Jobs At School book

Jobs At School book

We talked about Labor Day this week.  To make it more personal to our students, we went over some of the jobs that people have at our school.  To make it even MORE personal to our students, we took pictures of the people who have those jobs.  We found out last year that our students got excited when they recognized people who were in the pictures of our books, and it turns out they still get excited about it.  We talked about our art teacher, music teacher, a classroom teacher, and a bus driver, to name a few.  The repetitive line, as well as the title of the book, was “there are many different jobs at a school”.  We always have someone read the title of the book and we try to ask a question which can be answered using the repetitive line.  For this book we asked the question, “what jobs are at a school?”  We hope you enjoy the book!

IMG_2739Here is a link to the book: There Are Many Different Jobs at a School

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