Category Archives: Speech Therapy

Past and Present book

Past and Present book

img_5617img_5650In keeping with the Unique theme for this month, we are talking about things from the past and things from the present.  Our book features several of our students and staff showing how things have changed from the past to the present.

It was really neat to compare the older pictures with the recent ones.  Check it out to see how much things have changed!





img_5824Here is a link to the book: from-past-to-present

Past and Present

Past and Present

img_5182img_4977We are complimenting our student’s Unique Curriculum theme this week by looking at how activities familiar to our students were done differently in the past. The sensory groups explored boxes related to different activities. The fine motor groups made some fun art projects and the language group learned made a yummy snack from long ago.






img_5621img_5839How we get to places has REALLY changed over the years! From horses to spaceships, we put a variety of transportation vehicles for the students to find in this box. The spaceship was especially popular because of its spinning light.

img_5073Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.






img_5881img_5677Fashion is another thing that has changed over the years! We put lots of fabulous fashion accessories for our students to try on in this box. We had fun seeing what piece each student was attracted to. They had a blast—-total fashionistas 🙂

img_4879The science access point recognize one or more external body parts can be addressed here.




img_5810img_5097Our students totally know how to rock a hat.

img_5726                                                     Just too cute—–and such style:)







img_5868img_5633While we prepare food differently now, we still GROW it in the ground. There were some vegetable play foods growing in our little plot of coffee grounds dirt. We included some bean seeds for the students to plant and there was also a picture of a fruit bowl to be found at the bottom of the box.

img_5125The math access point recognize two objects that are identical to each other can be addressed with this activity.






img_5190img_5649Back in the day, the abacus was the height of technology for doing math problems—-thank goodness for calculators 🙂 The students counted and sorted  “bead shaped” pompoms. The soft texture of the pompoms made them especially inviting to touch for our students.

img_5911In addition to being counted, this activity can address the science access point identify objects by one observable property, such as color.





img_5656img_5176Today kids often play games on electric devices rather than board games. We filled this box with a variety of game pieces such as cards, checkers, and board game pieces. Smaller game pieces such as dice and jacks were sealed in a plastic jar—–such fun to shake!

img_4982Recognize objects that are identical to each other is a science access point.






img_5067img_5647Like people of long ago, the students used a plastic feather to write with this week.

Of course, people of long ago didn’t write in shaving cream but that made it much more fun 🙂




img_5127Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





img_5646img_5830We put an old fashioned water wheel in our water play this week. Lots of scooping and pouring fun for sure!

img_5886Track objects in motion is a science access point.






img_5930img_5203It was a little tricky picking a scent for this week but we decided on Bath and Body Works cotton scent because both in the PAST and in the PRESENT we use cotton. It was a light scent that the students really liked.

img_5762Recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli is a science access point.







On Tuesday we talked about how people used to cook all their food over an open fire and then made a picture of one!

img_5210img_5228We counted the logs on our sample and used communication symbols to identify the number 2.

img_5220Associate quantities with number names is a math access point.





img_5318img_5262The students used a paper cutter or switch operated scissors to cut 2 logs out of brown paper. They all did a great job!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.








img_5278img_5243Then they added glue with a glue stick and put their logs onto a piece of paper.

Recognize that pushing or pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.







img_5286img_5250Next they crumpled up pieces of yellow and red tissue paper to make some flames.

img_5337Recognize when an object has been added to a situation is a math access point.







img_5343img_5260Ta Da—–let’s get cooking 🙂










On Wednesday our students made hourglass pictures using this hourglass-template.

img_5765First we discussed the color of the sand we were going to use and used communication symbols to identify the color PINK.

Identify objects by one observable property such as color is a science access point.









img_5777img_5789Then they painted some glue onto their hourglass. We added a little pink paint to the glue so the mixture would show up better against the white paper.

Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.








img_5782img_5802Pink sand was then added—–an old spice jar made a perfect shaker! The students really liked this part 🙂

We glued it down onto a nice bright green piece of paper.

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.






img_5775img_5797Ta DA—–lets tell some time!













Today, since we LOVE to cook, we made a recipe that is from the 18th century!  We made Whipped Syllabub.  Here is a link to the recipe: lets-make-an-18th-century-whipped-syllabub

img_5940img_5938We started out by pouring some heavy whipping cream into a bowl.  Our students helped POUR the cream in.  We talked about how we needed MORE after putting 1 cup in since it called for 2 cups.

Solve problems involving small quantities of objects using language such as enough, too much, or more is a math access point.





img_5947img_5960Next, our students got to use a switch to activate the mixer.  Each of our students had a chance to turn ON the mixer.  It took a while, but we saw the cream change from a LIQUID to a SOLID.  Very neat!

Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.







img_5994img_6003Then, each of our students got to use a lemon squeezer to SQUEEZE out some lemon juice into a DIFFERENT bowl.  We squeezed out juice from one lemon and one orange.  It smelled so good!

The math access point solve problems involving small quantities of actions using language, such as enough, too much, or more can be addressed here.






img_6007img_6010Then, our students got to POUR some sugar and sparkling grape juice into the lemon/orange juice mixture.  After that was stirred together we added it to the whipped cream and stirred it all together.

The math access point recognize when an object is added to a situation is addressed here.






img_6032We counted out how many cups we needed and voila!  We got to enjoy our 18th century syllabub.










img_5604img_5613Thanks for joining us this week. See you next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

New Years Around the World book

New Years Around the World book

img_4340img_3753We had to have a theme about New Years to celebrate the beginning of 2017!  We have LOTS of our students featured in our book who are celebrating New Years all around the world, from Australia to Hawaii.  The different places go in chronological order on who celebrates first and who is last.  Our students look like they have a great time wherever they were!  Happy New Year and enjoy the book!






img_4354Here is a link to the book: its-new-years-around-the-world

Jobs at School book

Jobs at School book

img_8078img_7583This week, we’re talking about some of the different jobs around our school.  The book touches on some jobs such as principal, assistant principal, secretary, and registrar, to name a few.  We even got to feature the people who are filling those positions right now!  We tried to keep the job descriptions simple so that our students could better understand what these jobs entail.




img_8025Here is a link to the book: there-are-many-jobs-in-a-school

They Traveled to Space book

They Traveled to Space book

img_6820img_5777This week, we are finding out about some of the people (and animals!) who traveled to space.  Our theme ties into the Unique theme for this month.  The book talks about the first monkey and dog who traveled into space as well as the first person.  The book is in chronological order so you are able to see the progression of the “firsts” in space!  The front cover features one of our highschoolers as an astronaut while the back features one of our post secondary students star gazing.  Very neat!





img_6817Here is a link to the book: they-traveled-to-space

The Brothers Grimm book

The Brothers Grimm book

img_5315We are so in love with our book for this week!  It’s all about stories that the Grimm brothers compiled in the 1800s.  The front cover features 2 of our students as the Grimm brothers themselves.  We have students dressed up as different characters from several stories such as Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Cinderella.  The background for this book was made by our art teacher, Judy, and some of her students.  SO CUTE!




img_5120Here is a link to the book:  grimm-brothers-fairy-tales

Talk Show Host book

Talk Show Host book

img_4243This isn’t just a random theme this week!  We are celebrating TV Talk Show Host Day which is October 23.  Our book takes a look at some different talk show hosts and gives a couple of facts about them.  We now know some neat little things about Conan O’Brien, Ellen, and Oprah, along with several other TV talk show hosts.  The cover of the book features a student of ours on the Tonight Show and also features another student helping out behind the scenes.






img_3600Here is a link to the book:   fun-facts-about-talk-show-hosts

Fall Fun book

Fall Fun book

img_2962img_3063-1The weather is getting cooler and the leaves are changing colors…this can only mean that fall is finally here!  For us here in Florida, it is a wonderful shift in seasons.  The unbearable heat is finally tapering off!  There are lots of different things that go on during the gall.  Our school has our annual Owl Run and Camp Read A Lot, there’s a ton of football to be watched, and people start decorating for fall holidays.  Our book features one of our students wearing a super cute turkey hat on the front and another student dressed up in a costume on the back.



img_3179Here is a link to the book: fall-is-finally-here

Scientist book

Scientist book

img_2656img_2471Our theme for this week is scientists, which goes along with the theme of Unique for the month.  Our book features lots of different scientists such as Mary Anning, Neil Degrasse, and Charles Darwin, to name a few.  Each of these scientists have contributed greatly to our society!  We have a scientist of our own featured on the front cover and our version of Jane Goodall featured on the back.  Check it out!





img_2389Here is a link to the book: scientists-are-amazing

Opposites book

Opposites book

img_0956We talked all about opposites this week during our groups.  We found that there are opposites EVERYWHERE!  The book goes over just a few of these such as wet/dry, up/down, and dark/light.  Our wonderful students are featured in the book demonstrating opposites.  When reading the book, we had our verbal children fill in the opposite.  For instance, “Some toys are BIG and some toys are ….” and the students would say “LITTLE”.

Check out the book to see all of the different opposites we talked about!





img_1705Here is a link to the book: opposites-are-everywhere