Tag Archives: Aladdin

Aladdin book

Aladdin book

We are all about Aladdin this week!  We have our students dressed up as several of the characters in Aladdin (Joy is amazing at getting costumes ready!).  Our talented art teacher and her students created the backdrop for this book and it is pretty incredible.

Take a look and see which characters are in Aladdin!


Here is a link to the book: Who Are The Characters In Aladdin?



This week we went with a fun theme—-Aladdin! The sensory group explored magical boxes. The fine motor groups made colorful art projects using recycled materials and the language group made some magic carpet treats!








Our magic carpet ride umbrella was colorful and eye catching! In addition to the Genie figure attached to the handle, there were Aladdin and Jasmine toy figures riding craft foam magic carpet to find.




To add to the experience, there was a voice output device with music from the movie.

Science access point: recognize a source of light.











We put a laminated picture of the Cave of Wonder for Aladdin and Abu to find as they trekked through kinetic sand.





At the bottom of the box there was also a picture of Aladdin.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object











The Cave of Wonder contained many treasures—-just like our discovery bottles.





Sequins, beads, glitter swirled around and were pretty mesmerizing!

Science access point: distinguish between objects in motion and at rest.












There were 6 colorful relatives of Abu to find in this box of turquoise beans. We put in 2 green, 2 purple, and 2 orange monkeys.





Fun to find AND hook together!

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to or taken away from a situation.











Our Rajah box was VERY eye catching and the students loved it! There were 2 big and 1 little tiger that were pretty well camouflaged in the orange rice and black beans.





A picture of Princess Jasmine could be found at the bottom of this box.

Math access point: recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects.












Food coloring gave our oobleck a genie-like tint this week!






It was fun to watch as it swirled around the tray or dripped off fingers!

Science access point: track objects in motion.











Hands were rinsed in Bath and Body Works jasmine-ginger scented water.






There was a letter A to find and 2 different scoops to use.

Math access point: recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.











Of course, we used the matching lotion!






The scent was a little different and definitely intriguing to the students!

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.






Most of the students liked the scent——-others not so much 🙂











We remembered that there were fireworks in the movie Aladdin and since we had a big supply of bubble wrap, we decided to end our group with our own fireworks!





Whether in wheelchairs or rolling chairs…..

……….. the students had a BLAST 🙂














On Wednesday the students made magic carpets!

First, they identified the shape of their cardboard (we used cut up cereal boxes).

Math access point: recognize objects with a two-dimensional shape.










Then the student tore pieces of tissue paper. We gather our tissue from presents past, such as a recent baby shower 🙂

Science access point: recognize a change in an object.








The tissue paper was glued down.

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to or taken away from a situation.









We decided our carpets needed a little sparkle, so it was time to “shake, shake, shake that glitter”!






Math access point: indicate desire for more of an action or object.






The students glued pictures of themselves on to the cardboard and…….






…….TA DA!!!!!!!!!!


Let’s go on a magic carpet ride!












On Thursday the students made magic lamps using this template: genie lamp

First, we identified the color of the genie.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.








Then, the students painted their lamps using gold paint. Thanks to our wonderful volunteer Kaley who cut out the cardboard, glued the paper printout to it, and then stapled it to paper cups so the lamps would stand up!



Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.





Next, polyester fiberfil was pulled apart and glued to the top of the lamp.





Science access point: recognize a change in an object.








Ta-make a wish-Da!!!!!!!!








Time to let the genies out of their lamps!!!!!







We’re back to making a tasty snack this week.  In honor of Aladdin, we made edible magic carpets!  Here is the recipe that we used: Let’s Make Edible Magic Carpets

We started by talking about what we were going to MAKE.  We discussed what “edible” means and our students had to convey that it is something that we can EAT.










The first thing we had to do was vote on a color for the magic carpets.  We decided to choose between yellow and blue: our school colors.  Each student voted and it was a tight race throughout. Since we had an even number of students and there was a tie, we had our Vision teacher make the tie-breaking choice.  Blue magic carpets.



Math access point: associate quantities with number names.





We PUT a container of Cool Whip into a BOWL and added some drops of BLUE food coloring.  Each student HELPed STIR the Cool Whip.  We made observations about how it looked DIFFERENT once the food coloring was all mixed in.



Science access point: recognize a change in an object.





Next, each student got one graham cracker to PUT on a PLATE.

They each got some of the blue Cool Whip and they had to SPREAD it to cover the graham cracker.








Then we PUT multicolored sprinkles on a spoon and they SPRINKLED it all over the top.






They are almost too pretty to eat——ALMOST 🙂



What a magical week! Join us again for more fun and learning—-Group by Group!

And don’t forget to check your spam folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us.

The Oscars

The Oscars

IMG_3839With the Academy Awards all over the news these past couple of weeks, the Oscars seemed like a perfect theme for us!  Cara’s book was a huge hit and as usual, our groups were tons of fun! In our sensory group each of our sensory boxes represented a different Oscar winning movie. In the fine motor group our students made some movie star art themed art projects. For our language group it was all about the red carpet experience! Read along to see all the fun we had.




IMG_3698 IMG_3889Popcorn—-gotta have some at the movies! Our first box was filled with popcorn kernels and items related to our theme including: Disney princess figures, a pirate ship wreck, pirate beads, and an Indiana Jones duck! There was a “Music Man” maraca to shake and an Alice in Wonderland cupcake that squeaked. Since the Academy Awards take place in California, we tossed in a state magnet and finally—–a mini Oscar statue (thanks Ms. Caressa!) This was a great box—-something for everyone!

In addition to lots of opportunities for vocabulary building, science concepts of forces and changes in motion were explored with some of the items. Specifically the science access point recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move is addressed.

The world in spatial terms is also explored and the social studies access point associate an object, picture, or symbol with a location is addressed.

IMG_3758The students got to make their own Shrek ogres using our green Floam, some potato head features and 2 plastic pegboard pegs—–perfect ogre ears :). Floam has an interesting texture and while you can mold it, it doesn’t “feel” sticky. Pretty cool stuff!

It’s great for working on bilateral coordination as it is squished and molded into roundish heads.

We explored organization and development of living organisms addressing the science access point recognize one or more external body parts.





IMG_4038We loved the way our Wizard of Oz discovery bottle turned out! We mixed some green tinted hair gel with water and green glitter. Then we put in 3 red Barbie shoes—–they looked just like ruby slippers!

The Unique Curriculum intermediate unit this month explores the theme of movement so this bottle, along with other items in our boxes compliments it.

Science concepts of forces and motion are explored. In addition motion of objects is explored with the science access point track objects in motion.




IMG_3996IMG_3738Our Wizard of Oz box also included a slinky rainbow and this was a HUGE hit with our students! Some of them loved SLOWLY pulling it apart. Others pulled it as wide as they could make it and then shook it to see it vibrate. Either way——–fun was had!

Of course forces and changes in motion were explored with the science access point recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move. Forms of energy are explored with the access point recognize the change in motion of an object.




IMG_3707The students had so much fun with our Pirates of the Caribbean box! Along with tons of sparkly gold beads were an eye patch and hook so they could get into character if they wanted.

Again the science access point recognize external body parts is explored. In addition tool use is practiced as the hook plunders for beads—-arrgg!







IMG_3886The number 3 and 3 plastic snakes were buried in the sand of our Indiana Jones box—–guess he probably wouldn’t like this box very much 🙂

The science access point match animals that are the same can be addressed with this activity. This access point is related to the concept of diversity and evolution of living organisms.

Recognizing when 1 or 2 items have been added to or removed from sets of objects to 3 is a math access point addressed. This access point is related to developing understandings of multiplication and division and strategies for basic multiplication facts and related division facts.





IMG_3926IMG_4048Blue “genie” oobleck——for Aladdin of course!!!! We sprinkled blue raspberry Koolaid onto our oobleck observing as it changed from white to blue!

As usual, fun was had as our little scientists pushed, pulled, and grabbed handfuls of this gloppy goo 🙂

Recognizing that the appearance of a material has changed is a science access point related to the concept of changes in matter.





IMG_3730For our nod to Snow White we washed the oobleck off hands and arms using an apple sponge. The water was scented with lavender vanilla scented bath gel from Bath and Bodyworks chosen because when Snow White ate the apple she fell asleep…….and lavender makes you feel relaxed…… Ok, kind of a stretch but we went with it 🙂

Properties of matter are addressed with the science access point recognize water as a liquid.






IMG_3773The matching lotion was used to send our students off with memories of all the things they learned. Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is the science access point addressed and is related to the organization and development of living organisms concepts.


IMG_3822Our Tuesday art project had the students putting their own stars on the Hollywood walk of fame! The students counted the sides of our grey rectangular piece of paper—-and then we counted out one for each student. After they “wrote” their names, we painted their hands with dark grey paint and stamped them onto the paper.

Using appropriate vocabulary to compare shapes according to attributes and properties is promoted as the math access point recognize common objects with 2 dimensional shapes is addressed in this activity.





IMG_3791The students chose which glittery star they wanted and then glued a picture of their face onto the star.

Squeezing the glue is great for hand strengthening of course! Pincer grasp skills and eye hand coordination are promoted when placing the picture.

Effectively communicating wants and needs to a familiar person using gestures is a language access point.






IMG_3858IMG_3881The star was then glued down onto the paper and——–

TA DA!!!!!

IMG_3840A few new stars on the Hollywood walk of fame!

On Thursday we made our own little Oscar statues!

IMG_4168Joy drew an outline of an Oscar onto gold colored paper. You can print out the outline here: oscar award. It was then glued onto a toilet roll so it could stand up.

Glue was diluted with water and the students used a paint brush to apply it to the paper.

Recognizing that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point addressed as the students paint with their brushes.





IMG_4203Gold glitter was then added for that authentic look 🙂

IMG_4161While some of our students were able to able the glitter independently, most of them needed a little help.

We stopped periodically to ask  them “do we need more?”. They used a Go Talk to communicate whether they needed to add more glitter or if they were all done.

Solving problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language such as enough, too much, or more is a math access point related to understandings of addition and subtraction.

Using technology resources to support learning is a language access point.


The finished product looked fabulous!

IMG_4230                                                                                     We’d like to thank the Academy………..




We’ve talked about some movies that have won Oscars.  We’ve earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and received an Oscar.  Now it’s time to walk down the red carpet!  But of course, before getting near the red carpet, we need to be dressed for the occasion.

IMG_4066We printed out pictures of all of the different things we could wear and bring to the red carpet, such as sunglasses, sports coats, feather boas, top hats, and earrings.  The pictures were put on an All-Turn-It Spinner which was activated using a switch.

Our students took turns activating the switch and seeing what they would be wearing.  A couple of our students were able to verbalize what they landed on.

Using an input device, such as a switch to interact with a technology resource is a language access point.



IMG_4059IMG_4108We talked about putting the clothes/objects ON.  It was neat to see how many of our students got so excited to dress up! Such a fun way to practice dressing skills!

But really, who doesn’t get a LITTLE excited about getting all fancy 🙂

Communicating recognition of familiar objects and communicating about a selected object are language access points.




Time for a quick interview with Entertainment News…….

IMG_4116then off to the red carpet!


IMG_4132IMG_4120We had taped down some red paper to act as our red carpet.  One by one our little movie stars walked the red carpet and were photographed in their fancy attire.  They had fun with that!

After the red carpet they were treated to a movie on the smart board.  Our version of the Oscars was a success!  So much so that a couple of our students didn’t want to give back their costumes 🙂  Sadly, they had to and we talked about taking things OFF.





IMG_3969Hope you enjoyed seeing all the fun we had with the Oscars. Be sure and come back next week—–there will be more fun and learning Group by Group!