Tag Archives: Candy Land

Candy Land book

Candy Land book

We’re talking all about the game, Candy Land, this week during our groups and it has been so much fun!  The book features some of our students dressed up as characters from the game such as Gramma Nutt, King Kandy, and Princess Frostine.  The background of the book was painted with Ms. Judy during art and it’s so colorful and pretty to look at!


Here is a link to the book:  Let’s Play Candy Land

Candy Land

Candy Land

Every kid’s favorite board game and perfect theme for the end of October—-Candy Land! The sensory groups explored boxes related to each of the characters in the game. The fine motor groups made candy inspired art projects and the language group hosted a Candy Land party. It was a super fun week!






Candy colored beans filled this King Candy box. There were letter K’s and C’s to find and match in this eye catching box.




Science access point: identify objects by an observable property, such as size, shape, and color.











The students used Mr. Potato Head pieces and purple Bubber to make their own Plumpy characters. We like how the Bubber feels a lot like circus peanuts, making it perfect for this unit!




Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












Our snowflake umbrella is showing it’s age, but it still looked pretty with the glittery foam candy shapes we added. We think Queen Frostine would certainly approve!





The students had fun counting the gingerbread men and candy eggs that were hanging down.

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.










And a couple more photos—-they really liked this umbrella!












Red and black was the theme for Lord Licorice’s box.






There were hard beads and soft chenille stems to explore or sort.

Science access point: match objects by an observable property, such as size, shape, and color.










A circle shaped cookie cutter was used to make “lollipops” in colorful rainbow kinetic sand.




So mesmerizing to watch the colors oozing together! The Lollipop Princess would just love this stuff 🙂

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as a circle or square.










The character Gloppy is a big drippy fudge monster. With the addition of cocoa powder and some big googlie eyes, the students made their own Gloppy monsters!




Lots of drippy fun!

Math access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.











The students scooped out foam noodle “peppermints” in our water play this week. We also added Bath and Body Works peppermint scented bubble bath to the water for a totally Mr. Mint experience!




Science access point: track objects in motion.












We used the matching peppermint scented lotion to leave our students smelling sweet as candy this week 🙂






This strong sweet scent really captured the students’ attention!

Science access point: recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli.













On Wednesday the students made glittery paper lollipops!

First, using communication symbols, we identified the shape of our paper.






Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as a circle or square.






Next, the students painted glue on to the circle. The lollipop stick was already attached so that made it easier for the students to hold.






Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






Then, it was time to “shake, shake, shake that glitter”.

We passed each color around so everyone got a little (or a lot) of each color 🙂






Science access point: recognize that the appearance of an object or material has changed.





TA—-lollipop—- DA!!!













On Wednesday the students made mini Candy Land boards—-and put themselves in the game!

First, we looked at a real Candy Land game board and identified its shape. The students used communication devices, verbalization, or pointing to communicate their answer.






Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as a circle or square.





Each student got to choose a different colored strip of paper. Of course, we asked them to identify the color of their strip using communication symbols.





Science access point: identify objects by an observable property, such as size, shape, and color.





Then, they cut on the lines to make squares. The students used regular scissors, adapted scissors, or switch operated scissors to cut their paper.




Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as a circle or square.






We divided up the different colored squares among the students so the students could start gluing them down on their “game boards”. Adults drew a curvy guide line with a pencil.





Math access point: recognize the next step in a simple pattern or sequence of activities.





Cute little gingerbread men (we traced around a cookie cutter to get the shape) with the students faces were added and……….Ta DA!!!






Let’s Play Candy Land!







We decided to have a little party during the language group this week.  The students in the language group got dressed up as the characters in Candy Land for a parade.




We talked about who was in the FRONT of the parade and who was in the BACK of the parade.





We made our way all around the elementary building,

and the crowd was pretty entertained!










Then we all joined together to have a little Candy Land party!

Students were able to request what they wanted to eat using picture symbol sentence strips.  They had to indicate “I want _____” in order to get what they wanted: M&Ms, Trix, chips, or a drink.





If they were not given a lot at first, they had to request MORE.





We practiced our social skills with our friends while listening to Halloween music and eating our snacks.






We had lots of fun all around 🙂






Everyone got to pose in front of the backdrop we used in our Candy Land book.




Say CANDY LAND!!!!!!!





What a great way to end the month, join us again next time for more fun and learning—-Group by Group!

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