Tag Archives: Elvis

The 1950’s

The 1950’s

To start the new year, we decided to take a look back——–WAY back, all the way to the 1950’s! The sensory groups explored boxes related to different facts from the decade. The fine motor groups made some cool art projects and the language group made a 1950’s inspired recipe.








We put the numbers 1 9 5 0 in this rice box. In addition to running their fingers through the rice, the students had fun scooping it up and adding it to a small metal cup.





Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more.











Our outer space black beans and rice contained our nod to NASA which was started in 1958.

There was a cool rocket toy that had a spinning astronaut and flashing lights when the button was pushed.




Science access point: distinguish between objects in motion (kinetic energy) and at rest.






Disney Land and the Mickey Mouse Club tv show both had their start in 1955.

There were lots of fun things to find in this box, including Disney character figures, colorful beads, and a VOD that had the Mickey Mouse song recorded on it.


Social studies access point: recognize a character in a story that is not real.






Elvis had a hit with the song Heartbreak Hotel in 1956.







The students made both BIG and LITTLE hearts in red moon sand.

Math access point: recognize the larger of two objects.











TV dinners were first introduced in 1953. Since they had foil trays and covers, we thought it would be fun to have a box with a foil. This space blanket was the perfect choice.





It was fun to throw up in the air and made a fun crackling noise when crunched—–it was a huge hit with the students!


Science access point: recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli.






A couple more photos—–this was a really fun experience for the students!











Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay made it to the top of Mount Everest in 1953.






The students swirled snowy shaving foam around a laminated mountain top for messy play this week.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.











20000 League Under the Sea was a movie released in 1954.






Our water play contained a little submarine and a variety of sea animals—-including a giant squid!

Science access point: match living things with their habitats.












Hawaii became the 50th state in 1959! This inspired us to use Bath and Body Works pineapple as our scent this week.





The sweet aroma was a big hit with the students.

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday the students made Mount Everest models and then put themselves on the mountain using this template: mountain climber template

First, the students identified the shape of their poster board mountain. They also identified the shape of a tissue box that would be used for the project.



Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.





Then they added “snow” (a mixture of glue and shaving cream) to their triangle.




Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.





Next, they put themselves on to the mountain. Since there was glue in our snow mixture, we didn’t need extra glue!

The mountain was hot glued (by an adult) on to the tissue box to help it stand up and…..









TA DA from the top of the world!!!







We climbed Mount Everest!!!!












On Thursday the students gave themselves a new look using this: elvis hair template

First, the students identified the color of the yarn we were going to use for the project.





Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.





Then, using regular, adapted, or switch operated scissors, the students snipped pieces of yarn.






Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more.






Glue spreaders were used to spread glue around the black poster board hair template and applied their pieces of yarn.






Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.





TA—-Elvis—- DA!!!








Don’t tread on our blue suede shoes!













We made a yummy treat that was popular in the ’50s: jello salad!  Here is the recipe that we used: let_s make blueberry vanilla jello salad

(The words that are capitalized are the targeted words on the communication boards)

We started by talking about how we were going to MAKE a jello salad, noting that this type of salad is DIFFERENT from the salad that we usually eat.

First, we PUT a box of vanilla instant pudding mix into a BOWL.  One of our students indicated they WANTed to HELP by raising their hand and indicating HELP.






Next, we PUT vanilla yogurt into the BOWL.  We had 2 students HELP with this since the container was big.  We had to STIR the ingredients together.











After that, we PUT cool whip in and STIRRED that together as well.










Finally, we added some blueberries and STIRRED those in, first talking about how the bag of frozen blueberries felt COLD.





We LOOKed at the ingredients and saw that the color was becoming DIFFERENT, going from white to a purple color.





Each student had to request some of the jello salad by indicating WANT.  They were only given a small amount, so they had to request MORE if they wanted more than what they got.  A spoon was not given to them either, which prompted them to request a SPOON as well.




We’re thinking these kiddos really LIKED their ’50s treat!  What do you think?  🙂




Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

IMG_3225Happy 2016 everyone! To welcome the new year we thought it would be fun to take a look BACK at some things that happened in past “new” years.

Each of the sensory group boxes related to one of the historic events. The fine motor groups made art projects celebrating 2016 and the language group—-well they had a party 🙂






IMG_3035IMG_3170The marriage of Prince Ferdinand and Queen Isabella united the country of Spain. The red and yellow of this colorful box were a nod to the colors of the Spanish flag. In addition to sorting by color, the students were able to sort by texture since we included soft pompoms and hard beads.

Of course, the beads were also lots of fun to wear or shake 🙂

IMG_3162Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.






IMG_3165IMG_2790In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed and in celebration of that historic event we made some red, white and blue play dough! We added snipped pieces of an old star garland and some glitter to give the play dough a patriotic sparkle 🙂

The students cut out stars using two different sized cookie cutters.

The science access point recognize differences in size of objects is addressed here.






IMG_2827IMG_3012At the turn of the century, people were thrilled with the construction of the Statue of Liberty. We thought our green Bubber looked pretty similar to the color of the statue as we see it today.

Bubber’s texture is a little like circus peanut candy so it is drier than play dough but it still sticks together really well.





IMG_2980IMG_3122 We also included a souvenir  hat just for fun——thanks Kira!

While making sculptures with the Bubber, the students addressed the science access point recognize a change in an object.

Trying on the hat addressed the “let’s have fun” access point 🙂







IMG_3146IMG_3021In 1955 the hit song Rock Around the Clock was released. Our students used finger drums and a maraca to rock out to the song we recorded on a voice output device.

The finger drums were a HUGE hit 🙂

IMG_2990The science access points recognize an action as fast or slow and recognize objects that create sounds are addressed here.




IMG_2857IMG_3030The movie Footloose was hugely popular in 1984 and we thought this neon rice perfectly represented the decade!

The little funnel and spoon made for lots of scooping fun and the students were especially fascinated as they watched the grains stream out the bottom. At the bottom of the box was a piece of paper with the numbers 1984—–written with neon markers, of course!

Track a falling object is a science access point.





IMG_3139IMG_3033The psychedelic 1960’s rang out with the Woodstock concert held in the summer of 1969. In homage to the fashion of the day, we made some tie dye oobleck! Watching the colors swirl around was just GROOVY 🙂

IMG_3013We got the tie dye effect by mixing the different colors in separate bowls and then pouring them onto a tray.

Track the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point.




IMG_2839IMG_3157Another musician made history in 1977 with his concert in Hawaii—–the king himself, Elvis! Since lei’s are made from plumeria flowers we used that scent from Bath and Bodyworks for our water play scent this week. There was a “plumeria” blossom floating in the water and a bulb syringe to “water” it with.

IMG_3123Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is addressed here.





IMG_3180IMG_2866The students really liked the aroma of the matching lotion rubbed on their arms and hands.

IMG_3046Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






On Tuesday the students decorated signs made from paper plates and popsicle sticks.

IMG_2879We started by discussing the shape of plate and asking the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Recognize a common object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.







IMG_2886IMG_2919Then they painted the plate with GOLD paint—-this looked so cool!!! By having the students hold onto the popsicle stick handle we also addressed bilateral coordination with this activity.

Recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.





IMG_2910IMG_2900We added even more sparkle with some glitter confetti and topped off the sign with a piece of paper with “2016” printed on it.

The paper stuck easily to the paint so we didn’t  have to use glue!

Recognize that objects can stick together is a science access point.




IMG_2896TA DA—–Happy 2016!










On Wednesday we used the numbers 2016 again, but this time we put them on a SHIELD—-kind of like the one Henry VIII might have used!

IMG_3060We started by identifying the number 6 on a number line—-the students did a really great job with this!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






IMG_3081IMG_3064Then we got out some BIG brushes and painted the shields with silver paint. Some of the students are still learning to use paint brushes but most of them  got to work without any help from us!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.




IMG_3095IMG_3110We used the Ellison machine to cut out the numbers 2-0-1-6 and the students placed them on their shields.

To make it easier to hold, a toilet paper roll was hot glued to the back of the shield by an adult, then…….

IMG_3105                                                                Time for a 2016 royal TA DA





In our language group this week, we made some yummy cornbread. It is a traditional Southern food eaten for good luck because it’s supposed to resemble gold!

IMG_3186We started by counting out the cupcake liners while placing them in the cupcake tin.  We used a visual of the number 6 to help reinforce number recognition.

The math access point match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is addressed here.






IMG_3191Then, we followed the directions on the Jiffy cornbread mix box and put all of the ingredients in a bowl.  We made sure to talk about the COLOR of the cornbread mix and also how it was DRY.  When we cracked the egg in, we talked about how the mixture was now WET.

Distinguish between items that are wet and items that are dry is a science access point.






IMG_3199IMG_3202When it was time to pour in the milk, noting that it was a LIQUID, our students got to feel the temperature—-it was COLD!

IMG_3206Recognize the temperature of items, such as food, as cool or warm is a science access point.






IMG_3210IMG_3215We mixed up the ingredients and counted out how many spoonfuls we needed to put into the cupcake tin.  Once finished, we put them in the oven to bake.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





IMG_3240IMG_3234While we were waiting, we had a small New Years party of our own.  We got out party hats, boas, and princess crowns.  Our students then got to make some “fireworks” by walking or rolling over bubblewrap-IMG_3262                                                               —they had a BLAST!




IMG_3278IMG_3268Finally, we got to eat our “gold”.  Cheers to a lucky 2016!!









IMG_3135Well, it was back to school with a blast and we had tons of fun welcoming in the new year! Join us again next week for more fun and learning——Group by Group!