Tag Archives: birthday

Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday book

Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday book

We came up with our own original book this year due to a confusion about the themes that we had gone over.  We are celebrating Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday this week!  We have several of our students in this book dressed up as all different kinds of animals–from alligators to bats to ladybugs.  They are all coming to help their friend, Cinderella Monkey, celebrate her Birthday.  Check it out to see what everyone brought their friend!





Here is a link to the book: It_s Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday!

Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday

Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday

What do you get when suggested themes of monkeys, Cinderella, and birthdays are accidentally combined—–Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday—–of course 🙂 Once we finished laughing we figured birthday parties and animals make a perfect combination.

It was lots of fun to put together both the book and all our activities. The sensory groups explored party themed boxes, the fine motor groups made party related art projects, and the language group had a birthday party treat!






We filled this box with everything party including ribbons, bows, and a mylar balloon. There was some fun play food like cookies and soda. We even put in a replica of the party girl herself—-Cinderella Monkey 🙂

The science access point recognize a model of a real object can be addressed here.






Since birthdays are all about how old you are, we put some numbers in our colorful rainbow rice. There was also a picture of a birthday cake to find underneath the box.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






This next party box was filled with lights and music. There were a variety of light toys and the Happy Birthday song recorded on a voice output device.

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






In our story, Lily Ladybug wants to give the birthday girl a hug. When the students gave our ladybug pillow a hug, it vibrated—–so much fun! This was definitely the favorite item this week 🙂

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






Colorful glitter helped make “funfetti” cloud dough. There were scoops and spoons for the students to use to make birthday cakes. Colorful dowels made for perfect candles.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.








We continued with the “funfetti” theme by adding confetti to our oobleck this week. Bright and shiny—-this stuff was irresistible!

The science access point track objects in motion can be addressed here.






There were a bunch of party animals in the water play this week 🙂 These fun bath toys were fun for the students to scoop out with our 2 different sized scoops.

Recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids is a math access point.






Lemonade is the perfect party drink so we chose Bath and BodyWorks pink lemonade for our water and lotion this week. It was a nice sweet scent that the students really liked.

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.







On Tuesday our students wrapped presents—-sort of 🙂

First the students used communication symbols to identify a square. Our squares were cut from colorful wallpaper scraps.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.







Then the students cut 1 piece of paper into 2 pieces to make the ribbons for our present.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.








The students glued their paper ribbons onto their presents—-one going “up and down” and the other going “across”.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.








A big bow for a finishing touch and….











……….Ta Da, Happy Birthday Cinderella Monkey!












On Wednesday the students made a birthday cake using this: cake template

First we identified the number 3 since that was how many candles we were going to put on the cake.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.









What is a cake without frosting! The students decorated their cakes with homemade puffy paint (shaving cream and glue mixture).

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





A little glitter never hurts 🙂

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









Time to add the candles! We used these cool striped chenille stems that look a lot like real candles—-so cool!

The math access point solve simple problems involving joining together sets of objects to 3 can be addressed here.







Ta Da!

                                                           Time to eat cake!






We were back to cooking this week in the language group 🙂

This week we made Birthday Cake Milkshakes using this recipe: Let_s Make a Birthday Cake Milkshake

We started out by taking out the ice cream and letting everyone feel it.  We talked about how it felt COLD.  Some of our students didn’t really seem fazed by how cold it felt while others really didn’t like it.

Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold is a science access point.





Once we put the icecream in the blender, we POURed in the milk.  Our students then helped us count out FOUR tablespoons of cake batter mix which we added.

The math access point recognize the quantity of a set of objects to 3 and add 1 more can be addressed here.






Our students took turns turning the blender ON using a wireless switch.  Once it was nice and smooth, we added some colorful sprinkles.  Again, our students helped us count out 4 tablespoons.







Once that was all mixed up, we counted out how many cups we needed and then poured the milkshake into each one.  When it was time to put the whipped cream on, only a little bit was put in each cup and our students had to convey if they wanted MORE or if they were ALL DONE.

Indicate desire for more of an action or object or indicate desire for no more of an action or object are math access points.






YUM!  It turned out great!

Birthdays are so much fun aren’t they 🙂 Join us again for for fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Dr. Seuss book

Dr. Seuss book

Dr. Seuss’ Birthday was last week so we’re a little late to the party, but better late than never, right?  We had written a book last year which we loved, so we decided to use it again this year (repetition is always a good thing!).  The book takes a look at some of the different books Dr. Seuss has written along with some of the staff at our school enjoying them.  Cara formatted it to be a rhyming book so it seemed more Seuss like.  We hope you enjoy it!

IMG_4864Here is a link to the book: Let Me Take a Closer Look,I Would Like to Read That Book

Book for the Last Week

Book for the Last Week

We decided to have ONE last group for the year.  We focused on Birthday’s because they are SO much fun and they relate to everyone!  For the book, we asked the question “where” after each line was read, so the students were able to answer “at the Birthday party”.  The students loved looking at all the pictures of diferent things that happen on Birthdays.  One student was very impressed with the Spiderman wrapping paper!

It was great to end the year with a party for all!  Enjoy!

Here is a link to the book: At the Birthday Party

Week 32—Birthdays

Week 32—Birthdays

We managed to squeeze in one last week of groups before summer and decided the theme Birthdays would be lots of fun for all our groups!

Sensory Group—Birthdays

As usual we started by reading Cara’s latest book and marveled, once again, at how good our students have gotten at pressing the voice output device to repeat the repetitive line.

UnknownOur first box contained an assortment of birthday related items. We had confetti (made from a shredded magazine), party horns and paper streamers—very interesting visually.

We put in the words Family and Friends (along with some play people) because that’s who come to our birthday parties! Toy cookies and a squeaky (a nice auditory component and also good for hand strengthening) cupcake reminded us of all the yummy food.

We also tucked in a voice output device with the “happy birthday” tune for our students to find. Again, lots of language opportunities along with interesting things to touch and look at in this box!





UnknownOur box of ribbon was a big hit!  We filled the box with pieces of curled paper ribbon but also added some fabric ribbon for an interesting textural comparison.

Some of the students especially liked pulling the curled ribbon to watch in straighten out—-a nice way to practice bilateral skills!

Access points are addressed comparing the straight and curly properties of the different ribbons. In addition, relative lengths can be compared, addressing more math access points.

As always, colors are noted and discussed.






UnknownBirthday cakes always have candles—or at least at home they do 🙂

We aren’t allowed to have candles at school so we used our Wikki Stix to represent them. The Wikki Stix have that waxy feel, just like candles. They can be twisted into shapes, numbers and letters—or just crumpled into a ball all the while addressing hand intrinsic functions!







imagesWe are all huge fans of funfetti cake and thought our rainbow rice looked just like those colorful sprinkles.

Since birthdays are all about numbers, we put a few in for the students to find.









UnknownSpeaking of cake, it starts with flour which we put in our next box. We also put in some laminated candles to count (addressing math access points) and a hidden surprise—-a birthday cake picture taped to the bottom.

Visual discrimination skills and fine motor skills are also addressed in this box.

…..and of course if you like messy play, this is totally the box for you—this stuff gets EVERYWHERE 🙂







UnknownWe had to had some balloons! Since some of our students and staff have latex allergies we stuck with mylar balloons. Our students really enjoyed playing with them!

Visual tracking is, of course, addressed as they move about. Eye hand coordination skills are addressed when reaching for or hitting the balloons. There is also an auditory component as the slightly deflated ones are grasped and crumpled.

Literacy skills are addressed when reading the words on the balloons.







UnknownWe let our students vote which color to make our shaving cream “icing” and then let them have a blast mixing it all in.

Great to practice prewriting patterns or just to engage arm movements.











UnknownAfterwards we got to rinse our hands in cake scented body wash (from philosophy) and rubbed on our vanilla sugar lotion to help us remember what a “sweet” time we had today!












Fine Motor Group—-Birthdays

UnknownOn Thursday we read Cara’s book and proceeded to make party hats! We started by passing out and counting 8 red party hats. The hats were give aways—which we love 🙂

We discussed the hat’s shape (cone)—-addressing math access points.










UnknownWe glued on pieces of tissue paper. Some of the students applied their glue by using brushes to reinforce tool use skills. Others dipped the paper into glue bowls (made from caps), addressing eye hand coordination and pincer grasp.

We discussed the colors of the various tissue paper squares and counted how many were put onto the cone.








imagesSome fabulous foam glitter stickers gave us another opportunity to work on pincer grasp and bilateral coordination skills. Some of our students could peel them apart independently but most needed some help.










UnknownAlright, these are some pretty festive looking hats!


Time to get the party started 🙂












On Thursday we read Cara’s book again and had fun picking out different details in the pictures. Our art activity was making cupcake pictures.

UnknownFirst we gave the students an opportunity to make a choice regarding what color paper they wanted. When everyone was finished we counted the 8 rectangular pieces of paper, addressing math access points.

Everyone practiced “writing” their name on the bag of the paper.










UnknownNext we asked out students to decide if they were going to make 1, 2, or 3 cupcakes and handed them the corresponding amount of small brown rectangles.

In addition to addressing number identification, this also practices answering in the testing format our district uses.

We asked the students to draw vertical “down” lines using a marker.

Some really nice skills emerging with this student, we are so proud 🙂






imagesAfter the rectangles were glued to the paper we added some  colorful cotton ball frosting.

Lots of opportunities to work on pincer grasp and eye hand coordination here!

However, for some of our students just allowing  their hand to be placed to help tap down the cotton balls is a huge leap in their participation.

Needless to say, we celebrate every students efforts 🙂






imagesWe added some glitter sprinkles and——Ta-Da—–some yummy cupcakes that look good enough to eat.











Language Group—Birthdays

imagesWe started by looking at the directions for making cupcakes that Cara had printed out. Lots of steps to keep track of and remembering what comes “next” and who’s turn it is!












Next we picked  out a big mixing bowl.

And then we put  in the cake mix. We discussed the concepts of in and out addressing language and access points.











UnknownThen we added water and oil. Comparing the different measures and cups addressed  math access points.

In addition, graded motor control, bilateral skills,  and eye hand coordination are practiced.









imagesThe recipe called for 3 eggs so this gave us an opportunity to practice number identification.

Due to concerns regarding possible salmonella issues, the adults handled the eggs.








imagesTime to stir—-some students used a switch to operate the mixer. We used an Ablenet Power Link device to accomplish this—-a very useful assistive technology device!









UnknownEverybody got a turn to put the cupcake liners in the pan—counting them to address more math access points.

Then students filled the liners with the cake batter (working on more fine motor skills) and put them in the oven for 15 minutes while the class went to music class. If they had been staying in the room we would have used a visual timer to help reinforce time concepts.








UnknownAfter the cupcakes cooled, it was time to decorate!

We counted out spoons and each student scooped a spoonful of icing  to spread on their cupcake. A few needed to be reminded to spread the icing—not to eat it straight from the spoon—kids will be kids 🙂









UnknownThen they got an opportunity to choose which color sprinkles they wanted. Again, practicing choice making from an array of  3 which is related to our alternate testing format.












UnknownTime to enjoy—-effort should always be rewarded!


YUM     YUM      YUM











UnknownAnd finally, a quick look at our cupcake words. Wow, there are a lot of words associated with making cupcakes!

Well, that really was our last group for the year! We will continue to do some posts about our school and classrooms this summer so be check them out. Hope everyone has a great summer and hope to see you again in the fall for more fun Group by Group!