Tag Archives: clothes dryer



This goes along with the Unique Curriculum unit some of our students are learning about this month. The sensory group explored boxes related to different machines. The fine motor groups made machine themed art projects and the language group used machines to make a yummy snack.







School buses are machines that most of our students are familiar with. There were 2 different buses to find in the black beans of this box.






There was a small yellow school bus and a larger orange one—-which left us wondering where they drive orange buses!

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as size or color.






Everybody loves trains! A train engine cookie cutter was included with blue moon sand so the students could stamp as many trains as they wanted!





Of course, they also loved the feel of the sand itself. Moon sand is so soft to the touch.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.





Construction vehicles are popular machines around here! There were 3 different toy construction vehicles to rearrange some coffee grounds and dried beans.




There was a picture of a simple machine to find at the bottom of the box.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.












A much smaller machine—-a pencil sharpener inspired this box! The students had fun “writing” in sawdust with a big giant pencil!





There were also two different sized scoops included to add to the fun.

Math access point: recognize similarities and differences in size of objects.






Battery operated fans provided wind power…..






and lots of giggles 🙂

Science access point: indicate awareness of air moving.











A toy airplane flew around fluffy shaving cream clouds.






Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.






Hands were rinsed under a spinning water wheel.







Our water wheel is always a hit with the students.

Science access point: recognize one way people use water.











We added a twist to our scent this week. Special scratch and sniff cards that had oil and gasoline scents were presented first.




We all agreed we did not like these scents!

We then switched to pumpkin pie paradise from Bath and Works. Pumpkin pies are something you might use a machine to make 🙂





And much yummier smelling!

Science access point: recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli.







On Wednesday we made some big trucks!

First, the students identified the shapes of our art materials.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.









Then, the students identified which rectangle was BIG and which was LITTLE.

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.









The rectangles were glued down on a piece of paper starting with the LITTLE one, then gluing the BIG one beside it.

Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.






Next, we counted out 3 bottle cap “wheels” and glued them to the bottom of the truck.





Math access point: associate quantities with number names.






TA DA!!!!







We love machines!

Keep on trucking!












On Thursday the students made a clothes dryers using this template:dryer template

First, they identified the shapes of our materials.

Math access point:  recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.










We gave the students a circular piece of paper with clothes drawn on it and asked them to color the clothing with different colors.





Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as size or color.






They glued their clothes circle on to a paper plate and then glued the paper plate and dryer clothes on to a large piece of paper.





Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.













We love machines—–

they help make our chores easier!












We used 2 different compound machines today when we made our recipe!  Here is the recipe we used: Let’s Make Dirt Cups

We started by talking about what we were going to MAKE.  One of our students was hesitant about this because of the name of the recipe, so we talked about the word edible again and students located EAT on their boards.










First, we PUT instant chocolate pudding mix into a BOWL.












We had to measure out 2 cups of milk.  Each student felt the bottle of milk and indicated that it was COLD.






We had a pint of milk, so we measured out 1 cup and then had to measure out 1 MORE.  We talked about how there are 2 cups in a pint.








We used our first compound machine, the mixer, to mix up the pudding.  Each student got to HELP press the wireless switch to TURN on the mixer.











We got the pudding ready by mixing Cool Whip into it. The students helped stir the mixture and watched it change from a mix of colors to just one color.






We set the pudding aside and got out our 2nd compound machine, a food processor.  We PUT 5 Oreos into the food processor and TURNED it on.

One of our students got to HELP PUT the Oreo “dirt” on the tops of each treat.









Each student got a small amount of the pudding mix. They had to request MORE.






This dirt is yummy!




We off for the next week for spring break but we will back after that with more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

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