October After Party

October After Party

Welcome to the After Party! Each week after the weekly blog featuring activities in the elementary department is posted, our sensory cart is parked in the media center where it is available for check out by the rest of the school.







Our first theme complemented the Unique Curriculum unit for the month—— We Love Science!!!!

Our astronomy umbrella was a huge hit!

We had an actual NASA countdown recorded on a voice output device.








The students became entomologists and studied the bugs they found in slime.

Bright pink slime 🙂








Botany is the study of plants, like the fruits and vegetables found in this box of birdseed.

The items could be sorted by color also.








Our paleontologists found bones and stamped dinosaurs into moon sand.









The elements of a thunderstorm could be found here……..

……with a rainstick, thunder tube, and fan.








They studied lava flow in our messy play volcano…..

….and became studied the fish oceanographers might find in the ocean.





We Love Vermont came next.

The students enjoyed the aroma of maple syrup scented oobleck!

It was surprisingly not sticky!






It was fun to drive the tractor through a vegetable farm.

Farming is one of Vermont’s top industries.





Students cut out apple shapes in red play dough.

They went fishing in our small lake.






Vermont is famous for snow, so of course, we included some!

We found out that two presidents came from Vermont and pictures of them could be found under red, white, and blue rice.







The Orange and Black unit celebrated the colors of the season.

Our rice was colorful and eye catching.

It contained the letters B O O.





We filled one box with just black items,

and another with orange items.

Lots to find and discover!




Black and orange pompom’s were sorted.

They did a great job!






Orange oobleck was swirled around with black glitter.

Lots of fun!






Students scooped up orange and black ducks floating in the water.

We included a sifter scoop and different sized measuring cups.






The orange scented lotion smelled yummy!









For International Artist’s Day we learned about Monet.

Different colors in oobleck swirled around like a Monet painting.







Flowers were found in coffee ground dirt

and also molded in yellow moon sand.




There were beads in the colors of the French flag and pasta in colors found in Monet’s paintings.








We finished the month with a Scooby Doo inspired unit—-Watch Out For Monsters!

They made Frankenstein with green Bubber

and pumpkin accessories.





Scooby snacks were made with orange play dough.

Our Mummy box had a fun discovery bottle filled with jewels.







Making shaving cream ghosts was lots of fun.

A pirate shipwreck was at the bottom of the water play feature this week.






Join us next time for more fun and learning—–Group by Group!


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