Back to School book

Back to School book

We’re learning new things while back in school…even the therapists are!  Last year, Cara printed out and laminated each book she created.  This year, we have found a free ipad app, SlideShark, that you can upload powerpoints on.  This saves us money and time by not having to print out and laminate each story.  The students seem to enjoy the technology and are able to turn the pages by swiping the screen.

We decided to write a different “back to school” book this year which goes over the different classes the students will be attending.  Enjoy and welcome back!

Here’s the link to the book:  It is Time For School Again

0 Responses »

  1. Love the idea of using blue tape to paint letters! So creative! You are all so collaborative in planning your activities. Are you able to share how you plan your lessons/activities and how that would look as one collaborative week long lesson plan? Thanks for any input!

    • The planning is a little bit different each year. We’re getting more and more organized as we go! 🙂 What we did this year was look at the calendar during planning week and first figured out any holidays or activities that were going on. If there was not anything for a certain week in the month, we use the theme from the Unique curriculum which is used at our school. The fine motor and sensory groups have the same theme each week while the language group goes over the letter of the week which the teacher has been working on with the class all week. Since we typically find inspiration for things to use in the sensory boxes randomly, Joy began writing her ideas on a giant white board in her office. This white board has become the outline for what will go on in each of our groups. In regards to how we plan, we see each other frequently around school so we’re able to talk things over and we also e-mail each other (which is nice so it’s in writing!). I hope that helps you out a bit!

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