dimensional shape is also addressed.






IMG_8487IMG_8496The students painted their paper using corn syrup tinted with blue food coloring. We have used this technique before and it is really super cool because once dry, it has the shiny wet look of real water!

IMG_8489The science access point recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





IMG_8481IMG_8509Ta DA…….

It’s the Hoover Dam!!!!!










On Wednesday our students decorated colorful sun visors we picked up at the dollar store. They were 3 for a dollar and you know we couldn’t pass up a bargain like that 🙂 It was a quick easy project and the students had a blast!

IMG_8772IMG_8789 (1)Since a lot of gold and silver mining takes place in Nevada, we thought it would be fun to paint the visors with those colors.

IMG_8755Recognize a change in an object is the science access point addressed here.





IMG_8770IMG_8783TA DA—–we are ready to visit Nevada!!!!!











We made our own solar oven to demonstrate how the sun’s energy can be used to heat up food.  We made the oven, following directions found online, using a pizza box, tin foil, cling wrap, and black construction paper.  We put it out in the sun about an hour and a half before our group (thank GOODNESS it was a sunny day!).

IMG_9033We cut 2 slices of bread into 4 pieces each and put some butter on them.  Our students observed what the butter looked like (a solid) before we put the bread with butter in the oven.

Recognize parts of whole objects is a math access point.








IMG_9082IMG_9084Then, we broke up graham crackers into small pieces and placed 1 chocolate chip on each piece and placed them in the oven as well.  We put both the buttered bread and the chocolate chip graham crackers in so that we could COMPARE which melts faster.

Observe and recognize a predicable cause-effect relationship related to a science topic is a science access point.





IMG_9056Since it takes some time to melt, we got out our plush sun and each of our students got to play with it.

Recognize that the Sun is a source of heat is a science access point.









IMG_9121We found that butter melts faster than chocolate!  It was so fun (and delicious) cooking food in the sun——YUM!










IMG_8328IMG_8628Hope you enjoyed learning about Nevada as much as we did! Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!