Sensory Room part 2

Sensory Room part 2

Once a week Joy travels to a regular elementary school in the district to work with Ms. Alice’s students. Alice is such a creative teacher and she and her staff work hard to provide a variety of sensory experiences for her students.  One of the coolest things she has done is to turn her office space into a mini sensory room!

She had a swing mount attached to one of the ceiling beams and ordered a platform swing and net swing. Her students get so excited when its time to go “swing”!  On their tummies and moving the swing around with their arms they are working on neck extension, shoulder stability, palmer sensitivity, and visual tracking while picking up objects such as letter cards that are increasing their academic skills.

imagesFor reading time, the students go into the “cave” that Alice made with plastic tarps that are taped together and inflated with a fan. Her students just love this!



imagesimagesHere is what the opening looks like.










imagesAlice and Robin—–you guys are AWESOME!!!

0 Responses »

  1. Just wondering if you are able to post your Back to School book from last September? Cara’s books are wonderful! Thanks so much!

    • Sharon if you go to the September 12 archive you should be able to click on the title to get to the book but let us know if you are still having problems and Cara will repost it. So glad you are enjoying Cara’s books!

  2. Thanks for directing me to the I Am Ready for School book! Great! Was wondering if you could share the active stimulation activities you use with your switches? I have adapted some toys and purchased some toys, but you are much more “inventive” than I! I thought the velcroed marker on the airplane was a great idea!

    • While reading the book, we send around a voice output switch so the students are able to “read” with us. Some of the other switches that Joy has adapted, like the airplane, we use with our students who may not be able to hold a marker and color. We try to have all the students participating so these switches have been a great help.

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