Tag Archives: gardening



IMG_9471Spring has sprung and since many of our teachers are busy planting gardens with their students we decided that a unit on plants would be the perfect theme for this week! Our sensory group boxes were filled with plants and plant like materials. The fine motor group made beautiful floral art projects and the language group planted some REAL flowers!






IMG_9611IMG_9759Lots of different things to discover in this box which was filled with play food fruits, vegetables, and flowers. We also put in some picture cards and toy animals—all plant eaters of course! A piece of fabric was included because the cotton plant was used to MAKE that fabric!

IMG_9464Recognize a model of a real object is the science access point addressed here. The science access point recognize objects related to science by name such as plant or animal is also addressed.




IMG_9723The students really had fun planting seeds (dry beans) and growing carrots (play food) in our coffee ground dirt. There was also a letter G for “grow” and “garden” and hidden at the bottom of the box was a picture of a cute little groundhog…..ok, so perhaps leftover from a previous unit BUT he is a plant eater after all 🙂

The science access point recognize that plants grow is a science access point explored here.






IMG_9554The different parts of plants can be explored in this fun and colorful box filled with silk flowers and leaves.

The science access point recognize the leaf and flower of a plant is addressed with this activity.









IMG_9733IMG_9563We made this pretty pink batch of play dough using koolaid and we really liked the way it turned out! The students had a choice of 2 different flower cookie cutters which allowed for the opportunity to discuss concepts of “same” and “different.

Not only can the flowers be counted, but the science access point. apply a push to move an object is also addressed.




IMG_9458IMG_9512Plant seeds are food sources for many animals such as birds. We filled this box with bird seed and put 3 little birds in it for the students to find. The bird seed had an amazing tactile feel on buried hands—-super cool!

IMG_9602In addition to visual and tactile discrimination, the math access point associate quantities with number names is addressed.




IMG_9726IMG_9558Our green oobleck represents chlorophyll which is the green coloring in plants. We used sour apple koolaid which made it such a pretty color gave it a very enticing aroma!

The science access point recognize the change in motion of an object is addressed here.






IMG_9502We put some cool LIGHTED flowers in our water play this week (thanks Ms. Kim). There was also a little watering can included so the students could water them—-such fun!

Recognize that plants need water is a science access point.







IMG_9541We finished the group with Bath and Body works plumeria scented lotion and the matching bath gel was used in our water play. This floral plumeria scent was very aromatic, a perfect fit for our plant theme this week and a great way to help us remember all the fun we had.

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is the science access point addressed here.







IMG_9633On Tuesday the science access point identify the major parts of a plant such as the root, stem, leaf, and flower with our art project.

First we used the paper cutter to cut out the green stems. Our students are getting so good at this!

This addresses the science access point recognize a change in an object.






IMG_9645IMG_9665Then we assembled the flower by asking the students to place the pre-labled (thank you Dana and Olivia) pieces on the designated places using glue as a visual cue. Our students are still practicing this skill but they are getting better at it! We discussed that the flower went on TOP of the stem, the roots at the BOTTOM, and that there were 2 leaves.

IMG_9684The math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is addressed here.




IMG_9689IMG_9718TA DA—-fabulous floral specimens!










On Thursday we made a fun torn paper art project!

IMG_9865We started by choosing which flower (cut from the Ellison machine) to decorate.

Communicate a preference for objects is a language access point.






IMG_9901Then the students chose pieces of tissue paper to tear, crumple, and glue onto their flowers.

In addition to promoting bilateral coordination, the science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed in this activity.







IMG_9878IMG_9892The flowers look fabulous—–especially with the addition of the students cute little faces 🙂

IMG_9946                                                                                 Ta DA!!!!





IMG_9812The weather was beautiful when we went outside and planted some flowers during our language group. We started by showing our students the flowers we were going to plant and they took turns smelling them.

Explore, observe, and recognize common objects in the natural world through observation is a science access point.






IMG_9792IMG_9803Each of our students got to take a turn planting their own flower and we worked through the steps with them—starting with digging a hole.  Typically, a spade is used.  But since we couldn’t find ours, we improvised and used a spoon 🙂

This is a great opportunity to address the science access point distinguish examples of soil from other substances.





IMG_9788Next, we took the flower and planted it in the hole.

As the soil is pushed back around the roots, the science access point recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.

Recognize common objects related to science by name, such as plant is another science access point addressed.






IMG_9809Once the flowers were planted, we watered them and  discussed the fact that water was a liquid.   Then we watched as the soil soaked up the water.

Recognize that plants need water is a science access point.






IMG_9831Finally, our nice little garden was finished!  Our gardeners were pretty proud of themselves and we were proud of them too!

Happy Spring!!!!

Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!



Well things got a little crazy this week with two school wide events and LOTS of IEP meetings. As a result, we ended up having to cancel most of our Sensory and Language Groups this week. We used month’s Unique Curriculum theme for our Fine Motor Groups which by some miracle were not impacted by the above events 🙂

Here is what we did…..

IMG_9386We re-read our Spring book which we thought went along with our gardening theme and then proceeded to begin our art activity—making a flower garden!

First we folded 2 cupcake liners and then used our adaptive scissors to make snips—counting each snip.


Oh yeah—-have we got this cutting business down or what?!!! 🙂


Folding and cutting the cupcake liners changes the way they look, addressing the science access point of recognizing a change in an object.








IMG_9417We glued the cupcake liners together and THEN glued them on top of a popsicle stick.

Pat! Pat! Pat!


Holding down the popsicle stick while patting down the cupcake liners promotes bilateral coordination.

Gluing the cupcake liners together addresses the math access point of solving simple problems involving putting together small quantities of objects.

Placing the cupcake liners ON the popsicle stick addresses the math access point of recognizing a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.







IMG_9399Our flower was finished with a cute little yellow pompom  glued right in the middle.

Pincer grasp skills and eye hand coordination is addressed during this activity.

The math access points of recognizing when an object is added to a situation and recognizing 3 dimensional shape (sphere) is addressed.











…….hey what happened to my flower?????












IMG_9409Once we gave the glue a chance to dry 🙂 , we planted our flowers and got our Ta Da’s.

This piece of pool noodle with a slit cut in it works perfectly as a planter.

We counted the flowers as we put them in 1,2,3,4,5!











IMG_9438And here is our little garden—doesn’t it look so cute!









IMG_9443On Thursday we continued our gardening theme by reading Cara’s book again then playing with these cute little bee puppets. Our students were pretty tickled with them 🙂

The 2 bees were different sizes giving us a chance to address the math access point of recognizing differences in sizes of objects.

What fun!!










IMG_9476We started our art project —-making a bee, of course! First we cut strips of black paper with our paper cutter, counting each cut and then counting the strips.

Look at this concentration, don’t you just love it!

We also discussed the color of the paper, addressing the science access point of identifying objects by one observable property.











IMG_9514IMG_9491Then we glued the black strips onto our yellow circle.

And added some heart shaped wings (made from waxed paper) 2 googlie eyes and a triangle tail.

In addition to the math access point of recognizing 2 dimensional shapes, spatial relations skills are addressed while putting together our cute little bumble bee!









IMG_9498Ta Da!!!


Our students looked so cute as they made their little bees fly around—and also demonstrated the science access points of applying a push or pull to move an object AND recognizing a model of a real object!

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz   🙂








Come by next week when we will be back in business with all our groups—its going to be SUCH FUN………

Group by Group 🙂