Tag Archives: letter K

Something Different and Letter K

Something Different and Letter K

Cara and Joy had to cancel groups this week due to unforeseen circumstances. However, some of the teachers sent us photos of  their activities in our absence. Looks like they had a lot of fun!

IMG_3034In Ms. Barrett’s class the students crumpled up some dried leaves. As you can see from this picture they really enjoyed themselves.












IMG_3033Crunching up the leaves addresses grasp skills in addition to tactile desensitization.

The adults drew leaf shapes with glue and then the students sprinkled the leaves on top.

This activity addresses eye hand coordination. It also gives the students an opportunity to explore the properties of materials—the leaves stick to the glue NOT the paper.

Happy Fall!







IMG_3024In Ms. Garland’s class they put popsicle sticks together……

to make the letter K.











IMG_3027Then they put stickers on a Kite—great for addressing pincer grasp skills.

Threading the yarn through the hole to make a tail addresses eye hand coordination.

Don’t they look pretty!









IMG_3020They also taped letter K’s to a ball and went outside to…

Kick it 🙂

Eye foot coordination is addressed in this activity.

Well that’s it for this week. We will be back next week with our usual activities—-Group by Group!