Tag Archives: art

The Places I Go Around School

The Places I Go Around School

IMG_0139It was literacy week at our school and the general theme was “all the places you go”. We decided to focus on the all the places you go around school. Cara’s book was a huge hit—-our students loved seeing themselves or their friends faces in the book. Our sensory boxes were a lot of fun to put together, the fine motor art projects turned out so well, and our language group scavenger hunt was a blast!





IMG_0322TIMG_0148he cafeteria is one of the favorite places around school—-that’s where  all the food is after all 🙂 We filled the cafeteria box with paper shred and then added lunch related items including straws, play food, an ID card, and little tray.

The students had a lot of fun picking out their favorite food items and of course this led to lots of language opportunities. The straws we included turned out to be quite popular also—-placed into the milk carton or just waved about, our students loved them!

The science access point recognizing a model of a real object is addressed here. As with all our activities and boxes this week, the social studies access point associating a place with an activity in the classroom or school is also addressed.



IMG_0384We are so lucky to have a large sensory room at our school and needless to say it is one of the most popular places at school. Our students LOVE the sensory room and one of the favorite pieces of the equipment is the colorful ball pit!

Our colorful pompoms are round spheres just like the balls. We included 2 different sized pompoms in this box to compare or match. The plan was to address the math access point recognizing similarities and differences in size of common objects and the science access point to identify objects by one observable property, such as color…..

BUT kids being kids, the science access point of tracking falling objects was usually the one that was addressed 🙂





IMG_0354Music is another area that our students love to visit. We recorded a music clip on our voice output device and gave the students a shaker bottle instrument to jam along with the beat. We made the shaker bottle using a plastic soda bottle, adding some colorful beads AND hot gluing the lid on—-to at least slow down busy little hands 🙂

The science access points to recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli and apply a push or pull to move an object are addressed with this activity.







IMG_0295IMG_0423One of the most exciting places to go at school is the bus ramp BECAUSE that means it is time to go out for community based instruction. Like kids everywhere, our students enjoy riding the bus to exciting places.

For this box we added 2 different colored school buses to drive along black bean roads. We asked our students to find the bus that was the same color as the buses they ride, addressing the science access point to identify objects by one observable property.




IMG_0171Our students love making clay projects in art. Instead of clay, we brought back our green play dough from a few weeks ago. It still had the wonderful peppermint scent we had added and our students really enjoyed the aroma. We included 2 letter A (A for Art) cookie cutters.

The science access points recognizing an object by one observable property, applying a push or pull to move an object,  and recognizing a change in an object are all addressed in this activity.






IMG_0408There are 3 playgrounds at our school—-how cool is that! Going to the playground is probably the number one favorite place of most of our students.  So many fun things to do from climbing, to swinging to digging in the sandbox!

For our mini sandbox we taped a picture of a play ground (cut from a catalog) to the bottom of the box for the students to find as the sand was pushed aside. We also included a small measuring cup and spoon to practice scooping skills, bilateral skills and eye hand coordination.

The math access point solving problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language such as enough, too much, or more are explored in this activity. Another math access point, recognizing differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids (capacity) is also addressed.




IMG_0137Probably THE most favorite place at our school is the pool! Our PE teachers do such a great job and it is such a therapeutic place for our students.

We used Bath and Bodyworks Dancing Waters scent in our water—-it is kind of hard to find chlorine scented bath products 🙂 We also included 4 foam swim noodle pieces and a measuring spoon. The students practiced their scooping and eye hand coordination skills again as they tried to scoop water into the noodle holes.

Math access points addressed here include recognizing two dimensional shapes such as a circle and using one to one correspondence to identify sets of objects with the same amount to 2 can be addressed in this activity.





IMG_0437IMG_0192We finished with the Dancing Waters lotion to help us remember all the fun we had! Our students really liked the soft aroma of this scent and enjoyed indicating where they wanted the lotion on their bodies.

As usual this activity addresses the science access points of recognizing one or more external body parts and recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli. It also addresses the language access point of adjusting body movements of nonverbal expressions to communicate desires or preferences.





IMG_0211The playground was the theme for our Tuesday art project. We started by counting out rectangle shaped paper and using a sponge brush to paint on some glue.

The math access point recognizing a 2 dimensional shape is addressed. The science access point recognizing a change in an object is also addressed.

IMG_0241Then we scooped crushed yellow cereal “sand” onto the glue. This activity promotes scooping skills and eye hand coordination.  We also counted how many scoops each student put on their paper.

The science access point recognize a change in an object is again addressed. The math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more is also addressed.




IMG_0226IMG_0261We precut a bunch of playground pictures from some old catalogs and let our students choose which one they wanted to add to their pictures.

Our students with physical challenges used eye gaze to indicate their preferences.

This activity addresses the language access points of responding to informational materials and using body movement or nonverbal expression to communicate preferences.



IMG_0207IMG_0281We love the way these turned out—–and so did our students!

TA DA!!!!!!!








On Thursday we chose the cafeteria as the theme for our art project.

IMG_0488We counted out rectangle pieces of paper and discussed the paint colors, red and yellow, that we were going to use with our big apple and small corn cob. A fork was stuck into the apple to make it easier for our students to handle—-it worked really well!

We started by stamping 1 red apple print.

IMG_0572Next 1 yellow corn cob print.

The math access point recognizing differences in sizes of objects is addressed, in addition to the math access point recognizing 2 dimensional shapes.







IMG_0501Then we asked our students ” what color comes next?”.

After we stamped another apple print, we again asked “what comes next?”.

We thought the students would need a lot of assistance with this BUT they did really well—-our students ROCK!

The math access point recognizing the next step in a simple pattern or sequence of activities is addressed in this activity.






IMG_0534IMG_0565 TA Da!






IMG_0542                                                                                 So proud—-and rightly so!




IMG_0446Since we are talking about all the different places you go, we decided to have a scavenger hunt and find 3 different places around our school.

After reading Cara’s book, we looked at the directions for the scavenger hunt.  We went over what we had to find FIRST, NEXT, and LAST.  The directions had a picture of the places that we had to find.

The math access point to indicate the next step in a sequence of activities is addressed.

The social studies access point recognizing a picture of a location is also addressed.



IMG_0465FIRST we had to find the music room.  On the way, we would stop and ask the students to show us the way to go.  They would point in the direction we had to go.

NEXT we had to find the art room.  Since our students go to art and music once a week, they were easily able to locate these rooms.

LAST we had to find the playground.  Our students DEFINITELY know where the playground is!  Once we got to the playground, we looked at the directions again and went over what places we had just found.

All done and time to play!




IMG_0309Another great week! Join us again, there is more fun and learning to come—-Group by Group.

New Years Around the World

New Years Around the World

IMG_9613Happy New Year! We all had a wonderful and restful winter break, coming back ready to greet the new year with some exciting and new group activities.  For our first week back, we thought it would be fun to look at New Years traditions around the world—-there sure are a lot of different ones 🙂 Hope you enjoy seeing all the fun we had learning about them!





IMG_9639IMG_9450At the stroke of midnight around the world, confetti is tossed into the air! Our first box was filled with paper confetti, a clock, crazy glasses,  and noise makers.  We also included a glitter tube—-we thought the glitter looked like falling confetti. The voice output device in the box contained a clip of the countdown and people singing Auld Lang Syne. A peace sign was included to remind us that world peace is one of the things people hope for in the new year.

Also in the box was a toy suitcase because in Mexico people take a piece of luggage and run around the block; round play fruit—people in the Philippines eat round fruit for luck, and a toy plate because people throw plates at doors in Denmark—-all fun new years traditions!

IMG_9677There were so many different items to discover! It was fun seeing which items turned out to be favorites as little hands dug in and pulled out contents—-leaving trails of confetti across the table….and laps….and floor. We like to leave memories of our visit 🙂

Our students loved trying on the glasses, grabbing handfuls of confetti, and OF COURSE the noise makers! This was a really fun box!

The social studies access point of associating a celebration with an event is addressed in this and all our other boxes.

The science access point of applying a push or pull to move an object is also addressed.




IMG_9498Here in the South, eating black eyed peas on New Years day is an annual tradition. Our students loved running their hands through the peas or seeing how many scoops it took to fill their hands.

In addition to practicing scooping skills, the math access point recognizing when an object is added is addressed.

The math access point of solving problems involving small quantities of objects or action using language, such as enough, too much, or more is also addressed.

Don’t you just love the intent look of concentration on this students face 🙂





IMG_9745Our soft, crumbly cloud dough reminded us of the Armenian bread that is baked for good luck. Now that sounds like a very yummy tradition!

Cookie cutters with the numbers 2014 were included for the students to stamp impressions into the cloud dough.

In addition to number recognition, the science access point recognizing a change in an object is addressed.







IMG_9711IMG_9747In Spain they eat 12 grapes to celebrate the new year—one for each stroke of the clock at midnight.

We filled our “grape” box with big, soft, purple pom poms and small, hard purple beads. This box was so vibrant and colorful, really quite pretty!

The science access point of recognizing 2 objects that are identical to each other can be addressed with this box—-that is if you can pull the students attention away from those fabulous purple beads 🙂




IMG_9491Our light up toys flashed bright colorful lights just like fireworks that light up the skies during new year celebrations. We included 2 different kinds of light toys. Some of them were activated when struck, others when a button was pushed.

Some of our students preferred one toy over the other, others like this student here demonstrated some nice bilateral coordination using both at the same time!

Applying a push to move an object and recognizing sources of light are science access points addressed in this activity.







IMG_9683Speaking of fireworks—what could be more fun than firecracker oobleck! We added pop rocks to our oobleck for super popping fun. Ok, this is totally cool and fascinating—-a must try!

Tracking the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point addressed here.

The science access point recognizing and responding to different types of sensory stimuli is also addressed.







IMG_9779In Scotland they waft the scent of juniper around the house to rid it of any germs! Lucky for us we found some Juniper Breeze bath gel at Bath and Bodyworks! Made it pretty easy to decide the scent for this week 🙂

We included a couple of measuring cups with our water play to address the math access point recognizing differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.








IMG_9514The Juniper Breeze scent had a nice soft aroma and our students all seemed to really like it. They all anticipated their turn to smell the lotion and the students are getting very good at indicating on which body part they want the lotion.

The science access points recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli and recognizing one or more external body parts are addressed with this activity.








IMG_9793IMG_9726We finished the group with fireworks—-of the bubble wrap kind that is! This is a great time of year to find scraps of bubble wrap and our coworkers gave us plenty of donations. We just laid pieces on the floor and had our students run, stomp, or roll over it. It really does sound like firecrackers, especially when the wheelchairs rolled over it.

The kids totally had a blast and yes——- so did the adults 🙂








IMG_9545On Tuesday we made fireworks pictures! We started by discussing the different colors of paint we were going to use and asked the students to identify the colors using the communication symbols. The students have been doing so well when given a choice of 2, that we decided to make it a little harder by giving them 3 choices. This also helps prepare them for the alternate assessment which is in a 3 answer choice format.

Identifying objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.





IMG_9560We counted out pieces of black paper, noting that it was a rectangle and also counting how many sides it had. Recognizing objects with 2 dimensional shapes and identifying the sides of a rectangle are math access points.

Then we began stamping our fireworks. The stamper is a toilet paper roll with slits cut into it (we saw this idea on Pinterest). The paint colors popped on the black paper and our students really got into it!

Applying a push or pull to move an object is a science access point.







IMG_9813IMG_9824After reading Cara’s book, we worked on putting the months of the year in the correct order.  The chart that we used had a picture for each month in case the student needed a visual prompt to match the word to.

Each student was given 3 different months to choose from when it was their turn.  The months presented were read aloud to the student and they chose which month was the correct month.  If they were unable to find the correct month with just auditory feedback, they could use the picture signifying the month as a visual prompt.




IMG_9817We had such a high success rate with this activity!  The students in Mrs. Robin’s class know their months of the year well.  Rote learning had taught them the order of the months and since Mrs. Robin goes over the months of the year each day in her class, these students were able to put the months in order with minimal prompting.  So cool!






IMG_9846IMG_9833After putting the months of the year together, we got the number chart out and began the New Years countdown. We gave our students noise makers, crazy glasses, party hats and…..of course we pulled out the bubble wrap again!!!!




IMG_9890                                                                        10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

This week was so much fun, keep following us, there are so many more exciting things to learn and discover—-Group by Group!

Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions

IMG_9092It was a busy week with a special program affecting our group schedule a little but we still had fun exploring our Christmas Traditions theme!  Cara used pictures submitted by staff members for her book and our students really enjoyed looking at the pictures and labeling things they saw—-such as the Christmas tree and Santa Claus. Our sensory boxes were bright and colorful with lots of Christmas related items to explore. The fine motor group had two cute projects and the language group went on a Christmas parade!




Sensory Group

IMG_9058Colorful lights are a Christmas tradition that we find decorating trees and houses. We  put 2 sets of colorful battery operated lights and some shiny garland in this box. The garland reflected the lights and made the box even more eye catching—–and mesmerizing 🙂

This one was a favorite!

This addresses the science access point recognizing sources of light.






IMG_8848IMG_8877This box was filled with plastic pine branches and holly leaves. We also put in some red garland, shiny beads, and a little Christmas stocking. All sorts of fun textures and items to explore! Of course, we had to include a couple of Santas, a little elf, a wrapped present, a nutcracker, and some jingle bells—all traditional Christmas symbols.

We also included a voice output device with the song Jingle Bells—-it got played ALOT 🙂

Science access points addressed include recognizing common objects related to science by name, such as plant and recognizing a model of a real object.

This activity also addresses the social studies access point, associating a celebration with an event, such as a holiday.




IMG_9018Red and green are considered Christmas colors. We put shiny, hard beads and soft, round pom poms in this box.

Lots of opportunities to compare and contrast materials. It addresses the science access point identifying common objects by one observable property, such as color. It also addresses the science access point recognizing two objects that are identical to each other.

The math access point recognizing a 3 dimensional object (sphere) is also addressed.





IMG_8868Red and green are also the colors of our rice box—-red rice and green split peas! Wow, this was such a pretty  box—so eye catching! Hidden in the box were 3 letter C’s to find. We also taped some Christmas tree wrapping paper to the bottom of the box—-a fun picture to find as the rice was pushed aside.

In addition to tactile and visual discrimination skills, the science access point of applying a push to move an object is addressed.







IMG_9068A giant Christmas tree cookie cutter was used with our peppermint scented green playdough. Although is smelled pretty yummy, our students did a really good job of refraining from tasting it!

Recognizing that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point addressed in this activity.

As more than 1 tree is formed, the science access point recognizing two objects that are identical to each other is also addressed.






IMG_8825IMG_9065We swirled red food coloring into our “candy cane” oobleck. It turned out pretty cool—starting out with swirling color and ending up a delightful pink!

As usual, our students loved playing with it—oobleck is simply amazing stuff 🙂

The science access points recognizing a change in an object and recognizing that pushing and pulling an object makes it move are addressed here.




IMG_9039IMG_8895This week, we found our scent at Joann’s—-Gingerbread!

We used the water to rinse the oobleck off our hands AND address the science access point recognizing water as a liquid.

As well as the science access point observing and recognizing that people need water —to clean off oobeck, of course 🙂

The matching lotion smelled very yummy and after the students had smelled the lotion, we asked them which body part they wanted the lotion rubbed on. This scent was a real hit, ALL our students loved it!

This activity addresses the science access point recognizing external body parts and the language access point communicating a preference for a familiar action.




Fine Motor Group

IMG_8923On Tuesday we made some super cool reindeer using floor puzzle pieces. We have done this before and we liked them so much, we decided to do it again! Our super volunteer, Sarah, glued the pieces together for us.

We started by using our sponge brushes to paint the reindeer brown.

Recognizing a change in a object is addressed as the white puzzle pieces become brown.





IMG_8949 IMG_8951Next we asked our students to find their eyes, then put 2 round googlie eyes on their reindeer. Placing the googlie eyes helps to promote pincer grasp skills.

It also addresses the science access point recognizing external body parts.






IMG_8948IMG_8975Rudolph needs a bright shiny red nose, of course! We added a cute pompom noses after asking the students to find their own nose.

Again, this activity addresses pincer grasp skills and identifying external body parts.







IMG_8990Our students were thrilled with their reindeer!

Time to run, run Rudolph—-









On Thursday, our students turned into little elves!

IMG_9188We started by discussing the color of the paper we were going to use. Our students did a great job of finding the color green. We were so excited when we realized that everyone had answered correctly!

Identifying classroom objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point addressed here.






IMG_9226IMG_9211Then we used our paper cutters and electric scissors to turn our green rectangles into triangles!

The science access point recognizing a change in an object is addressed here.

The math access point recognizing 2 dimensional shapes is also addressed.





IMG_9279Time to add some decorations—working on pincer grasp and eye hand coordination skills!

Of course, we counted each decoration as it was added to the hat.








We glued the hat onto our pre-made faces, made from paper plates (thanks again Sarah!).

IMG_9241IMG_9250IMG_9275Elves ready and reporting to work 🙂

IMG_9289IMG_9307                                           HO HO HO








Language Group

IMG_9099After reading Cara’s book, we made Christmas cards for the other elementary classes.  The students got to pick what they wanted on the front of the cards by activating the All-Turn-It spinner.  The pictures on the spinner were: Christmas tree, Santa Claus, bells, angel, reindeer, snowman, and an elf.

Our students did so well watching the spinner and they are also learning not to hit the switch but to push it to activate it.

The language access point, use technology resources to support learning is addressed here.




IMG_9139After finishing up the cards, we dressed our students up with different Christmas props.  We let them look in the mirror to see themselves which is always fun to do.  The different props we had coincided with the different pictures that were on the spinner.  We talked about putting things “on” and trying not to take them “off”.

Responding to specific information about familiar objects and routines is a language access point addressed here.






IMG_9133We also made sure everyone had some jingle bells 🙂








IMG_9160IMG_9143Time for a Christmas parade!  We went over who was “first” and who was “last” then we turned on some Christmas music, rang bells, and paraded through the halls to deliver the cards.  SO FUN!

Surprisingly, the props stayed on our students the entire time!  The students in the other classrooms loved watching our language group parade around their room!

The math access point, recognizing the next step in a simple pattern or sequence of activities is addressed here.

Responding to familiar persons is a language access point addressed.




IMG_9171It’s been a great celebration these past 2 weeks, but now we’re all ready for a break!  Since next week there are only 2 full days of school, we decided not to have groups.  We’ll see you in 2014 with some more fun Group by Group!



IMG_7921It’s turkey time around here! Cara’s book explored directional concepts and our students had fun putting a stuffed turkey in the different positions from the book. We explored a variety of Thanksgiving related items in our sensory groups. We made cute little turkeys in the fine motor group and our language group went on a turkey hunt!

The social studies access points recognizing a past event and recognizing an activity associated with a national celebration are both addressed in all our groups this week.




Sensory Group

IMG_7926IMG_8046This first box was filled with Thanksgiving related items nestled in the silk fall leaves, gourds and pine cones. There were some dimensional felt pilgrims and a discovery bottle with beads to remind us of the Wampanoag tribe of native americans who feasted at the first Thanksgiving.

A toy car and toy airplane remind us that some people travel to their Thanksgiving feasts. A toy Tweety Bird and clown puzzle piece are like the big balloons and people on parade floats. A little football was included because that’s something people like to watch on tv after the big feast. It’s usually chilly this time of year so there was a tiny scarf and pieces of yarn!

Speaking of feasts—we had to include some play food and a grocery store “gift card”! And finally a cute plush turkey—-the symbol of Thanksgiving, along with the words HOME and FAMILY.

This box was filled with opportunities to address the language access point respond to new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly. It also addresses the science access point recognizing a model of a real object.





IMG_7806Corn was one of the items on the first Thanksgiving menu! We put in some play food to find and hide again in the popcorn kernels. One of the cobs actually could be broken apart into 2 pieces and then put back together—-great for bilateral coordination!

Whether running fingers through it or exploring the play food, our students really enjoyed exploring the contents of this box.

The math access point recognizing parts of whole objects and parts of sets of objects is addressed here. Solving simple problems involving putting together and taking apart small quantities of objects is another math access point addressed.






IMG_7945Our next box contained turkey feathers (a brown feather boa). This was fun to wrap around, wave in the air or just TOUCH—oh so soft!

Using senses to recognize objects is a science access point addressed here.

IMG_7811Of course, some of our students got quite creative—deciding our little stuffed turkey needed some more feathers 🙂

Just too cute!!!

The science access point: explore, observe, and recognize common objects in the natural world is addressed with this activity.






IMG_7800IMG_8022There are lots of big football games coming up around Thanksgiving and we have lots of fans around here! We included a variety of colors in this pom pom shaker box so everyone could cheer for their favorite team!

Our students LOVE the pom pom shakers and had the best time with them as you can see!

The science access points recognizing that pushing and pulling an object makes it move and identifying objects by one observable property, such as color are addressed here.





IMG_7794We made some pumpkin pie scented playdough this week. Hmmm, it had such a wonderful aroma!

This turkey cookie cutter is very versatile—for either cutting out shapes in the playdough…….







IMG_8010 OR being stuffed with it 🙂

This is a great activity for addressing hand intrinsic functions—strengthening, finger individuation, pincer grasp etc.

The math access point solving simple problems involving putting together and taking apart small quantities of objects is addressed in this activity.

The science access point recognizing that the appearance of an object or material has changed is also addressed.





IMG_7925IMG_7981Pumpkin pie needs some whipped cream! Shaving cream made a perfect stand in and as usual, our students had a great time squishing, smooshing—technical terms 🙂 —it about.

Recognizing that pushing or pulling an object makes it move is the science access point addressed in this activity.




IMG_7783Cinnamon pumpkin scented bath gel from Bath and Bodyworks made our rinsing water smell just delicious! Our students had fun playing with the different sized measuring cups.

Recognizing differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids (capacity) is the science access point addressed here.






IMG_7820The cinnamon pumpkin scented lotion left our students smelling like yummy pumpkin pies!

Recognizing one or more external body parts is the science access point addressed with this activity.

Recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli is another science access point addressed.







Fine Motor Group

On Tuesday we made some cute little turkeys. We started by discussing how we cut a circle plate into 2 pieces to make semi-circles.

IMG_7840IMG_7852Then we decorated the feathers using a variety of colorful markers. These fat markers are nice because they can be gripped at the top which is easier for some of our students. For our students with physical disabilities we used Joy’s adapted switch toy—-always a huge hit!

The science access points recognizing that the appearance of an object has changed and sharing objects with a partner are addressed with this activity.

The switch toy addresses the science access points tracking objects in motion and applying a push or pull to move an object. It also addresses the math access point of indicating a desire for more of an action.




IMG_7871Next we glued down a toilet paper roll…..

and attached a pre-made turkey face with googlie eyes. We discussed the different parts of the turkeys face and pointed out those parts on ourselves—-recognizing external body parts is a science access point!






IMG_7889                                                                  TA gobble, gobble DA!








Our Thursday art project was a pilgrim ship! This was constructed with cardboard, paper, and a wooden dowel—a true trash to treasure project!

IMG_8117We started by showing our students a bottle of brown paint and asking them to show us the color brown on the communication board. They did a great job!







Identifying an object by one observable property, such a color is a science access point.

IMG_8138IMG_8130Then we proceeded to paint the ship. We mostly used a variety of fat handled brushes to get the job done. A brush taped to a paint stick made for an excellent adaptation.

The science access points recognizing that pushing or pulling moves an object and recognizing a change in an object are addressed in this activity.




IMG_8159When the ship was painted we added a sail and some pilgrims and native americans (thanks to Sarah, our volunteer, for making them for us)! We added both students and staff faces to the figures—our students were pretty tickled with them.

For our Ta Da shot, our plan was to take a group shot of all our happy little pilgrims…..

Yes, lets try to get 5 little kids ALL looking at the camera and smiling at the same time—-yep, GOOD PLAN lol 🙂



Language Group

IMG_8068IMG_8075After reading Cara’s book we had our own turkey hunt! Cara made clues and hid laminated pictures of turkeys around the room.

Our students acted like pilgrims on the first Thanksgiving and searched for the turkeys using the clues they were given.  Some examples of the clues were, “look UNDER the table; look ON the chair; look IN the box”.  Our pilgrims did well with following the clues to find the turkeys.  Way to go!





IMG_8094The last turkey was outside the door and BESIDE a tree located in the hallway.  Lo and behold, the turkey brought a snack with him so that he wouldn’t be eaten!

This activity addressed the language access point respond purposefully to referent objects or pictures of objects or actions in a familiar read-aloud text.






IMG_8101The students enjoyed the cheeseballs and didn’t seem to mind that they weren’t getting a turkey dinner.  We let the students request how many they wanted to eat by indicating on a number board if they wanted 1, 2, or 3. Our student with a visual impairment used a number stick to select his choice.

This addresses the language access point of effectively communicating wants, and needs using referent objects, gestures, signs, pictures, symbols, or words.




IMG_8111IMG_8115Yum! Even our turkey joined the feast 🙂

We won’t be having groups next week because of the holiday. We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!



IMG_6998This was such a great week, our students love music so this was the perfect theme for them! We had fun coming up with sensory boxes that matched the different musical genres for our sensory group. The fine motor group had fun making musical instruments and we had a dance party in the language group!





IMG_6835These wands that light up when tapped made perfect “drum sticks” (found at Target) for our rock and roll box.  Way fun, the sticks were perfect for drumming and the flashing lights reminded us of light shows at a rock concert! Needless to say, these were a huge hit with our students.

Recognizing that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point. In addition, recognizing the change in the motion of an object—-when the lights stop—is another science access point.




IMG_7035Our classical music box was black and white just like the keys of a piano. We added black beans to white rice to get the effect. A piece of sheet music was taped to the bottom of the box and we put a large letter M inside. Most of our students used their hands to explore the box—-they love the way the rice feels and looks as it shifts around. A few, however, used the large M kind of like a scraper to move large amounts of the rice and beans around.

The science access point of recognizing that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is addressed again with this activity.

As the sheet music and letter M are covered and uncovered the math access point of recognizing when an object is added to or taken away from a situation is addressed.





IMG_7103Our lava lamp discovery bottles were a HUGE hit with our students! One was filled with water, corn syrup, gold glitter, and some plastic jewels. The other was filled with water (tinted purple), green tinted corn syrup, cooking oil, glitter and some beads……

Totally groovy 🙂

IMG_6817The science access point tracking the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is addressed with these bottles.





IMG_7061IMG_7074There are have been so many fabulous musicals and one of the most popular today is Wicked.

We whipped up some pretty wicked oobleck this week using green food coloring and black glitter. It was pretty thick  so it slowly dripped down from fingers and took a little more effort to push aside.

In addition to color identification, the science access point tracking the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is addressed again.





IMG_7091Opera singers always get roses at the end of the performance so rose seemed the perfect scent to put into our rinsing water. We used rose scented bubble bath we found at Target.

We included 2 different sized scoops to address the math access point of recognizing differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids (capacity).

Solving problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more is another math access point addressed as students pour water from one container to another.






IMG_7083IMG_6860Rap singers like gold chains AND gold records! This box contained some hard gold beads and soft fluffy gold garland. Pretty, sparkly—very eye catching.

Fun to explore, fun to wear 🙂

Sorting objects by an observable property such as texture is a science access point addressed here.





IMG_7037A cookie cutter shaped like a boot, along with cherry scented playdough (we made it with kool-aid) —–perfect for a country music box!

Using  just one shape gave the students an opportunity to work on counting, associating quantities with number names addressing math access points.

Of course, playdough is always a great activity for promoting hand intrinsic functions—we OT’s like stuff like that 🙂






IMG_6870We finished the group with some rose scented lotion from Crabtree and Evelyn. This is some pretty strong smelling stuff—you can smell it across the room so it’s VERY memorable!

Recognizing and responding to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point addressed here.

Communicating a preference for a familiar action such as holding out a hand for lotion is a language access point addressed.






IMG_6906On Tuesday, after reading the book, Jeannie brought out a real guitar for the students to play. Everybody got a chance to strum the strings and our students loved the sounds they made!

Can you tell that the students totally had a blast 🙂

Sharing objects with a partner and recognizing common sounds are science access points explored here.






IMG_6910For our art project the students made their own guitars! We started by cutting out the words ROCK STAR from a piece of paper—-turning one piece of paper into 2 pieces of paper. These were taped onto our “guitars”

T0 prep the guitars, we flattened paper towel rolls and taped them to the back of these really colorful tissue boxes.

Recognizing a change in an object and applying a push or pull to move an object are the science access points addressed here.

The math access point is associating quantities 1 and 2 with number names.





IMG_6917IMG_6931The words were glued onto the box and then the students were given a choice of stickers to decorate their guitars.

These stickers were little so there were lots of opportunities to practice pincer grasp skills.

Using body movement or nonverbal expression to communicate desires or preferences is a language access point.





IMG_6962Then we asked the students to let us know how many strings (rubber bands) they wanted on their guitars. Putting the strings on the guitar required bilateral coordination and pincer grasp skills. Our students needed varying degrees of assistance for this step.

Again, the language access point using body movement or nonverbal expression to communicate desires or preferences is addressed.

Associating quantities with number names is the math access point addressed.






TA DA!!!

IMG_6969IMG_6964Our rock stars loved their guitars and had a great time making their own music 🙂









IMG_7326On Thursday we continued with our musical instrument theme by making drums! First we tried out a real drum—–so much fun!

The science access points recognizing common objects in the environment and recognizing and responding to common sounds is addressed with this activity.








IMG_7284We started our art project by passing out rectangular pieces of paper and helping our students to identify the colors red and purple using our communication symbols.

Identifying common objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.

Recognizing common objects with a two dimensional shape is a math access point.








IMG_7273IMG_7277Then we stamped stars and swirls with the paint. We made handles for the stamps by using double stick tape to affix plastic thread spools—-this worked out really well!

Recognizing that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.








IMG_7336Then we taped the paper around plastic coffee containers and added some glitter——we never pass up the opportunity to add glitter to a project 🙂

As we are shaking the glitter we are working on the math access point recognizing a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down!

We discovered that we needed to let the paint dry BEFORE letting our students play with their drums lol. When they were finally dry, it was time to boogie….







IMG_7345Dum diddy dum diddy dum….













IMG_7150We started the group reading Cara’s book.  We have a few students in here who were able to name their friends who were in the book.  It was very exciting for them 🙂

After reading the book, we went around with the Go Talk and let the students decide the genre of music they wanted to listen to.  We put the pictures that were in the book on the Go Talk to keep it consistent for our students.

Communicating recognition of familiar persons in daily activities and communicating a preference for familiar persons, objects, or actions are language access points addressed.




IMG_7188We then had the students press a switch to activate the All Turn It spinner to see what kind of dance moves they would have to do.  The different dance moves were: clap your hands, stomp your feet, spin around, tap your knees, nod your head, wave your hands in the air.  We used iTunes for the clips of music, making sure that they were appropriate before we turned them on 🙂

The language access point responding to a technology resource is addressed with this activity.





IMG_7199IMG_7207This was definitely a fun group!  Although only one student would pick a genre at a time, everyone had to participate in the dance moves.  Some  of our students really got their groove on!

IMG_7229Communicating information about familiar actions using non-verbal expression, gestures/signs, pictures, symbols, or words is a language access point addressed.

IMG_7214Hope you enjoyed seeing all the fun we had this week. Join us again next week for more smiles, Group by Group!



IMG_5603This week our theme followed the Unique Curriculum unit some of our classes were learning about this month.  Lets dive right in and explore all our fun activities……








IMG_5775IMG_5873We started with winter—and a wish for snow! We don’t get a lot of that stuff down here in Florida but we can still dream…..

Assorted snowflakes (paper, ornaments, etc), white pompom yarn, white and silver beads along with twist ties and clear packing tape turned a clear umbrella into a winter wonderland—-pretty darn magical, if we do say so ourselves 🙂

This really was a great experience for our students, they really loved it!

Exploring, observing, and recognizing objects in the natural world is the science access point addressed in this activity.




IMG_5912No winter wonderland is complete without snow! We made ours using cornstarch and shaving cream. Adding the cornstarch gave the shaving cream some texture and allowed it to be shaped into small “snowballs” if desired.

This was totally fun messy play, with MESSY being the operative word—–our students dived in and this stuff got everywhere 🙂

Bilateral coordination is addressed when making snowballs.

Applying a push to move an object and recognizing and responding to different stimuli are the science access points addressed with this activity.






IMG_5798Spring is such a colorful time of year with plants growing and flowers blooming. In this box, we sprinkled  some dried bean “seeds” into our colorful green rice—and taped a hidden surprise of pictures of colorful plants just waiting to bloom as the rice was swept away. The picture was actually a piece of wallpaper from one of those wallpaper sample books that someone always seems to be giving away

We also put in the letters W (winter), F (fall), and S (spring, summer)

This box helps address visual and tactile discrimination as well as fine motor skills for picking up the little “seeds”.

Recognizing that pushing or pulling an object to make it move is a science access point addressed here. In addition, the science access points of recognizing the leaf and flower of a plant and recognizing that plants grow can be addressed.





IMG_5943Our second box was filled with our caterpillar and butterfly pasta—-now this is one COLORFUL box! It’s also a wonderful box for sorting concepts of same/different and counting activities—-lots of math access points covered, including:

Solving  problems involving small quantities of objects using language such as “more”, recognizing objects that are identical to each other, recognizing when an object is added to (addition) or taken away (subtraction) from a situation, recognizing two objects that are the same size or color……

It’s amazing all the learning you can fit into one little box!








IMG_5571IMG_5901Fall has so many pretty colors with the changing leaves and colorful gourds and pumpkins that are seen everywhere.

Our students loved picking up and shaking the leaves as well as watching handfuls of them drift down. Others found a couple of scarecrow friends.

This was another great box for visual and tactile discrimination, so many things to explore!

IMG_5831The science access point of exploring, observing, and recognizing common objects in the natural world is addressed here.

Recognizing models of real objects is another science access point addressed.




IMG_5578Fall also means colorful warm sweaters and blankets—at least to look at in the stores, NO WAY is it cold enough to need  them here yet 🙂

This soft pompom yarn has such pretty fall colors and is just so touchable—-wouldn’t it make a fabulous blanket or poncho!?

Our students had a great time with this yarn, draping it around themselves or just shaking it. Pulling it apart is a great way to work on bilateral coordination!

Recognizing and responding to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point addressed here.

The science access point of recognizing clothing worn by humans in different seasons can also be addressed.





IMG_5906In the same box, we also included a shaker bottle filled with acorns. Our students love shaker bottles—-it’s always fun to make noise!

The science access points recognizing and responding to common sounds, recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli AND applying a push to move an object are all addressed here.

Discussing that acorns turn into oak trees also helps relate to the science access point recognizing that plants grow.

That’s a lot of science in one bottle!!!








IMG_5811IMG_5612Summer means going to the beach! We put in 3 seashells and 1 starfish for our students to find in our summer fun sand box. We used fine soft play sand that our students really loved touching.

Whether addressing the science access point of tracking objects in motion or the math access point of associating quantities with number names—–this is a great box!

Other access points addressed include for math: recognizing objects that are the same size or color and for science: recognizing common objects related to science by name.





IMG_5568IMG_5814Finishing up summer, our scent this week was Bath and Bodyworks aruba coconut. It was a wonderful summer aroma for our warm water play which included 2 colorful squirter fish. You would be hard pressed to find a more fun way to work on strengthening grip skills 🙂

Identifying objects by one observable property such as color and recognizing materials as warm or cold are science access points addressed here.

IMG_5962We finished with a little lotion, addressing the science access point of recognizing external body parts. This scent was a real favorite with the students and they left smelling like they had spent a day at the beach!





For our art activity this week we made seasonal trees using torn tissue paper (our usual stash from presents past). Our tree trunk came from a reproducible in the book Apples, Apples Everywhere by Peggy Hundley Spitz OTR which can be purchased from Flaghouse.

IMG_5720On Tuesday we made our spring and summer trees. We used pink and purple paper for spring and green paper for our summer trees. On Thursday we used brown and orange for the fall trees  and white paper with silver swirls for the winter trees.

We started by asking the students to match the communication symbols with the different paper colors. You may have observed that the literacy component for this student might have been improved if we had actually presented the words right side up 🙂

Recognizing two objects that are the same color is a science access point.

Responding accurately and consistently to referent objects or pictures used in routines is a language access point.





IMG_6056IMG_6110For each tree, we tore and crumpled up the paper. This is a great activity for addressing bilateral coordination and the students really had fun with it!

IMG_6059Recognizing that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.

IMG_5710The crumpled paper pieces were then dipped in glue………









IMG_6063and placed on the tree. This activity addresses pincer grasp skills and eye hand coordination.

We also counted the pieces as they were applied—-of course!

Recognizing that the appearance of some plants in the environment changes throughout the year is a science access point.








IMG_6131IMG_6088TA DA!!!!

Our students were pretty pleased with the way their trees turned out—–can you tell 🙂












IMG_5975We started off the group by reading Cara’s book and asking the students to point to the picture of their favorite season.

Communicating preferences using non-verbal gestures is a language access point.









IMG_5996IMG_5990After the students had indicated their favorite season, we used some of the boxes and objects from the sensory group as  props.

For summer we used the sand, autumn we used the box of leaves, spring we used the green rice, and for winter we used the umbrella.  What a hit!

This activity addresses the language access point of exploring and interacting with the functions of selected objects.





IMG_5997Next we played a memory game. We made cards using Boardmaker symbols and laminated them.

The pictures on the cards were: summer, autumn, winter, spring, beach, rake, mittens, and bird.  They were presented with 4 pictures at a time which were turned over, face down.  Each student took a turn and flipped over 2 cards at a time.

Using referent objects or pictures from a familiar read-aloud story is a language access point.






IMG_5965PIXON picture symbols for “same” and “different” were presented to the students and they were asked if the cards they flipped over were the same or different.  Some of our students required some assistance figuring it out, but for the most part, they did pretty well.

Using pictures, symbols, gestures/signs, or words to communicate meaning is a language access point

This week turned out to be so much fun!  We hope you enjoy seeing what we did as much as we enjoyed experiencing it! Please join us again, Group by Group.

Look Up in the Sky

Look Up in the Sky

IMG_4903This week our groups complimented the Unique Curriculum theme which explores things you see when you look up in the sky.

The students really loved all our activities and we got more than the usual super cute pictures—-our students really are quite adorable 🙂










IMG_4655After reading Cara’s book, we turned off the lights and looked up into the starry sky!

We made it by using twist ties to attach battery operated lights, beads, and some glow in the dark planets to a black umbrella—— SUPER easy! The battery operated lights were from Target and are usually on the shelves around holiday time.

Our students were all quite enchanted!

Associating stars with the night sky is a science access point. This activity also helps address the science access point of recognizing sources of light.









IMG_4786They also enjoy exploring this lighted moon. It had a rough surface as well as this fabulous glow–very mesmerizing.

Thanks Ms. Pam for letting us borrow it!

Associating the moon with night is a science access point.

Distinguishing light and dark is also a science access point that can be addressed with this activity.










IMG_4825When the lights came back on we began exploring our sensory boxes.  This first one was filled with blue basket filler “sky” and lots of things found in the sky to discover.

We put in feathers, toy birds, bats, and butterflies for some of the animals you see in the sky.  We also put in some toy airplanes .

Of course, we also included some cookie cutter stars and a crescent moon.

Weather related items included soft white pom pom clouds, grey craft foam storm clouds….







IMG_4685IMG_4489AND…….a fabulous stretchy rainbow slinky which ended up being the big hit of this box!

Exploring, observing, and recognizing common objects in the natural world is a science access point.

Recognizing models  of real objects is also a science access point.

And yet more science access points….tracking the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled AND recognizing that pushing and pulling an object makes it move!







IMG_4502Speaking of rainbows, our students really loved both looking at and touching our rainbow mat (found yet again at Target!).

As well as encouraging our students to touch the mat, we also discussed all the different colors that could be found in the rainbow.

Using senses to recognize objects is the science access point addressed here.











IMG_4467Our next box of Bubber reminded us of a beautiful blue sky! We love it’s soft tactile feel and it comes in so many cool colors, although we don’t have all of them—–YET 🙂

We included an airplane cookie cutter which helps build hand strength when pushed down into the Bubber. While fairly soft it does take some pressure to cut out a shape.

Recognizing that the appearance of an object or material has changed and applying a push to move an object are the science access points addressed in this activity.









IMG_4735We went from the blue daytime sky to the black night time sky with our next box. Lots of yellow craft foam stars were hidden for our students to find in the black beans.

The stars not only look different but feel different from the beans, making this a good activity for both visual and tactile discrimination.

Associating stars with the night sky is again addressed with this box.

Recognizing objects (the stars) that are identical to each other is another science access point addressed here.

We must admit the science access point of tracking objects in motion, as watching a few beans tossed into the air, was also addressed in each of our classrooms.

We have VERY understanding teachers 🙂






IMG_4688What’s a day without sunshine! This box was filled with sunglasses, yellow paper shred, a wooden sun, sun shaped manipulatives and yellow pom poms.

Whether shaking the paper shred, squeezing the pom poms or pushing and pulling apart the manipulatives ——-our students had a great time with this box!

IMG_4522The pom poms can be used to address the math access point of recognizing two objects that are identical to each other.

Applying a push to move an object and identifying objects by one observable property, such as color are the science access points addressed.

The science access point of recognizing that the sun is bright can also be addressed with this activity.






IMG_4537IMG_4810These sunglasses were the favorite item in this box. As you can see, our students had a lot of fun getting their cool on 🙂








IMG_4756Next we made our own fluffy clouds with shaving cream.  Wonderful fun to dive into with both hands and squish around!

Using senses to recognize objects is the science access point addressed with this activity.

The language access point of communicating about a selected object using nonverbal expression is beautifully demonstrated in this picture—-pure joy!










IMG_4844After rinsing our hands in “rain kissed leaves” (from Bath and Bodyworks) scented water, the students took turns smelling the lotion and showing us where they wanted it applied.

The science access points of recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli and recognizing external body parts are addressed here.

This had a nice soft scent that our students really seemed to like and to help them remember all the fun things we learned about today!










IMG_4639On Tuesday, for our art project we made a starry night time sky. We started by counting out 6 pieces of black rectangular paper. Some glue was poured onto the paper and then the students used paint brushes to spread the glue around.

The math access points of recognizing a two dimensional shape (rectangle) and recognizing differences in the length of the sides of rectangles are addressed.

Identifying objects by one observable property and applying a push to move an object are also the science access points addressed.










IMG_4612We added some sparkly silver glitter——our students LOVED shaking the glitter out!

What fun 🙂

Recognizing that the appearance of an object or material has changed is a science access point.










IMG_4643IMG_4606Next we let our students choose how many stars to glue onto their picture. We used these plastic glow in the dark stars we found at the dollar store.

These little stars were perfect for promoting pincer grasp skills.

Recognizing when an object is added to situation is a math access point.

Counting up to 5 objects is also a math access point.








Look at the milky way—-


IMG_4635                                   These turned out really quite cool and looked striking in Jeannie’s hallway.




On Thursday we turned from night to day and constructed our wonderful sun!

IMG_4995We started by asking our students to show us the color orange using our communication symbols.

Then we asked the students to glue an orange circle onto their white rectangular paper.











IMG_4940Bulls eye—-nice eye hand coordination!

Again, the math access point of recognizing 2 dimensional shapes (rectangles and circles) is addressed.

Recognizing objects by one observable property (color) is the science access point addressed in this activity.










IMG_4951The rays of the sun were made by stamping hand prints using yellow ink. Fortunately none of our students have tactile sensitivity so we did not have to adapt this for anyone.  All of them did a really great job of keeping their hands open so we could help them make their prints.

We counted the hand prints out loud as they were pressed onto the paper.

Recognizing the appearance of an object has changed is the science access point addressed here.

Yep, this looks pretty good 🙂








IMG_4853IMG_4869In this group, we talked about things that go UP in the air and things that go DOWN on the ground.

Using Boardmaker, we made  9 different pictures of objects: rainbow, sun, clouds, bird, airplane, moon and stars, person, car, and house.    We had real objects to go along with the pictures as well, which seemed to be a hit with the students!

Each student was given a picture and asked if it was UP in the sky……….









IMG_4875or…….. DOWN on the ground.

One of our students used the arrow as a road for a car—-too cute 🙂

Effectively communicating information using referent objects, pictures is the language access point addressed in this activity.












IMG_4872After they told us or showed us if the object was something seen UP or DOWN, they glued the picture onto a piece of paper with grass and sky drawn on it.

Our students did so well with this activity……we were SO proud!

Communicating about selected objects using pictures is a language access point.

That is it for this week. We had so much fun and learned a lot about things that we can see when we look up!







IMG_4997Join us again next week, you KNOW it’s going to be fun—–Group by Group 🙂

Mount Everest

Mount Everest

This week we went to the top of the world—-Mount Everest!  We had a lot of fun learning about a place so different from the one where we live.


IMG_3715When you think of Mount Everest you think of the snow that covers it. We had two snow boxes to explore. Our first one contained white floam—perfect for making snow balls…..

…..or a snowman!

Isn’t that what you would want to do on the mountain ? 🙂

Floam is a purchased moldable substance (non toxic but not to be eaten so we watch our students very closely). It has a slightly sticky feel which can be aversive to some of our students (and staff also!). Hand skills such as palmer arching  and bilateral coordination can be addressed when molding it into shapes.

Recognizing a 3 dimensional object such as a sphere is a math access point.

Recognizing when an object is added or taken away from a situation is another math access point.






IMG_3557We brought back our fun snow from a couple of weeks ago. Keeping it refrigerated makes for some chilly fun……Brrr!!!!!!!

Again, while non-toxic, this substance is not meant to be consumed so we watch our students closely.

Fun to explore alone but even more fun when shared with a partner!

Distinguishing between items that are wet and items that are dry and recognizing materials as warm or cold are science access points that can be addressed here.

Sharing objects with a partner is also a science access point.





IMG_3694After that cold snow, it was nice to rinse hands in some nice warm water. Our water was scented with Old Spice Denali scent—-we thought it had the appropriate rugged aroma for mountain climbing 🙂

A large measuring cup and a small spoon were placed in the water for scooping and pouring fun. This addresses the math access point of recognizing differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.

Of course, just splashing around and checking out the bubbles with friends is fun also— addressing the science access point of applying a push or pull to move an object.





IMG_3550IMG_3657he country of Nepal borders Mount Everest. It’s flag has two colors, red and blue. We filled this box with a variety of textural objects such as shiny basket filler, hard blocks, soft pom poms, large chenille stems, rough scrubbers, soft plush toys etc. So many fun things to explore, compare and have FUN with!

Recognizing and responding to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point.

Identifying common objects by one observable property is also a science access point.



IMG_3523Lentils are part Dal,  which is a soup eaten in Nepal.  Lentils feel so cool as they slip through your fingers, quite soft and silky! Once you put your hands in you just want to keep playing with them—–kind of a zen thing 🙂

Hidden in them were the letters N and T. We used ones with some nice textural bumps which added an extra sensory element (thanks to our intern for suggesting this!)

N for Nepal and T for Tibet the other country that borders Mount Everest.

Tactile and visual discrimination is addressed when locating the letters in the lentils.

Discussing the different countries addresses the social studies access point of recognizing a cultural characteristic of a population.







IMG_3549IMG_3669A lot of people in Tibet put prayer flags around their house. Our students had so much fun exploring these colorful flags we found at an import store.

We also included a voice output device with a Tibetan zymbol recording. The zymbol has a really unusual sound that our students found really appealing. We found the recording on Sound Bible—-check it out!

Some of out students really like draping or shaking the flags, while others were more intrigued by the music.

This activity also addresses the social studies access point of recognizing a cultural characteristic of a population.





IMG_3760IMG_3750For our lotion we used Bath and Body Works Be Enchanted——because wouldn’t it be ENCHANTING to visit Mount Everest? Ok, YES a bit of a stretch lol, but we went with it 🙂

As usual, the lotion helps address the science access point of using senses to recognize objects and the science access point of recognizing one or more external body parts.







IMG_3588On Tuesday we made a mountain for our art project—-OF COURSE!!!!

We started by turning a rectangle into a triangle with our paper cutters. Our students with physical challenges used an adapted switch operated electric scissors—-totally cool!

Recognizing a change in an object is a science access point.

Recognizing a common object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.









IMG_3594We glued our triangle mountain to a piece of blue rectangular paper. We used our communication symbols and asked our students to “show us blue”.

Identifying common objects by one observable property is a science access point.

IMG_3633Then we started adding snow to the mountains with our shaving cream and glue mixture. We have done this before and when the mixture dries it has a spongy texture to it—-very, very cool!

A brush was taped to a paint stirrer to make it easier to hold for some of our students.

Tracking the movement of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point.

Solving problems involving small quantities of actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more is a math access point.





IMG_3646TA DA—-

Mount Everest!!!!





IMG_3827On Thursday we got our students ready for a mountain expedition by making parkas! We started with an orange circle plate (using our color communication symbols again to reinforce color concepts) with a precut hole. We chose an orange plate because……… well, that was the color we had!

Then we counted out 5 cotton balls and had the students show us number 5.

Recognizing a common object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.

Counting from 1 to 5 using objects is also a math access point—-we probably didn’t need to point that one out 🙂






IMG_3844We glued the cotton balls onto the plate, adding more to the first 5. This is a great activity for practicing pincer grasp and eye hand coordination skills.

Recognizing when an object is added to a situation is a math access point that is also addressed by this activity.








IMG_3871Ready to climb that mountain…….

Ta Da!














IMG_3773We decided to help the teacher, Mrs. Robin, summit Mt. Everest in our language group.

Joy made a replica of Mt. Everest using a big cardboard box that she cut into the shape of triangle and covered it with some brown paper. White paper was crumpled and taped on the top to create snow.  She drew a person with a snowsuit and added Robin’s face to it.  The students really got a kick out of seeing their teacher on a cutout 🙂

We used a big die that the students rolled to see how many steps Robin could go UP the mountain.

Applying a push or pull to move an object, such as the die, is a science access point.





IMG_3807IMG_3797We emphasized that she was going UP by writing the word and holding an arrow to show “up”. The students then had to use the dots that were located on the mountain and move Robin the exact number shown on the die up the mountain.

After Robin safely summitted Mt. Everest, it was time for her to go DOWN the mountain.  Our students rolled the die to see how many steps she could go DOWN and got her safely back to the bottom of the mountain.  Again, we used an arrow to show “down” as well as wrote the word.

Using pictures, symbols, gestures/signs, or words to communicate meaning is a language access point. Matching objects to marked spaces to show one-to-one correspondence is a math access point.

The students really seemed to enjoy this activity and did a GREAT job with helping their teacher climb Mt. Everest!

IMG_3771This was another great week at Group by Group, join us again next week—-its going to be so much fun!

Friends Live in Different Places

Friends Live in Different Places

IMG_2970Our groups complimented the Unique Curriculum theme that our students are studying this month.  As usual, we address math, language and science access points but with this unit we also address social studies access points such as recognizing differences in climates or vegetation.

Cara wrote a fantastic book with such cute pictures of children around the world—-it was a real hit with our students in each of the groups.

We had so much fun exploring the different continents.  Read along to see all the fun we had!


Sensory Group

IMG_3121IMG_3129We started our world tour in a South American tropical rainforest! Our umbrella was decorated with plastic leaves and christmas garland, bead, and yarn vines. Foam butterflies, toy snakes and frogs were attached with more yarn. A huggable monkey and jungle sounds recorded on a voice output device completed the experience.

Our students always get excited when we have an umbrella experience and this one was no different. So much fun to see their smiling faces!

IMG_2987Lots of access points can be addressed with this box, including the science access point of distinguishing between a plant and an animal and the language access points of communicating recognition of familiar persons or objects and responding to a technology resource.





IMG_3024Next came North America where we explored the colors of the Canadian flag—red and white! Our box contained soft pom poms and hard beads to compare and contrast.

Beads are always a favorite—fun to shake AND fun to wear!

The math access points of recognizing two objects that are the same size or color and recognizing 3 dimensional objects are addressed here.









IMG_3022Other countries have flags that are red, white and blue like ours.  In Europe, two of them are France and the United Kingdom.  Our colorful rice had the letters U and F to find in addition to the French and UK flags hidden at the bottom of the box.

Rice is always a wonderful tactile experience. Our students love running their fingers through it—-and grabbing handfuls to toss in the air which we try to discourage.  Although, tracking objects in motion IS a science access point 🙂

Tactile and visual discrimination skills are promoted with this activity.





IMG_3111On to Asia where flowers are a highlight of many festivals. This box contained pink petals and 3 sunflowers for sorting, counting—–or tossing into the air to watch as they drift down 🙂

The math access points of comparing quantities to 3 using language, such as more, less, or the same and or solving simple problems joining or separating sets of objects to 3 can be addressed here.







IMG_3089How exciting would it be to visit the African savannah! We filled this box with rafia and green easter grass so it looked like the different grasses you might see while on safari.

We also included some zebra striped pom poms and a variety of toy animals. Some of the animals had a button that made noise when pressed—-perfect for working on finger isolation.

The science access point of recognizing and responding to common sounds and distinguishing between a plant and an animal are addressed here.

As the students push the animals button, they also are addressing the science access point of applying a push to move an object.






IMG_3105IMG_3049What continent is covered with snow? Antarctica!!! We made a batch of our fake snow and put it in the fridge. Cold AND wet, some of our students thought it was pretty neat—–others not so much 🙂

This activity addresses the science access point of recognizing objects or materials as warm or cold.








IMG_3067We used eucalyptus scented water and lotion to remind us of the leaves that Australian koala bears like to eat! It was a pretty strong scent which all our students  seemed to like.

As the lotion is rubbed on arms, hands or back of neck (for those students who engage in hand mouthing behaviors) we talk about the different body parts—-addressing the science access point of recognizing one or more external body parts.

This activity also addresses the science access point of recognizing and responding to different types of sensory stimuli and the math access point of requesting “more” of an action or activity.







Fine Motor Group

IMG_0224-1On Tuesday for out art project, we cut out and colored the seven continents.  Joy drew a gross outline of each continent on a rectangular piece of construction paper (each a different color).  Each student chose their favorite…..

…..and proceeded to color it!

Discussing the shape of the paper addresses the math access point of recognizing 2 dimensional shapes.

This also addresses the science access point of identifying objects by one observable property.








IMG_0229-1Since the outlines were too complex for our adaptive scissors or paper cutters, we used our electric scissors to cut them out——what fun! The students really had a blast and were so fascinated by the action 🙂

This was a great activity for practicing switch usage and learning to keep your hand on the switch to keep the scissors cutting.

This activity addresses the math access point of solving problems involving actions using language such as enough, too much, or more.





IMG_0247-1Then we glued the continents down on a blue background to make our world map—-addressing the social studies access point of associating a picture with a place.

TA DA!!!!











IMG_3177On Thursday, before we started our next art project, we told the students we were going to paint with green paint, showing them the color on a communication symbol. Then we asked them to show us “green” from a choice of two by either touching the symbol or using eye gaze to make their choice.

This addresses the language access point of responding accurately and consistently to referent objects, pictures, or symbols used in routines.










IMG_3191IMG_3199Then it was time to paint a large circle that was cut from blue poster board——we’re making a global map! These sponge brushes are perfect for the job.

Discussing the shape of the poster board addresses the math access point of recognizing 2 dimensional objects.

It also addresses the social studies access point of recognizing a picture of land or water.

Of course, its also a great activity for practicing prewriting skills!







IMG_3203The words “Friends Around The World” were glued onto the circle.

The language access point of responding to new vocabulary as it is taught is addressed here.

Also eye hand coordination is practiced as the students place the paper on top of the glue.











IMG_3216Joy made some paper dolls in traditional costumes from around the world, and added the student’s photos to them. They took turns gluing them to the map—-quite fascinated by their photos!

This activity addresses the social studies access point of recognizing differences in clothing from other cultures.











IMG_3226Our finished product looks so cute hanging in the hallway outside Jeannie’s classroom….

too cute!!!!!












Language Group

While reading Cara’s book, each time we read about a continent we would hand the student who “read” the repetitive line an animal native to that continent.

IMG_3139IMG_3145IMG_3223Here is a breakdown of the animals we used with each continent: Africa–lion, Europe–bird, Asia–tiger, North America–black bear, South America–lizard, Australia–platypus, and Antarctica–penguin.  We have found that our students really enjoy holding objects and using props throughout our group seems to bring more meaning to what we are talking about.

Matching common living things with their habitats is a science access point.




IMG_3151After reading the book, we unrolled a big map of the world.  On an All-Turn-It Spinner, we taped each of the 7 continents.  We asked the students “where” they were going to go while holding up the PIXON symbol for “where”.  The students took turns activating the All-Turn-It Spinner to see which continent they were going to visit.

Using technology resources to support learning is a language access point.

Responding to new vocabulary that is introduced and taught is also a  language access point.






IMG_3158We had print outs of the students’ faces and would tape their face to the continent they landed on.

When they were through, we used PIXON symbols and the students had to verbalize or point out, “I go here”.

They had so much fun with this activity and so did we!

Matching objects, pictures, gestures/signs, or symbols to tasks in routines is a language access point.

Completing a pictorial map using pictures or symbols for designated areas is a social studies access points.





IMG_3094We loved exploring our wonderful world this past week and hope we gave you some inspiration for your own explorations! Come back next week where more surprises await—-Group by Group!

Jobs At School

Jobs At School

We celebrated labor day this week by talking about what different jobs there are at our school. There were a lot of familiar faces in Cara’s book and the students in all our groups got so excited when they recognized someone.  One of our students was able to verbalize what the music and art teacher did right when seeing their picture!


IMG_2820One of the most important jobs at school is “teacher”—the person who helps us learn to read and count!  We have some pretty fabulous ones at our school 🙂 and for their box we used our blue moonsand—-one of our school colors is blue! Our students had the choice of pressing A B C or 1 2 3 cookie cutters into the sand.

Pushing the cookie cutters helps strengthen hand intrinsics as well as working on letter and number identification.







IMG_2648Our students really love music and we had such fun with our “music teacher” box. We brought out our shakers—lentils in one bottle and acorns in another—-and recorded some lively music on the voice output device.

It was so cute to see little heads start bobbing as soon as the button was pressed—-even Ms. Joi started rocking out to the beat 🙂

This activity addresses the language access point of responding to rhythm in familiar songs.

By pressing the voice output device, students address the math access point of indicating a desire for more.







IMG_2652Who doesn’t love art—-especially when it involves finger painting! Our sensory group version was shaving cream with food coloring. Messy fun, always a favorite with us. It’s a great tactile experience but also an opportunity to practice prewriting designs and letters.

This activity also addresses the science access point of recognizing and responding to one type of sensory stimuli.

As the food coloring is mixed with the shaving cream, the science access point of recognizing a change in an object is addressed.








IMG_2760Water play is always fun, whether in the swimming pool during PE or our little splash pool!

As hands—both little and big—splash the water, the science access point of applying a push to move an object is addressed.











IMG_2659We used SOFT cotton balls and HARD tongue depressors for our “nurse” box. Some of our students enjoyed sorting the items by texture, practicing counting or even imitating some letters!

Of course, just exploring the items was a popular activity also 🙂

The science access point of recognizing common objects as identical to each other can be addressed here.

This also addresses the math access point of recognizing two objects that are the same size or color.









IMG_2822LUNCH—everyone’s favorite part of the day 🙂 Our lunchroom staff serve us lots of choices of yummy food!

We filled our box with some green paper shred “lettuce” and a variety of play food. Eating utensils, an identification card and a mini lunch tray.

Hmm………a burger or chicken, decisions decisions……

The math access point of recognizing common activities that occur every day can be addressed with this box.

In addition, the science access points of recognizing models of real objects and recognizing that people need food can be addressed here.






IMG_2780One of the most exciting jobs at school has to be “school bus driver”. Our students love their big yellow buses and drivers! Our yellow rice was wonderfully bright and perfect for driving a little bus around in. A picture of the bus was also taped to the bottom of the box.

The science access points of applying a push or pull to move an object and recognizing models of real objects are both addressed in this box.








IMG_2850We finished with Bath and Bodyworks Country Apple scent—-apples for teacher, naturally 🙂

Our students are always given the opportunity to communicate their preferences for the week’s scent and this one was pretty much a favorite of everyone.










Fine Motor Group

IMG_2693IMG_2700On Tuesday we stamped with an assortment of fruit and vegetables—-on rectangle shaped paper.

just like those we get at lunch!

This was a great art activity, our students really had a great time and were fascinated by the impressions they made. And……nobody took samples 🙂

The math access point of recognizing 2 dimensional shapes is addressed here.






IMG_2738                                                   TA DA—-didn’t these turn out so cute and colorful!




IMG_2908On Thursday we made paper plate tambourines.  We started by counting out our circle plates and then decorated them with markers.

The math access point of recognizing 2 dimensional shapes is addressed here.

You may notice our students don’t always have a perfect “tripod grasp” of their writing utensil but we feel that active involvement is more important than perfect grasps.








IMG_2943IMG_2919Then we attached 3 jingle bells which were pre-threaded with small chenille stems. Our students did need help pushing and pulling the chenille stems through the holes but what a great opportunity to work on pincer grasp skills —–Joy really likes that, one of those OT things 🙂

We counted the bells as they were strung, asking our students to find the number on the communication board—–they did an awesome job, we were so proud!!!!!





IMG_2939Time to rock out, our students LOVED shaking their tambourines……

TA sha la la DA 🙂










Language Group

IMG_2856We used the same pictures of the people used in our book and  Boardmaker symbols for pictures of what each person could be associated with at school.  We taped the people on the left side and the picture symbols on the right side of a piece of board.

Using black yarn that was connected to each of the pictures of people, the students had to figure out what picture symbol went with which person.

This activity addresses the language access point of recognizing familiar persons and objects associated with routines.





IMG_2876For our students who needed more support to understand the concept, we used auditory scanning and had them answer yes or no or eye gaze to indicate their choice, for example “Does the music teacher use a bandaid? Does she use a paintbrush? Does she use musical instruments?”).

After finding the correct picture symbol, Cara modeled the PIXON symbols “she uses this” and had the students verbalize if they were able to or point in the correct order if they were unable to vocalize.

This addresses the language access point of communicating information about familiar persons, objects, or actions, using non-verbal expressions, gestures, signs, pictures, symbols, or words.





IMG_2867IMG_2858For some of our students with visual impairments and also for the students that do not have a great understanding of pictures yet, we used real objects, including: paintbrush for the art teacher, maraca for the music teacher, ball for PE teacher, stethoscope for nurse, play food for lunch lady, and a recording of bus sounds for bus driver.

This worked out SO great and made it more meaningful for ALL the students.


IMG_2634It was another great week and we had so much fun, join us next time…….Group by Group 🙂