Tag Archives: Frozen

We’re FROZEN book

We’re FROZEN book

We are **SO PROUD** of the book for this week!  Our student models are back again, this time as different characters from the movie Frozen.  The repetitive line is “who will we meet in Arendelle?”, which is the fictional town where Frozen takes place.  The amazing background that is used in each picture was painted by our art teacher, Judy, her intern Nicole, and her students.

This is a book that you really have to see!

Thank you to Fran, Jennifer, Angela, and Judy for providing some of the costumes that were used.





IMG_2071Here is a link to the book:Who Will We Meet in Arendelle?














IMG_2604IMG_2606Our art department and students made the amazing backdrop you see in the book!

IMG_2607There was lots of painting AND a good amount of glitter involved 🙂




IMG_2603They even worked on the Troll King costume—-how cool is that!!!



IMG_2214The movie Frozen is SO popular with our students that we decided it was the perfect unit to end our semester! We had so much fun putting this unit together, collaborating with both the PE and Art departments made it even more special!

The sensory groups explored boxes with lots of different textures. The fine motor groups used markers and glue to make fabulous art projects and the language group conducted some frosty experiments.

Of course, our book was extra special for this unit so be sure to check it out also!





IMG_2155IMG_2150Aqua, blue and purple basket filler was the base of this box—-so pretty!  The students had lots of fun discovering all things we had hidden in it. Well, perhaps the 3 giant snowflakes weren’t that hard to discover 🙂

Also hidden in the colorful filler were snowmen, “snowball” beads, and some cute little Frozen play figures.

The math access points differences in size of objects and associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.
IMG_2228IMG_2460We had 2 fascinating discovery bottles. One turned into a glittery snow flurry when turned or shaken. The other bottle was filled with some glass beads which looked like little chunks of ice.

IMG_2399Initiate a change in motion of an object is a science access point.







IMG_2169IMG_2407The students were pretty intrigued with our “reindeer fur” Sven box. This fake fur was long and a little coarse which we thought was a pretty good stand in for the real thing. A cute little plush reindeer was included for cuddling fun 🙂

IMG_2382Recognize common objects related to science by name, such as animal, is a science access point.







IMG_1120IMG_2454Do you want to build a snowman? Our students did! We put some potato head pieces and fake food carrot into our box of white Floam. It was fun to see the different creations the students made.

Recognize that the human—-and snowman :)—-body is made up of various parts is a science access point.







IMG_2221IMG_1292We brought back our snowflake umbrella yet again and as usual, it was a huge hit. It really is so pretty!

Because no one has heard the song “Let it Go” enough 🙂 we recorded a verse on our voice output device. Needless to say, none of the students passed on their turn to hit the button lol.

IMG_2233Recognize objects that create sounds is a science access point.




IMG_2241IMG_2217This box was filled with some Insta-snow, since we don’t have much access to the real stuff here in Florida! It had an interesting texture that wasn’t a hit with everyone, but most of the students had fun with it. They used their hands or the melon-baller to make snowballs.

The science access point identify different types of precipitation, including rain and snow can be addressed in this activity.




IMG_1070IMG_2394Hands were rinsed in water scented with Bath and Bodyworks juniper breeze scented water. There were a variety of foam snowflakes scattered in the water and a measuring cup was included so the students could scoop them out.

IMG_2414Since the snowflakes could be counted the math access point associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.





IMG_2511IMG_2505The matching lotion was used as a sweet remembrance of all the fun we had today. We chose this particular scent because we figured that junipers MIGHT grow in the cold climes of Arundelle!

IMG_2248Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.







On Tuesday we used markers to color a Frozen picture. We found this PERFECT free printable at http://yourtherapysource.com

IMG_2025We started by discussing the shape of our paper and asking the students to identify a “rectangle” using communication symbols.

Recognize a common object with a 2-dimensional shape is a math access point.







IMG_2059IMG_2060Then they used purple and blue markers to make fabulous scribbles and swirls on their paper.

The students did a really great job with this and had such great concentration!

IMG_2032Since they had to share the markers with their friends, the science access point share objects with a partner is addressed with this activity.




IMG_2039IMG_2041After they were finished coloring, they got to add some snowflakes to their pictures. We applied glue to work on 1:1 correspondence. Of course, it was a great opportunity to practice pincer grasp skills as well (and the OT really likes that!!!).

Match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is a math access point.





IMG_2082IMG_2095Ta Da…….


IMG_2054                                                              …..let it go, let it go, let it go………





On Wednesday we continued talking about shapes while making Olaf!

IMG_2265We started by discussing the shape of the boxes we were going to use (cereal boxes covered with white paper) and used communication symbols to identify their shape.

The math access point recognize a common three-dimensional shape was addressed here.







IMG_2341 (1)Then the students used adaptive scissors to cut out another shape——this time a TRIANGLE—–out of orange paper and used glue sticks to attach it to their box.

The science access point recognize a change in an object and the math access point recognize a common object with a two-dimensional shape are addressed in this activity.







IMG_2293IMG_2307Next they added 2 eyes and identified the number 2 using communication symbols.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.









IMG_2333IMG_2271The students used a black marker to draw a mouth to the face, then added a small RECTANGLE tooth that they cut out using the adaptive scissors.

It was fun to see the different expressions they came up with for their snowman 🙂

The science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed here.





IMG_2362 (1)IMG_2302A brown chenille stem was added to the top of the box and the cutest Olaf you have ever seen!

IMG_2285                                    TA DA!!!!





Since we are experiencing 70+ degree weather in the middle of December, snow—-or even cold weather—-seems like a distant dream, we decided to make some snowy experiments!  Here are the experiments we did: Let’s Make Snowy Experiments.

IMG_2521We started out making a snowstorm in a jar.  First, we poured baby oil in a cleaned out peanut butter jar.  Our students got to take turns smelling the baby oil first and they all seemed to like the clean smell of it!

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






IMG_2540Next, we put water and white paint into a bowl.  Our students had to mix it all up until the water was nice and white.  Then we poured it into the jar and added some glitter—-we never pass up the opportunity to add glitter to a project 🙂

The science access point recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point is addressed here.





IMG_2555IMG_2552Not much of a snowstorm UNTIL we put half of an Alka Seltzer into the jar.  Once it started going, we had our version of a Florida snowstorm!

Track objects moving up and down is a science access point.

Pretty darn cool!!!!






IMG_2577IMG_2568After we were done oohing and ahhing, we started on our second experiment, homemade snow.  This one was pretty easy.  We used a WHOLE box of baking soda and about HALF a canister of shaving cream and stirred it all together.  We divvied up our mixture into a couple of small bowls and our students got to feel our “snow”.

Very cool feeling—–literally 🙂

The science access point recognize parts of whole objects and parts of sets of objects can be addressed in this activity.




IMG_2586We used our homemade snow for our final experiment, EXPLODING snow.!!!!! We put the bowls with the homemade snow onto a tray, sprinkled some glitter, and then poured some vinegar into each bowl.  Tada!  Exploding snow!!!!!!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.








Our PE department has a fabulous winter wonderland unit going on this month and this coordinated perfectly with our Frozen theme! The students were having  so much fun, we had to include some photos.

IMG_1460IMG_1758They got to experience some blizzard conditions (the teachers used a hairdryer and some fake snow to create this).

IMG_1999                                                                      There were LOTS of giggles 🙂



IMG_1673IMG_1845There was an Aurora Borealis area activated with switches!

IMG_1877                                  And finally ICE SKATING in shaving cream—–how fun is that!



IMG_2432IMG_2205Well that wraps up our first semester. Apart from an After Party post, we will be gone for a few weeks, enjoying our winter break.

IMG_2441From all of us here, we wish you Happy Holidays and be sure to come join us in 2016 for more fun and learning——Group by Group!