August After Party

August After Party

IMG_5912IMG_7079Welcome to the After Party! Each week after the weekly blog featuring activities in the elementary department is posted, our sensory cart is parked in the media center where it is available for check out by the rest of the school. Here are photos teachers have sent of their students exploring the different sensory boxes—–enjoy!





IMG_7090IMG_7529Our first cart, about Kansas, was actually the last one from the previous school year. The teachers are want to quickly get their routines going so we always make sure to have one available since it takes us a couple of weeks to get up and running with our new themes for the year.

IMG_6900Sunflowers,cowboy hats, and yellow brick roads were pressed into this bright yellow moonsand box.




IMG_691320160826_140521Another nod to the Wizard of Oz was our discovery bottle which had red Barbie shoes floating in green glitter.

IMG_6916The students were also pretty fascinated with our salt box—-Kansas has a salt mine that is open to the public!




20160826_140408IMG_7142Cowboy hats reminded us of Kansas’ wild west past.

IMG_7539The students really had fun with this box.




IMG_7089IMG_7534There were other fun things to discover in this box such as Amelia Earhart’s airplane

IMG_6897                                                            and cowboy figures.






IMG_6904IMG_7112They loved the American Buffalo plushies, especially the one that made noise when squeezed.








IMG_7080IMG_6914There were letter K’s to find in this corn filled box.

IMG_7085                                                     A popular box to explore.





IMG_6901IMG_7138Pool noodle pieces for scooping and a funnel added to our fun water play.

IMG_7527Kansas has the largest hand dug swimming pool!




Our first theme for this year was Brazil. After all the excitement of the Olympics, it was fun to learn a little more about the country.

IMG_7814IMG_7815Brazil is home to 60% of the rainforest, so of course we brought out our rainforest umbrella!

IMG_7563                                                                  Always a big hit!





img_7567-1img_7852This box was filled with symbols of Brazil including citrus fruits, native animals, and a shiny boa—-perfect for wearing to Rio Carnival!

img_7827There were also discovery bottles filled with “gems” like those mined in Brazil.





img_7824img_7856Coffee is a major export from Brazil.

img_7568There was a map to find underneath the box along with a scoop and funnel.









img_7592img_7844There were letter B’s to find in this box. Beans are a favorite food of Brazilians.









img_7870img_7593Our oobleck was colored yellow and sprinkled with green glitter—-the colors of Brazil! Messy hands were rinsed in water filled with some toothless piranha 🙂








We traveled a little closer to home for our last unit—–Iowa.

img_8141img_8171The students found play food in a box of REAL cornflakes!

They also used a cookie cutter to cut out play dough apples. Red Delicious apples were first grown in Iowa.







img_8145img_8170Bellevue State Park has a fabulous butterfly garden. Our students sorted red pasta butterflies and green pasta caterpillars.

The looked for letter I’s in the rice and beans box—–the colors of the University of Iowa.

img_8148Then they wrote letter I’s in shaving cream.

What a great start to the school year. See you next month with more After Party fun!





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