Fall Fun

Fall Fun

img_3049The weather is finally getting a little cooler and we are thinking about all the fun things that happen in the fall! The sensory group explored colorful, eye catching boxes. The fine motor group decorated some fall leaves and the language group made a tasty treat!







img_2842img_3336Fall festivals are so much fun with hay rides, pumpkins, decorations, and people in costumes! Our fall festival box had a base of raffia hay and silk leaves. There were lots of fall symbols including pine cones, jack o lanterns, turkeys, and squirrels to explore and discover in the box.

img_2814Recognize a model of a real object is a science access point.





img_2892img_3275College football is a big part of fall around here. The students loved the shaker pompoms—-so much fun to cheer for your favorite team! They also had fun filling the game day cups with black and white “referee” paper shred or a little football.

img_2917Recognize the change in the motion of an object is a science access point.





img_2823img_2860We love our orange and black rice box—-it is SO eye catching! The students had fun scooping the rice and beans into the little pumpkin bowl or looking for a jack o lantern picture at the bottom of the box.

img_2936The math access point solve problems involving small quantities of objects or actions, using language, such as enough, too much, or more, can be addressed with this activity.





img_2956img_3210The Owl Run is a race our school hosts for all the middle schools in our district. It is a popular event that we all look forward to each year. To represent the race, the students stamped our schools’ initials into yellow moon sand—-yellow is one of our school colors! There was also a t-shirt cookie cutter because you always get a t-shirt after a race 🙂

img_2856Apply a push to move an object is a science access point.





img_2949img_3149We brought out one of our favorite umbrellas this week. Our fall umbrella is a pretty simple one—- just some fall garland and craft foam leaves attached to a yellow umbrella—but it is completely eye catching! A little hand held fan helped add to the experience by blowing the leaves around with a gentle breeze. Some of the students also loved the feeling of the air blowing on their faces.

img_3186The science access point recognize a seasonal change in the appearance of a common plant can be addressed with this activity.






img_3228img_2833This week our messy play was indeed messy—-we used pumpkin puree! The Dollar Tree stocks cans of pumpkin so this was pretty inexpensive.  In addition to an interesting texture, it also has a nice aroma which added to the experience. Most of the students were pretty intrigued by the pumpkin—–others not so much 🙂

Use senses to recognize objects is a science access point.





img_2837img_2830Some craft foam and plastic symbols of fall (such as leaves, the letter F, and bats) were  scooped out of the water. Bath and BodyWorks cinnamon pumpkin scented bath gel in the water made it smell really nice.


img_3295The social studies access point associate an object with an event can be addressed here.





img_3363img_3352The matching lotion was rubbed on various body parts to give our students a yummy reminder of all the fun they had. They were able to communicate whether they “liked” the scent or not—-it was pretty much a universal LIKE!

img_2983Recognize one or more external body parts is a science access point.






Due to a district holiday, we only had one fine motor group this week—-but it was a fun one! We used this template:  leaf-template

img_2999img_3007First we discussed the color of our leaves and the students used communication symbols to identify the color BROWN.

Identify objects by one observable property, such as color, is a science access point.







img_3020img_3021Then the students squeezed some gold paint onto their leaves and spread it around using paint brushes. They were pretty intrigued with the metallic paint!

Recognize that pushing and pulling an object makes it move is a science access point.





img_3030img_3029Ta Da!

img_3035                                                                   Feeling fallish 🙂






We got back into cooking during our language group and made a fall treat: Pumpkin Fluff Dip!  Here is a link to the recipe:  lets-make-pumpkin-fluff-dip

img_3368img_3372We started out by making the pudding.  We used the Pixon core 50 communication board throughout the process to model how symbols are used for communication.  Our students helped PUT the pudding mix into the bowl.  They all took turns feeling how COLD the milk was and then PUT the milk in the bowl as well.

img_3384Recognize when an object is added to a situation is a math access point.





img_3390Each student had a TURN pressing the switch to activate the mixer.  So fun!










img_3406Next, we took turns smelling the pumpkin puree.  This smell was not a favorite for some of our students but others thought it was pretty yummy!









img_3412We PUT the pumpkin puree into a different bowl and added half a container of whipped cream.









img_3415img_3423Then we added some cinnamon after taking turns smelling it.

img_3419We used communication symbols to let the students tell us if they “liked” the scent. For the most part, it was a pretty popular scent 🙂





img_3425We mixed the pumpkin and whipped cream and then added the vanilla pudding.  We counted out the bowls for our students.








img_3432img_3433For the ones who are on a puree diet, they ate the Pumpkin Fluff Dip by itself.  For our students who eat solid food, we added some crumbled up Nilla Wafers.







img_3267It looks like we are ready for fall around here! Join us again next time for more fun—–Group by Group!

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