Category Archives: Speech Therapy

Thanksgiving book

Thanksgiving book

Since there are only 2 days of school next week, we decided to have Thanksgiving as our topic this week.  For the book, the students are asking a question as the repetitive line.  The question is, “where is the turkey?”.  The book follows the turkey who is hiding in different places.  Prepositions are used for the different locations.  While reading the book, we had a stuffed turkey which we would hide around the room based on the prepositions being targeted on each page (i.e., put the turkey behind you, put the turkey under the table, etc.).  You’ll have to read the book to find out where the turkey was found.  Enjoy, and have a very happy Thanksgiving!

IMG_7828Here is a link to the book: Where is the Turkey?

Rainbow book

Rainbow book

The theme for this week follows the Unique Curriculum, Earth Space Science.  The book goes over red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.  On each page there are 3 different objects that are the color being targeted for that page.  The students were asked to tell something about a rainbow.  The repetitive line read, “a rainbow has different colors”.  Some of our verbal students were able to name the different objects on the pages as well as the different colors. We looked around the room while reading the book to see if anyone was wearing each specific color.   After reading the book, we had a color chart made using Boardmaker and we asked our students what their favorite color was.

IMG_7605Here is a link to the book: A Rainbow Has Different Colors

Things That Go Bump in the Night book

Things That Go Bump in the Night book

It’s a spooooky week this week at school.  The book takes a look at some different things that go bump in the night.  While reading the book, we asked the students, “what are these things?” which the repetitive line replied, “things that go bump in the night”.  For the powerpoint, we added some sounds found in the powerpoint clipart files on to some of the pages.  Unfortunately, the sound does not work if you’re using the book with Slideshark.  If you look at it straight from powerpoint, though, the sound is there.  It’s a fun addition!

IMG_6478Here is a link to the book: Things That Go Bump in the Night

Seasons book

Seasons book

We decided to make the theme “Seasons” since that is the upper elementary Unique theme for this month.  The book had changed back to the students answering a question after a line is read.  We would ask them, “how many seasons are there?”  The preprogrammed voice output device had “there are four seasons” programmed for the children to answer with.  The pictures in the book were all found on google images and are nature scenes.  The students seemed really captivated by them and it was easy to see the change between seasons.  The second to the last page is a little different than the other books we’ve read.  We asked our students what their favorite season was and they were able to point to the picture or vocalize their answer.

IMG_6136Here is a link to the book: There Are Four Seasons

Alice in Wonderland book

Alice in Wonderland book

We are SO excited about the book this week because the models in the book are some of our very own students—and a guest appearance by Ms. Kim’s daughter!  We decided to have Alice in Wonderland as a theme this week because Mad Hatter Day occurs in October.  This week, the students get to ask a question, “who did Alice see?” Each page asks and answers the question, going through 8 different characters in Alice in Wonderland.  Since the pictures in the book were people familiar to the students, they were really attentive and enjoyed looking at all of the pictures of their friends.  Joy did SUCH a great job posing the students and taking their picture.  You definitely can’t miss this one!  Enjoy!

IMG_5012Here is a link to the book: Who Did Alice See?

Look Up in the Sky book

Look Up in the Sky book

IMG_4908This week, our theme coordinates with the Unique curriculum.  The book changes things up a little this week because the repetitive line is the first thing said on each page.  We’ve done this before and it takes the students a little bit of time at first to get adjusted to them using the voice output before something is read.  They seem to adjust pretty quickly though 🙂  The repetitive line is the start of a sentence, “when I look up in the sky…” and the following line talks about something that is seen when looking up, such as birds, clouds, and a moon.  We also practiced looking UP.






IMG_4649Here is a link to the book: When I Look Up in the Sky

3 Little Pigs book

3 Little Pigs book

We wanted to incorporate more children’s stories and books into our groups this year, so we started it off with the story of the 3 Little Pigs.  This story rhymes and the repetitive line is what the 3 pigs’ mother had told them before they went off to live on their own: Beware of the wolf!  We asked the students what the pigs’ mama had told them and they would activate the voice output device to answer with the repetitive line.  Although in the real version of this story the pigs get eaten and the wolf gets cooked, in this story the pigs get to live and the wolf leaves them alone.  Some of our students seemed to recognize this story and they all enjoyed the pictures of the pigs and wolf.  We hope you enjoy them too!

IMG_4184Here is a link to the book:  Beware of the Wolf!

Mount Everest book

Mount Everest book

This may seem like a random topic, but we found out that the first American woman to summit Mt. Everest was in September of 1988.  The book has some really great pictures of this amazing mountain, emphasizing that it is the tallest mountain in the world.  While passing the voice output device around, we had our students “tell us something about Mt. Everest”.  Putting the pictures against a blue background really helped them to stand out.  Put on your heavy jackets and enjoy being taken to Mt. Everest!

IMG_3649Here is a link to the book: Mt. Everest is the Tallest Mountain

Pirate Day book

Pirate Day book

Arg, mateys!  It be pirate week at me school.  Th’ book goes over th’ different thin’s seen wit’ a band ‘o pirates, like a trusty parrot, an eye patch, ‘n a ship.  Each ‘o th’ students got to speak like a scurvy pirate ‘n shout “ARG!”  They even got to wear some thin’s band ‘o pirates wear like a pirate hat, a scurvy pirate vest, ‘n a hook.  It was a ruckas in th’ seven seas fer our wee band ‘o pirates.  Heartly enjoy th’ book ‘n remember to speak like a pirate! ARG!

Here be a link to th’ book: I Can Talk Like a Pirate

(Help with translation from English to Pirate Talk was found at

Friends in Different Places book

Friends in Different Places book

Our group topic this week was the Unique theme for the month, Friends in Different Places.  We didn’t go over each of the places that Unique went over.  Instead, we used each of the 7 continents of the world.  The pictures used in the book were found on google images and were of children located in each continent, with the exception of Antarctica.  You’ll have to read the book to see who our friends are in Antarctica 🙂

While reading the book, we asked our students, “where do our friends live?” in order for them to answer with the repetitive line, “friends live in different places”.  It is so neat to see how people can look a little bit different depending on where they live.  Enjoy!

IMG_3225Here is a link to the book: Friends Live in Different Places