Tag Archives: book

They Traveled to Space book

They Traveled to Space book

img_6820img_5777This week, we are finding out about some of the people (and animals!) who traveled to space.  Our theme ties into the Unique theme for this month.  The book talks about the first monkey and dog who traveled into space as well as the first person.  The book is in chronological order so you are able to see the progression of the “firsts” in space!  The front cover features one of our highschoolers as an astronaut while the back features one of our post secondary students star gazing.  Very neat!





img_6817Here is a link to the book: they-traveled-to-space

The Brothers Grimm book

The Brothers Grimm book

img_5315We are so in love with our book for this week!  It’s all about stories that the Grimm brothers compiled in the 1800s.  The front cover features 2 of our students as the Grimm brothers themselves.  We have students dressed up as different characters from several stories such as Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Cinderella.  The background for this book was made by our art teacher, Judy, and some of her students.  SO CUTE!




img_5120Here is a link to the book:  grimm-brothers-fairy-tales

Talk Show Host book

Talk Show Host book

img_4243This isn’t just a random theme this week!  We are celebrating TV Talk Show Host Day which is October 23.  Our book takes a look at some different talk show hosts and gives a couple of facts about them.  We now know some neat little things about Conan O’Brien, Ellen, and Oprah, along with several other TV talk show hosts.  The cover of the book features a student of ours on the Tonight Show and also features another student helping out behind the scenes.






img_3600Here is a link to the book:   fun-facts-about-talk-show-hosts

Fall Fun book

Fall Fun book

img_2962img_3063-1The weather is getting cooler and the leaves are changing colors…this can only mean that fall is finally here!  For us here in Florida, it is a wonderful shift in seasons.  The unbearable heat is finally tapering off!  There are lots of different things that go on during the gall.  Our school has our annual Owl Run and Camp Read A Lot, there’s a ton of football to be watched, and people start decorating for fall holidays.  Our book features one of our students wearing a super cute turkey hat on the front and another student dressed up in a costume on the back.



img_3179Here is a link to the book: fall-is-finally-here

Scientist book

Scientist book

img_2656img_2471Our theme for this week is scientists, which goes along with the theme of Unique for the month.  Our book features lots of different scientists such as Mary Anning, Neil Degrasse, and Charles Darwin, to name a few.  Each of these scientists have contributed greatly to our society!  We have a scientist of our own featured on the front cover and our version of Jane Goodall featured on the back.  Check it out!





img_2389Here is a link to the book: scientists-are-amazing

Opposites book

Opposites book

img_0956We talked all about opposites this week during our groups.  We found that there are opposites EVERYWHERE!  The book goes over just a few of these such as wet/dry, up/down, and dark/light.  Our wonderful students are featured in the book demonstrating opposites.  When reading the book, we had our verbal children fill in the opposite.  For instance, “Some toys are BIG and some toys are ….” and the students would say “LITTLE”.

Check out the book to see all of the different opposites we talked about!





img_1705Here is a link to the book: opposites-are-everywhere

Extracurricular Activities book

Extracurricular Activities book

img_0535img_0522This week, our focus is on some of the different extracurricular activities that children participate in.  Around this time of year, students are busy with school as well as ALL of the other activities they have going on.  The pictures from our book feature the children and grandchildren of some of the staff here who are participating in things like sports, music, and acting.

Thank you to all of the staff members who shared their personal pictures with us!




img_9907Here is a link to the book: we-have-fun-in-our-extra-curriculars

Video Games book

Video Games book

img_9434In honor of National Video Game Day (September 12), our theme for the week was video games!  We love having our students in our books and this was the perfect opportunity.  Some of the video games that are featured in the book are Mario Brothers, Pac Man, and Zelda.  The repetitive line for this week is a question, so our students used the pre-programmed voice output device to ask the question and then the answer was read to them.  Such a cute book with such cute characters.  Look for yourselves and see!





img_9467Here is a link to the book: what-video-game-should-we-play?

People of the American Revolution Book

People of the American Revolution Book

img_8422Our theme this week complimented our students Unique unit for the month.  We found several people who were an important part of the American Revolution and talked a little bit about them and what their parts were during this time in history.  We have 2 of our students featured on the front and the back of the book dressed up as George Washington and Abigail Adams.

Take a look and find out some neat things about the American Revolution!





img_8402Here is a link to the book: people-of-the-american-revolution

Planets book

Planets book

IMG_5019This week was out of this world as we talked about the planets in our solar system!  The book has different facts for each of the planets.  The front even features one of our own students as an astronaut!  It really makes you want to take a trip to outer space!









IMG_5361Here is a link to the book: The Planets in Our Solar System