Author Archives: jd785



This is a bittersweet time of year for us—-the time we say goodbye to our graduating seniors. For our unit, we are focusing on all the fun aspects of graduation. The sensory groups explored boxes with lots of different textures and colors. The fine motor group art projects were all about shapes and the language group made a unique dessert!







We put a lot of fun items in this box, including an actual graduation cap! Also included were mylar balloons, play money, toy camera, phone, sunglasses, etc.

Always fun to see what intrigues each student.




Pomp and Circumstance was recorded on a voice output device.

Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.












The numbers 2 0 1 9 were found in colorful confetti rice.






At the bottom of the box was a picture of a cute owl in a cap and gown.

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.












This box was dedicated to our school mascot—–an owl!






There were 2 plush owls and a fluffy feather boa that reminded us of owl feathers.

Math access point: recognize similarities and differences in size of objects.











Some graduates go on to college programs, so we represented that choice with a box of colorful cheerleader pompoms in the colors of nearby Universities.





So much fun to shake—-go team!

Science access point: recognize the change in the motion of an object.













Parties are a part of graduation events and when you have a party there is usually CAKE! Our cloud dough was made using strawberry cake mix and it smelled SO good!




We put a small spoon and a larger measuring cup as well as toy whisk.


Math access point: recognize similarities and differences in size of objects.












Keeping in the celebratory mood we added some colorful Mr. Bubble bath crackles into our oobleck.





The snap, crackle, and pop sounds were really fun!

Science access point: track objects in motion.












Some lucky graduates might get to go on a cruise! We put in a couple of little boats to float around a mini ocean. There were also some fun fishy bath toys and pool noodle pieces.




Coconut scented bath gel made for some aromatic bubbles!

Science access point: match objects by an observable property, such as size, shape, and color.












Our scent this week is a follow up on the cruise experience and so we used a True Blue lotion called Tahiti Sweetie. We thought it would smell like coconut, but it turned out that it smelled like mango!






Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.







On Tuesday, the students made decorative banners.

First, they identified a triangle using communication symbols.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.










Then, they used paper cutters, switch operated scissors, and regular scissors to cut out triangles.

Science access point: recognize a change in an object.










They used star stampers and glitter to decorate their triangles.







A little curling ribbon finished it off!

Math access point: recognize when an object or person is added to a situation.







TA DA!!!







We celebrate our graduates!!!!!!






On Thursday, the students made graduation caps using paper bowls.

First, they identified the shape of their paper using communication symbols.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.









Then, they used markers to decorate their squares. We had previously cut the 8 inch squares out of poster board.

They could draw any design they wanted, but we did encourage them to use different colors.



Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






Time to add a little glitter! Of course, we rocked out to our glitter song—-“shake, shake, shake, your glitter”! It is sung to tune of that old KC and the Sunshine Band song.





Math access point: recognize when an object or person is added to a situation.






The square was glued to a paper bowl and the adults helped attach a tassel (pre-made using scrap yarn) and……..





…………TA DA!!!

It’s graduation time!!!!!













This week, we made some cute little edible diplomas!  Here is the recipe that we used: Let’s Make Diploma S’mores

We started by counting out how many plates we needed.  This recipe is a little different in that each student got to participate in each step of the recipe.

Each student had to request a small tortilla.  They PUT that on their plate.








Next, they had to request some marshmallow fluff.  Once they said they WANTED some, they had to SPREAD it around with a spoon.  There were lots of comments about how sticky it was 🙂





Then, each student had to request some Nutella and they SPREAD that on top of the fluff.






We then had to ROLL up the tortilla to look like a rolled up diploma.

To finish it off, we used a strip of Twizzlers pull’n’peel and they had to TIE it around the tortilla.  This was a little bit difficult for our students, so they had to make sure and ask for HELP if they needed it.















A yummy (yet slightly messy) graduation treat 🙂





We still have an After Party post coming, but this is our last regular post of the school year. Hope you will be back in August to join us—–Group by Group!

Don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for a confirmation email if you want to follow us.

Where We Go On CBI book

Where We Go On CBI book

Classes here at school get to go on Community Based Instruction, or CBI, each week.  There are different places that they go.  Sometimes it’s a store, sometimes it’s the park.  The book shares some pictures of our students at some of the different places they visit.  Check it out!




Here is a link to the bookLet’s Go On CBI.

Where We Go On CBI

Where We Go On CBI

Our older students have the opportunity to go out into the community on a regular basis to practice independent functioning, communication, social, and academic skills. We call this Community Based Instruction. Our sensory groups explored boxes related to the different community locations. The fine motor groups made some fun art projects and the language group made frozen treats you might buy while out and about!






Students used cookie cutters to stamp B U S into school bus yellow moon sand.





School buses are used to transport the students to their various CBI destinations.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.












Blue and white rice represented one of the most popular CBI locations—— Walmart! There was a picture of a bus and another of a Walmart store to find at the bottom of the box.




There were also two different sized spoons to use for scooping fun!

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.












Another popular location is the Publix grocery store. Here the students purchase food/snacks for themselves or classroom activities.





We put a variety of fun food items—–some of which made noise when squeezed!

Science access point: recognize and respond to different types of sensory stimuli.











When going shopping, the one thing you need is MONEY!






There were different play money coins to find buried in this box of multicolored beans.

Science access point: recognize coins as money.











Sometimes our students get to participate in sporting events—-such as bowling or basketball.





 We thought that making balls out of bright yellow Floam would be a great representation of those activities.

Math access point: recognize a common three-dimensional object.












Messy play represented the Community Arts program. We put some drops of food coloring in the shaving foam and let our artistic students mix it together.




This was a lot of fun but made for some multi-coloring fingers when done 🙂

Science access point: recognize a change in an object.












Many of our parks have a lake or water feature. Our water feature contained the letters C B I to scoop up. We also included some fun scoops.





Messy hands sometimes made some very colorful rinsing water!

Math access point: recognize differences in sizes of containers that hold liquids.












Bath and Body Works vanilla sugar scent reminded us of some yummy Publix cookies 🙂





It was definitely a hit!

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.













On Wednesday the students made a CBI map.

First, they identified the shape of their paper and the color of their marker.

Math access point: recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape.

Science access point: identify objects with one observable property, such as color.








They used the black marker to scribble roads on their maps.






Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






Next, they used a paper cutter or scissors to cut out some of the most popular CBI stops.

Science access point: recognize a change in an object.










They glued the pictures and a school bus (cut from the Ellison machine) on to their maps.






Math access point: recognize when an object has been added to a situation.







TA DA!!!








We are ready……..

……..let’s go on CBI.













On Thursday the students made chicken nuggets—-a favorite treat to pick up on CBI.

First, the students identified the number 3 and the shape of our plate.

Math access point: associate quantities of number names.




Math access point: recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape.






Next, we mixed some rice krispies into our paint to give it texture and painted our 3 nuggets.






Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






Since it is nice to have a little dipping sauce, we tinted some corn syrup and dripped a little of that on to the nuggets 🙂

The corn syrup will dry to a glassy finish.

Science access point: track objects that fall to the ground.









TA DA!!!







Chicken nuggets—-YUMMY!!!








Since shopping can tire us out, we made our own icees using this recipe: Let’s Make Strawberry Lemonade Icees

First we PUT 6 cups of ice into the blender.  We talked about the ice being COLD and why it was cold.

Each student got to HELP PUT some ice in the blender.








Next, we PUT some water into the blender.  We were going to TURN it on, but we saw that something was wrong.






Our students had to indicate that we needed the top on first.  We turned it on to crush up the ice some.








Then, we added some lemonade mix.  We observed that the color of our ice water was changing to a DIFFERENT color.












Finally, we PUT some strawberries with sugar into the blender.  Time to mix it up!

Each student got to HELP press the switch to TURN on the blender.









Once it was ALL DONE, each student had to request an icee by indicating and/or saying WANT or DRINK.  They would also have to indicate that they wanted MORE.

Students told us if they thought the drink tasted SWEET or SOUR.



These were very tasty!  A good treat for all 🙂




It was a great week! Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Don’t forget to check you SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us.

March After Party

March After Party

Welcome to the After Party! Each week after the weekly blog featuring activities in the elementary department is posted, our sensory cart is parked in the media center where it is available for check out by the rest of the school.

Here are photos from the month of March.






We started the month off with Aladdin!

There was a a fabulous umbrella with colorful lights and figures.




There was a sandy Cave of Wonder.

More play figures added to the fun.





Our black and orange rice was very eye catching.

There were 3 tigers to find in the box.




Discovery bottles filled with jewels and gold from the Cave of Wonder were a hit.




Colorful monkeys could be found in a box of blue beans.

More blue was found in our genie oobleck.




Our next unit focused on Women in Sports.






Red, white, and blue rice filled our Jackie Joyner Kersee box.




We even color coordinated our scoops!




Insta-snow filled a box dedicated to Chloe Kim.










Lisa Leslie is a famous WNBA player. The students made orange Floam basketballs in her box.





Gold beads represented all the medals won by Wilma Rudolph.

This box was a hit.










The students sorted black, white, and striped referee pompoms.








Our water play featured animals that swimmer Gertrude Ederle may have encountered swimming across the English Channel.








Next, we learned about machines!

The students used a train shaped cookie cutter

to cut trains in blue moonsand.





There were some fun fans to explore!

These were a hit!





School buses are machines the students are very familiar with!

There were 2 buses to find in a box of black beans.








A box of wood shavings contained a giant pencil—to represent another familiar machine, the pencil sharpener.

They had fun “drawing” pictures.





A toy airplane flew around shaving cream clouds.

Another successful messy play.





The students had fun with a water wheel…..

another interesting machine!








We had 2 different scents this week. First, a sweet one that smelled like something cooked in the oven.

The second scent came from scratch and sniff cards that smelled like oil/gas—-yuck!





We finished with a fun unit all about the color GREEN!





This box had a variety of green items including beads, pom poms, and plush animals.

The hat was a real hit!

Very colorful fun!










Bright green rice was very eye catching.

Scooping skills could be practiced here.





Shamrocks were cut into green Bubber.









The green light box was especially intriguing!

Hard to resist!





Our emerald green kinetic sand contained a cookie cutter letter G and..

…..a small dinosaur figure.







Green food coloring was added to oobleck.

Cool drippy fun!





Water play contained a green scoop and boat.

We scented the water with Bath and Body Works rain kissed leaves.




The matching lotion was a hit with the students.








See you next time!




Between the first day of spring and St. Patrick’s day, March is all about GREEN! Our sensory groups explored monochromatic boxes with lots of different textures. Our fine motor groups used green paint to complete their art projects and the language group made a tasty green treat!







This first box contained a variety of green objects including beads, a shaker pompom, plastic leaves, a toy lizard, shamrocks, and a cute green frog puppet.





There were lots of different things to explore!

Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.











Our green rice included some colorful contrasting beans. It was a very eye catching box with a real springtime feel! There were two different sized spoons for scooping fun.





There were also both upper and lower case letter G’s to find.

Science access point: match objects by one observable property, such as shape.












Using a cookie cutter, the students stamped letter G into bright green kinetic sand.







We also put in a fun dinosaur figure to find.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.













The students loved squeezing and crumbling this green Bubber.







We also included another cookie cutter——this time a shamrock!

Science access point: recognize a change in an object.













Our light box was very eye catching and a hit with the students.






We used a cut up green plastic file folder and hot glued it to the sides of a clear shoebox. The battery packs are attached to the lid with velcro.

Science access point: recognize sources of light.












Green oobleck was super fun to explore. The green food coloring did tint fingers a little——- but Hulk hands are pretty cool 🙂






We love messy fun!

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.












Two different sized green scoops and a toy tugboat added to the fun of our water play. We scented the water with Bath and Body Works rain kissed leaves bath gel.





The scent seemed a perfect choice for this week!

Math access point: recognize difference in sizes of containers that hold liquids.












The rain kissed leaves lotion had a light scent that the students really liked…..






…..whether rubbed on hands, arms, behind ears, or under chins!

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.














On Wednesday, the students used an adapted stamper to paint some green grass.

First, the students identified the shape of their paper and the color of their paint.

Math access point: recognize an object with a two-dimensional shape.

Science access point: identify an object by one observable property, such as color.






Next, the students stamped UP and DOWN.






Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.






Then, they chose a colorful butterfly to add to the scene.






Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.






TA DA!!!








Welcome spring and……

……everything GREEN!!!!












On Thursday, the students painted this green bug: bug template

First, they identified the color of the paint.

Science access point: identify an object by one observable property, such as color.











The bug template was put in a clear box and the students added 3 paint colored marbles.

Time to shake, shake, shake that box!




Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






We pulled the bug out and glued it DOWN on the background paper.

Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.










Next, the students added some chenille stem “legs”.

Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.



















Beautiful green bugs!







Of course, we are making a GREEN treat for the language group.  This week we made green milkshakes using this recipe: Let’s Make A Green Milkshake

We started by TURNing the page to see the first step of the recipe.  Since it was ice cream, we let each student touch the container first and indicate that it felt COLD.  We talked about why it was cold as well and located the freezer.

Science access point: recognize objects or materials as warm or cold.






Then we measured out 2 cups of ice cream and PUT it in the BLENDER.











We measured out a cup of milk and PUT that in the BLENDER as well.  We observed that there is one cup of milk in a container of school milk.











Next, we added some green food coloring.  Our students HELPed count out 10 drops.

Then we TURNed on the blender.  After each student, we asked if the milk shake was ALL DONE or if we needed to blend it some MORE.








Once it was all finished, we poured the milk shake into cups. Our students got to have some whipped cream and green sprinkles too.





Shake, shake, shake your sprinkles 🙂





Green milkshakes—–YUM!!!!!











We are so happy to be back with more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us.


Machines book

Machines book

We are tagging onto the Unique theme this week and talking about machines.  We learned that there are 6 simple machines and when you put 2 or more simple machines together, you can make a compound or complex machine.  The book covers what the 6 simple machines are and also provide some examples of what they are.  We have a student on the front and 2 students on the back who have jobs involving machines.  See which machines they are by reading the book 🙂



Here is a link to the book: Let’s Learn About Machines



This goes along with the Unique Curriculum unit some of our students are learning about this month. The sensory group explored boxes related to different machines. The fine motor groups made machine themed art projects and the language group used machines to make a yummy snack.







School buses are machines that most of our students are familiar with. There were 2 different buses to find in the black beans of this box.






There was a small yellow school bus and a larger orange one—-which left us wondering where they drive orange buses!

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as size or color.






Everybody loves trains! A train engine cookie cutter was included with blue moon sand so the students could stamp as many trains as they wanted!





Of course, they also loved the feel of the sand itself. Moon sand is so soft to the touch.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.





Construction vehicles are popular machines around here! There were 3 different toy construction vehicles to rearrange some coffee grounds and dried beans.




There was a picture of a simple machine to find at the bottom of the box.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.












A much smaller machine—-a pencil sharpener inspired this box! The students had fun “writing” in sawdust with a big giant pencil!





There were also two different sized scoops included to add to the fun.

Math access point: recognize similarities and differences in size of objects.






Battery operated fans provided wind power…..






and lots of giggles 🙂

Science access point: indicate awareness of air moving.











A toy airplane flew around fluffy shaving cream clouds.






Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.






Hands were rinsed under a spinning water wheel.







Our water wheel is always a hit with the students.

Science access point: recognize one way people use water.











We added a twist to our scent this week. Special scratch and sniff cards that had oil and gasoline scents were presented first.




We all agreed we did not like these scents!

We then switched to pumpkin pie paradise from Bath and Works. Pumpkin pies are something you might use a machine to make 🙂





And much yummier smelling!

Science access point: recognize and respond to one type of sensory stimuli.







On Wednesday we made some big trucks!

First, the students identified the shapes of our art materials.

Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.









Then, the students identified which rectangle was BIG and which was LITTLE.

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.









The rectangles were glued down on a piece of paper starting with the LITTLE one, then gluing the BIG one beside it.

Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.






Next, we counted out 3 bottle cap “wheels” and glued them to the bottom of the truck.





Math access point: associate quantities with number names.






TA DA!!!!







We love machines!

Keep on trucking!












On Thursday the students made a clothes dryers using this template:dryer template

First, they identified the shapes of our materials.

Math access point:  recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.










We gave the students a circular piece of paper with clothes drawn on it and asked them to color the clothing with different colors.





Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as size or color.






They glued their clothes circle on to a paper plate and then glued the paper plate and dryer clothes on to a large piece of paper.





Science access point: recognize a change in the appearance of an object.













We love machines—–

they help make our chores easier!












We used 2 different compound machines today when we made our recipe!  Here is the recipe we used: Let’s Make Dirt Cups

We started by talking about what we were going to MAKE.  One of our students was hesitant about this because of the name of the recipe, so we talked about the word edible again and students located EAT on their boards.










First, we PUT instant chocolate pudding mix into a BOWL.












We had to measure out 2 cups of milk.  Each student felt the bottle of milk and indicated that it was COLD.






We had a pint of milk, so we measured out 1 cup and then had to measure out 1 MORE.  We talked about how there are 2 cups in a pint.








We used our first compound machine, the mixer, to mix up the pudding.  Each student got to HELP press the wireless switch to TURN on the mixer.











We got the pudding ready by mixing Cool Whip into it. The students helped stir the mixture and watched it change from a mix of colors to just one color.






We set the pudding aside and got out our 2nd compound machine, a food processor.  We PUT 5 Oreos into the food processor and TURNED it on.

One of our students got to HELP PUT the Oreo “dirt” on the tops of each treat.









Each student got a small amount of the pudding mix. They had to request MORE.






This dirt is yummy!




We off for the next week for spring break but we will back after that with more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Don’t forget to check your SPAM folder for your confirmation email if you want to follow us.


Women in Sports book

Women in Sports book

We’re celebrating Women’s History Month by taking a look at some women in sports.  The book covers women who made a difference in sports, like Chole Kim, Shannon Eastin , and Jacqueline Joyner-Kersee, to name just a few.  Take a look to see the other women who have made an impact in their sport!  Of course, we have a couple of our students posing on the front and back of the book 🙂




Here is a link to the book: Look At The Women In Sports

Women in Sports

Women in Sports

March is Women’s History Month and this year we decided to take a look at some famous women in sports. The sensory groups explored boxes dedicated to some of the women featured in our book. Each box also contained a photo of the athlete. The fine motor groups made sports themed art projects and the language group hosted a sports event!







This box was filled with gold beads, reminding us of all the gold medals won by sprinter Wilma Rudolph.






Whether worn, shaken, or just explored the beads were a hit with the students.

Science access point: uses senses to recognize  objects.












The students made their own basketballs out of orange Floam in this box dedicated to famous WNBA player Lisa Leslie.






Floam has a unique texture which many of our students find intriguing as they squeeze it into shapes.

Science access point: recognize a common three dimensional object.










Sarah Thomas was the first woman to referee an NFL game. There were black, white, and striped pompoms to sort.





Of course, the students loved exploring the soft texture also.

Science access point: match objects with similar observable properties, such as size, shape, color, or texture.











Jackie Joyner Kersee is ranked as one of the greatest athletes of all time! She donned red, white, and blue to compete in four olympic games!






Our colorful rice contained two different size measuring cups for scooping fun.

Math access point: recognize differences in size of objects.










Since Chloe Kim competed in the winter olympics we filled her box with some insta snow. We also put in a rake and shovel, so the students could make their own half pipes!





Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.






The students made tracks in shaving foam. We put in a little car for them to race around their track like famous race car driver Janet Guthrie.





The students had a lot of fun with this, especially when we made engine sounds as the car raced around 🙂

Science access point: recognize that an object can move in different directions, such as left to right, straight line, and zigzag.









Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to swim the English Channel—how cool is that! We put in some fish themed toys and pool noodles in her box.





The fish toys were especially fun as they had holes for water to drip through.

Science access point: recognize different containers that hold liquids.











Thinking of the flower blankets winning horses wear, we used Crabtree and Evelyn rose scent for our lotion this week.




While most of the adults were not fans of the scent, most of the students seemed to like the aroma!

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.












On Wednesday the students made basketballs. We have done this craft before but since it fit our theme so well, we did it again 🙂

First, the students identified the shape of their ball and the color of the paint we were going to use.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.

Math access point: recognize a common object with a two-dimensional shape.






The students stamped UP and DOWN using a bubble wrapped kitchen scrubber.





Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down.






The ball was glued on to a piece of paper and…..






TA DA!!!!

Let’s play ball!













On Thursday, the students made referee shirts.

First, they identified the color of their markers.

Science access point: identify objects by one observable property, such as color.









Then, they drew stripes on their shirts.







Some of the students used a switch operated drawing tool.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.











Ta DA!!!







These referees are ready for game day!!!!

Who is ready to play 🙂













Since we are talking about women in sports this week, we decided to have our own heptathlon!

We started out by having a parade of athletes.







Other students who were not participating were part of the crowd cheering everyone on.






For the first event, we had wheelchair relay races.  These were so fun!  Athletes racing had to WAIT until they saw the GO symbol and then they were off!  We talked about going FAST.



The winner was the first to cross the pink ribbon.






The next event we held was the javelin.  Our students had to THROW the pool noodle and see who could get it the FARTHEST.  Some of our students needed a little more help than others with throwing 🙂









We had another throwing event: the discus.  Again, our students had to THROW the “discus” and see which one went the farthest.  We’ve got some competitive kiddos.










The 4th event was the pool noodle hurdle.  Students had to step or jump OVER the pool noodles.







Again, some students required a little more help than others, but they made it through!






Next, we held the snowboard balance event.  Students had to use good balance to stay up.







This was a difficult event, but they did wonderfully!






The 6th event, the trampoline high jump, was a fun event!  Jumpers had to see how HIGH they could get while jumping on the mini-trampoline.






Lots of fun!






Our 7th and final event was the bean bag archery event.  Students had to THROW the bean bags into the holes.  Awesome job!











Throughout our events we had students use sentence strips to say, “my turn”.

We also had ones with positive statements on them like “you did awesome”, “great job”, and “way to go” so that our students could cheer each other on.








Finally, we had the medal ceremony.  All participants received a medal or trophy for their hard work.







We are all winners!





Join us again next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!

Don’t forget if you want to follow us, check for your confirmation email.