Circus book

Circus book

IMG_6464The FSU circus is in town, so that became the inspiration for our theme.  We used some of our students as models for the book, so get ready for an abundance of CUTENESS!  There are lots of different jobs within a circus, like a juggler, trapeze artist, and strong man.  We touched on a few of the jobs in the book.  Again, our students were so excited to see their friends all dressed up.  Since so many of our little students can be acrobats without even trying, it made photographing them so much more interesting 🙂  As always, Joy did a wonderful job posing them.  The art teacher, Judy, created the background that is used in each of the pictures.  It pulls the book all together and really makes it look like our models were in the circus!  Enjoy!

IMG_6980Here is a link to the book: We Have Fun at the Circus

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