Category Archives: Speech Therapy

The Oscars book

The Oscars book

IMG_4244Oh my goodness!  We have had SO much fun creating this book.  It really is a must-see.  We haven’t done an Oscars theme before and thought that it would be fun to talk about movies and awards.  But the BEST part was dressing our students up to act the parts of some of the movies that have won Oscars in the past.  And boy did our students love it!  Some of the movies featured in our book are Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Shrek, The Music Man, and Aladdin, to name a few.  Joy was definitely the creative mind for the book this week.  The repetitive line was “an Oscar winner” and was heard after the first line on the page named a movie that had won.  Not only did the students get a kick out of seeing their friends in a book, but the adults were crazy about the pictures too!  You have GOT to check it out!

IMG_4062Here is a link to the book: An Oscar Winner

The Colors of my Country Book

The Colors of my Country Book

In lieu of President’s day, we wanted to focus on something patriotic, so we chose to talk about the colors of our country.  Each object we talk about has the colors red, white, and blue on it and has something to do with our country.  After reading the line on the page, we asked our students, “what are those colors?” and the repetitive line would answer, “colors of my country.”  Some of our students labeled the colors they saw on their own.  Take a look at the colors of our country, and happy  belated President’s day!

IMG_3001Here is a link to the book: Colors of my Country

Famous African Americans at My School Book

Famous African Americans at My School Book

To celebrate Black History Month, we wanted to showcase a few of the famous African Americans we have working at our school.  We had done this last year as well with different people, so this is the second edition.  We asked some of our coworkers about things that they liked, and from that we wrote the book and formed the sensory, fine motor, and language groups.  After reading the first line on each page, we would ask our students, “who is this?”.  The voice output would respond “this is a famous African American at my school,” the repetitive line.  Again, our students labeled the people they knew and would point them out if it was someone from their own room.  Such fun!

IMG_1578Here is a link to the book: Famous African Americans at my School (2)

Valentine’s Day book

Valentine’s Day book

Love is in the air!  We are celebrating Valentine’s day this week.  We have brought back a Valentine’s day book that was written for a group in previous years but continues to be applicable today.  We always like to be able to re-introduce a familiar book to our students.  The book covers some of the things that you might see or hear on Valentine’s day.  After the first line is read aloud, we asked our students, “when do we do/see/hear this?” to which the repetitive line answers, “on Valentine’s day.”  When reading about how people say “I love you,” some of our students were able to imitate the sign for “I love you.”  We hope you have a lovely Valentine’s day!

IMG_2355Here is a link to the book: On Valentine’s Day

Winter Olympics book

Winter Olympics book

We brought the Sochi 2014  Winter Olympics to our school this week!  Our book, I Can Be in the Winter Olympics showcases some of our students participating in some of the events.  Joy’s intern, Jimmy, helped photoshop the kids into some pretty wonderful pictures.  You just have to see them!  Enjoy this wonderful book and happy Winter Olympics!

IMG_2106Here is a link to the book: I Can Be in the Winter Olympics

Winter book

Winter book

IMG_0949Brrrrr!  It’s cold out there!  It’s actually feeling like winter in Florida this week so the topic feels appropriate to talk about.  Our book talks about some things that are associated with winter, such as cold weather, snowy days, and warm clothing.  For this book, the line read aloud by Cara was the beginning of a sentence that was completed by the students using the voice output device.  The repetitive line could also answer a “why” question.  During the book, we brought around our snowflake umbrella so that our students could experience the closest thing they could get to a snowy day in Florida 🙂  Stay warm and enjoy the book!



IMG_0656Here is a link to the book: Winter is Here

The Places I Go Around School book

The Places I Go Around School book

It’s literacy week here and the featured book is, Oh, The Places You’ll Go.  We wanted to gear our groups around this theme and what better way to talk about places you can go then to talk about places you can go around school!  We used our wonderful students as our models to show some of the places they go, like the art room, cafeteria, and the sensory room.  A lot of our students were very captivated by the pictures in the book because of the familiar places and people.  We hope you enjoy a little sneak peek at our school and some of the places our students go in it.

IMG_0392Here is a link to the book: The Places I Go Around School

New Years Around the World Book

New Years Around the World Book

We’re back to school after the break and it’s a new year!  There are so many different traditions that people have for New Years, so we wrote about a few of them in the book for this week.  Boy, are some of them interesting!  After reading about each tradition, we asked the students, “why do they do this?”  The voice output device was programmed with the repetitive line, “it’s new years around the world.”  It is so interesting to read about all the different things that people do for New Year’s Eve.  We hope you enjoy the book for this week, and Happy New Year!

IMG_9992Here is a link to the book: It’s New Year’s Around the World

Christmas Traditions book

Christmas Traditions book

The holidays are in full swing now, and continuing to follow the Unique curriculum for this month, we are talking about Christmas traditions.  The pictures in the book this week were given to us some of our co-workers as well as some by Joy and Cara.  There are so many different things that people do as their Christmas traditions, but we only touched on a few of them.  After reading what the tradition was on each page, we asked our students, “what is this?” to which they replied using a voice output device, “this is a Christmas tradition.”  We have to say that the last tradition is probably our favorite—- you’ll have to read the book to see what it is 🙂

Have a wonderful holiday season!

IMG_9128Here is a link to the book: Christmas Traditions

Hanukkah book

Hanukkah book

We got to celebrate Hanukkah with our students this week.  The book looks at the different things that are done during Hanukkah, like lighting the Menorah, playing dreidel, and eating latkes.  The repetitive phrase “during the 8 days of Hanukkah” answers the question “when do we do this?”.  The pictures in the book, all from google images, really stood out against the blue background.  More and more of our students really attend to the books, which is such a great thing to see.  We hope you enjoy!

IMG_8566Here is a link to the book: During the 8 Days of Hanukkah