

img_8423img_8074We have a paraprofessional and a student who hail from Minnesota so this week thought it would be fun to learn a little more about the state. This theme complements the Unique Curriculum unit our students are working on this month. The sensory groups explored boxes related to facts about Minnesota. The fine motor groups made art projects related to state symbols and the language group went shopping in our very own Owl Mart of America!






img_8054img_8158This box contained objects that represented fun facts we learned about Minnesota. Some of the things we included were a Tonka truck (first built in Minnesota), pink and white lady slipper petals (the state flower), a book (the first children’s library was built in Minnesota), Peanuts characters (Charles Schulz is from there), and loon (state bird) calls recorded on a voice output device. There was also a little purse and play money to represent the Mall of America.

img_8347Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.





img_8311img_8301We brought out our butterfly and caterpillar pasta to represent the state insect—-the Monarch butterfly! This pasta is so brightly colored and very eye catching. We also included 2 plates for sorting fun.

img_8175Match objects by an observable property, such as size, shape, and color is science access point.






img_8782frame-02-02-2017-06-07-48The Minnesota Vikings football team colors are purple and yellow. We put a variety of chenille stems in those colors in this box.

The stems can be twisted together, looped into chains—–or WORN 🙂 The two colors also allow for sequencing or sorting practice!

img_8339In addition to the science access point match objects by one observable property such as size, shape, and color, the math access point recognize the next step in a simple pattern or sequence of activities can be addressed.





img_8303img_8328Judy Garland who starred in the Wizard of Oz is a famous Minnesotan.  We thought our rainbow rice was a perfect choice for her box. In addition to some letter M’s to find,  there was also a map of the state to find at the bottom.

img_8097The social studies access point locate pictures or symbols on a drawing or map can be addressed here.






img_8774img_8119The musician Prince, came from Minnesota. One of his most famous songs is Purple Rain so we used purple Bubber for his box. We included cookie cutters with the state initials——-M N.

img_8298Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.






img_8063img_8719We had to include a nod to those Minnesota winters so we gave the students  some shaving cream “snow” to play in.

img_8754Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.






img_8079img_8761Minnesota is called the “land of 10,000 lakes” so Bath and Body Works dancing waters scent seemed the perfect bath gel for this week. Our tiny little lake included 2 different sized fish that squirted water when squeezed—-how fun is that! There was also a sifter scoop included.

img_8320Recognize similarities and differences in size of common objects is a math access point.





img_8447img_8454The matching lotion was a hit with the students as it was rubbed on hands, arms, and on the backs of necks.

img_8814Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






On Tuesday the students painted a walleye—the official state fish! We used this:walleye-template

img_8210img_8204First the students identified our paint color using communication symbols.

img_8214The science access point identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is addressed here.






img_8222img_8217The students stamped the yellow paint on the fish (cut from green poster board) using a bubble wrapped foam scrub brush. We emphasized stamping UP and DOWN.

Recognize a movement that reflects a spatial relationship, such as up and down, is a math access point.







img_8468img_8219After they had finished painting, the students squeezed on a glue dot and then added a googlie eye to their fish.

img_8472The math access point match one object to a designate space to show one-to-one correspondence, is addressed here.






img_8240img_8248A tongue depressor was taped to the back of the fish so the students could make their little fishes swim………

img_8231                                                                        …………………….Ta Da!






On Wednesday we made Babe the Blue Ox using this: babe-the-blue-ox-template

img_8477First the students identified a circle using communication symbols.

The math access point recognize objects with two-dimensional shapes, such as a circle.










img_8500img_8520Then they painted their paper plates BLUE——–we used really pretty turquoise blue!

img_8560Recognize a change in an object is a science access point.









img_8532img_8557Two glue dots were squeezed onto the plate and one big googlie eye placed on each glue dot.

We got our googlie eyes at the Dollar Tree—-we do love a bargain!

Match one object to a designated space to show one-to-one correspondence is a math access point.








img_8502img_8617The snout and horns were then glued DOWN onto the plate to finish Babe’s face.

Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.








img_8505img_8576Ta DA!

img_8626                                                                            It’s Babe the Blue Ox!






img_8856Our language group was a little bit different this week.  Since we were talking about the Mall of America, we decided to take a trip to our very own “Owl Mart of America” to do some shopping.  The Owl Mart is a little shop that was put together so that our Post Secondary students could have some vocational training.  Students are able to shop with “owl bucks” that they receive for good behavior.

Very cool and super reinforcing!





img_8824img_8819After reading the book, we gave all the students some owl bucks to spend—–very exciting!









img_8837img_8847Then we set out for the Owl Mart of America.

img_8848It’s kind of a long way from the classroom so everyone got their exercise for the day 🙂





img_8860img_8892There were lots of things to look at, like jewelry, Valentine’s day crafts, and stuffed animals.

img_8896                                                                          Decisions, decisions!






img_8869img_8881Once our students chose what they wanted to buy, they had to go up to the cashier, a post secondary student, and had to convey “I want” using picture symbols as well as “I all done”.

img_8898Adults helped the students count out the number of owl bucks that they needed to pay for their item and passed them to the cashier.





img_8915Our shopping experience was a success and everybody was pretty thrilled with their purchases!

Join us again next time for more fun and learning——-Group by Group!

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