Tag Archives: book

Friends in Different Places book

Friends in Different Places book

Our group topic this week was the Unique theme for the month, Friends in Different Places.  We didn’t go over each of the places that Unique went over.  Instead, we used each of the 7 continents of the world.  The pictures used in the book were found on google images and were of children located in each continent, with the exception of Antarctica.  You’ll have to read the book to see who our friends are in Antarctica 🙂

While reading the book, we asked our students, “where do our friends live?” in order for them to answer with the repetitive line, “friends live in different places”.  It is so neat to see how people can look a little bit different depending on where they live.  Enjoy!

IMG_3225Here is a link to the book: Friends Live in Different Places

Jobs At School book

Jobs At School book

We talked about Labor Day this week.  To make it more personal to our students, we went over some of the jobs that people have at our school.  To make it even MORE personal to our students, we took pictures of the people who have those jobs.  We found out last year that our students got excited when they recognized people who were in the pictures of our books, and it turns out they still get excited about it.  We talked about our art teacher, music teacher, a classroom teacher, and a bus driver, to name a few.  The repetitive line, as well as the title of the book, was “there are many different jobs at a school”.  We always have someone read the title of the book and we try to ask a question which can be answered using the repetitive line.  For this book we asked the question, “what jobs are at a school?”  We hope you enjoy the book!

IMG_2739Here is a link to the book: There Are Many Different Jobs at a School

Florida Vacation Book

Florida Vacation Book

We are all back from summer vacation and ready to start the school year.  This week focuses on vacations people can take in Florida.  We used some of our OWN vacation pictures in addition to internet pictures in this book.  We decided to “take a trip” to places like Sea World, Disney World, the beach, and Cape Canaveral.  While reading the book, we asked our students, “where should we go?” before they pressed the voice output device to “read” the repetitive line.  Enjoy reading about some of the sites you could see if you went on a Florida vacation!

IMG_2430Here is a link to the book: Let’s Take a Vacation in Florida

Help from Friends

Help from Friends

IMG_1999Regular readers of our blog know we almost always have a “messy” play aspect to our Sensory Group using such things as shaving foam, cornstarch (for oobleck), food coloring, rice, beans, etc. We also make our own playdough (flour, salt, oil, and cream of tartar). While all these things are quite inexpensive, the cost adds up over time—-especially when you do multiple groups 🙂

Luckily we found some help from the “Monticello Booker Chicks” (Joy’s book club)—-these ladies have been very generous and donated  a number of our needed items this year. We wanted to give them a shout out and formally thank them for their continuing support—-thank you so much ladies!


Memorial Day book

Memorial Day book

Memorial Day is a time for remembering, so this week we are celebrating the men and women who have sacrificed their lives while fighting for America.  The book targets different things that people may do to celebrate this holiday, like watching Memorial Day parades or waving American flags.  The students answered the question “what do we do on Memorial Day?” with the repetitive line, “on Memorial Day, we remember those who served”.  We definitely appreciate all those who have sacrificed their lives.

IMG_1641Here is a link to the book: On Memorial Day, We Remember Those Who Served

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

IMG_1756It was all about the red, white and blue as we learned about Memorial Day this week. Cara wrote a wonderful book that really helped our students understand the meaning behind the holiday.

IMG_1941Our Sensory Group had lots of exciting boxes to discover—and we got lots of adorable pictures of our students in sunglasses 🙂

The Fine Motor Group made 2 patriotic art projects, learning about shapes in the process.

And finally, our Language Group had fun playing a game and learning some action words.

All in all, a great week!




IMG_1909IMG_1911As we said, it was all about the red, white, and blue this week. This first box was filled with soft red and white pompoms to contrast with hard blue beads. Our students loved sorting the items and its always interesting watching which items the students prefer—some love the pom poms while others always go for the bling beads 🙂

This activity addresses the science access points of recognizing common objects as the same and recognizing objects by one observable property such as color.




IMG_1664Our discovery bottle continued our red, white, and blue theme. A little corn syrup was added to our water to slow down the movement of the beads as the bottle was tilted back and forth. The colorful beads were very eye catching and the bottle was a hit!

This addresses the science access point of tracking objects in motion.








IMG_1936We also brought some auditory input with a recording of “America the Beautiful” on our voice output device (we found the music on Youtube).  Our students are really drawn to music and the recording was no exception.

We love how this student is creating his own multi-sensory experience 🙂

These items address the science access point of recognizing and responding to common sounds.









IMG_1898IMG_1795We love the texture of our homemade playdough but we made it extra special this week by adding cherry koolaid to the mixture! Some of our students enjoyed the aroma while others had fun cutting out big and little stars with the cookie cutters.

For some extra fun, we used a patriotic themed placemat—thanks Ms. Kim!

This addresses the math access point of recognizing differences in sizes of objects and the science access point recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli.




We also used big and little star shaped cookie cutters with the blue moonsand. It has a different texture than the playdough—soft but much drier and more crumbly.

IMG_1728We found the cookie cutters were better used to make impressions on the surface—of course it was also fun to just grab handfuls and squish between fingers 🙂




IMG_1707Our students looked for the letters U S A and a hidden flag picture taped to the bottom of our red, white, and blue box.                                                                                                                                           Not only bright and colorful, the rice has a wonderful tactile feel which is an important feature as some of our students are also visually impaired.

This box addresses both visual and tactile discrimination.

It also addresses the social studies access point of recognizing the american flag.






IMG_1766IMG_1900Our next box was a HUGE hit!

We filled it with bright blue foil paper shred (thanks again Ms. Kim!), toy soldiers, chenille stems, beads, sunglasses, star garland, flags, and other assorted red, white, and blue items.






IMG_1689This box addresses the social studies access points of recognizing the american flag and recognizing a symbol or event that represents America.




IMG_1824IMG_1807Red and blue glitter made our oobleck super sparkly and pretty this week! Our students had fun practicing prewriting patterns, watching it drip off fingers…..

or just enjoying the FEEL of it 🙂

The science access point of recognizing a change in an object is addressed as the oobleck changes from solid to liquid and back again as it is touched.

Just wonderful, wonderful stuff!




IMG_1699Our water play scent is always a favorite with our students. This week we added the scent Country Apple from Bath and Bodyworks. We also vary the temperature from cold to warm (never hot, of course) each week.

Our measuring cups help address the science access point of recognizing different containers that hold liquids.

This activity also addresses the science access points of recognizing water as a liquid and recognizing the different ways people use water……

……in our case for FUN 🙂




IMG_182720130521_103315-1The matching Country Apple lotion was rubbed on hand, arms or necks and left our students smelling like yummy apple pies—-and what could be more american than that!

The science access points of recognizing external body parts and recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli are addressed here.

It also provides an opportunity to address the math access point of indicating a desire for more of an action or object.





IMG_1841On Tuesday we decorated some great big stars! We divided our markers into trays by color (red and blue) and asked the students to tell us what color was in each tray using communication symbols.

Our students are getting better and better at identifying their colors!

This addresses the science access point of recognizing objects by one observable property such as color.

It also addresses the language access point of identifying obvious differences between referent objects.








IMG_1838Then, of course, we used the markers to color our stars!

First we colored with blue markers—then with the red ones. There were a variety of markers to choose from. Some had rounded tops (from RoseArt) that are particularly easy for our students to hold and manipulate. We also really like the smaller Pipsqueak markers from Crayola. Some of our students are working on increasing the time they spend scribbling while others are working on making directional strokes.

They have all made such good progress this year!

This activity also addresses the math access point of recognizing objects with 2 dimensional shapes.




IMG_1891IMG_1862We finished with some gold glitter—-we never pass up the opportunity to add a little sparkle to our projects 🙂

TA DA!!!!







IMG_1880                                                 Didn’t they turn out cute!



On Thursday we continued our patriotic theme by making flags!

IMG_1966We started by cutting 4 strips of red paper with our paper cutter—-counting aloud as each strip was cut.

Applying a push or pull to move an object is a science access point and associating quantities with number names is a math access point.











IMG_1975Then we glued the strips to a large white rectangle piece of paper.

We used our colored glue (food coloring added to white glue) to help our students position their strips in a horizontal manner—









IMG_1973some students, of course, had their own artistic vision 🙂

This activity addresses spatial relations and eye hand coordination. Squeezing the glue  helps hand strengthening.

It also addresses the math access point of recognizing objects with 2 dimensional shapes.









IMG_1983Then we stamped white stars onto a small blue rectangle. We made the stamp by cutting out stars from thick craft foam and using double stick tape to adhere them to a kitchen scrubber (our always handy adaptive art tool).

Instead of ink, we used white paint—-mixed with gold glitter 🙂

Our students really enjoyed this part of the activity and had a lot of fun stamping their stars

This activity addresses eye hand coordination and the math access points of recognizing objects with 2 dimensional shapes and recognizing differences in the size of objects.

It also addresses the science access point of recognizing objects by one observable property, in this case color.





IMG_1995IMG_1992TA DA!!!!

Our flags turned out super CUTE!













IMG_1605To get the students into the spirit of Memorial Day, we had them following some patriotic directions.  We got this idea from the Carrots are Orange blog. The directions we used were: flag waving, drum beating, bell ringing, stars twinkling, eagle soaring, and legs marching.

We put the directions on an All Turn It spinner which is operated by a switch.  Our students used PIXON symbols to convey the message, “it’s my turn” before they pressed the switch to see what direction they had to carry out.  They really seemed to like watching it spin.  After it stopped, the students used PIXON symbols to convey the message, “I do it”.

This activity addresses the language access point of associating information or wants and needs with pictures, symbols, or words.




IMG_1621IMG_1628For “flag waving”, the students waved a flag, for “drum beating” the students beat on bongo drums, for “bell ringing” they shook a bell, for “stars twinkling” we turned on battery operated christmas lights, for “eagle soaring” they outstretched their arms to mimic a bird in flight, and for “legs marching” they marched their feet.








IMG_1617The students totally got into the activity and loved playing with our different props!

All sorts of access points are addressed while performing the various movements including the language access point of exploring and interacting with the functions of a selected object and the science access point of recognizing external body parts!



20130521_102313Well that is it for the week and our last group post of the school year! We plan to be back for more fun and learning in the fall.  We hope you will be joining us—Group by Group!

IMG_1927For now we are  “too cool for school” and ready for summer 🙂

Earth Science book

Earth Science book

This week, we chose our topic based on the Unique theme for the month.  Teaching this topic to children of this demographic can be difficult because of the complexity of it and how abstract it can be, so simplicity is key!  The book covers the make-up of the earth as well as a few things found on the earth such as volcanoes and rain.  It was fun this week because we let our students experience “rain” by misting them with water.  We’ve found that some of our students REALLY enjoy this!  We would ask the students, “what do we know about the Earth” which would lead into the repetitive line, “Earth has many features”.  We hope you have as much fun as we did!

IMG_1352Here is a link to the book: Earth Has Many Features

Mother Goose book

Mother Goose book

We are celebrating Children’s Book Week this week!  We were so lucky to have some of our very own models pose for the pictures in the book.  The book takes a short peek at some of Mother Goose’s famous nursery rhymes, like Humpty Dumpty and Old King Cole.  Our students get so excited when they are able to identify people in the pictures.  To get ready for the repetitive line, we would ask the students, “what time is it?” which the repetitive line answered, “it’s Mother Goose time, get ready to rhyme!”  We had so much fun making and reading this book and we hope that you enjoy it as well!

IMG_1072Here is a link to the book:It’s Mother Goose Time, Get Ready to Rhyme

Mother Goose

Mother Goose

It’s Children’s Book Week and we decided to go with the classic Mother Goose as our theme—-everyone loves a good rhyme after all 🙂  Hope you enjoy reading about all our activities.

Sensory Group—

IMG_1154The Mother Goose box was filled with a variety of items representing different nursery rhymes.

There were some white feathers—-lost by Mother Goose herself no doubt—– Contrary Mary silk flower petals (as well as a cockle shell and silver jingle bell), Rock a Bye Baby leaves, London Bridge bricks (duplos), Jack and Jill’s pail, a mouse to run up a clock, a craft foam moon and….. a cow to jump over it.

The cow made a mooing sound when a button was pressed making it quite popular. Other students enjoyed filling up the little pail with the feathers and leaves. With all the different objects and textures, there was something for everyone!

The language access point of recognizing and responding to familiar objects is one of the access points addressed here.




IMG_0975IMG_1140Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was WHITE as snow! This box was filled with an assortment of items all colored white.

We put in beads, pompoms, a plush seal, plastic dog, pearls, a snowflake ornament, faux lambswool, hair scrunchies, and a dusting mitt—this was especially popular. Our students loved putting it on their hands.

In addition to lots of textures to compare and contrast, this box addresses the science access point of recognizing common objects in the natural world.




IMG_0850IMG_0984Our Little Boy BLUE box was filled with all things blue—blocks, beads, dusters, shakers, pompoms etc.

Like our white box this was filled with a variety of textures and shapes to explore. Especially popular were the shakers and  the accordion tube.

The science access point of applying a push or pull to move an object is addressed here.




IMG_0852Students had fun using our dog and bone cookie cutters with the “Cow jumped over the Moon” sand.

Our students used the cookie cutters in different ways. Some of them pressed them into the sand to make impressions, while others used them like mini little shovels. Moon sand is a lot denser than regular sand so either way—–a great activity for hand strengthening!

As the moon sand gets dug up or smashed down into the cookie cutter the science access point of recognizing a change in an object is addressed.

In addition the language access point of communicating recognition of familiar objects is addressed when discussing the cookie cutter shapes.





IMG_1018Our Itsy Bitsy Spider bottle was also a huge hit, our students were really fascinated by it. We made the discovery bottle by putting some toy spiders in a bottle with water, cornsyrup, and some green glitter.

The students loved watching the little spiders scuttle back and forth as the bottle was tilted.

A totally fun bottle, one of our best ever!

This addresses the science access points of applying a push or pull to move an object and tracking objects in motion.

You can also count the spiders and discuss their colors for additional learning fun 🙂






IMG_1123Peas Porridge hot? Cold?…..Ok we were not sure what exactly  “peas porridge” was but lentils are a type of “pea” so figured they would work for this box 🙂

They really have a wonderful soft texture as you run your hands through them, very relaxing—this box was a hit with the students AND the adults!

Hidden amongst the lentils were 2 sets of Mother Goose’s initials for our students to find.

Matching the letters addresses the math access point of recognizing 2 objects that are identical to each other—-in addition to letter recognition of course!

We also including 2 different sized measuring spoons for scooping practice and to address the  math access point of recognizing similarities and differences in the size of common objects.





IMG_0780IMG_0864Poor Humpty Dumpty 🙂 We put a little yellow toy flying saucer in our oobleck and it looked just like an egg—pretty cool!

This addresses the science access point of recognizing and responding to different types of sensory stimuli—exploring the tactile aspects of the oobleck while observing the visual aspect of the yellow disc.

Of course, oobleck is always just flat FUN 🙂






IMG_1222After rinsing our hands in water from Jack and Jill’s well, we rubbed Ring Round the Rosies rose scented lotion on hands and arms to help us remember all the fun and learning of todays group.

This rose lotion had a pretty strong aroma—it brought back a lot of memories for the adults—-and our students loved it!

Rubbing the lotion on various body parts helps address the science access point of recognizing external body parts.





Fine Motor Group—

IMG_0874On Tuesday we made a picture of Humpty Dumpty. After writing our names on our BIG, rectangular piece of paper……we stamped LITTLE, red rectangles to make a wall. The stamp was made using thick craft foam attached to a kitchen scrubber using double stick tape.

We counted the paper as we passed it out and also counted as the students stamped their small rectangles. We also encouraged our students to stamp from left to right across the page—the same direction  you take when reading or writing.

This activity addresses the math access points of recognizing a 2 dimensional shape and recognizing the differences in size of objects.





IMG_0889We cut oval eggs out of craft foam and let our students choose their color using picture cards.

Then we used our circle cutter to make Humpty’s face. Some of our students drew their own faces while others needed some help.

The circle was glued onto the oval and then Humpty was glued onto the wall.

Again, we are addressing the math access point of recognizing 2 dimensional shapes but we are also addressing the math access point of recognizing a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.

The language access point of effectively communicating wants to a familiar person using symbols is also addressed.

Eye hand coordination is addressed as the various pieces are assembled to make the final product.





IMG_0902Ta DA!!!

A very happy Humpty Dumpty on his wall before his fall—-hey its Mother Goose time and we are ready to rhyme 🙂









On Thursday in preparation for our art project Ms Barrett’s class had watched a video of nursery rhymes including Hickory Dickory Dock in preparation for our second art project which is all about shapes again!


IMG_1034We started our activity by counting the sides of our BIG rectangular piece of paper and then practiced writing our names on it. A LITTLE rectangle was glued to the BOTTOM.

This addresses a lot of math access points including recognizing a 2 dimensional shape, recognizing the sides of a square or rectangle, and recognizing the length of real objects, such as big, little etc.

Then we glued a circle clock face onto a square piece of paper—that was then glued to the top of our little rectangle.

This addresses the math access points of recognizing 2 dimensional shape and recognizing a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.





IMG_1058IMG_1047Next we used our paper cutter to change our square  into 2 triangles—addressing the science access point of recognizing a change in an object.

We glued the square onto the rectangle at the top and put the triangle on top.

Pat pat pat!

Again addressing the math access point of recognizing a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.







IMG_1045IMG_1067Add one cute little pink craft foam mouse (complete with purple yarn tail) and our clocks are complete——












Language Group—

Our language group especially enjoyed Cara’s book this week  because 2 of the models in the book are instructional assistants in the class!  The students had so much fun pointing them out.

IMG_1105One of the things we focused on today was sequencing.  We picked 4 different  nursery rhymes; Jack and Jill, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Humpty Dumpty, and Little Miss Muffet, and printed out sequencing cards found on EnchantedLearning.com.  Using the PIXON picture symbols for “first”, “second” and “last”, we had our students put the cards into order.

We said the nursery rhymes line by line so the students could find the card that matched with the line read.  They would then have to place the card under the correct PIXON to show first, second, and last.

This activity addresses the language access point of effectively communicating information using referent objects, gestures/signs, pictures, symbols, or words.

It also addresses the math access point of recognizing the next step in a simple pattern or sequence of activities.




IMG_1114For our students with visual impairments, we adapted the activity by using a voice output device. The phrase “that’s the one” was recorded on it for our students to press as we read the choices aloud.










IMG_1087IMG_1079After completing this task, we turned off the lights and brought out our light up moon—-so cool, we love it!

We then presented 3 different cows to our students. One was plush, another was a large inset puzzle piece, the third was a small plastic model. We deliberately chose these to make them very easy for our students with visual impairments to differentiate. The students got to pick which cow they wanted and practiced having the cow jump over the moon.

The students again used their Pixon symbols to say “I want” and then pointed to the desired cow. Addressing the language access point of effectively communicating wants using referent objects, gestures/signs, pictures, symbols, or words.

This activity is great for promoting shoulder stability and crossing midline as the cow jumps from one side of the moon to the other.

It also addresses the science access point of recognizing a model of a real object and the language access point of listening for informative purposes.



This was such a great week, all our groups were so fun and our students are making so much progress—-we are so proud! Join us again next time—-Group by Group!

Cinco de Mayo Book

Cinco de Mayo Book

We’re celebrating Cinco de Mayo a little bit early here at school and we decided to have a fiesta this week!  When reading the book, we would ask the students “what should we do?” after each of the first lines on the pages.  The repetitive line would reply “let’s have a fiesta”.  The pictures in the book are so colorful and fun.  Our students have really been focusing more on the book when it’s being read and are understanding turn taking more as well.  We’ve been having fun at our fiesta, so we hope you have fun at yours!

IMG_0636Here is a link to the book: Let’s Have a Fiesta!