They Traveled to Space book

They Traveled to Space book

img_6820img_5777This week, we are finding out about some of the people (and animals!) who traveled to space.  Our theme ties into the Unique theme for this month.  The book talks about the first monkey and dog who traveled into space as well as the first person.  The book is in chronological order so you are able to see the progression of the “firsts” in space!  The front cover features one of our highschoolers as an astronaut while the back features one of our post secondary students star gazing.  Very neat!





img_6817Here is a link to the book: they-traveled-to-space

0 Responses »

    • Hi Beth, hope your book went well—-share with us! Cara is the one who makes the books and will give you some pointers later this week. Sorry she wasn’t able to get back to this weekend. Joy

    • Hi, Beth! Sorry for the delay. For the books, I try to keep the wording simple and short. I also always have a repetitive line so that our students can read with us using a voice output device. I think having a colored background draws more of an attention to the book so I usually make it a solid color. The editing of the photos goes a little bit more in depth. I can e-mail you what I do if you’d like. Have fun! We’ve learned a lot while doing the research on the topics we choose 🙂

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