We Love Charlie Brown book

We Love Charlie Brown book

Our theme for this week was lots of fun!  We took a look at some of the characters in the comic Peanuts.  Some of our amazing students posed as the characters–from Charlie Brown to little sister Sally to piano-laying Shroeder.  Our awesome art teacher, Judy, and some of her talented students helped us by painting a Peanuts background for our models to pose in front of.  Very cool!






Here is a link to the book: Who Are The Characters In Peanuts

We Love Charlie Brown!

We Love Charlie Brown!

The comic strip Peanuts first ran on October 2, 1950. So, this week it is all about Charlie Brown and his friends!  The sensory groups explored boxes related to some of the different characters in the comic strip. The fine motor groups made some colorful art projects and the language group made a Peanuts inspired treat.






We used plastic pine needles, a nod to the Charlie Brown Christmas special,  as the base of this box. Then we added some of the cartoon characters, a small Linus blanket, a laminated comic strip, a Great Pumpkin, and a voice output device with the theme song recorded on it!


Identify characters in a story is a language access point.


The Joe Cool sunglasses were a hit……

our students always rock a pair of sunglasses 🙂






This box contained chenille stems in the colors of Charlie Brown’s shirt. The students could bend them like the zig zags in his shirt.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






In Snoopy’s box we put in some white Floam that the students could shape into clouds for a little laminated Red Baron to fly around in!

Recognize that the appearance of an object is a science access point that can be addressed here.






Linus’ blanket is SOFT and Schroeder’s piano is HARD. There were a variety of hard and soft items to compare and contrast in this box.

Match objects with similar observable properties, such as size, shape, color, or texture, is a science access point.





This box was dedicated to PigPen. We usually use coffee ground for anything that calls for dirt or soil but we had a little money to spend and bought this awesome clean play dirt from Beyond Play. This stuff is really cool and a lot like kinetic sand—-so you know we love it! We added some fun digging tools and a letter P cookie cutter. There was also a picture of the Peanuts characters to find at the bottom of the box.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






Everyone loves Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin tv special so we chose pumpkin puree for our messy play this week. YES, we have done this before and it is truly messy but definitely a  different texture for the students to explore.  Some of the students loved it—–others not so much 🙂 There was also a laminated pumpkin to decorate with the orange goo.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






There were different sized letter P’s to scoop up in our water play this week. For scooping we included a measuring cup and sieve shovel.

Recognize differences is sizes of containers that hold liquids is a math access point.






Peppermint swirl from Bath and BodyWorks was the perfect scent for our lotion and water play. This was a really strong scent that really permeated the whole room! We definitely think Peppermint Patty would approve.

Recognize one or more external body parts.







On Tuesday we borrowed an idea from http://whereimaginationgrows.com, it even came with the free printable silhouette we used—–how cool is that!

First we used communication symbols to identify the color of our paint this week.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.








We watered down the paint a little bit to make it easier to spread and then the students started painting their sunsets.




Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






After they had finished painting, we helped the students glue down their silhouettes since copier paper was a little flimsy.

Recognize a change in a object is a science access point.













Charlie Brown and Snoopy—–best friends forever!






On Wednesday we were inspired by the Great Pumpkin and made our own pumpkin Patch!

First identified the color of our pumpkins using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.








Then the students used a switch operated LadyBug marker to make leaves and vines on  the background. It was a true group effort and the students had a blast!!!!





Share objects with a partner is a science access point.






We put the poster up on the table and gave the students regular green markers to finish make even more vines.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






Each student then planted a big craft foam pumpkin on to the poster by gluing it DOWN.





Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down, is a math access point.







We are ready for the Great Pumpkin!








This week we made a yummy treat that we think the crew of Peanuts would enjoy.  Here is the recipe we used: Let_s Make The Great Pumpkin Mousse!

We started by putting the vanilla pudding mix and some cinnamon into a bowl.  We smelled the cinnamon and talked about how it smelled sweet.



Recognize and respond to different types of stimuli is a science access point.






Next, we put a can of evaporated milk into the bowl.  Our students had to request if they wanted to help turn on the mixer.  We talked about if we were DONE mixing or if we needed to mix it MORE.



Solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more, is a math access point.






After it was all mixed up, we put the pumpkin puree in.  We observed how the color changed from yellow to orange.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.







Then we added some whipped cream next and stirred it all up.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.









We counted out the number of students and divvied up the pumpkin mousse.  We topped it with some more whipped cream and a bit of cinnamon and got down to the fun part—–TASTING!

After the students ate their pudding, they used communication symbols to tell us if they liked it or not.  The verdict was YUM!!!!




Thanks for joining us and come back again for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

August/September After Party

August/September After Party

Welcome to the After Party! Each week after the weekly blog featuring activities in the elementary department is posted, our sensory cart is parked in the media center where it is available for check out by the rest of the school.

Here are photos teachers have sent of their students exploring the different sensory boxes during the months of August and September 2017.





Our first unit was What Teachers Do For Fun!

Some of our teachers take turns dressing up as Hootie our Owl mascot. For his box we put a little owl and the letters O, W, L in some birdseed.

The birdseed had a really interesting texture that the students enjoyed exploring.






A lot of teachers have fun at the beach! Kinetic sand is perfect for digging and making sand castles.

Lots of fun as usual!






 This box featured props teachers might use when participating in our annual talent show.

It was a hit!





Some teachers have fun playing with their dogs. The students had fun cutting using a dog shaped cookie cutter and some green play dough.








One of our teachers went to Norway and hung out with some trolls 🙂 We used grey Floam and some laminated troll cut outs to make our Troll Mountain








Some of our teachers love to make crafts. For them we added glitter to our shaving cream.

Shaving cream is great messy play, made even better with glitter added!





As part of Fun Day we have some fun water slides. Of course, the teachers have to try them out  🙂

Well we didn’t have any mini water slides but figured a water wheel toy would be pretty fun too!







Making Our Year Magical is our school wide theme. We had a lot of fun with this unit! Each of the boxes related to a different Disney movie character.





This box was filled with Mickey and Minnie items.

The mouse ears hat was a huge hit!





Our Bippity Boppity Blue moon sand had some fun Disney stamps.

Lots of fun, as usual.






This blue and white Prince Charming rice box had some toy knights and horses to sort and match.

There was also a picture of a prince to find at the bottom of the box.






These toys required muscles to make them STRETCH—-just like Hercules!

Fairy dust discovery bottles were quite popular.

Very mesmerizing.






We put a Little Mermaid in our water play!

Super cute!






Next we learned about the state of California—-one of our teachers went there for vacation so we wanted to learn a little more about it!








This box contained a variety of symbols of California, all in a box of blue and yellow paper shred.

Lots to discover!





California is nicknamed the Golden State.

The students had fun digging for gold in this box.





Death Valley is the driest, hottest place in the US.

The students used funnels and scoops to explore our little version of the desert.





Astronaut Sally Ride was born in California.

In addition to a little astronaut, there were 2 stars to find in this box of spacey black beans.






California state colors are blue and gold…….

so we put blue and gold glitter in our shaving cream.







We put some California coast sea life in our water play.

The sharks and dolphins were a hit!





In recognition of Farm Animal Awareness Week we chose Old MacDonalds farm as our theme.

The students dug up and planted some crops in our coffee grounds “dirt”.

There was also a picture of different fruits and vegetables to find at the bottom of the box.




They discussed which farm animals had fur and which had feathers.

We used Pixon communication boards to help with identification.





The students cut out different animals shapes out of the play dough and found farm related items in the raffia “hay”.





Lots of fun themes to start the year. See you next month 🙂

Johnny Appleseed book

Johnny Appleseed book

We are ALL about apples this week because we are celebrating Johnny Appleseed Day which is on September 26.  Our book has some different facts about who Johnny Appleseed was and what he did.  We even have a couple of our students on the front and the back of the book looking like they are enjoying some time in an apple orchard.

Check it out to find out about Johnny Appleseed!



Here is a link to the book: Lets Celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day!

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed Day is September 26 so we decided to learn a little more about him this week! Our sensory groups explored boxes that were all about apples. The fine motor groups made apple themed art projects and the language group made a yummy apple snack.








We turned one of our umbrellas into an apple tree this week and it was a total hit with the students! There were 3 different apples to find and a voice output with the song “Don’t sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me”—–an oldie but a goodie!

The math access point associate quantities with number names can be addressed here.





As we said, this umbrella tree really captured the students’ attention.

So we couldn’t resist adding a few more super cute photos 🙂







A is for APPLE——the students searched  for letter A’s in green rice with black bean “apple seeds”. There was also a map of his home state to find at the bottom of the box.

Identify objects by observable properties, such as shape, is a science access point.






Apples come in lots of different colors but mostly RED, YELLOW, or GREEN. In this box the students sorted colorful “apple” pompoms into matching plates.

The science access point identify objects by one observable property, such as color, and the math access point recognize objects with three-dimensional objects, such as balls (spheres) can be addressed here.






The students used apple shaped cookie cutters to make BIG and LITTLE apples in red moon sand. We didn’t actually have apple cookie cutters so we used the pumpkin cutters we had on hand since they are a pretty similar shape—–sometimes you just have to make do with what you have 🙂


Recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects is a math access point.






Apple seeds are kind of black and brown so we thought these small beans would work as a nice stand in for them. There was a little dish to fill and a measuring spoon for fun scooping practice.



The math access point recognize when an object or person is added to or is taken away from a situation, can be addressed here.






We added some green food coloring to shaving cream this week. We encouraged the students to draw apple shaped circles or straight line stems.

Recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes is a math access point.






Hands were rinsed in apple scented water with a floating plastic apple, watering can, scoop, and an apple shaped sponge. Lots of different things to interact with here and the students had a blast.

The math access point recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids, can be addressed here.





The watering can was especially fun and

the students were fascinated by the streaming water!






Our apple scent this week was country apple from Bath and BodyWorks.

It was a pretty yummy scent that left our students smelling like delicious little apples 🙂

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.










On ‘Tuesday we made apples using this template: apple

We started by identifying the color of our paper shred.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.







Next the students painted glue (watered down a little bit to make it easier to spread) with a sponge brush.

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.







Then came the fun part—–dropping handfuls of paper shred onto their apples! They really liked this part.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






A little green leaf was added and ………..Ta DA!

                                                                   Just delicious!






On Wednesday the students made apple trees. We used green plates from the Dollar Tree (a whole stack for $1, how can you beat that!) and leftover corrugated cardboard for the tree trunks. This was a really cheap craft—–and we like that 🙂

First the students identified the shape of the plates and the color of our “apple” pompoms

Recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape such as a circle, is a math access point.


The science access point identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is addressed here.





Then they practiced eye hand coordination skills by dipping red pompoms into glue and then gluing them onto their “trees”. Of course, we counted the number of apples on each tree!


The math access points recognize when an object is added to a situation and associate quantities with number names, can be addressed here.






Ta Da!





                                                        Look at our apple orchard!






This week we made our own applesauce!  We also learned a lot about patience since the food processor was acting up a bit during group.  Here is a link to the recipe we used: Let_s Make Cinnamon Applesauce

We started out by peeling the apples.  We got to use an apple peeler which was pretty cool to our students.  They helped us turn the handle to make the peeler work.




We found that the peeler also cored AND cut the apple so we got to skip that step 🙂

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.





We checked out the string of apple peel!

Some of the students thought it was pretty fascinating but others weren’t quite so sure about it.





Next, we had to add some lemon juice.  Each of our students got to try a little taste of the lemon juice.  We talked about how it tasted SOUR.



Then we added some lemon juice to the food processor.







Our students helped turn the food processor on.  We found that we had to add a little bit of water to help get the mixture going.

Recognize a way to stop an object from moving is a science access point that can be addressed here.






We poured the mixture into a bowl.  Next, we added some sugar and cinnamon.  Our students smelled the cinnamon and we talked about how it smelled sweet.

We stirred everything up and voila!  No-cook applesauce!


The math access point solve problems involving quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more, can be addressed here.





Yummy deliciousness

this was a hit 🙂




Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about Johnny Appleseed.

Join us again next time for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

On Old McDonald’s Farm book

On Old McDonald’s Farm book

This week we’re celebrating Farm Animal Awareness Week (Sept. 16-23).  Our book covers lots of different farm animals like pigs, horses, sheep, and cows.  We have several students who dressed up as the farm animals and also have some students dressed as a farmer and a scarecrow.  Take a look and see some different types of farm animals!







Here is a link to the book:  On Old McDonald’s Farm

On Old MacDonald’s Farm

On Old MacDonald’s Farm

September 16-23 is Farm Animal Awareness Week and we thought what a perfect time to do a unit on Old MacDonald! The sensory groups explored boxes with a variety of farm related tactile experiences. The fine motor groups used paint to create their art projects and the language group made yummy edible mud pies!






In a base of raffia “hay” we put a variety of farm related items including play animals, fruit, vegetables, and a toy tractor. We also included a colorful red bandana and a dog puppet that sang when its muzzle was pressed—–too cute!

Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






This box of corn contained the letters F, A, R, M for the students to find. Of course, they also had fun pushing their fingers and hands through the kernels. Visual and tactile discrimination skills can be addressed with this activity.

The science access point match objects by an observable property, such as shape, can be addressed here.





It was all contrast and compare with our fur and feather box! There were a variety of fake fur swatches along with some feather boas. A great opportunity to talk about which farm animals had fur and which had feathers. They made some great fashion statements also lol.

Sort objects by an observable property, such as texture, is a science access point.






We put some play food for the students to plant and harvest in our coffee grounds “dirt”. There were also pictures of fruit to find at the bottom of the box.

The science access points match plants that are the same and recognize that plants grow, can be addressed here.






Wheat flour was used  to make our play dough and this gave it a slightly grittier, more crumbly texture. Another interesting tactile experience!

We put in some farm animal cookie cutters (turkey, sheep, and duck) to add to the fun.

Recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.






This week we put cocoa powder in the oobleck to make MUD. The students had fun helping our little foam piggy get a mud bath. It really smelled much better than the real thing too 🙂

Track objects in motion is a science access point.





Our duck pond contained 2 rubber ducks—–1 big and 1 small. There was also a measuring cup for scooping fun!

Recognize differences in size of common objects is a math access point.






A fruity scent seemed the perfect choice for a farm unit so we used Bath and BodyWorks pearberry scent this week.

Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.







On Tuesday the students made “hay” using a rolling pin wrapped with some rubber bands.

We started by discussing the color of our paint and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.






The students needed to hold the rolling pin with both hands in order to make it roll properly—–great bilateral coordination practice!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move, is a science access point.






To finish, they got to choose some farm animals (cut from the Ellison machine) to put on their pictures. Of course we  counted how many each student added!

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.







Ta Da!

                                                                   E  I  E  I  O






On Wednesday the students used a craft foam tractor stamp. We hot glued a plastic thread spool to make it easier for them to hold.

First the students drew ACROSS lines on their paper using a pencil. These lines were the “furrows” in the field. They really did a great job with this!

Recognize the change in appearance of an object, is a science access point.






Then we discussed the color of our paint and asked the students to identify it using communication symbols.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.







Next the students stamped UP and DOWN to put 1 tractor on their fields.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship is a math access point.






TA Da!

                                                         Look at our cute little farmers!







We made a very tasty dessert this week!  We made Animal Cracker Caramel Mud Pies.  Here is the recipe that we used: Let_s Make Animal Cracker Caramel Mud Pie

During the recipe, we focused on the following words that were located on each of our student’s cooking communication boards: make, put, turn, more, all done, like/don’t like.  Each week, these are the most frequently used words.  Other words located on the boards are fringe vocabulary words such as the different ingredients used as well as the utensils and appliances used.

We started by making our chocolate pudding.  Our students helped put the pudding mix and 2 cups of milk into a bowl.  Then they took turns pressing the wireless switch used to turn the mixer on.  Our students helped to indicate if we needed to mix MORE or if we’re ALL DONE.

Solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more, is a math access point.





Next, we melted the butter talked about how it changed from a solid to a liquid. We put our -already-crushed-up animal crackers in the butter and added some sugar.  Then we stirred it up and put it in the pan

Distinguish between water as a solid or liquid is a science access point.





Then we put cream cheese and powdered sugar into a bowl and mixed it up with the mixer, giving each student a turn.  We were SUPPOSED to add caramel to this part, but I missed that page so we added it at the end 🙂  You can do it any way you’d like!  We added some whipped cream and mixed it up again.

Solve simple problems involving putting together and taking apart small quantities of objects is a math access point.






We put that mixture on top of the animal cracker mix in the pan and added the chocolate pudding to the top.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.





A little caramel sauce and we were ALL DONE!

We counted out how many bowls we needed and then ALL enjoyed eating these yummy mud pies 🙂





Thanks so much for joining us on Old MacDonald’s farm! Join us again next week for more fun and learning——Group by Group!

California book

California book

We’re learning all about California this week.  One of our elementary teachers, Mrs. Jen, was nice to let us use some of her pictures from her trip to California this summer!

The book has some facts about California like the state gemstone, some famous Californians, and some neat places you can visit.  It even features one of our students “visiting” California on the “The End” page!





Here is a link to the book: Let_s Learn About California!



We are California dreaming this week! Ms. Jen’s vacation to California inspired us to learn more about the Golden State. The sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about California. The fine motor groups made art projects related to state symbols and the language group dressed up like movie stars!







This box was of blue and gold paper shred—-California state colors had lots to discover. Many foods are grown there so we put in a variety of plastic fruit and vegetables. We included state symbols such as the grizzly bear, the dog faced butterfly, a discovery bottle with “benitoite”, the state gemstone, and a picture of President Nixon who was born there! We even included some movie star sunglasses 🙂

The science access point recognize a model of a real object can be addressed here.





Death Valley is the driest place in North America! We used play sand for this box and added a funnel and small scoop. There was also a map of California to find at the bottom of the box. They had really had fun with this box!

Track objects in motion is a science access point.






The oldest operating McDonalds is in California! The students used a letter M cookie cutter to make some “golden arches” in yellow moon sand. There were also a couple of different sized scoops added to the fun.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






The California gold rush started in 1848 and California is known as the Golden State! This box was filled with a variety of gold items included beads, fabric, and holiday garland. Lots of different textures to touch and explore!

Use senses to recognize objects is a science access point.






Sally Ride, the first American women in space, was born in California. For her box, we put a little astronaut and 2 big stars to discover in a box of “outer space” black beans.

Recognize objects as the same is a science access point.






We sprinkled blue and yellow glitter into “Pacific Ocean foam” shaving cream this week. As usual, our students had a blast with messy play 🙂

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






California borders the Pacific Ocean so for our water play we put in some dolphins and sharks—- animals that might be seen swimming along the coast. There were also 2 different sized scoops for added fun!

The science access point recognize a model of a real object and the math access point recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids, can both be addressed with this activity.





Bath and BodyWorks ocean scent was perfect for our water play and lotion. The scent was a hit with pretty much every student!

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point that can be addressed here.







On Tuesday we made some giant redwood trees—-redwoods are the California state tree!

We started by identifying the color green and the number 3.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.

Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.






Next we used paper cutters or switch operated scissors to cut out BIG green triangles counting each side as it as cut.

Recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






The triangles were glued to paper towel tubes and——–TaDA!

                                                                          It’s a giant redwood tree!







On Wednesday we made bunches of grapes—-one of California’s largest crops!

We started by identifying the color purple.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color is a science access point.










Then the students used a kitchen scrubber to make circles by stamping UP and DOWN onto a piece of paper.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down is a math access point.






To finish off, we asked the students to identify the number 2. Then they glued 2 leaves onto their bunch of grapes.

Associate quantities with number names, and recognize when an object has been added to a situation are both math access points.







                                                Some yummy looking grapes!







This week, instead of making something to eat, we dressed up Hollywood style!

Each of our students got to take a turn pressing the switch to activate an All-Turn-It spinner.  On the spinner we had different things that they can wear: hat, gloves, necklace, sunglasses, and a fur stole.





Once our students landed on a picture, they had to indicate where they would wear it.  We had a board with the symbols for “where put” and then symbols for these options: head, hand, neck, eyes.

Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.





Our students needed some help with indicating the appropriate body part to answer “where”.  They sure knew where to put them when they wore them though!

We had some pretty classy ladies and gents today 🙂







Hope you learned a lot about California this week, we sure did!

Join us again next time for more fun and learning———Group by Group!

Making Our Year Magical book

Making Our Year Magical book

The theme of our school year is “Disney” this year, so we decided to have our theme be about what we can do to make our year magical.  The book is so cute and features some of our students dressed up as characters from different Disney movies.  Each page has a different character with a different way that we can make our year great.  Some of the characters featured are Hercules, Aladdin and Jasmine, and Tinkerbell, just to name a few.  You’ll have to check out the book to see who else makes an appearance!






Here is a link to the book: We Can Make Our Year Magical