Go Team Go

Go Team Go

It’s all about college football this week! Our sensory groups explored football themed boxes. The fine motor groups made football art projects and the language group made a yummy tailgating snack!







A variety of football themed objects could be found in this box including a football, small helmet, cheerleading megaphone, colorful beads, and plush mascot toys!





We also recorded a marching band on a voice output device.

Science access point: recognize a model of a real object.












Green rice became a grassy football field this week. There were 2 football players, one of which was a Smurf—–hey you have to go with what you find on the giveaway table 🙂





We also put in some numbers to find. There was a picture of a football field at the bottom of the box.

Science access point: recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move.











Students sorted green and orange pompoms. Those just happen to be the colors of some of our favorite football teams including Ms. Joi’s favorite—– University of Miami and Ms. Reva’s FAMU!





Science access point: identify objects by an observable property, such as color.






Red is one of the colors found on a lot of team uniforms, including FSU and UGA!






The students used cookie cutters in the shapes of a t-shirt or football to cut out some colorful shapes.

Science access point: apply a push to move an object.













The students had fun bringing out their inner cheerleader with this box of colorful pompoms!






There were LOTS of giggles with these 🙂

Science access point: recognize an action as fast or slow.











There was a gator crawling around a jello swamp this week. Joy and Cara just couldn’t resist a plug for their favorite team—-Go Gators 🙂





Numbers 1-10 could be found at the bottom of the box.

Math access point: associate quantities with number names.













Water was scented with Old Spice bath gel which seemed a good sporty choice to go along with our theme this week.






There was a measuring cup and sifting scooper to be found in the water. They worked well for scooping up the big letter “F” for football and little tiger—-Auburn’s team mascot.

Science access point: track objects in motion.











It was a little hard coming up with a scent this week but we finally settled on a soda scent since drinking soda is something people do at football games.





We used a Coca Cola lip balm—–using it on wrists or behind ears, NOT lips of course!

Science access point: recognize one or more external body parts.













On Tuesday the students used paint to create footballs using this template: football

First, we identified the shape of a football.






Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.






Then, they stamped UP and DOWN using a bubble wrapped kitchen scrubber.





Math access point: recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship.






Some laces were added and the football was glued down on to a green background.





Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.






TA DA!!!!








We’re ready for some FOOTBALL!!






On Wednesday the students made footballs out of paper grocery bags. We used our football template again for this project.

First, the students identified the shape of the football.






Math access point: recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes.






Then, they stuffed the footballs with handfuls of paper shred.






Math access point: solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions using language such as enough, too much, or more.






After adults stapled the top of the ball, the students glued laces on to their ball.





Math access point: recognize when an object is added to a situation.




















We put together a yummy treat that could be eaten while tailgating or watching the game at home!  Here is the recipe that we used: Let’s Make Party Chip Dip

We started out by measuring out some sour cream in a measuring cup.  We had a student HELP PUT it in the BOWL.










Next, we had to measure out some Ranch dressing mix.  Our students had to identify the LITTLE tablespoon when compared to the measuring cup.



Once that was PUT in the BOWL, we measured out some bacon bits.  Since we had to measure out 3 tablespoons, 3 of our students got to HELP PUT them in the bowl.






Finally, we had to measure out some cheddar cheese to PUT in the bowl.

We observed the bowl and our students had to indicate that we had MORE to do.  We needed to STIR the ingredients all up.  We talked about how we had to use a SPOON to STIR.







Once we were ALL DONE, each student had to request a plate and some dip.  Then they had to request chips.  If they weren’t given enough, they indicated that they WANTed MORE.

A pretty easy and yummy dip 🙂




Hope you have fun cheering on your favorite team this weekend! Join us again next time for fun and learning—–Group by Group!

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