Japan book

Japan book

In honor of Asian Pacific month, we are learning all about Japan.  We found out lots of neat facts about Japan.  We found out that Japan has nearly 4000 islands, that they produce hundreds of different tea, and that they are the number 1 car manufacturer in the world!

There are lots of other fun facts in the book so check it out!




Here is a link to the book: Let_s Learn About Japan



Konnichiwa! Since May is Asian Pacific Heritage month, we decided to learn about the fascinating country of Japan this week. The sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about Japan. The fine motor groups made Japanese inspired art projects and the language group made a tasty Japanese inspired treat.







The students sorted pompom’s in the colors of the Japanese flag—-red and white. We added some “training” chopsticks (tongs) to the box. Most of the students needed a little help using the tongs but some of them were able to manipulate them independently.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.





As a nod to the millions of lights in Tokyo, the capitol of Japan, we had a light box and some lighted toys for the students to explore. The students had so much fun with all the different light sources!

Recognize a source of light is a science access point.





The light box was really popular….

especially with the lights turned off!






This box contained a variety of objects that are related to Japanese culture including a “lucky” black cat, video game characters, toy cars, and cherry blossoms. We used red and white paper shred because those are the colors of the Japanese flag. Sesame Street characters were also included as a nod to Japanese-American actor Alan Muraoka who owns Hooper’s Store on the show.

The science access point recognize a model of a real object, is a science access point.






There are lots of different types of tea grown in Japan. The students searched for letter J’s in this box of tea leaves. We put in a little rake to give it a little “zen” feel. There was also a Japanese flag to find at the bottom of the box. The tea leaves had an interesting aroma and texture that our students found intriguing.

Track the movements of objects that are pushed or pulled is a science access point.






The character Hello Kitty originated in Japan and is now popular around the world! She loves the color pink so we had to use our pink rice for her box 🙂 In addition to some Hello Kitty toys and a picture at the bottom of the box, we put in 2 different sized scoops. This one was lots of fun!

The math access point recognize differences in size of objects can be addressed here.





Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano that can be seen from Tokyo and is a symbol of Japan. The students had a blast adding shaving cream snow to a laminated drawing of the mountain!

Recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






Ramen noodles are very popular in Japanese restaurants, so for our water play we used our plastic “ramen” noodles. They gave a really interesting textural feel to the water this week. For added fun, there were 2 little koi fish swimming around that squirted water when squeezed!

Recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli is a science access point.





For both our water play and lotion we used Bath and BodyWorks cherry blossom scent. The students really liked the aroma! As usual, we used our Pixon board to help them communicate WHERE they wanted the lotion placed.

The science access point recognize one or more external body parts is addressed here.






On Tuesday the students made cherry blossom pictures!

They started by identifying the color PINK using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.






Next they used a brown marker to make tree branches.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






One of our students used our switch operated “writer” .

He is getting really good at using his switch!











Then they used a soda bottle to stamp their cherry blossoms.

We directed them to stamp UP and DOWN with their bottles.









Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a science access point.









Ta Da

We are ready for the cherry blossom festival!






On Wednesday the students made a koi pond using this: koi template

First we identified the color ORANGE using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.









Next the students began painting their koi. We showed them a picture of real koi and pointed out that some of them had patches of color instead of being solid colored.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






The students took turns adding their koi to the pond!

Recognize when an object has been added to a situation is a math access point.








Ta DA! We made some colorful koi!













It was a bit of a challenge coming up with something that we could cook that doesn’t require heating things up, but after some research, we found that in Japan they eat cheesecake for dessert.  Since cherry blossoms are in abundance during the spring, we decided to make mini cherry cheesecakes.  Here is the recipe we used: Let_s Make a Mini-Cherry Cheesecake.

We started out by measuring 2 cups of milk.  Before we measured it out, each student felt the milk.  We talked about how it felt COLD.

Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold is a science access point.






We PUT the milk in the bowl and added the cheesecake pudding mix.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.








Then, each of our students got a TURN to press the switch to activate the mixer.

Activate a device that uses electricity is a science access point.






Once the pudding was set, we counted out how many mini-graham cracker pie crusts we needed.  Each student got to PUT 3 spoonfuls of pudding into their pie crust.

Then, they each counted out 3 cherries to go on top.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






Once the pies were done, each student used their communication symbols to request a spoon by indicating WANT.

Then it was time to EAT.







We enjoyed learning about Japan this week and hope you did also.

Join us again next time for more fun and learning Group by Group!


Spring Fun book

Spring Fun book

The weather is so nice right now and there are lots of things to do that keep us busy this last little part of the school year, so we decided to have our theme be about all of the different things that we do during the spring.  The book talks about different things like spring break (did that even happen??), the talent show, and graduation, just to name a few.  There are so many more things that go on, though, so make sure to check out the book!




Here is a link to the book: What Happens During the Spring?

Spring Fun

Spring Fun

Spring brings lots of exciting events both in school and in the community. This made for a really fun theme this week! Our sensory groups explored boxes related to different events. The fine motor groups made decorations for the biggest spring event—–graduation! The language group led a fantastic spring parade and then had a party, with sweet treats 🙂







Spring break often means BEACH time around here! We put a little shovel and a measuring scoop in our play sand. The students had fun making sandcastles and finding shells in it.

Since the sandcastles could be counted, the math access point associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.





The Rough Riders visit our school the day before the city’s Springtime parade. Not only do they wear cool costumes but they pass out beads and teddy bears to all the students—-how cool is that! There were some HARD beads and a SOFT teddy bear for the students to explore in this box.

Match objects with similar observable properties, such as size, shape, color, or texture is a science access point.





The FSU marching chiefs visit is another spring highlight for our school. We filled this FSU box with shaker pompoms, beads, garland etc. all in the school’s colors. We also included a toy saxophone which was a big hit with the students!

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.





The school talent show is always so much fun—-we have some pretty talented students and staff! To help get our students in the show biz spirit, we put in a variety of costume props but the feather boa and glasses were the hits here!

While trying on the props, the students can identify one or more external body parts—-a science access point.





Graduation is THE event in spring. This box contained rice in our school colors along with our school initials. There was also a picture of our soon to be graduates at the bottom of the box. Lots of opportunities for visual and tactile discrimination in this box!

The science access point apply a push to move an object can be addressed here.





Memorial Day brings about the end of school and the beginning of summer. We put blue and red glitter to make our patriotic oobleck. The swirling glitter looked pretty cool!

Track objects in motion is a science access point.





Our students love participating in all of the sports activities in Special Olympics and SportsAbility events. We put our paddle wheel toy in our water play as a nod to the ever popular paddle boat ride at SportsAbility.  As usual, lots of splashy fun here!

The science access point recognize that when an activity is repeated, it has the same result, can be addressed here.





A lot of our spring events happen outside and outside events mean sunscreen! we went with coconut scented bath gel and body lotion this week. Coconut is a pretty strong scent, leaving the students smelling like a day at the beach!

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday the students made a garland to decorate the graduation festivities. We used craft foam stars purchased at the dollar store.

First the students used communication symbols to identify the color of the stars.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.






Then they squeezed glue onto the stars and added either a letter or number to their star—-either our school initials or 2-0-1-7!

Since they had to put these DOWN onto their stars, the math access point recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship is addressed.






Next the students added some sparkly blue glitter!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.








The students practiced their pincer grasp skills as they threaded some yarn through holes in the tops of the stars.

Recognize pushing and pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.







TA Da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Congratulations class of 2017!






On Wednesday the students made decorations that highlighted each of our seniors. This time we used starts cut from yellow poster board.

First the students counted out 3 craft foam star stickers.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.









Peeling the backs off the stickers was a great opportunity to work on pincer grasp skills. They had to put their LITTLE stars onto their BIG star.

Recognize differences in size of objects is a math access point.







Then they added a picture of one of the graduates to their stars.

Recognize when 1 item has been added to sets of objects to 3, is a math access point.








To finish, the students pulled some shiny curling ribbon through a hole in the top of their stars.

The science access point recognize pushing and pulling and object makes it move is addressed here.







TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!











We love our seniors!!!!











We had such a great time celebrating spring this week during our language group!  During the spring, we have a spring parade here in town, so we decided to mimic it with our OWN spring parade.

The language group dressed up in hats, tutus, and beads and we made our own parade floats using poster board that we attached to the front of the students in wheelchairs.

We had a special bubble blowing Grand Marshall, who was here for “Take your Child to work Day”, to lead the parade!






While we paraded through the elementary building, we handed out beads and bears to the parade goers.

Lots of fun and excitement!






Everybody LOVED their teddy bears!

                                                         They were a hit!






Once we made it through the parade route it was time for refreshments and socialization.

Each student had to use the symbol sentence strips provided in order to request what they wanted.  There were different sentence strips for each of the items: ice cream, chocolate sauce, sprinkles, and punch.  Our students had to indicate “I want ___” in order to receive the food/drink items.

Food is super motivating so everyone did a great job using their symbols!






The ice-cream was REALLY yummy 🙂











We had music on to dance to and what a dance it was!

Everybody showed off their best moves 🙂






There were lots of opportunities for communicating as students asked a partner to dance with them!

We LOVE to dance!!!






Of course, we can’t have a party here without the photo booth!  Our students got to choose what they wanted to wear for the camera.

So many great pictures come from the photo booth!






Everyone had such a great time and we can’t wait to do it again 🙂

Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!







Beatrix Potter book

Beatrix Potter book

We are learning all about Beatrix Potter, the author of children’s books like the Tale of Peter Rabbit.  Our book takes a look at some of the history of her life, such as where she grew up and how she became an author/illustrator.  We have one student featured on the back of the book holding a Peter Rabbit stuffed animal.  Read the book to find out some facts about Beatrix Potter!





Here is a link to the book: The Magical World of Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter

This week we decided to learn about author Beatrix Potter who wrote lots of books including the tale of a very famous rabbit named Peter! Our sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about her life. The fine motor groups made art projects based on characters from her books. The language group made a vegetable garden inspired smoothie—-Peter Rabbit approved!







Beatrix Potter was born in England so we filled this box with rice in the colors of the British flag. There were letter B’s and P’s to find and match, as well as a picture of Beatrix herself at the bottom of the box.

Recognize objects as the same is a science access point.






The students really had fun with the rice this week 🙂












Since Peter Rabbit is Beatrix Potter’s most well known character we decided to dedicate a box just to him. The students had fun stamping little Peter Rabbits in moonsand. We chose the blue moonsand because Peter Rabbit wore a blue coat in the story!

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.







With a base of paper, this box contained some plush characters like the ones that appeared in some of her books. Since all of the tales take place in England, we also put in some British flag garland. There was even a board book featuring the Tale of Benjamin Bunny!

The social studies access point associate an object with a person can be addressed here.







In addition to being an author, Beatrix Potter was also a farmer. She even wrote a scientific paper about mushrooms! We brought out our box of coffee grounds “dirt” and some play food and dried beans for the students to plant.

The science access point recognize that plants grown can be addressed here.







Beatrix raised prize winning sheep on her farm. There was some soft wooly fabric to touch, a cute plush lamb puppet, and some picture cards with the word “sheep” in this box.

Match animals that are the same is a science access point.






Ok, so the lamb puppet was totally the favorite thing in the box 🙂










We continued the sheep theme with our messy play. A little bit of a stretch here, but we thought shaving cream looked a little like fluffy sheep wool.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





In the story, Peter Rabbit hid behind a watering can so along with a large scoop, we included one in our water play this week. This was a total hit—-the students had a blast with it!

Recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids is a science access point.






We chose Bath and BodyWorks cucumber melon scent this week because we figured little bunnies would like to munch on those if they found them in a garden!

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.







On Tuesday the students made an art project based on the story of Peter Rabbit using this watering can template and a rabbit shape cut from the Ellison machine.

First we discussed the color of the paint and identified it using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.









Then the students stamped some GREEN grass using our craft foam painting tool (a fringed and rolled up piece of craft foam).

We emphasized stamping UP and DOWN.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship is a math access point.







As each student added a watering can and a rabbit to their pictures we discussed its spatial orientation ex. beside, over, under etc.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.






Ta DA!!!!!!!!

                                                      ——hippity hoppity!





On Wednesday the students made an art project based on the character Jemima Puddle duck and once again used a shape cut from the Ellison machine.

First we identified the color of our ducks. The students did a great job—-everyone got it right!

Once again, the science access point identify objects by one observable property is addressed.






They also used communication symbols to identify the shape of Jemina’s puddle.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.








Then the students used blue markers to draw water LINES on their circles.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.








Time to glue everything DOWN!

Recognize when an object has been added to a situation is a math access point.








TA quack quack DA!

These are some happy ducks!







This week, we made a snack that we think Peter Rabbit would really enjoy!  We made a fruity carrot smoothie using this recipe: Let_s Make a Fruity Carrot Smoothie

We started out by POURING 2 cups of  orange juice into a blender.  We talked about how we put in the LIQUIDS first.

Recognize when an object or person is added to a situation is a math access point.






Next, we added the coconut yogurt.  It called for 4 tbsp but we ended up using the whole carton.

Recognize when items have been added to or removed from sets of objects to 4 is a math access point.






When we poured out 1 tbsp of honey, we talked about how it came out of the bottle SLOWLY.

Recognize an action as fast or slow is a science access point.









We added some frozen mixed fruit, but before we measured it, each student got to feel the fruit.  We talked about how it felt COLD.

Recognize objects as warm or cold is a science access point.










Finally, we added our chopped carrots.

Again, recognize when objects have been added or removed from a situation is a math access point.









Our students took turns activating the blender using a switch.

The science access point recognize that electrical systems must be turned on in order to work.








Finally, we counted out our cups and drank our yummy smoothie!






We throughly enjoyed learning about Beatrix Potter this week. Join us again for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!


National Siblings Day book

National Siblings Day book

National Siblings Day is April 10 so our theme is all about siblings!  We have some of our own students in the book, but instead of it being focused around our students, we found out some pretty neat things about some of the staff’s  siblings.  One of our staff members has a sister who is a scientist, another staff member has a sister who is a music therapist, and our very own principal has a brother who works for NASA!  Find out more about our siblings in our book and make sure to celebrate your own siblings 🙂




Here is a link to the book:   We Celebrate National Siblings Day!

National Siblings Day

National Siblings Day

April 10 was National Sibling Day and we thought it would be a fun way for staff and students to participate in a unit. The sensory groups explored boxes related to siblings of some of our staff members. The fine motor groups made some fun art projects to share with their siblings. The language group performed science experiments!







Ms. Cara has a sister who lives in South Africa. This box was filled with a variety of animals found in Africa including large, medium, and small zebras! There was also a purple lei with flowers that resembled jacaranda which are grown in South Africa.

Recognize differences in size of objects is a math access point.





Ms. Jane’s brother works for NASA so we made a space themed box for him. In the black kinetic sand were an astronaut, star, and planet to find.

The science access point recognize a space related object can be addressed here.






Both of Ms. Thea’s siblings graduated from the University of Florida. Our Go Gators box had orange and blue play dough along with a little gator cookie cutter!

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






Ms. Caressa and Ms. Elaine both have sisters who are involved in music. This box was filled with some fun music instruments as well as some colorful scarves to wave around.

The students had fun with this one!

Recognize objects that create sounds is a science access point.





Ms. Jen and her brother are from Iowa which is famous for its corn. We put 3 colorful letter I’s to find in this box of corn kernels.

The science access point match objects by an observable property, such as size, shape, and color can be addressed here.





Ms. Vicki and her sisters like to get facials together. We put some food coloring into our shaving cream so the students could give our cartoon Ms. Vicki a facial. This was silly, messy, and LOTS of fun!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





Ms. Joi and her sisters are from Miami. We put some colorful flashing lights and a letter M to fish out of the warm blue water.

The science access point recognize sources of light can be addressed here.





Since apple blossoms are the state flower of Arkansas—where Ms. Robin’s sister lives—-we chose Bath and Body Works country apple for our scent this week!

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






On Tuesday the students made door hanger presents for THEIR siblings!

First they identified the circle shape that was cut out from the top of the door hanger.

Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape is a math access point.





Then they got to choose which door hanger to decorate!











Next they used paint brushes to apply glue.

Recognize that pushing and pulling makes an object move, is a science access point.





Time for glitter—-lots of it!

The science access point recognize a change in an object is addressed here.








Ta Da—-we love how these turned out!

Our students are going to have some very happy siblings 🙂






On Wednesday the students made picture frames for their siblings!

First they identified the color of our paint—-sunshine yellow!

Identify objects by one observable property, such as size or color is a science access point.








Then they applied the paint to their frames and added a cute smiley sun craft foam sticker!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





Ta DA—–so colorful!!!!

There are going to be some more happy siblings!











We thought it was really neat that Mr. Noah’s sister is a scientist, so we decided to do some experiments ourselves since we haven’t done them lately.  To make it EXTRA awesome, though, we used a black light so that we could have glowing experiments!

Here are the experiments that we did: Glowing Experiments.  These experiments were found on www.growingajeweledrose.com website.

We started off by doing our Glowing Oil and Water experiment.  Our students got to HELP squeeze some glow in the dark paint into 3 small cups of water.  They had to STIR it all up so that it was completely MIXED.

  They were so cool looking when they were placed by the black light!






Next, we put vegetable oil in a pie pan so that it completely covered the bottom of the pan.  Then, our students took turns SQUEEZING the paint water into the pie pan.  We observed how the oil and water never mixed.

Really neat!






The next experiment, Glowing Volcano, was even more neat!  Our students helped POUR some baking soda into a plastic container.  They got to SQUEEZE some paint in and also just a bit of dish soap.





Once the vinegar was POURED into the container was when the magic started. We did this experiment with each of the colors so by the end it was a mix-up of pink, yellow, and orange.

All of the colors were so COOL! It looked like a galaxy!




What a great week! Join us next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday book

Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday book

We came up with our own original book this year due to a confusion about the themes that we had gone over.  We are celebrating Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday this week!  We have several of our students in this book dressed up as all different kinds of animals–from alligators to bats to ladybugs.  They are all coming to help their friend, Cinderella Monkey, celebrate her Birthday.  Check it out to see what everyone brought their friend!





Here is a link to the book: It_s Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday!

Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday

Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday

What do you get when suggested themes of monkeys, Cinderella, and birthdays are accidentally combined—–Cinderella Monkey’s Birthday—–of course 🙂 Once we finished laughing we figured birthday parties and animals make a perfect combination.

It was lots of fun to put together both the book and all our activities. The sensory groups explored party themed boxes, the fine motor groups made party related art projects, and the language group had a birthday party treat!






We filled this box with everything party including ribbons, bows, and a mylar balloon. There was some fun play food like cookies and soda. We even put in a replica of the party girl herself—-Cinderella Monkey 🙂

The science access point recognize a model of a real object can be addressed here.






Since birthdays are all about how old you are, we put some numbers in our colorful rainbow rice. There was also a picture of a birthday cake to find underneath the box.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






This next party box was filled with lights and music. There were a variety of light toys and the Happy Birthday song recorded on a voice output device.

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.






In our story, Lily Ladybug wants to give the birthday girl a hug. When the students gave our ladybug pillow a hug, it vibrated—–so much fun! This was definitely the favorite item this week 🙂

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






Colorful glitter helped make “funfetti” cloud dough. There were scoops and spoons for the students to use to make birthday cakes. Colorful dowels made for perfect candles.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.








We continued with the “funfetti” theme by adding confetti to our oobleck this week. Bright and shiny—-this stuff was irresistible!

The science access point track objects in motion can be addressed here.






There were a bunch of party animals in the water play this week 🙂 These fun bath toys were fun for the students to scoop out with our 2 different sized scoops.

Recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids is a math access point.






Lemonade is the perfect party drink so we chose Bath and BodyWorks pink lemonade for our water and lotion this week. It was a nice sweet scent that the students really liked.

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.







On Tuesday our students wrapped presents—-sort of 🙂

First the students used communication symbols to identify a square. Our squares were cut from colorful wallpaper scraps.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.







Then the students cut 1 piece of paper into 2 pieces to make the ribbons for our present.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.








The students glued their paper ribbons onto their presents—-one going “up and down” and the other going “across”.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.








A big bow for a finishing touch and….











……….Ta Da, Happy Birthday Cinderella Monkey!












On Wednesday the students made a birthday cake using this: cake template

First we identified the number 3 since that was how many candles we were going to put on the cake.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.









What is a cake without frosting! The students decorated their cakes with homemade puffy paint (shaving cream and glue mixture).

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





A little glitter never hurts 🙂

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









Time to add the candles! We used these cool striped chenille stems that look a lot like real candles—-so cool!

The math access point solve simple problems involving joining together sets of objects to 3 can be addressed here.







Ta Da!

                                                           Time to eat cake!






We were back to cooking this week in the language group 🙂

This week we made Birthday Cake Milkshakes using this recipe: Let_s Make a Birthday Cake Milkshake

We started out by taking out the ice cream and letting everyone feel it.  We talked about how it felt COLD.  Some of our students didn’t really seem fazed by how cold it felt while others really didn’t like it.

Recognize objects or materials as warm or cold is a science access point.





Once we put the icecream in the blender, we POURed in the milk.  Our students then helped us count out FOUR tablespoons of cake batter mix which we added.

The math access point recognize the quantity of a set of objects to 3 and add 1 more can be addressed here.






Our students took turns turning the blender ON using a wireless switch.  Once it was nice and smooth, we added some colorful sprinkles.  Again, our students helped us count out 4 tablespoons.







Once that was all mixed up, we counted out how many cups we needed and then poured the milkshake into each one.  When it was time to put the whipped cream on, only a little bit was put in each cup and our students had to convey if they wanted MORE or if they were ALL DONE.

Indicate desire for more of an action or object or indicate desire for no more of an action or object are math access points.






YUM!  It turned out great!

Birthdays are so much fun aren’t they 🙂 Join us again for for fun and learning—–Group by Group!